The Assange Persecution Is Western Savagery At Its Most Transparent
The first day of the US appeal of the Julian Assange extradition case
saw grown adults arguing in a court of law that the US government could
guarantee that it would not treat the WikiLeaks founder as cruelly as
it treats its other prisoners.
I wish I was kidding.
In their write-up
on Wednesday’s proceedings, The Dissenter’s Kevin Gosztola and Mohamed
Elmaazi report that the prosecution argued that “the High Court should
accept the appeal on the basis that the U.S. government offered
‘assurances’ that Assange won’t be subjected to Special Administrative
Measures (SAMs) or incarcerated in ADX Florence, a super-maximum prison
in Colorado.”
What this means is that in order to overturn the January extradition ruling which judge Vanessa Baraitser denied on the basis
that the notoriously draconian US prison system is too cruel to
guarantee Assange’s health and safety, the prosecution has established
as one of their grounds for appeal the claim that they can offer
“assurances” that they would not inflict some of their most brutal
measures upon him. These would include the aforementioned Special Administrative Measures,
wherein prisoners are so isolated that they effectively disappear off
the face of the earth, or sending him to ADX Florence, where all
prisoners are kept in solitary confinement 23 hours a day.
What’s ridiculous about these “assurances”, apart from the obvious, is that within its own legal argument
the US government reserves the right to reverse those assurances at any
time and impose SAMs or maximum security imprisonment upon Assange if
it deems them necessary. As Amnesty International explains:
say: we guarantee that he won’t be held in a maximum security facility
and he will not be subjected to Special Administrative Measures and he
will get healthcare. But if he does something that we don’t like, we
reserve the right to not guarantee him, we reserve the right to put him
in a maximum security facility, we reserve the right to offer him
Special Administrative Measures. Those are not assurances at all. It is
not that difficult to look at those assurances and say: these are
inherently unreliable, it promises to do something and then reserves the
right to break the promise.”
So the prosecution’s
legal argument here is essentially “We promise we won’t treat Assange as
cruelly as we treat our other prisoners, unless we decide we really
want to.”
This is not just a reflection on the weakness of the
extradition appeal, it’s a reflection on the savagery of all the
so-called free democracies that have involved themselves in this case.
This same prosecution argued that Assange should not be denied US extradition from the UK on humanitarian grounds as in the case of activist Lauri Love because
Love suffered from both physical and psychological ailments while
Assange’s ailments are only psychological. They stood before the court
and made this argument even as Assange was visibly pained and unwell in his video appearance from Belmarsh, which he was only able to attend intermittently due to his frail condition.
“For my newspaper, I have worked as media partner of WikiLeaks since 2009,” tweeted
journalist Stefania Maurizi who attended the hearing via video link. “I
have seen Julian Assange in all sorts of situations, but I have never
ever seen him so unwell and so dangerously thin.”
So they’re just openly brutalizing a journalist for exposing US war crimes, while arguing that they can be trusted to treat him humanely and give him a fair trial if granted extradition. This after it has already been confirmed that the CIA plotted to kidnap and assassinate him during the Trump administration, after we learned that the prosecution relied on false testimony from a convicted child molester and diagnosed sociopath, after it was revealed that the CIA spied on Assange and his lawyers in the Ecuadorian embassy, and after intelligence asset Jeffrey Epstein famously died under highly suspicious circumstances in a US prison cell.
worst atrocities in history have all been legal. All the worst examples
of genocide, slavery, tyranny and bloodshed have been allowed or
actively facilitated by the state. The persecution of Assange is geared
toward entering the imprisonment of journalists into this category.
goal is to set a legal precedent which allows journalists who expose
the crimes of the powerful to be persecuted not covertly as is normally
done in “free democracies”, but right out in the open. To tell
journalists “We’ll just throw you in prison if you cross us.”
makes this precedent uniquely dangerous is that it is not just
threatening to imprison American journalists who expose US crimes, but any journalist anywhere
in the world. This is an Australian journalist in the process of being
extradited from the UK for publishing facts about US war crimes in the
nations it has invaded. The aim is to set up a system where anyone in
the US-aligned world can be funneled into its prison system for
publishing inconvenient facts.
This is the savagery of the western
world at its most transparent. It’s not the greatest evil the
US-centralized empire has perpetrated; that distinction would certainly
be reserved for its acts of mass military slaughter that it has been
inflicting upon our species with impunity for generations. But it’s the
most brazen. The most overt. It’s the most powerful part of the most
depraved power structure on earth looking us all right in the eyes and
telling us exactly what it is.
And if we can really look at this beast and what it is doing right now, really see it with eyes wide open, it reveals far more about those who rule over us than anything any journalist has ever exposed.
COVID-19: Pandemic? Or Cult?
For the overwhelming majority of people, COVID-19 is a religion.
On faith, they blindly accept that SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes
COVID-19. On faith they believe that COVID-19 PCR, antigen and antibody
tests are accurate. On faith they believe that vaccines using an
experimental mRNA technology never before used on humans, developed in less than a year instead of the normal 5-10 years to evaluate the long-term effects on people’s health, are safe and effective.
On faith they believe that draconian measures, like mask mandates
and global lockdowns that have destroyed lives, economies, and trampled
centuries of cherished civil liberties will protect them. On faith they
believe that doctors, scientists, politicians, public health
bureaucrats, and the mainstream media are telling them the truth about
Having faith in yourself is one thing. But placing your faith in some
institution like the World Health Organization or in some person
because they’re a doctor, scientist, president, king, queen, prime
minster, governor, mayor, or a celebrity is giving away your power.
Consider these facts:
Lockdowns Don’t Work
Image on the right: File photo from the Times of India

In January, 2020 CNN reported the following statement from Anthony Fauci,
Director of NIAD (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases), regarding lockdowns: “That’s something that I don’t think we
could possibly do in the United States, I can’t imagine shutting down
New York or Los Angeles…” Fauci went on to say that the effectiveness of
lockdowns “…is really open to question because historically when you
shut things down it doesn’t have a major effect.”
Fauci’s back then statement, unlike his later flip-flops, was based on established science. For example, in a January 2020 article,
NPR reported on “quarantine use—and abuse—over the ages.” Among the
many examples cited was the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Sierra
Liberia decided to isolate a neighborhood for 21 days which only
lasted 10 days due to public protests. Sierra Leone imposed a three day
quarantine or stay-at-home order. Doctors Without Borders which played
an important role in the fight against Ebola had this to say about such
“It has been our experience that lockdowns and
quarantines do not help control Ebola, as they end up driving people
underground and jeopardizing the trust between people and health
A May, 2020 article in AIER (AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMIC RESEARCH) reported on what the New York Times reported
on in February 2006. The U.S. Government under George W. Bush decided
to resurrect authoritarian strategies to control pandemics which on
April 5, 2020 ABC News reported: “…formed the foundation for the national response to the coronavirus pandemic underway right now.”
Bush’s dumb strategy was concocted by some computer science
programmers and a small group of public health bureaucrats. Lucky for
us, it got sidetracked by other crises engineered by his incompetent and corrupt administration.
In response to Bush’s pandemic plan, Dr. Donald A. Henderson
(1928-2016), former Dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
along with three other experts, took immediate action. They wrote a
scientific paper
entitled: “Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic
Influenza” published in BIOSECURITY AND BIOTERRORISM which lays out in
no uncertain terms that there is no basis for social distancing,
prohibiting social gatherings, school closures, masks, and quarantining
large groups of people, and that such measures would have serious and
considerable adverse consequences. Their conclusion:
“Experience has shown that communities faced with
epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least
anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least
Numerous recent studies such as here, here, and here confirm the aforementioned findings.
This is an additional one:
EClinical Medicine (published by The Lancet) July 2020 study:
“A country level analysis measuring the impact of government actions,
country preparedness and socioeconomic factors on COVID-19 mortality and
related health outcomes”
Results: “…government actions such as border closures, full
lockdowns, and a high rate of COVID-19 testing were not associated with
statistically significant reductions in the number of critical cases or
overall mortality.”
Masks Don’t Work

Surgical masks have been around since the late 1890s and are used
in operating rooms to prevent droplets from the surgeon’s mouth and
nose from going into a patient’s open wound. They also protect the
operating room team from sprays and splashes from the patient. The
operating room is a controlled sterile environment. Temperature and humidity levels are set to ensure maximum comfort and ability to breathe with the masks on.
N95 masks or respirators
were originally designed for industrial use. Construction workers,
Miners, and painters made use of them. Eventually, they were used in
clinical settings originally for protection against Tuberculosis which
is a bacterial disease.
Neither N95 masks nor surgical masks were designed for protection
against viruses. Even most of the boxes the masks come in say that they won’t protect you from COVID-19 or other viruses. Yet, in spite of what it says on the box, we are told to wear them.
There are two kinds of scientific research: observational and experimental.
Observational science which involves statistical correlations or
epidemiology, mathematical computer models, asking people how they feel
under certain conditions, etc. can be summed up in one word:
Experimental science where you test, measure, and examine an actual
something, such as randomized controlled designs, testing what’s going
on in a person’s body while they are wearing or doing something, testing
a drug, nutritional supplement, or an actual piece of equipment to see
how well it performs can be summed up with this one word: Verification.
Most of the evidence touting that masks work are observational
studies which are weak science. And they are cherry-picking the data
because there are also plenty of observational studies that show masks
don’t work against viral diseases. All that these type of
epidemiological studies show are correlations between masks, and
COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and death numbers. But correlation
doesn’t prove causation.
Another type of weak science are mechanistic studies that show the
percentage of respiratory droplets that various types of masks stop.
This means nothing unless they test for actual viral or aerosol
particles because as stated in a 2006 study published in the American Journal of Infection Control, a June 2020 study published in AIP physics and Fluids, and the CDC’s February 2021 double masking study,
plenty of infectious viral or potentially infectious aerosol particles
will still go around and through any type of mask. A 2009 Wageningen
University study
in The Netherlands also demonstrates this. So, claiming that masks are
80%, 90%, or even 99% effective is really saying that they are 0%
Bottom line: the only studies that really matter are Randomized
Controlled trials (RCTs) with verified outcomes which test the masks on
humans. And every RCT ever done over the past 75 years has shown that
N95 masks, surgical masks, and cloth masks are useless against
preventing viral diseases. Dr. Denis Rancourt, PhD summed it up best in
his ResearchGate Study, “Masks Don’t Work:” (Page 4)
“No RCT study with verified outcome shows a benefit for HCW”
(healthcare workers) “or community members in households to wearing a
mask or respirator. There is no such study. There are no exceptions.”
There are also a number of studies that show wearing a mask isn’t a
small thing to ask. Masks are extremely damaging to health in numerous
ways. And do you really need science to tell you that your nose and
mouth weren’t meant to be obstructed?
Masks cause oxygen deprivation and increase CO2 levels in the blood by forcing the wearer to breathe in their own toxins that they exhale. This damages their tissues and internal organs and weakens the immune system. Masks collect and are a breeding ground
for all sorts of pathogenic microbes because they create a warm moist
environment on the face and dryness in the mouth which promotes the
growth of bacteria that cause periodontal diseases like tooth decay and
gingivitis which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Dentists
are calling this mask-mouth.Masks contain nano plastic particles
that can be inhaled deep into the lungs. A growing body of evidence
shows that these particles can be harmful. Depriving the body of oxygen
also increases the risk for cancer. Masks also cause facial lesions (WHO “Interim Guidance” pages 4 & 8).
Last September, PA Governor Tom Wolf and state legislator Wendy Ullman at a press conference forgot
that the podium mic was turned on and admitted that masks are
“political theater.” And they laughed about it. How many other
government officials I wonder are laughing at us behind our backs?
Sadly, most people don’t know that the joke is on them and will
continue to walk around with masks on their faces and their heads up
their ass until the voice of authority tells them not to.
COVID-19 Vaccines Don’t Prevent COVID-19 and Could Be Dangerous
The purpose of a vaccine
is to prevent a person from getting whatever disease that they’re being
vaccinated for, thus, preventing them from infecting others. We
constantly hear the mantra that as many people as possible need to get
vaccinated in order to achieve “herd immunity.” There is only one
problem: COVID-19 vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission of
SARS-CoV-2. In other words, you can still get COVID-19 even if you get
vaccinated. Hugh! Say what?
In an October, 2020 article,
Peter Doshi, Associate Editor of the British Medical Journal, one of
the most respected peer-reviewed medical journals in the world, reported
that Tal Zaks, chief medical officer at Moderna, explained the
following about the Phase III vaccine trials regarding if their vaccine
will stop people from infecting each other with the COVID-19 virus:
“Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of
transmission. Because in order to do that you have to swab people twice a
week for very long periods, and that becomes operationally untenable.”
Anthony Fauci echoed Zaks’ words in an interview
at Yahoo Finance’s All Markets Summit last October when he explained
that “Early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms, not block the
Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education
Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a co-inventor of a
rotavirus vaccine said in an NPR interview that “…one out of every 20 people who get the vaccine could still get moderate to severe infection.”
In a March, 2021 interview
(last page), Offit also said that he considers masks and social
distancing to be more effective than the vaccines. Nevertheless, Offit
did get one of the COVID-19 vaccines.
A January 2021 article
in Healthline News reported that because people can still spread and
develop COVID-19 after getting a vaccine, experts like Fauci and the CDC
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) are telling them that they
still have to wear masks, frequently wash their hands, and practice
social distancing. Some experts cited in the article actually advised
people who got vaccinated to act as if they never got the vaccine.
Excuse me for being a party pooper. I don’t mean to rain on anyone’s
parade. But what’s the point in getting a vaccine that doesn’t vaccinate
And what does it mean when we are told that the COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective? A follow up article
to Peter Doshi’s report, also in the British Medical Journal, points
out that none of the COVID-19 vaccine trials are designed to detect a
reduction in any serious outcomes such as hospitalizations, intensive
care use, or deaths. All they are evaluating is mild, not severe
disease. The article also points out that the frail elderly are way
under-represented in the vaccine trials which provides no basis that the
vaccines will reduce hospitalization or mortality as this is the group
most likely to die. Children, pregnant women, and immunocompromised
people have largely been excluded from the trials as well.
A big problem with the COVID-19 vaccines in use made by Pfizer,
Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, etc, is that there is no way to know
what the long-term side effects will be nor even how many people will
suffer permanent injury and die from taking them.
A February 12, 2021 article
in the New York Times reported that the safety monitoring system that
is supposed to monitor any dangerous reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines
“won’t be capable of analyzing safety data for weeks or months,
according to numerous federal health experts,” and that “For now federal
regulators are counting on a patchwork of existing programs that they
acknowledge are inadequate.”
According to VAERS
(Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), a national vaccine safety
surveillance system run by the CDC and the FDA that tracks injuries and
deaths caused by vaccines, as of 3-19-2021, there have been 44,606 recorded adverse events that include 2,050 deaths following injections with COVID-19 vaccines. On its home page
VAERS explains that it’s a passive reporting system that relies on
individuals to send in reports of their experiences to the CDC and FDA.
It is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem.
Reports of injuries and deaths from COVID vaccines are being reported all over the world. For example, last March, The Sun reported
that 21 countries, Italy, Germany, France, Slovenia, Cyprus, Norway,
Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Luxembourg,
Ireland, Estonia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Austria, Lithuania, Bulgaria,
Romania, and Thailand have suspended the Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine due
to reports of people developing severe blood clots days or weeks after
being vaccinated.
Vaccine companies are immune from liability for any injuries or
deaths caused by their vaccines. Instead, victims have to file a claim
with either the VICP (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) or the CICP (Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program) which deals with pandemics. In other words, we the tax payers have to foot the bill for any mess caused by the vaccine manufacturers. And as reported by CNBC last
March, the CICP rejects over 90% of the claims filed. So, good luck on
collecting. The VICP, created in 1986, rejects about two thirds of all
claims (reported
in Science Magazine 2017). I think it’s time to do away with this
practice and hold the vaccine companies accountable for their actions
not only financially, but criminally as well.
Another problem with COVID-19 vaccines are mutations. On March 30, 2021, CNBC reported
that according to experts in 28 countries coronavirus mutations could
render current vaccines ineffective within a year. They claim that the
only way to counteract this is to vaccinate everyone as quickly as
possible. But the article points out that there are already mutant
strains out there so the proverbial cat is out of the bag.
Viruses naturally mutate anyway and, according to a February, 2020 report
in the peer-review journal Nature, are nothing to be concerned about
even in the case of SARS-CoV-2. Because, as the article explains, such
mutations “rarely impact outbreaks dramatically” and will not likely
result in more deaths so the “spectre” of a “super killer virus” is
baseless. And since the article also points out that mutations in RNA
coronaviruses viruses accumulate during every copying cycle and can
occur within a matter of hours in a single infected host, there is no
need to vaccinate the entire world as quickly as possible. But the
article explains that because the word mutation invokes science fiction
models of doom and gloom “it is unsurprising that during a real-life
outbreak, journalists and scientists are sometimes predisposed to draw
upon these fictional views.”
In an 11-13-2020 editorial, Kamran Abbassi MD,
Executive Editor of the British Medical Journal explained that
journalists and scientists are more likely drawing on something else:
“Science is being suppressed for political and financial
gain. Covid-19 has unleashed a state of corruption on a grand scale, and
it is harmful to public health. Politicians and industry are
responsible for this opportunistic embezzlement. So too are scientists
and health experts. The pandemic has revealed how the medical-political
complex can be manipulated in an emergency…Globally, people, policies,
and procurement are being corrupted by political and commercial
Dr. Abbassi further explained:
“The UK’s pandemic response relies too heavily on
scientists and other government appointees with worrying competing
interests, including shareholdings in companies that manufacture
covid-19 diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines. Government
appointees are able to ignore or cherry pick science—another form of
misuse—and indulge in anti-competitive practices that favour their own
products and those of friends and associates.”
He concluded:
“Politicization of science was enthusiastically deployed
by some of history’s worst autocrats and dictators, and it is now
commonplace in democracies. The medical-political complex tends towards
suppression of science to aggrandize and enrich those in power. And, as
the powerful become more successful, richer, and further and further
intoxicated with power, the inconvenient truths of science are
suppressed. When good science is suppressed, people die.”
The Illogic of It All
Nothing that we are being told about COVID-19 makes any sense.
We are told that the flu has virtually disappeared
which is being attributed to masks and social distancing. Yet, Biden,
Fauci, and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky are cackling that COVID-19
cases are once again on the rise in 21 states
that include New York, New Jersey, and Michigan which have some of the
strictest mask mandates that have been in place for a year. But since Texas got rid of its mask mandate COVID-19 cases have dropped and are not the rise. How does one explain this?
In the case of the Flu, let’s apply Occam’s razor or the simplest most logical explanation. COVID-19 has the same symptoms as the flu. So, based on symptoms alone it is impossible to tell which is which. Thus, the flu is being relabeled COVID-19 along with pneumonia, bronchitis, other coronaviruses, as well as a bunch of other diseases that are being used to grossly inflate the death numbers. In fact, the CDC website
(see “Comorbidities and other conditions”) admits that only 6% of all
COVID-19 deaths were due to COVID-19 and that on average all of the
other deaths had “4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.”
All of this hysteria about rising COVID cases is mainly based on PCR
tests that can be manipulated by adjusting the cycles. On a panel discussion last
year, Anthony Fauci explained that running the PCR test at 35 cycles or
more will give you a false positive. Yet, the FDA website (see page 36) shows that PCR tests are being run at 40 cycles. Yale New Haven Hospital on page 4 of their report
also points out that PCR tests are usually run at 40 cycles and that
the cycle threshold used “is never included in the results sent to
Here’s a nifty experiment that I wish someone would do. Since it’s
impossible to tell the difference between COVID-19 and the flu based on
symptoms alone (CDC website
under “How do I know if I have flu?”), take a few thousand people who
test positive for COVID-19 and also test them for the flu. If a high
percentage of them test positive for both conditions how would they know
who has what? Because, contrary to what one CDC web page says, that COVID-19 “seems to cause more serious illness in some people,” another CDC web page
says that the flu also can cause all sorts of health complications
including damage to the heart, lungs and kidneys. In other words,
anything COVID-19 can do the flu can do because COVID-19 is the flu.,,,,
,,,,The primary weapon being used to bludgeon us into accepting the COVID-19
narrative is fear. Submission is fear. A frightened animal is a
dangerous animal. Like all apes, we are territorial social animals.
Anyone who doesn’t accept the fear narrative and pay homage to the
microbial hobgoblin by wearing a mask, getting vaccinated, and engaging
in other useless rituals is an outsider, an enemy.....