Monday, July 31, 2023


Bankers Rule The Economic World via Debt

Selected Quotes on Economics and Banking, That You Won’t Hear on Corporate Mass-Media.  


My book Demonic Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers lists systemic aspects of the banking, monetary, and economic system that are not taught in the schools and universities of the world, and are rarely discussed on corporate owned news and media networks. Knowledge of these topics is absolutely essential for everyone in the world that wishes to understand how the economic world ‘actually’ works and why worldwide society is in perpetual debt while the vast resources of human productivity and of nature are continually exploited by a small group of people that control these systems.

Over decades the power to create money has resulted in the power to own, control and manipulate the assets of the material world, as well media and politics. Representative democracy under capitalism as currently implemented in much of the world, is an illusion – it is money that controls the economic world. Those that control the money creation process wield the power to control the corporate media and own the material world, regardless of which political party is elected, or which system is utilised (capitalism, socialism, communism, etc).

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford (1863-1947), Founder of Ford Motor Company

“One feature of banking that cries out for reform is “fractional reserve banking”, i.e. the practice whereby private banks…are in effect coining their own money and putting it into circulation… This is basically fraudulent and unjust; the banks are in effect issuing their own counterfeit money.” – John Scales Avery, an Associate Professor in quantum chemistry at the University of Copenhagen

“Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than private armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency… the banks… will deprive the people of all their property” – Thomas Jefferson

“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce… when you realise that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.“ – James Garfield, 20th President of the U.S., assassinated in 1881.

“.. a network of private bankers has taken over control of the international money system… credible evidence is presented of a world power elite intent on gaining absolute control over the planet and its natural resources, including its subservient ‘human resources’… Economic means have long been used to spark wars, as a pretext and prelude for the money power to stock and restock the armaments and infrastructure of both sides.” – Reed Simpson, M.Sc., American Bankers Association Graduate School of Banking London School of Economics

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.“ – President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, November 23, 1933, in a letter to Colonel Edward Mandell House

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. This process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin.. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with the flick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again… if you want to continue to be the slaves of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.” – Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England and the second richest man in Britain in the 1920s

“The goal is control.  They want all of us enslaved to debt, they want all of our governments enslaved to debt, and they want all of our politicians addicted to the huge financial contributions that they funnel into their campaigns.  Since the elite also own all of the big media companies, the mainstream media never lets us in on the secret that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way that our system works.” – Karen Hudes (worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years and was Senior Counsel when she was fired for blowing the whistle on the corruption. See Endnote 1)

“Have you ever wondered why Canada is in debt ? have you ever wondered why the government forces Canadians to pay so many taxes ? have you ever wondered why the bankers from the largest private banks are becoming wealthier and rest of us are not ? have you ever wondered why the gross national debt is over 800 billion dollars or why we are spending over 160 million dollars a day on the interest of the national debt ? that’s 60 billion dollars a year, have you ever wondered who receives the 60 billion dollars ? what I have discovered is that the banks and the government have colluded to financially enslave the people of Canada…” – Victoria Grant explains why her homeland, Canada, and most of the world, is in debt. April 27, 2012 at the Public Banking in America Conference, Philadelphia, PA. (See Endnote 2) 

“When a bank makes a loan, it simply adds to the borrower’s deposit account in the bank by the amount of the loan. The money is not taken from anyone else’s deposit; it was not previously paid into the bank by anyone. It’s new money, created by the bank…” – Robert B. Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury under Eisenhower, 1959.

“A major portion of the money created by banks today has originated with the monetization of home mortgages. The borrower thinks he is borrowing pre-existing funds, when (however) the bank is just turning his promise to repay into an asset secured by real property. By the time the mortgage is paid off, the borrower has usually paid the bank more in interest than was owed on the original loan; and if he defaults, the bank winds up with the house, although the money advanced to purchase it was created out of thin air.” – E.H. Brown, Author of the book ‘The Web of Debt’

“The Bankers Opt to Rule the World. There is afoot, a brilliant, albeit treacherous, scheme to control ALL the people and ALL the property of ALL the world…. World domination via confiscation of your $$$  is already on tap… Bretton Woods Agreement – 1944 This was the birth of the International Monetary Fund and from there all the foreign agencies – CIA, FBI, IRS, BAR – control everything via the 14th Amendment citizen – those who contract to become US citizens as opposed to remaining Sovereign Americans. The sole creation of these agencies was for the purpose of collecting the debt… All those industrialists, those bankers, whose names you’ve heard a million times, Rockefellers, Rothschild, Morgan, etc.… Congress was the creator of money and somehow congress was ‘talked into’… handing this responsibility over to a private corporation owned and operated by these banksters…  they literally destroyed the United States of America and every country which fell like dominoes thereafter once the corporation called USA was founded.” – Author, Mary Elizabeth Croft (listed with kind permission)

“One feature of banking that cries out for reform is “fractional reserve banking”, i.e. the practice whereby private banks…are in effect coining their own money and putting it into circulation, a prerogative that ought to be reserved for governments. Under the system of fractional reserve banking, profits from any expansion of the money supply go to private banks rather than being used by the government to provide social services. This is basically fraudulent and unjust; the banks are in effect issuing their own counterfeit money. When the economy contracts instead of expanding, the effect of fractional reserve banking is still worse.” – John Scales Avery, an Associate Professor in quantum chemistry at the University of Copenhagen, and a member of the group that received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995 (See Endnote 3) 

“The … bankers rule the world through debt, which is money they create out of nothing. They need world government to ensure no country defaults or tries to overthrow them. As long as private bankers, instead of governments, create money the human race is doomed. These bankers and their allies have bought everything and everyone.” – Henry Makow, Author 

“Governments everywhere are in debt, who are they in debt to? The answer is that they are in debt to private banks. The ‘cruel hoax’ is that governments are in debt for money created on a computer screen, money they could have created themselves.” – E.H. Brown, Author the book ‘The Web of Debt’ 

“Powerful industrialists and bankers essentially bribed the politicians in almost every country of the world into giving up their Constitutionally-protected right to print notes for the Treasury. They handed that power over to a private corporation which issued notes called Federal Reserve Notes… they are ‘debt notes’… What we think of as ‘money’ does not exist; it is borrowed into existence. It is not a substance, or a commodity, or anything which simply exists, for example, as water exists. It does not exist until someone creates a debt…. There is no money.  There was, once upon a time – for example, Colonial Script, gold and silver, Lincoln’s Greenbacks… Did you notice that both those presidents were assassinated for creating notes which were not based upon debt?  The banksters didn’t like this. They had a monopoly on the currency and weren’t about to let anyone cheat them out of their con game.” – Mary Elizabeth Croft, Author (listed with kind permission)

The Privately Owned Banking System Bleeds the Productive Capacity/Profit of Nations

The worldwide privately owned banking system bleeds a significant portion of the capacity/profit of nations. This occurs via the governments of the world paying vast amounts of interest to international banks on debt-money loans and other mechanisms. For example, Ireland has been paying between €6 to 10 billion per annum in interest payments on the national debt. As a trading entity the country was making a profit of around €40 billion per annum, i.e., up to 25% of the nations’ profits have been going directly to the privately owned international finance institutions as interest on debt-money that was originally created from nothing. The cruel hoax is that governments could create that money themselves.

Some authors and independent researchers (See Endnote 5) have estimated that the Rothschilds banking family alone is worth over $100 trillion, a sum which vastly surpasses the fortunes of the corporate billionaires on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. It is very difficult to verify such estimates. The banking families are not included on the ‘richest people’ lists you see in magazines since according to Bloomberg “the wealth of many families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers is too diversified and diffuse to value. Bloomberg said that some dynasties whose fortunes are closely intertwined with government, like the House of Saud, are also too difficult to calculate.”, see Endnote 4.

“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!” – attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Banker.

As this debt money system and drive for GDP growth continues unabated the Earth’s natural resources are plundered and taken essentially, ‘for free’, by the huge corporate and governmental entities of this flawed economic system. i.e. contemporary economics does not factor in the cost of resource depletion.

“When a bank makes a loan, it simply adds to the borrower’s deposit account in the bank by the amount of the loan. The money is not taken from anyone else’s deposit; it was not previously paid into the bank by anyone. It’s new money, created by the bank…” – Robert B. Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury under Eisenhower, 1959.

“The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity.” – President Abraham Lincoln

“The Wall Street dominated New World Order (NWO) Empire is being built by colonizing other countries with foreign loans or investments. When the fish is firmly on the hook, the NWO financial terrorists pull the plug, leaving the unsuspecting victim high and dry. And begging to be rescued. In comes the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Its bailout recipes – privatization, trade, liberalization and other austerity reforms – amount to seizing the target countries’ natural resources, and turning them over to the NWO elites – just as surely as the British Empire did by using cruder methods.” – Bob Djurdjevic, Chronicles Journal, see Endnote 6

The Central Banking System Exerts Vast Control Over the World Economy

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland is the central bank of central banks and is virtually immune to the laws of all national governments. Even Wikipedia admits that it is not accountable to any single national government, see Endnote 7. There are 58 global central banks belonging to the BIS, and it has far more power over the economies of the world economy than any politician does.  The central bankers of the world gather for meetings at BIS and make decisions that affect every person in the world, and yet none of us have any say in what goes on.  According to Author Michael Snyder:

“The Bank for International Settlements is an organization that was founded by the global elite and it operates for the benefit of the global elite, and it is intended to be one of the key cornerstones of the emerging one world economic system…. [T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole… see Endnote 8.”

How the US Fell into the Hands of the International Usurocracy During the Civil War After 1863

In a number of popular pamphlets, first published in 1944, Italian author Ezra Pound, described how the US fell into the hands of the international usurocracy during the civil war after 1863; the suppression of the paper-money issue in Pennsylvania, A.D. 1750; and that these historical events should be considered in relation to World War II. In the pamphlet, America, Roosevelt and the causes of the present war, he states:

“This war is part of the secular war between usurers and peasants, between the usurocracy and whomever does an honest day’s work with his own brain or hands… Schoolbooks do not disclose the inner workings of banks. The mystery of economics has been more jealously guarded than were ever the mysteries of Eleusis… The basic fact of the history of the U.S.A. is the suppression (aforementioned) of the colonial paper-money, fifty-six years after the foundation of the (private) Bank “of England” (so-called)… the usurers’ cunning marked by the foundation of the above-mentioned bank was clearly registered in Paterson’s prospectus : “the bank hath benefit of the interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing…

Wars are provoked in succession, deliberately, by the great usurers, in order to create debts, to create scarcity, so that they can extort the interest on these debts, so that they can raise the price of money (i.e., the price of the various monetary units controlled by, or in the possession of, the same usurocrats), altering the prices of the various monetary units when it suits them, raising and lowering the prices of the various foodstuffs when it suits them, completely indifferent to the human victim, to the accumulated treasures of civilization, to the cultural heritage…”

Lincoln was assassinated after he made the statement given above…The fact remains that Lincoln had assumed a position in clear opposition to the usurocracy…

The meaning of the phrase “It will not do to allow the greenback … to circulate” is this: private individuals, without any responsibility before the American nation, were able to get control of the nation’s money, forcing the people to pay non-official fines and taxes for the sole benefit of this hidden power, the usurocracy. After Lincoln’s death the real power in the United States passed from the hands of the official government into those of the Rothschilds and others of their evil combine. The democratic system perished. From that time on it has been useless to speak of the United States as an autonomous entity…

As for the system which allowed the national money of the U.S.A. to be controlled by “finance,” namely the usurocracy which was then established in London, it is summed up in a letter, dated 25 June, 1863, from the Rothschild firm in London to the firm of Ikleheimer, Morton & Van der Gould in New York, containing the following words : “Very few people “will understand this. Those who do will be occupied “getting profits. The general public will probably not “see it’s against their interest.”…

  • Wars are made to create debts.
  • War is the highest form of sabotage, the most atrocious form of sabotage.
  • A nation that will not get itself into debt drives the usurers to fury

The details of the Italian and German opposition to the usurocratic conspiracy (prior to WWII) are available…

It’s so much waste of time to speak of this or that “democracy.” The real government was, and is, to be found behind the scenes. The “democratic” system works as follows. Two or more parties, all under orders from the usurocracy, appear before the public. As a matter of form, and to reassure the simpletons, some honest men and one or two independent idealists are allowed to do a little clean work as long as they don’t touch the various rackets. The biggest rackets are those of finance and monopolization, including the monopolization of money itself, both within the nation and in combination with the various foreign currencies. When there is a danger of abundance of any, or almost all, commodities, then the usurocracy unleashes a war in order to diminish purchasing-power…”

In the pamphlet An Introduction to the Economic Nature of the United States, Ezra Pound states:

“Towards the end of the Eighteenth Century the settlers, driven by the desire for Freedom of Conscience, hardened by privations, favoured and betrayed, reached a certain degree of prosperity, thanks to their own hard work and to a sane system of using paper money as a means of exchange that freed them, temporarily, from the pincers of the Bank of England… The Bank of England was based on the discovery that instead of loaning money, the Bank’s paper could be put out on loan (with interest)…

Usury spoiled the Republic. Usury has been defined as too high an interest on money…  Usury however is a cancer, Finance a disease…The usurers act through fraud, falsification, superstitions, habits and, when these methods do not function, they let loose a war. Everything hinges on monopoly, and the particular monopolies hinge round the great illusionistic monetary monopoly… 1834-5: (President) Jackson eliminates the national debt. The United States was left with no debt whatever.“

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 – A Private Banking Coup

“The FED is an independent agency, that means basically that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take – what relations are (between Chairman of FED and President of the USA) don’t frankly matter.” – Alan Greenspan (former FED Chairman)

In 1913 the then U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signed legislation by bankers J.P. Morgan, John D Rockefeller, and Paul Warburg, which handed over the power of printing money from the U.S. government into the hands of these private interests. It was enacted on the 23rd Dec 1913 and became known as the Federal Reserve Act. This was a major coup for the international bankers… The government had been under the false impression that the right of government to issue money was not being surrendered to the banks. The establishment of ‘the FED’ had been sold to government on the basis that government would retain control of the process, but in reality, they did not. The act had been hurriedly signed without proper scrutiny by members of government. According to author, E.H. Brown, it was thought that the right of government to issue money was not being surrendered to the banks, however: 

“The bill was so obscurely worded that no one really understood its provisions… but while the national money supply would be printed by the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, it would be issued as an obligation or debt of the government, a debt owed back to the private Federal Reserve with interest…President Wilson is reported to have said before he died “I have unwittingly ruined my country”. – (See Endnote 9)

“President Abraham Lincoln returned to the colonial system of government issued money during the Civil War; but he was assassinated; and the bankers reclaimed control of the money machine. The silent coup of the Wall Street faction culminated with the passage of the Federal Reserve act in 1913, something they achieved by misleading .. wary congressman into thinking the Federal Reserve was actually federal…. Today the debate over who should create the money supply is rarely heard.. few people even realise it is an issue… The puppeteers working the money machine were more visible in the 1890s than they are today, largely because they had not yet succeeded in buying up the media and cornering public opinion.” – E.H. Brown, Author the book ‘The Web of Debt’.

“The FED is an independent agency, that means basically that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take – what relations are (between Chairman of FED and President of the USA) don’t frankly matter.” – Alan Greenspan (former FED Chairman)

“”The powerful grip of these gentlemen is on the throttle that controls the wheels of credit and on their signal those wheels will turn or stop.” The Report (of the Pujo Commission on the Money Trust), goes to show how, through “the vast ramifications of this group” of financiers in the U.S.A. and in foreign countries, the financing of enterprises not approved by the group can be prevented. “Therein, said the Commission, lies the peril of this money power to our progress, far greater than the combined danger of all existing combinations.” This group of International Financiers through their control of the Federal Reserve Board and their worldwide ramifications in industry, can and do exert a tremendous influence upon world affairs.” – Lieut.-Col. A. H. Lane, author of the 1934 book The Alien Menace A Statement of the Case

“Never in the history of the World has so much power been vested in a small body of men as in the Federal Reserve Board. These men have the welfare of the world in their hands and they could upset the rest of us either deliberately or by some unconscious action.” – Sir Josiah Stamp in an interview with the New York Evening Post

“the Federal Reserve Act let powerful bankers usurp the money creation authority in violation of the Constitution’s Article I, Section 8, giving only Congress the power to “coin Money (and) regulate the Value thereof”. Thereafter, powerful bankers used their control over money, credit and debt for private self-enrichment, bankrolling and colluding with Congress and administrations to implement laws favouring them. As a result, decades of deregulation, outsourcing, economic financialization, and casino capitalism followed, producing asset bubbles, record budget and national debt levels, and depression-sized unemployment…” – Stephen Lendman, Author of ‘How Wall St Fleeces America

“When you or I write a cheque there must be sufficient funds in our account to write the cheque, but when the Federal Reserve writes a cheque there is no bank deposit on which that cheque is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a cheque it is creating money.” –  Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 

The Federal Reserve Is an Independent, Privately-owned Corporation

The Federal Reserve central bank (known as simply “The FED”) is owned by private commercial banks, the largest of which are Citibank and JPMorgan Chase company. These two banks are part of the empires built by JPMorgan and John D. Rockefeller, who orchestrated the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. The ‘Federal Reserve’ is actually an independent, privately owned corporation. It consists of twelve regional Federal Reserve banks owned by commercial member banks. Privately-owned banks own the shares of the Federal Reserve. This astounding fact that privately-owned banks own the shares of the Federal Reserve was proven, evidenced and upheld by a US federal circuit court in the case of Lewis v. United States in 1982, see Endnote 10, where the court said:

“Each Federal Reserve Bank is a separate corporation owned by commercial banks in its region. The stock-holding commercial banks elect two thirds of each Bank’s nine-member board of directors.”

Also note the comments of Congressman Charles McFadden, Chairman, House Banking and Currency Committee, June 10, 1932:

“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. governments institutions. They are not… they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory money lenders… These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American Institutions… The sack of the United States by the FED is the greatest crime in history. Every effort has been made by the FED to conceal its powers, but the truth is the FED has usurped the government. It controls everything here and it controls all foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.” – Congressman Charles McFadden.

E.H. Brown, chair of the Public Banking Institute in the U.S. makes the assertion that:

“The FED is owned by a consortium of private banks, the biggest of which are Citibank and JPMorgan Chase company. These two mega-banks are the financial cornerstones of the empires built by JPMorgan and John D. Rockefeller, the ‘Robber Barons’ who orchestrated the Federal Reserve Act in 1913… ”  E.H. Brown, Author the book ‘The Web of Debt’

The Trick of Usury and Inflation Further Explained

“The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity.”  – President Abraham Lincoln (Lincoln issued government money, but was later assassinated).

“The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the bankers complete control of the money-and thereby the control of the economy. They issue and own all the money in the nation. This private banking cartel creates money for the cost of the printing…

When the government borrows one billion dollars, it turns over to the bankers an interest-bearing, tax-free government bond and receives that amount in credit. As our banking laws require only a 20 percent reserve, the bankers can create an additional $4 billion in credit and lend it at interest to states, municipalities, businesses, and individuals. All this created “debt money” is LENT into circulation and draws interest until it is paid back to the money changers who got it in the first place for just the cost of printing. Every dollar in currency that you have is a dollar of DEBT, and you are paying interest on it. One billion dollars at 7% pays the bankers $70 million each year and removes that much from circulation. Multiply this by the billions of debt in this country, and you can see the enormity of the crime that is being committed against the nation every year.

The only way the interest gets back into circulation is by more and more borrowing from the bankers; otherwise there would soon be NO MONEY in circulation. The debt and the interest go higher just to keep the same amount of money in circulation. This is the sole reason why we have the paradox of poverty in the midst of plenty and why poverty becomes more widespread day by day. All usury (interest) is finally paid by the individual consumer in increased prices and taxes. TH IS IS INFLATION. Inflation is part and parcel of the debt-usury money system; the system cannot operate without a constant increase in the debt, usury, and INFLATION. These are the seeds of destruction inherent in the Federal Reserve banking system…

The Divine law does not permit a debt build-up to be inherited by the next generation, for all debts must be liquidated or cancelled every seventh year. (See Deut. 15:1-4.) Consider our present plight, which is a result of disobeying God’s law. How many generations are mortgaged by our national debt?” – Dr. Franklin Snook, Author of America Needs the Divine Law

“Bank profits from this source alone [usury] in the USA, UK, Eurozone and Japan are about $140 billion per year in year (in 2003). It is quite outrageous that the banks should have this power

…. That the governments of Western ‘democracies’ permit the banks to continue to enjoy this massive subsidy, and for this extraordinary privilege to be off the agenda of public debate, is a tribute to the power of the ‘elite consensus’.” ” – Extract from ‘The Global Monetocracy’ by Roy Madron and John Joplin (See Endnote 11)

“What is usury? If your answer is interest, then you are experiencing cognitive-dyslexia. Usury is the pure exploitation of another’s necessity, and its most substantive and significant manifestation in credit and finance is everything that is not the interest…

It is not like racketeering. It is racketeering. The private-international-nominal-banking-system is a massively-efficient harvester of civilization-level-wealth because it is constructed from and comprised of, crossleveraged-double-counting double-whammy devices. It is in fact two different but parallel businesses working in tandem. Nominal banking is credit-reinsurance-in-fact, piggy-backing (or vice versa) on a de facto separate business of charging and then further trafficking in 100%-plus application-fees / tribute-payments for access…” – Usury as Cognitive-Dyslexia by Timothy Paul Madden, forensic-financial-economist, and historian of equity, law, and policy 

The Debt-Money System Has Detrimental Consequences

“In industrial countries, between 18% (Sweden) and 26% (Japan) of each year’s total output is ploughed back into investment projects. If in any year this figure falters, the economy risks entering a downward spiral… Consider what happens if growth slows or stops… the possibility of a downward spiral is a prospect that terrifies governments. That is why – whatever their political colour – governments try to work closely with the business sector. In this way they can ensure that, regardless of any social or environmental damage, the economy continues to grow. The debt-money system thus forces governments to put the imperative for short-term growth above long-term considerations, such as the widening inequalities gap or humanity’s relationship with Gaia.” – Gaian Democracies – Redefining Globalisation and People-power’ by Roy Madron and John Jopling (See Endnote 8)

“It is obvious that on a finite Earth…  economic growth cannot continue indefinitely… Today, as economic growth falters, the defects and injustices of our banking system have come sharply into focus, and light has also been thrown onto the much-too-cosy relationship between banking and government…. “ – John Scales Avery, an Associate Professor in quantum chemistry at the University of Copenhagen 

Virtually Every National Government of the World Owes Vast Amounts of Debt

Virtually every national government of the world owes vast amounts of debt to the privately owned banking system totalling many trillions of dollars. Canada pays around $60 billion Canadian per annum interest on the national debt; and all countries in the world appear to be in debt (See Endnote 18), except perhaps five countries (See Endnote 12).

On June 10, 2020, the national debt in the U.S. exceeded $26 trillion and the interest on the national debt is $378 billion (See Endnote 13). In the U.S. student debt is around 1.2 trillion dollars, about the same as the military budget; personal debt (loans plus credit cards plus mortgages) comes in over 13 trillion. As on 31 December 2019, India’s external debt stock totalled US$563.9 billion (See Endnote 14). The national debt of Brazil in 2020 is $1,686 billion (See Endnote 15).

World Bank statistics (See Endnote 16) show that virtually every national government of the world owes vast amounts of debt and, are, therefore in debt servitude to the international banking system. The amount of interest monies received on worldwide debt over decades is obviously staggeringly vast.  The massive total debt incurred by governments of the world cannot ever be fully repaid as there is always more debt in the system than ability to repay (money in circulation). The total amount of debt is possibly quadrillions (thousands of trillions) according to some if the financial instruments known as derivatives are included.

The system is designed so the total debt can never be repaid. The total debt in the worldwide financial system is always greater than the amount of money in circulation and can never be fully repaid.

“All money is borrowed into existence – it doesn’t exist until someone borrows it. It is debt-based money hence it is not really money since real money is based upon substance – gold, silver etc. If money is borrowed into existence, then that is all that exists…so where is the interest? It doesn’t exist. How can it possibly be paid? It can’t be (fully) paid because it is not part of what is created. It simply does not exist. The currency we use is based upon our future labour which the Feds have promised to the bankers. It also does not exist yet. Future generations are already enslaved to pay a debt which does not exist.” – Mary Elizabeth Croft (See Endnote 96), listed with kind permission. 


Lessons from the Unraveling of the Roman Empire: Simplification, Localization

There is an entire industry devoted to "why the Roman Empire collapsed," but the post-collapse era may be offer us higher value lessons. The post-collapse era, long written off as The Dark Ages, is better understood as a period of adaptation to changing conditions, specifically, the relocalization and simplification of the economy and governance.

As historian Chris Wickham has explained in his books Medieval Europe and The Inheritance of Rome: Illuminating the Dark Ages 400-1000, the medieval era is best understood as a complex process of social, political and economic natural selection: while the Western Roman Empire unraveled, the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) continued on for almost 1,000 years after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and the social and political structures of the Western Roman Empire influenced Europe for hundreds of years.

In broad-brush, the Roman Empire was a highly centralized, tightly bound system that was remarkably adaptive despite its enormous size and the slow pace of transport and communication. Roman society was both highly hierarchical--the elites claimed superiority and worked hard to master the necessary tools of authority-- slaves were integral to the building and maintenance of Rome's vast infrastructure--and open to meritocracy, as the Roman Army and other classes were open to advancement by anyone in the sprawling empire: every free person became a Roman Citizen once their territory was absorbed into the Empire.

When the Empire fell apart, the model of centralized control/power continued on in the reigns of the so-called Barbarian kingdoms (Goths, Vandals, etc.) and Charlemagne (768-814), over 300 years after the fall of Rome. (When the Ottomans finally conquered Constantinople in 1453, they also adopted many of the bureaucratic structures of the Byzantine Empire.)

Over time, however, the feudal model of localized fiefdoms nominally loyal to a weak central monarchy replaced the centralized model of governance. This adaptation fit the highly fragmented nature of European societies in this era.

But centralized influence never went away. The Christian churches based in Rome and Constantinople continued to exert centralized influence in politically fragmented regions, and monarchies continued to exist, in various states of strength and weakness. The Holy Roman Empire--as Voltaire is reputed to have observed, "neither Holy, Roman or an Empire"--had an enormously complex history in Germany and the rest of Europe. The monarchies in England and France remained in place, and the city-states of northern Italy wielded influence via trade and shifting alliances.

In other words, the Medieval era was ultimately a complex competition between overlapping models of governance and sharing resources, a competition between centralized and localized (what Wickham calls "cellular") nodes of power and the various ways that rulers and those they ruled dealt with each other.

Throughout the era, the legitimacy of rulers ultimately flowed from public assemblies, a tradition inherited from Rome that manifested in aristocratic courts and the church's leadership (bishops, etc.) and eventually, in parliaments. This tension played out in the sharing of costs and resources and the general direction of the state.

As a general rule, when monarchs consolidated too much power, they engaged in catastrophically costly and doomed wars (The Hundred Years War) because they were able to override or ignore the cautious counsel of elite assemblies.

Understood as a selective process of adapting to changing circumstances, this history offers us valuable lessons and templates for our future.

Once the centralized power of Rome fragmented, economic, social and political power simplified and relocalized. Trade volume shrank and trade routes vanished. Once the bureaucratic and military structures dictated by Rome collapsed, regions and localities were on their own.

Elites naturally sought out the best means to consolidate and expand their power, and residents (as a general rule, the peasantry and town-dwellers) sought to improve their own lives by reducing costs and securing access to resources.

The immense geographic, cultural, social and economic diversity of Europe was in effect freed to play out. This diversity is still evident; the European Union may have unified the European financial system, but cultural and social divisions have not dissolved.

Wickham distinguishes between two primary sources of income and wealth accessible to elites and governments: land and taxes. Collecting taxes requires an immense bureaucracy to identify and assess property owners, tenant farmers, merchants, collect duties on trade flows, etc. Taxes are the only reliable way to fund professional armies and the stupendous bureaucracy required to manage a complex centralized empire. The Byzantine Empire survived multiple rivals, invasions, etc. largely due to its competent tax collection bureaucracy, and European monarchies could only fund long, costly wars once they established tax collection bureaucracies.

Wealth from land--surplus skimmed from the labor of peasants--was adequate to fund highly localized nobility (many of which had one or two castles and a small fiefdom), but it wasn't reliable enough or large enough to support professional armies or vast centralized states.

How does this history offer a template for the next 20 years?

I have long held that the dominant global forces binding the global economy are globalization and financialization. Both have greatly increased the income and wealth that nation-states can tax to fund their vast structures: military, social welfare, and bureaucracies of management, regulation and control.

I have also held that globalization and financialization became hyper-structures prone to over-extension and the diminishing returns of the S-Curve. (see chart below) Both have reversed and are now in decline, a decline that I anticipate will accelerate unpredictably and rapidly as each dynamic is centralized and tightly bound, meaning each subsystem is highly interconnected with other subsystems. Should one break, the entire system unravels.

Globalization may appear to be decentralized, but the vast majority of global trade and capital flows through a few centralized nodes, and many aspects of trade depend on a very small number of routes and suppliers. This makes global trade exquisitely sensitive to disruption should any critical supplier or node fail.

Financialization is equally centralized and tightly bound, to the absurd degree that obscure financial structures (reverse repos, etc.) can trigger cascading crises in the real-world economy.

I anticipate a global simplification of trade and finance as fragile hyper-structures collapse as the failure of subsystems cascade through the entire system.

These systems have greatly accelerated extremes of wealth-income inequality by their very nature, and these vast distortions and imbalances are unsustainable. Also unsustainable is the immense expansion of the plundering of the planet's remaining resources via globalization and financialization. These dynamics will collapse under their own weight.

What will be left? Once the income and wealth that supported enormously costly nation-state governments contracts, central governments will no longer be able to fund their gargantuan systems. (States that attempt to fund their activities by printing money will only speed the collapse of their finances and thus their coherence.)

As in the post-Roman era, central authority may well continue, but its actual power and influence will be greatly reduced. Without expanding income and wealth to tax, the central state may attempt to extract most of the nation's surplus, but this stripmining of elites and commoners alike will trigger pushback and revolt.

A more sustainable response would be to offload most of the central government's financial burdens onto states, provinces, counties, etc., in effect pushing the impossible task of maintaining entitlements and promised spending on local entities.

Given the diversity of cultures, social values and economic dynamics in large nations and regions, we can anticipate a flowering of adaptations to these greatly reduced means. Some localities will favor increasing authoritarian controls, others will favor reducing authoritarian controls and ceding authority to the smallest units of public assembly.

Locales (shall we call them fiefdoms?) will divide naturally along geographic boundaries, just as fiefdoms in medieval Europe fell into natural boundaries shaped by rivers, valleys, mountain ranges, etc., and along economic and cultural borders.

This relocalization may manifest in the well-known forecasts of the US breaking into multiple regional states, or it might manifest as I suggest in a much-weakened but still influential central government ceding power to local political structures which may themselves fragment or form alliances with nearby entities with whom they share cultural and economic ties.

In other words, a churn of evolutionary adaptations can be expected. Just as there was no one post-Roman adaptation that worked equally well everywhere, we can expect there to be some adaptations of roughly equal success and many that are unsuccessful.

As individuals and households, we want to be located in successful adaptations that share our values and offer us agency, i.e. a say in public assemblies and the freedom to move and work as we see fit.

As I have outlined many times in the blog and in my books, locales that are highly dependent on long global supply chains and distant capital for their essentials will fare very poorly once those supply chains break and the capital dries up. Regions and locales that generate their own essentials (food, energy, metals, concrete, electronics, etc.), talent and capital are much more likely to generate enough resources to satisfy both local elites and the public.

As I explain in my book Self-Reliance, we who have lived in the past 75 years of expanding production and consumption of Everything have lost touch with both the natural world that sustains us and the social and practical skills needed to endure and prosper in an era in which the engines of centralized power and wealth (globalization and financialization) decay and collapse.

Some locales will choose to foster relocalization and individual agency. Others will cling on to failing models of authoritarian control and globalization / financialization.

Ironically, perhaps, the most successful regions will be prone to indulging in hubris and denial, just as the Roman elites, basking in their centuries of dominance, dismissed the "Barbarians" and clung to their delusions of grandeur even as their world fragmented around them.

Those locales left behind by globalization and financialization may well offer much better opportunities for successful adaptation, relocalization and individual / household agency.

It is human nature to find reasons to dismiss the storm clouds on the horizon. We look around and find solace in the apparent strength of our institutions and economy, while ignoring their sobering dependence on unsustainable hyper-globalization and hyper-financialization.

The fragmentation, simplification and localization of the post-Imperial era offers us lessons we ignore at our peril. It's important to view these lessons not just as an academic abstraction but as a guide to your own decisions about what places are most conducive to your security and well-being. Not every locale will do equally well, and the culture of many places may not be a great match for your own values and goals. If you decide to move, sooner is better than later.

Sunday, July 30, 2023


More Warmongers Elevated In The Biden Administration

The Biden administration looks set to become even more warlike than it already was if you can imagine, with virulent Russia hawk Victoria Nuland and virulent China hawk Charles Q Brown now being elevated to lofty positions by the White House.

Nuland, the wife of alpha neocon Robert Kagan, has been named acting deputy secretary of state by President Biden, at least until a new deputy secretary has been named. This places her at second in command within the State Department, second only to Tony Blinken.

In an article about Nuland’s unique role in souring relations between the US and Russia during her previous tenure in the State Department under Obama, Responsible Statecraft’s Connor Echols writes the following of the latest news:

Nuland’s appointment will be a boon for Russia hawks who want to turn up the heat on the Kremlin. But, for those who favor a negotiated end to the conflict in Ukraine, a promotion for the notoriously “undiplomatic diplomat” will be a bitter pill.

A few quick reminders are in order. When Nuland was serving in the Obama administration, she had a now-infamous leaked call with the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. As the Maidan Uprising roiled the country, the pair of American diplomats discussed conversations with opposition leaders, and Nuland expressed support for putting Arseniy Yatseniuk into power. (Yatseniuk would become prime minister later that month, after Russia-friendly former President Viktor Yanukovych fled the country.) At one memorable point in the call, Nuland said “Fu–k the EU” in response to Europe’s softer stance on the protests.

The controversy surrounding the call — and larger implications of U.S. involvement in the ouster of Yanukovych — kicked up tensions with Russia and contributed to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to seize Crimea and support an insurgency in eastern Ukraine. Her handing out  food to demonstrators on the ground in Kyiv probably didn’t help either. Nuland, along with State Department sanctions czar Daniel Fried, then led the effort to punish Putin through sanctions. Another official at State reportedly asked Fried if “the Russians realize that the two hardest-line people in the entire U.S. government are now in a position to go after them?”

In a 2015 Consortium News article titled “The Mess That Nuland Made,” the late Robert Parry singled out Nuland as the primary architect of the 2014 regime change operation in Ukraine, which, as Aaron Maté explained last year, paved the way to the war we’re seeing there today. Hopefully her position winds up being temporary.

In other news, the Senate Arms Services Committee has voted to confirmBiden’s selection of General Charles Q Brown Jr as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, replacing Mark Milley. A full senate vote will now take place on whether to confirm Brown — currently the Air Force Chief of Staff — for the nation’s highest military office.

Brown is unambiguous about his belief that the US must hasten to militarize against China in the so-called Indo-Pacific to prepare for confrontation between the two powers, calling for more US bases in the region and increased efforts to arm Taiwan during his hearing before the Senate Arms Services Committee earlier this month.

Back in May, Moon of Alabama flagged Brown’s nomination in an article which also noted that several advocates of military restraint had been resigning from their positions within the administration, including Wendy Sherman, the deputy secretary of state who Nuland has taken over for. 

It’s too soon to draw any firm conclusions, but to see voices of restraint stepping down and proponents of escalation stepping up could be a bad portent of things to come.


“The Chips War”: The West versus China

Ever since the Biden Administration, alias the Globalists, took power in Washington, China was bombarded with threats and sanctions; foremost with attempts of “chips-strangulation”, meaning, being blocked for the chip production, and by supply chain disruptions of electronics, notably semiconductors.

The entire car industry could be paralyzed. While that would be great for the Global Warming / Climate Change freaks, not only the car industry, but also to a large extent the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) would suffer, as it also depends on such fast-evolving chips. A good thing as well!

The drawback with a production / supply interruption would be a slack in new chip-technology development which is subject to constant scientific research and trials.

You may call it the Chips War – West versus China. It had begun already some three years ago. At some point in 2022 rumors emerged that Mr. Biden was to blackmail Americans working in the Chinese chip-industry by taking their US citizenship away, if they would not quit their jobs immediately.

Of course, this is complete nonsense and would be totally unconstitutional. Not even King Biden could get away with acting on such a menace.

So far nothing happened, other than the US prohibiting Taiwan, the main producer of such valuable chips, to supply them to mainland China, and asking Taipei’s main chip manufacturer, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) to build with urgency a chip manufacturing facility in Arizona that should become operational in 2024.

TSMC chairman Mark Liu said, however, that the plant faced a shortage of workers with the “specialized expertise required for equipment installation in a semiconductor-grade facility.” Therefore, the TSMC chip plant in Arizona will have to postpone production until 2025, instead of 2024, as expected by the Biden Administration.

So much for Washington’s attempt to outpace Beijing in the global chip race by economically closely collaborating with Taiwan. Not to forget, Taiwan is seen by Beijing as an integral part of mainland China. See this for more details, see this.

What is the semi-conductor industry? For what are semiconductors used?

It is the industry in which companies conceive, design, and manufacture an electronic device, called semiconductors, a fundamental component of modern electronics, such as cell phones, televisions, and computers. As the world is becoming increasingly all-digitized, it will ever-more depend on computers and electronics to enhance the capabilities of devices ranging from doorbells to motor vehicles – and, not to forget the MIC. The semiconductor field is dominated by a handful of countries, though the field is growing and expanding rapidly.

According to the White House, the US currently produces roughly 10% of global semiconductor manufacturing, and China about 15%. However, the picture is much more complex.

Understanding the semiconductor manufacturing and user markets, let’s look at the world’s largest semiconductor producers.

Taiwan’s diplomatic status is part of mainland China. Only 12 countries recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation. That is 6% of the tiniest of UN members. For all practical purposes, despite the US (which does not recognize Taiwan either as an autonomous and sovereign country), Taiwan must be considered as part of Mainland China. Thus, de facto, Taiwan’s production is part of China’s production. More on this later.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) singlehandedly manufactures roughly 50% of the world’s semiconductors. Unlike semiconductor manufacturers such as Samsung or Intel, which produce semiconductors for use in their own products, TSMC manufactures semiconductors for many other companies, including Apple, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), California, and more. This is known as the foundry model of business.

Taiwan’s success in the production of semiconductors emanates from a robust end-to-end semiconductor supply chain. Taiwan is home to thousands of semiconductor-related companies, which can collectively handle every aspect of the semiconductor manufacturing process, from designing the circuit to fabricating, manufacturing, and testing the final product. Taiwan is also home to many state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, some of which can produce semiconductors that cannot be manufactured anywhere else in the world.

These traits make the Taiwanese semiconductor industry an ideal choice for companies which require semiconductors for their products, but which lack the funding and / or desire to build their own fabrication plant, which could cost a billion US-dollars, or more. On the downside, Taiwan’s notable success also means that if something goes wrong with semiconductor manufacturing in Taiwan, the entire world may feel the impact.  

South Korea – multinational Samsung Electronics corporation is one of the world’s largest technology companies in terms of revenue as well as one of the largest single semiconductor-producing companies in the world. Samsung functions as both an Integrated Devices Manufacturer (IDM), making semiconductors for use in its own products, as well as a foundry, producing semiconductors for other companies. Semiconductors produced by Samsung and other companies (such as SK Hynix) in the country’s 70-plus fabrication plants, are South Korea’s largest export, and comprised 15% of the country’s total exports in 2021.

Japan – one of the world’s most technologically advanced countries is home to more than 100 semiconductor fabrication plants, most of which are owned by Japanese, American, or Taiwanese firms. As in other leading semiconductor manufacturing nations, the Japanese government is working to expand the country’s semiconductor manufacturing capabilities.

United States – possessed approximately 12% of the world’s global chip manufacturing capacity as of 2021. This is a notably lower percentage of global capacity than the US enjoyed just a few decades previously (37% in 1990), before countries such as Taiwan and China ramped up their semiconductor production capabilities. Nevertheless, the US semiconductor industry remains quite lucrative.

According to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), semiconductors exports added US$62 billion to the US economy in 2021, more than any product other than refined oil, aircraft, crude oil, and natural gas. Many of the exported chips return to the US in the form of finished consumer electronics.

Despite holding just 12% of the manufacturing capacity, US-based companies held more than 45% of the total semiconductor market share. This apparent discrepancy may be explained by both the dollar value of imported US semiconductors, and the fact that many US-based companies own and operate semiconductor fabrication plants in other countries, such as Japan.

China – one of the world’s primary manufacturing hubs, is another country in the process of expanding its semiconductor manufacturing capacity. China is the world’s largest market for semiconductors, thanks in part to its massive electronics manufacturing sector. Nonetheless, the Chinese government has set out to expand the country’s manufacturing capabilities to the point that China becomes self-reliant, producing the required number of semiconductors domestically, with no need for imports. China is expected to produce up to 25% of the world’s semiconductors by the year 2030.

Other semiconductor producers with growing capacity include Israel, the Netherlands, Malaysia, the UK and Germany.

Semiconductor production and supply chain disruptions. The COVID-19 plandemic caused a severe slowdown in the manufacture of semiconductors, as well as in the transport of both raw materials and finished semiconductors, triggering a worldwide shortage. The US is now working to actively expand the country’s domestic semiconductor manufacturing capabilities.

For more details, see this.

Given this background, it may appear a bit naïve for the Biden Administration to declare that China should be barred from receiving new and updated semiconductor technologies and from exporting semiconductors. As the above overview indicates, many of the semiconductor manufacturer are to some extent interlinked, especially Mainland China and Taiwan.

In the semiconductor science and production, Mainland China and Taiwan have long been collaborating, meaning that Taiwan, mainly TSMC, has set up several manufacturing facilities in Mainland China. Electronics scientists and researchers as well as employees from Mainland China have been working for years in manufacturing, plants in Taiwan and vice-versa. There is also a semiconductor capital investments exchange between the two Chinese entities. See this for more details.

For this and other reasons it would be quite ingenuous for Biden’s people and the rest of the western world believing that China could be “strangled” – sanctioned, to use one of Washington favorite terms – through the semiconductor channel. If anything, by barring semiconductor exports from China, the west, mainly the US and by association, Europe, would merely shoot themselves in the foot – or higher; taking a further step to committing economic suicide. But maybe that is on the west’s agenda…

On a recent trip to China, when this topic came up, the Chinese counterparts insinuated that this issue is not new for them, that they had plenty of time to prepare for it (ever since the Globalist Washington Administration came to power and bragged about “sanctioning” China with semiconductors).

They added, if the west does not want Chinese semiconductors, no problem. There is a huge fast developing Asian market out there. They referred especially to the RCEP Free Trade Agreement which became effective on 1 January 2022.

RCEP stands for Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. It is a is a free trade agreement among the Asia-Pacific nations of Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. It is often referred to as “ASEAN plus Four”. RCEP is expected by 2030 to become the globe’s largest free trade agreement, exceeding the total of all other trade agreements in the world.

Finally, the Chinese hinted very realistically at the fact, that ultimately Taiwan and Mainland China are ONE country – meaning ONE semiconductor manufacturing nation. They added, that many if not most Taiwanese are tired of their “in-between” role, the stress related to a potential war fueled by Washington, and they would prefer to integrate into mainland China, the sooner the better.

It is a question of divided families and the understanding, of an already existing close cooperation, and an intense interchange of technology, capital, and scientific research between the two Chinese units, so that in the long run this is going to be the only peaceful solution for a prosperous cohabitation.

Now – who is winning and who is losing the “chip war”?

Saturday, July 29, 2023


A Careful Look at the UNDP’s New iVerify Tool  

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has quietly announced the rollout of an automated anti-disinformation tool, iVerify, this spring. The instrument, initially created to support election integrity, centers a multi-stakeholder approach spanning the public and private sectors to “provide national actors with a support package to enhance identification, monitoring and response capacity to threats to information integrity.”

The UNDP demonstrates how iVerify works in a short video, where anyone can send articles to iVerify’s team of local “highly-trained” fact-checkers to determine if “an article is true or not.” The tool also uses machine learning to prevent duplicate article checks, and monitors social media for “toxic” content which can then be sent to “verification” teams of fact-checkers to evaluate, making it a tool with both automated- and human-facilitated elements.

On its website, the UNDP makes a blunt case for iVerify as an instrument against “information pollution,” which they describe as an “overabundance” of harmful, useless or otherwise misleading information that blunts “citizens’ capacity to make informed decisions.” Identifying information pollution as an issue of urgency, the UNDP claims that “misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech threaten peace and security, disproportionately affecting those who are already vulnerable.” 

But, behind this rhetoric of fact-checking expertise and protecting society’s most marginalized, iVerify, as a tool functionally claiming an ability to separate the true from the false, actually provides governments, adjacent institutions, and the global elite an opportunity for unprecedented dismissal, and perhaps thus subsequent censorship, of dissenting perspectives and inconvenient information and reporting, all behind the pedigree of a UN institution with international reach. 

iVerify and the Advance of an International Anti-Disinformation Complex

In recent years, the fact-checking industry has exploded, manifesting in the forms of often partisan, or otherwise compromised, fact-checking and anti-disinformation institutions and organizations. Examples include the government- and Gates Foundation-funded Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), the CIA-proxy National Endowment for Democracy (NED)-funded StopFake, and internet trust rating-systems like NewsGuard, which partners with Microsoft and the US Departments of Defense and State. By crystallizing fact-checking and anti-disinformation operations’ place within the media sector and adjacent institutions and groups, such organizations’ work has ultimately paved the way for iVerify’s release. 

In response to today’s fact-checking phenomenon, critiques and criticisms of the growing misinformation industries, which writer Michael Shellenberger describes as a “censorship industrial complex,” have grown in kind. Critics explain, for example, that no one person or organization can claim unique ownership over or knowledge of the truth. And frequently, fact-checks boil down complex issues into matters of “true” and “false,” undermining the possibility for meaningful public debate about critical topics.

Perhaps anticipating these concerns, iVerify developers claim their instrument comes with a number of controls and safeguards to ensure its fact-checking processes are robust and do not inhibit civil liberties. In addition to guaranteeing “triple verification” of materials checked, and pairing fact-checking with the consultation of “all sides,” iVerify’s UNDP page clarifies that it will only debunk incorrect facts, not opinions. 

The UNDP website also explains that “iVerify will only be deployed following an in-depth assessment to ensure the solution provided to a specific country will not be misused in ways that would undermine freedom of expression, freedom of the press or political and social rights,” though it provides little information as to how these pre-deployment assessments would be carried out.

While efforts to anticipate and combat possible problems with iVerify are laid out in advance, they fundamentally fail to address the power dynamics in play, where terms like disinformation and misinformation can be weaponized by the powerful to censor dissenting viewpoints and information conflicting with the narratives they disseminate. While iVerify’s decisions on articles and other information allegedly pass through a team of “highly-trained” fact-checkers and researchers, this is no guarantee that iVerify’s dictates will be consistent with the truth. After all, in the past, fact-checkers have frequently spread incorrect information themselves, especially along partisan lines.

Unfortunately, as we shall see, iVerify’s funding and support sources, and myriad of ongoing projects in the Global South, all demonstrate that the tool has enormous potential to equip the powerful with an unprecedented ownership over the truth, with potentially severe ramifications for freedom of speech and critical journalism alike. 

iVerify’s Fact-Checking Projects Proliferate in the Global South

For lay people trying to better understand current events, a UN-backed fact-checking tool may appear as a reputable resource. In reality, iVerify’s support sources and ongoing projects depict its work as part and parcel of elite goals for a restricted information environment, where anything labeled “disinformation” could be quickly dismissed and disposed of.

First, iVerify’s partners listed on its website, including Meedan, Meta’s CrowdTangle, and the Poynter Institute’s International Fact-Checking Network, are groups whose funding and support sources suggest alignment with the US and global elite. The Poynter Institute, for example, is funded by US intelligence front the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). And Meedan, which apparently looks to tackle “crises of information trust” and create a “more equitable internet” through research, collaborations and partnerships with newsrooms, fact-checkers, and civil society groups that help it “get out in front of new misinformation trends,” is supported by UK intelligence proxy Bellingcat, the Meta Journalism Project, and the Omidyar Group, which also has a history of funding CIA-cut outs and other regime change-driving organizations. 

While iVerify cannot be judged on associations alone, such influences and supporters’ intertwinement with the political class cannot be overlooked. As iVerify’s promotional messaging centers the utilization of multi-stakeholder approaches to advance its cause, after all, it’s plausible, if not likely, that the elite-backed groups supporting or otherwise associating with iVerify are or will be directly involved in various aspects of its rollout.

More troubling, iVerify has already taken on extensive fact-checking projects in Honduras as well as in the African countries of Zambia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Kenya, apparently using the Global South as a testing ground for the technology while simultaneously normalizing an “anti-disinformation” discourse favorable to the political elite internationally. 

Unsurprisingly, iVerify’s external fact-checking projects themselves are flush with Western cash, with Liberia’s Local Voices Liberia’s (LVL) Fact Checking Desk “co-financed by the European Union through the Liberia Media Initiative project led by Internews in Liberia,” where Internews is supported by groups like Google, the Omidyar Network, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Open Society Foundations. And Sierra Leone’s iVerify Sierra Leone is supported by BBC Media Action, also partnering with Canada, Iceland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the EU. Zambia’s iVerify program, finally, includes backing from suspected CIA-front USAID, UK Aid Direct (UKAID), and a number of western countries.

A visit to each of the iVerify project’s websites in the respective countries will find one with similar, simplistic articles, often rating certain claims, especially those propagating on social media, as “true,” “false,” or somewhere in-between, depending on the information available. In some cases, the sites themselves post misleading or oversimplified materials: one December 2022 article on Liberia’s iVerify website, for example, posits that COVID-19 shots stop transmission of COVID-19, even though research existing at time of publication had long before clarified their ability to stop covid transmission in the months following injection was limited at best.

As iVerify’s monitoring and evaluation framework outlines, notably, iVerify has been piloted and used especially to monitor the sanctity of elections. iVerify claims its efforts can protect election integrity by debunking false claims about the electoral process, candidates, and results, thereby keeping civilians properly informed about a key form of civil participation. But these apparent election information integrity efforts have an Achilles’ heel: it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where powerful, corrupt persons with access to or influence over the tool could manipulate iVerify’s election-related dictates and fact-checks to help them depict relevant voting processes and results in ways that help them maintain or obtain power.

While often covering more local topics and issues, iVerify’s projects in practice behave much like other Western-affilated and interconnected “anti-disinformation” organizations and projects, like disinfowatch and EUvsDisinfo, which, as I note in previous reporting, all together “perhaps suggest… the development of a Western “anti-disinformation” infrastructure or network that actually works to smear dissenting viewpoints and perspectives.” Further, as I’ve recently reported for Al Mayadeen English, Western-backed media groups in other countries have a track record of influencing public opinion and policymaking processes and decisions, and even driving regime change. 

Ultimately, the collective circumstances force speculation as to whether iVerify and its adjacent programs could be used to influence editorial lines and public opinions, especially in ways favorable to the world’s power elite, in the Global South.

Information Warfare and the Attack on National Sovereignty

iVerify projects claim to strengthen democracy by providing people with access to correct information, therefore allowing and encouraging them to participate in public affairs in an informed, empowered manner. But, critically, iVerify’s elite-backing and its ongoing projects, and the overall poor track records of modern fact-checking organizations, instead all suggest iVerify’s fact-checking practices could ultimately benefit the political class’ bottom line.

More worrying, iVerify initiatives’ messaging centers and upholds multi-stakeholder partnerships, which fuse the efforts of public, private, and other adjacent international and non-governmental structures, as key to its execution and success. But instead of promoting democracy as it claims, iVerify thus appears as a fact-checking system that supersedes governmental structures ala the public-private partnership model that has crystallized as a common civil society instrument in recent years.

On an international scale, this same public-private partnership model, as elucidated by writer and journalist Iain Davis, threatens to erode the remnants of Westphalian national sovereignty by allotting roles and infrastructure once held by governments to corporations, NGOs, and other adjacent organizations that are ultimately unaccountable to the public.

While a unique opportunity for the elite to package and push their own doctrines as true, it’s not hard to imagine that iVerify could threaten sovereign nations’ policy choices and perspectives by smearing them as “misinformed,” and therefore perhaps even depicting them as dangerous to their populations. And, as an initiative existing across a variety of stakeholders and international organizations, iVerify largely exists outside governments’ policymaking processes and structures, making it an entity difficult for governments to regulate, challenge, or hold accountable.

Through its UN-backing and appearance of ownership over the truth, in other words, iVerify’s potential to undermine nation-states’ integrity and sovereignty is unprecedented.


Ultimately, today’s manifestation of fact-checking efforts, such as UNDP’s semi-automated iVerify, have largely been led, funded, or otherwise co-opted by the power-elite. The resulting and toxic information environment, where mere accusations of mis- or disinformation can themselves bludgeon reputations and careers, undermines possibilities for meaningful debate on complex, critical topics, such as the international COVID response and the current war in Ukraine.

iVerify’s power lies in its supranational infrastructure and ability to determine truth as an apparent authority source. Unfortunately, its manufactured ownership over the truth can easily be weaponized towards mass censorship of materials harmful to the elite’s bottom line. If it becomes a prominent aspect of the already treacherous information environment, UNDP’s iVerify only promises to worsen matters while further threatening the (remaining) sovereignty of nation states everywhere. 


Nothing Is Protected These Days. “The Assault against Identity and Freedom has been Massive, Beyond Belief”

Our enemy that shills for ‘the science’ and digital ID passports

Each day brings with it its measure of joy or travail. The noise of life hums along and practicalities absorb the attention of most of us, enough so that the profundity of alterations introduced by the covid operation may not quite be appreciated. Indeed, I cannot myself come to comprehend the depths and breadth of the iniquity visited upon us, though I can perceive the stigmata.

It bores me to have to repeat the litany of abuse to which we have been subjected – the lockdowns, masks, jab mandates and apartheid, the residual divisions between friends and family, the cheerful ‘protective’ State declaring itself to be unassailable and correct and now constantly hectoring – but it is worth repeating if only to remind us of the unparalleled extent of the operation. And it is also worth remarking upon the introduction of novel attempts at control, attempts that reach into bank accounts, once thought to be impregnably safe or, at least, impregnably protected from outright theft.

It seems, in fact, that nothing is protected these days – speech, thought, bodily integrity and medical choice, private property, gender, family, religion – and we astonishingly have come to accept the intrusions against any semblance of human autonomy as … as no surprise.

The assault against identity and freedom has been so massive, so universal and so complete that is really impossible to believe.  As the death jab continues to visit harm and death upon millions, an infrastructure is being built to ensure that opinions daring to dissent with the authorities may not only be censored but punished. And most ominous has been the abject compliance of those to whom we have entrusted our care and well-being – and here I am referring to medical professionals sworn to keep their patients’ welfare as their foremost priority who have abdicated their sacred responsibilities. The unthinking masses who have been fed and nurtured on mainstream propaganda for decades, formidably and unquestioningly in lock-step with their media, are a little less morally culpable.

Our enemy – the enemy that shills for ‘the science’ and digital ID passports, and that has indulged in an orgy of censorship whenever it encounters a critical voice – is lawless. Their courts are corrupt and they rule by force, counting upon the unthinking and recruiting the naive as allies and collaborators. Unless and until we recognize that appeals to their conscience and justice carry no weight with the Global Mafia Cartel, we are diminishing our ability to resist.

How many times have I heard that the next Tribunal decision will be a ‘watershed’, that the next court case will be a ‘game-changer’, that the next legal appeal will ‘change the world’, that the next revelation of medical criminality will? Far too many.

Here in New Zealand doctors who have had the egregious audacity to have attempted to help their patients by prescribing Ivermectin, for example, or who have dared to insist upon informed consent as applied to the covid inoculation, or who have had the temerity to question the government’s apocalyptic covid policies remain under attack.

Recently a colleague and friend was hauled before our Health Professionals Disciplinary Tribunal, during which he proceeded to eviscerate the case against him by providing an exemplary and fact-based retort to their attacks. Generally the Tribunal issues a decision within days; in his case it has been thirteen weeks and counting. Should we have expected any different, should we expect a just decision from a system that is thoroughly compromised and bent upon an agenda, should we expect good where there has been an agglomeration of evil?

Clutching to fragile tendrils of hope within a decaying and rigged framework serves only to hinder our efforts to insist upon real justice, real science and real accountability, and to guard zealously our already limited freedoms.

Although we are admittedly in an irregular war for which no certain rules can be established, the ever-persisting belief in the System’s ability to correct itself, manifested by those who continue against all evidence to date to play their game by keeping mum, will only prolong our misery.


The “Covid Pandemic” Was an Orchestration

The American Medical Establishment, a collection of corrupt enemies of human health bought and paid  for by Big Pharma,  continues to explain away the enormous sudden deaths and health injuries  following the Covid Vax injections as “coincidences.”

Medical science knows no such thing as massive numbers of coincidences.  If everything is a coincidence, there cannot be tests. 

What has happened is that Big Pharma and the medical authorities on its payroll and sharing its patents, together with media flush with Big Pharma advertising funds, and politicians flush with Big Pharma campaign contributions, have created a false narrative that covers up the mass murder and health injury caused by an orchestrated “covid pandemic” in which the only people who died from Covid were infected patients denied treatment with Ivermectin and HCQ.

Treatments were prohibited. Otherwise the emergency use authorization of the deadly “vaccine” was impermissible.  Emergency use of an untested vaccine requires no known effective cures.  So the medical establishment declared the known cures to be “horse medicine” dangerous for human use.

With the exception of the world’s leading medical scientists, everyone else seems to accept the totally false official narrative of the “Covid pandemic.”  As I have previously written, the utter insouciance, stupidity, and gullibility of Western peoples mean that they have set themselves up for the next “pandemic” already promised by Bill Gates.

It grows increasingly difficult to be optimistic that the accountability of power can be re-established.

Here is the most important article available about Covid:

There Was No Covid Pandemic.  There Was Orchestrated Mass Murder.

Heed the Voice of Science, not the Voice of Propaganda