Circle the Wagons: The Government Is On the Warpath
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”—Harry S. Truman
How many Americans have actually bothered to read the Constitution, let alone the first ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights (a quick read at 462 words)?
Take a few minutes and read those words for yourself—rather than having some court or politician translate them for you—and you will be under no illusion about where to draw the line when it comes to speaking your mind, criticizing your government, defending what is yours, doing whatever you want on your own property, and keeping the government’s nose out of your private affairs.
In an age of overcriminalization, where the average citizen unknowingly commits three crimes a day, and even the most mundane activities such as fishing and gardening are regulated, government officials are constantly telling Americans what not to do.
Yet it was not always this way.
It used to be “we the people” giving the orders, telling the government what it could and could not do. Indeed, the three words used most frequently throughout the Bill of Rights in regards to the government are “no,” “not” and “nor.”
Compare the following list of “don’ts” the government is prohibited from doing with the growing list of abuses to which “we the people” are subjected on a daily basis, and you will find that we have reached a state of crisis wherein the government is routinely breaking the law and violating its contractual obligations.
For instance, the government is NOT allowed to restrict free speech, press, assembly or the citizenry’s ability to protest and correct government wrongdoing. Nevertheless, the government continues to prosecute whistleblowers, persecute journalists, criminalize expressive activities, crack down on large gatherings of citizens mobilizing to voice their discontent with government policies, and insulate itself and its agents from any charges of wrongdoing (or what the courts refer to as “qualified immunity”).
The government may NOT infringe on a citizen’s right to defend himself. Nevertheless, in many states, it’s against the law to carry a concealed weapon (gun, knife or even pepper spray), and the average citizen is permitted little self-defense against militarized police officers who shoot first and ask questions later.
The government may NOT enter or occupy a citizen’s house without his consent (the quartering of soldiers). Nevertheless, government soldiers (i.e., militarized police) carry out more than 80,000 no-knock raids on private homes every year, while maiming children, killing dogs and shooting citizens.
The government may NOT carry out unreasonable searches and seizures on the citizenry or their possessions, NOR can government officials issue warrants without some evidence of wrongdoing (probable cause). Unfortunately, what is unreasonable to the average American is completely reasonable to a government agent, for whom the ends justify the means. In such a climate, we have no protection against roadside strip searches, blood draws, DNA collection, SWAT team raids, surveillance or any other privacy-stripping indignity to which the government chooses to subject us.
The government is NOT to deprive anyone of life, liberty or property without due process. Nevertheless, the government continues to incarcerate tens of thousands of Americans whose greatest crime is being poor and not white. The same goes for those who are put to death, some erroneously, by a system weighted in favor of class and wealth.
The government may NOT take private property for public use without just compensation. Nevertheless, under the guise of the “greater public interest,” the government often hides behind eminent domain laws in order to allow megacorporations to tear down homes occupied by less prosperous citizens in order to build high-priced resorts and shopping malls.
Government agents may NOT force a citizen to testify against himself. Yet what is the government’s extensive surveillance network that spies on all of our communications but a thinly veiled attempt at using our own words against us?
The government is NOT permitted to claim any powers that are not expressly granted to them by the Constitution. This prohibition has become downright laughable as the government continues to claim for itself every authority that serves to swell its coffers, cement its dominion, and expand its reach.
Despite what some special interest groups have suggested to the contrary, the problems we’re experiencing today did not arise because the Constitution has outlived its usefulness or become irrelevant, nor will they be solved by a convention of states or a ratification of the Constitution.
No, the problem goes far deeper.
It can be traced back to the point at which “we the people” were overthrown as the center of the government. As a result, our supremacy has been undone, our authority undermined, and our experiment in democratic self-governance left in ruins.
No longer are we the rulers of this land. We have long since been deposed and dethroned, replaced by corporate figureheads with no regard for our sovereignty, no thought for our happiness, and no respect for our rights.
In other words, without our say-so and lacking any mandate, the point of view of the Constitution has been shifted from “we the people” to “we the government.” Our taxpayer-funded employees—our appointed servants—have stopped looking upon us as their superiors and started viewing as their inferiors.
Unfortunately, we’ve gotten so used to being dictated to by government agents, bureaucrats and militarized police alike that we’ve forgotten that WE are supposed to be the ones calling the shots and determining what is just, reasonable and necessary.
Then again, we’re not the only ones guilty of forgetting that the government was established to serve us as well as obey us. Every branch of government, from the Executive to the Judicial and Legislative, seems to be suffering this same form of amnesia. Certainly, when government programs are interpreted from the government’s point of view (i.e., the courts and legislatures), there is little the government CANNOT do in its quest for power and control.
We’ve been so brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing that the government is actually looking out for our best interests, when in fact the only compelling interesting driving government programs is maintain power and control by taking away our money and control. This vital truth, that the government exists for our benefit and operates at our behest, seems to have been lost in translation over two centuries dominated by government expansion, endless wars and centralized federal power.
Have you ever wondered why the Constitution begins with those three words “we the people”? It was intended to be a powerful reminder that everything flows from the citizenry. We the people are the center of the government and the source of its power. That “we” is crucial because it reminds us that there is power and safety in numbers, provided we stand united. We can accomplish nothing alone.
This is the underlying lesson of the Constitution, which outlines the duties and responsibilities of government. It was a mutual agreement formed by early Americans in order to ensure that when problems arose, they could address them together.
It’s like the wagon trains of the Old West, comprised of individual groups of pioneers. They rarely ventured out alone but instead traveled as convoys. And when faced with a threat, these early Americans formed their wagons into a tight circle in order to defend against invaders. In doing so, they presented a unified front and provided protection against an outside attack.
In much the same way, the Constitution was intended to work as an institutionalized version of the wagon circle, serving as a communal shield against those who would harm us.
Unfortunately, we have been ousted from that protected circle, left to fend for ourselves in the wilderness that is the American frontier today. Those who did the ousting—the courts, the politicians, and the corporations—have since replaced us with yes-men, shills who dance to the tune of an elite ruling class. In doing so, they have set themselves as the central source of power and the arbiters of what is just and reasonable.
Once again, we’re forced to navigate hostile terrain, unsure of how to protect ourselves and our loved ones from militarized police, weaponized drones, fusion centers, Stingray devices, SWAT team raids, the ongoing military drills on American soil, the government stockpiling of ammunition, the erection of mass detention centers across the country, and all other manner of abuses.
Read the smoke signals, and the warning is clear: the government is on the warpath.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, if we are to have any hope of surviving whatever is coming at us, it’s time to circle the wagons, folks.
The UN Has Come Up With A Shockingly Insidious Plan For Global Domination
Under a shocking new plan that is scheduled to be adopted two months before the U.S. presidential election in 2024, all it would take is some sort of a major “global shock” for the United Nations to literally take authority over the entire planet. I realize that this may sound like the plot to a really bad science fiction movie, but this is actually what is being proposed, and the Biden administration is fully behind this insidious plan. Unfortunately, the mainstream media in the United States is not covering this at all, and so most people have absolutely no idea that this is going on.
An article that was posted by The Federalist first broke this story, and it should be making headline news all over the nation.
But it isn’t.
Next September, global leaders will gather for “the Summit of the Future”, and during that conference UN member states are scheduled to “adopt a Pact for the Future”…
In September 2024, less than two months before the next U.S. presidential election, the United Nations will host a landmark “Summit of the Future,” where member nations will adopt a Pact for the Future. The agreement will solidify numerous policy reforms offered by the U.N. over the past two years as part of its sweeping Our Common Agenda platform.
Although there are numerous radical proposals included in the agenda, perhaps none are more important than the U.N. plan for a new “emergency platform,” a stunning proposal to give the U.N. significant powers in the event of future “global shocks,” such as another worldwide pandemic.
You can read all about “the Summit of the Future” and the “Pact for the Future” on the official UN website right here.
As usual, the UN disguises the most alarming portions of their agenda by surrounding it with language that speaks of the need for “peace”, “education” and economic growth.
But right there on the official UN website they admit that one of the purposes of “the Summit of the Future” is to “put in place a stronger international response playbook for complex global shocks, maximizing the use of the Secretary-General’s convening power in the form of an Emergency Platform”.
So what in the world is this “Emergency Platform” that they are talking about?
Well, a UN policy paper that was published a few months ago contains some very disturbing details…
Many of the details of the U.N. emergency platform were laid out in a March 2023 policy paper titled “Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks — An Emergency Platform.” In the paper, the U.N. secretary-general writes, “I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”
Once triggered, the emergency platform would give the U.N. the ability to “actively promote and drive an international response that places the principles of equity and solidarity at the centre of its work.” The U.N. would bring together the “stakeholders” of the world, including academics, governments, private sector actors, and “international financial institutions” to ensure there is a unified, global response to the crisis.
Umm, no thank you.
If there is some sort of a major “global shock”, the last thing that we should want is for the UN to have the authority “to ensure there is a unified, global response to the crisis”.
So what sort of a “global shock” would activate these emergency powers?
Well, the policy paper tells us that a future pandemic, a “major event in outer space” or even “unforeseen risks” would all qualify…
The paper gives several examples of what could trigger the emergency authority, including “major climatic event,” “future pandemic risks,” a “global digital connectivity disruption,” “major event in outer space,” and generic “unforeseen risks, (‘black swan’ events).”
In other words, whether or not these emergency powers could be used would be open to interpretation.
And it turns out that once these emergency powers have been activated, the UN would have authority to keep extending them indefinitely…
The UN would also reserve the right to extend the emergency as they see fit: Although the duration of the emergency platform would initially be set for a “finite period,” at “the end of that period, the Secretary-General could extend the work of an Emergency Platform if required,” according to the United Nations’ own policy proposal.
So, once enacted, the U.N. could continue to seize control as long as they want, i.e. indefinitely.
This is precisely how Emperor Palpatine took power in the Star Wars movies.
He was granted “emergency powers” by the Senate, and then he never gave them up.
Of course the Biden administration thinks that all of this is just great.
In fact, the administration has already publicly backed this new proposal “on multiple occasions”…
The Federalist report notes that the Biden Administration has backed the proposal on multiple occasions, prompting reporter Justin Haskins to warn that “If the emergency platform is approved, the United States as we know it could cease to exist.”
Please share this information far and wide, because the American people need to understand that this is really happening.
Thankfully, “the Summit of the Future” is not until September 2024, but in September 2023 the “2023 SDG Summit” will be held in New York City.
The following comes from the official UN webpage about this summit…
The 2023 SDG Summit will take place on 18-19 September 2023 in New York. It will mark the beginning of a new phase of accelerated progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals with high-level political guidance on transformative and accelerated actions leading up to 2030.
Convened by the President of the General Assembly, the Summit will mark the half-way point to the deadline set for achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. It will be the centerpiece of the High-level Week of the General Assembly. It will respond to the impact of multiple and interlocking crises facing the world and is expected to reignite a sense of hope, optimism, and enthusiasm for the 2030 Agenda.
We are less than 7 years from 2030, and the UN wants to remind global leaders to keep implementing the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
On the surface, the goals that the UN wants to achieve sound rather harmless, but if you dig into the details you will find that the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals are a blueprint for creating a far-left globalist utopia.
And the centerpiece of that blueprint is a draconian global effort to fight climate change.
As I discussed the other day, thousands of farms in Europe are being purchased and shut down right in the middle of a global food crisis in order to meet climate change goals.
It is madness.
The globalists are already doing so much damage, and now they want us to give the UN unprecedented emergency powers?
Needless to say, giving the globalists even more power won’t lead anywhere good.
If we plan to object to what they are doing, the time to stand up and speak out is now.
Unfortunately, most Americans don’t even realize that any of this is happening, and that is because hardly anyone is even talking about it.
The Intellectual Roots of Techno-Primitivism
The assault on enterprise of the last few years – meaning not the biggest politically connected businesses but smaller ones reflecting vibrant commercial life – has taken very strange forms. Ever since the New York Times said the way forward was to “go Medieval,” the elites have been attempting just that. But this medievalism has not come at the expense of Big Data, Pharma, Ag, or Media. It mainly hits products and services that impact our freedom to buy, trade, travel, associate, and otherwise manage our own lives.
What began in lockdowns mutated into a thousand forms. That continues with daily new outrages. Maybe it’s not random.
We are also still trying to figure out what happened. Consider clothing control in the form of mask mandates. It turns out that they were just getting going. FOIA requests have revealed emails from November 2020 in which National Institutes of Health officials discussed forcing every American to wear N95 respirators for “gaining control of and ultimately extinguishing” Covid, as though that were even possible. If we would all just stop breathing, we wouldn’t get respiratory infections!

It was not really about health care. It was about the exercise of power over the whole population by a tiny elite in the name of science.
Then it mutated to the shots, which government made us get through hook and crook, an experimental medicine we did not need and which was proven neither safe nor effective.
Since those days, other strange things have been unleashed: the campaign to eat bugs, end fossil fuel, abolish wood-burning pizza ovens, impose all-electric ovens and cars, stop air conditioning, owning nothing and being happy with your digital consumption, and even blocking out the sun, while indulging in every farce such as pretending that men can get pregnant.
Many cities are falling apart, abandoned by well-to-do residents and consumed by crime.
It’s all madness but maybe there is rhyme to the reasons for all this?
In August of 2020, Anthony Fauci and his long-time coauthor wrote a piece in Cell that called for “radical changes that may take decades to achieve: rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence, from cities to homes to workplaces, to water and sewer systems, to recreational and gatherings venues.”
They wanted social distancing forever but that was only the start of it. They imagined the dismantling of cities, mass social events, the end of international travel and really all travel, no more owning pets, the end of domesticated animals, and a strange non-pathogenic world that they imagined existed 12,000 years ago.
We can’t go back, they said, but we can “at least use lessons from those times to bend modernity in a safer direction.”
There we have it. Preserve “essential” services (and people) but get rid of everything else. The lockdowns were merely a test case of a new social system. It’s not capitalism. It’s not socialism as we’ve come to understand it. It feels like interwar corporatism but with a twist. The big businesses that gain favor are not heavy industry but digital tech designed to live off scraped data and power the world with sunbeams and breezes.
Grant that there is nothing new under the sun. Whence comes this strange new utopianism?
Three years ago, Matt Kibbe and I recalled that in 1952, F.A. Hayek wrote what became The Counter-Revolution of Science. The idea is that in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, a new conception of science was born, which reversed a previous understanding. Science was not a process of discovery by research but a codified end state known and understood only by an elite. This elite would impose its view on everyone else. Hayek called this “the abuse of reason” because genuine reason defers to uncertainty and discovery while scientism as an ideology is arrogant and imagines it knows what is unknown.
I did not have time to reread the book but Kibbe did. I asked him if Hayek said anything that touched on our current problems. His response: “This book explains everything.”
That’s quite the recommendation. So I dug in. Yes, I had read it years ago but every book from the before times has a different feel and message in the after times.
It is indeed prescient. Hayek explores in great detail the thinkers of the early 19th century – successors to and reversers of the original French Enlightenment – and its origin in the writings and influence of Henri Saint-Simon (1760-1825).
So I went one step further and dug through the writings of this strange thinker. He is today called a socialist but he didn’t call himself that. Indeed, the much-later writings of Karl Marx, which mixed Hegelian dialectics into socialist theory while condemning people like Saint-Simon don’t find many of their roots here. (The Hegelian tradition of left and right statism I discuss here.)
Simply put, Saint-Simon is an elitist but not in the conservative way. He dreamed of a world without privilege of birth or inherited wealth. The aristocracy can be damned for all he cared. He imagined a world of what he called merit but it was no merit by means of hard work and enterprise as such. It was a world run by geniuses or savants who have unusual intellectual gifts. They would comprise the managerial and ruling elite of society.
His preferred system of government would consist of 21 men: “three mathematicians, three physicians, three chemists, three physiologists, three men of letters, three painters, three musicians.”
The council of 21! I’m sure they would get along get great and not be corrupt in the slightest. And they would surely be benevolent!
We would find out who these people are by having votes placed at the grave of Isaac Newton Saint-Simon’s god of choice) and eventually the consensus concerning the elite council would be chosen. They would not be a government as such, at least not as traditionally understood, but elite planners who would use intelligence to shape the whole society the same way that scientists understand and shape the natural world.
You see, to his way of thinking, this is far more rational than having an hereditary aristocracy in charge. And these men would in turn deploy their rationality in service of society, which would be enormously inspired by it, just as MSNBC is so enthused for Dr. Fauci and his friends. Saint-Simon wrote:
“Men of genius will then enjoy a reward worthy of them and of you; this reward will place them in the only position which can provide them with the means of giving you all the services they’re capable of; this will become the ambition of the most energetic souls; it will redirect them from things harmful to your tranquility. By this measure, finally, you will give leaders to those who work for the progress of your enlightenment, you will invest these leaders with immense consideration, and you will place a great pecuniary power at their disposition.”
So there you go: the elite get unlimited power and unlimited money and everyone will aspire to act like these people and this aspiration will improve the whole of society. It reminds me of the pre-modern system in China in which only the best students could enter into the class of the Mandarins, which were the 9 levels of high-ranking officials in Imperial China’s government. Indeed, Saint-Simon invited his followers to “consider yourselves as the governors of the operation of the human mind.”
He imagined “spiritual power in the hands of the savants; temporal power in the hands of the possessors; the power to nominate those called to fulfill the functions of the great heads of humanity, in the hands of everyone.”
Saint-Simon lived a life that oscillated between wealth and poverty, and regretted that condition would befall any man of his genius. So he cobbled together a politics that would protect him and his ilk from the vicissitudes of the market. He wanted a permanent class of bureaucrats that would be completely insulated from the liberal world that had been celebrated only a quarter century earlier by the likes of Adam Smith.
His writings inspired Auguste Comte and Charles Fourier, who agreed that science should assume the mantle of leadership in the social order. The big twist that Engels and Marx gave to this was to christen the leadership as a vanguard that truly understood the plight of the proletariat. They shared in common with Saint-Simon his essential elitism, which of course touched on race.
In one particularly egregious passage, Saint-Simon writes: “teach that the Europeans are the children of Abel; teach that Asia and Africa are inhabited by the posterity of Cain. See how bloodthirsty these Africans are; note the indolence of the Asiatics; after their first efforts, these impure men have striven no more to approach my divine foresight.”
Here was the core of what Hayek called the counterrevolution of science. It was not science but scientism in which freedom for everyone is a hell, geniuses seizing control was the transition, and permanent rule by savants to shape the human mind was heaven on earth.
The best book I’ve seen that captures the essence of this dream is Thomas Harrington’s The Treason of the Experts. They turn out to be not altruists or competent overseers of society but cowardly sadists who rule with career-driven cruelty and refuse to admit when their “science” produces the opposite of their stated goal.
“Scientism” as an ideology is the reverse of science as traditionally understood. It is not supposed to be the codification and entrenchment of an elite class of social managers but rather a humble exploration of all the fascinating realities that make the world around us work. It is not about imposition but curiosity, and not about norms and force but facts and an invitation to look more deeply.
Saint-Simon celebrated science but became the anti-Voltaire. Instead
of freeing the human mind, he and his followers imagined themselves to
be governors of it. Anthony Fauci is indeed a successor among many, and
the strange animal of techno-primitivism is a monster of their creation
that now threatens civilization itself. Putting everyone in a N95
respirator to extinguish a disease is only the beginning. The actual
goal is to become permanent “governors of the operation of the human
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