The CIA’s “Information War” is Now Globalized?
The video above ( video at article address ) features a 1967 CBS special report titled “In the Pay of the CIA: An American Dilemma,”1 hosted by Mike Wallace. It examines how the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was secretly paying students, labour organizations, broadcasting networks and other organizations to do their bidding.
CBS News correspondents interview several of the people who at the time had received secret CIA payments, and the implications these activities have for the American way of life.
Gloria Steinem, for example, who headed the Independent Research Service, was paid by the CIA to send American students to attend and represent American values at communist youth festivals overseas, as was Philip Sherburne, former president of the National Student Association.
A Condensed History
The National Security Act of 1947, signed by President Truman, created the CIA, the National Security Council, the Office of Secretary of Defense and the U.S. Air Force.3 As explained by the Office of the Historian,4 the Act “was a major reorganization of the foreign policy and military establishments of the U.S. government.”
The CIA was an outgrowth of the World War II era Office of Strategic Services and several small post-war intelligence organizations, and as noted by Wallace:
“Since the beginning, the CIA has suffered a personality split, because in addition to intelligence, the Security Act of 1947 orders the CIA to ‘perform other functions and duties as directed by the President and his National Security Council.’ That phrase has become a sort of blank check, authorizing CIA excursions into everything from simple propaganda to the overthrow of unfriendly governments.”
Wallace goes on to explain how the CIA ended up with fingers in so many pies. First, it set up several nondescript nonprofit foundations, the function of which were to funnel taxpayer money from the CIA to other, real foundations involved in real-world philanthropy.
However, in return for CIA funds, these foundations “agreed to become conduits for central intelligence,” and funneled the exact dollar amounts received on to other organizations that, in the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s, joined the CIA’s payroll to promote government-sponsored propaganda.
“The CIA has corrupted the stream of truth, objectivity and academic learning,” Sen. Wayne Morse told CBS News, “and it must be removed from all activities, except the very limited activity of what we know as intelligence activity, the field of spying and espionage.”
Another senator, Eugene McCarthy, was also critical of the CIA’s use of students and church groups to manipulate public opinion. He said that he felt there was “empire building” going on within the CIA — a statement that rings all the more true today.
Sen. John Stennis, member of the CIA Watchdog Subcommittee, defended the CIA’s actions, reminding the CBS audience about the climate in which the agency was founded. In 1954, the U.S. Congress passed a bill outlawing communism, and the CIA was protecting American liberty and democracy.
Former CIA director Allen Dulles defended the agency’s behavior as well, citing the need to manage the threat of communism. The counterargument presented by critics was that by using covert propaganda techniques, the U.S. government was using the same strategies as the enemy, thereby undermining the idea of America being a country dedicated to free speech and the diversity of ideas.
At the end of the day, the overarching message of the CBS News report was that the CIA needed to change with changing times, clean up its act and get out of the covert propaganda business, as its interventions were harming the American image of being a free and open country.
Operation Mockingbird Is Alive and Well
Unfortunately, the CIA was never reined in, and its propaganda activities have only expanded and become more sophisticated over time. The 1976 Church Committee investigation (chaired by Senator Frank Church) exposed how the CIA had corrupted the media by paying journalists to promote the agency’s narratives.
The program, called Operation Mockingbird, was officially dismantled, but while the operational name may have been retired, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest the CIA never discontinued its media influence.5
In fact, we have evidence the CIA is controlling mainstream media to this day, and it is doing so with unprecedented efficiency, as it can now push its narratives out through the three global news agencies, which are responsible for crafting and curating most of the news disseminated worldwide.
The only thing that has changed is the CIA’s narrative. Whereas in the past it was dedicated to undermining communism, today, the CIA is a disinformation fountainhead for an un-elected global Deep State that is hellbent on implementing a technocratic, totalitarian One World Government, the tyranny of which makes communism pale in comparison.
The CIA is now neck-deep in a global psychological operation (psyop) to ensure the successful implementation of The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution — two terms that describe different aspects of the same agenda of enslavement. And the CIA is not alone in this endeavor.
The FBI is also in on the action, as are most of the world’s intelligence agencies. They are all pushing the same Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution narratives, the aim of which is the technocratic control of the global population. That is why we are seeing the same narratives playing all over the world including the Orwellian argument that we must censor to protect democracy.
A New Type of War
While many still have not realized it, we are at war. The aggressors are government intelligence and security agencies that have turned their weapon of choice — information — against their own citizens.
And, while the organizations doing the CIA’s dirty work may have changed, the basic organizational structure is the same as it was in 1967. Taxpayer money gets funneled through various federal departments and agencies into the hands of non-governmental agencies that carry out censorship activities as directed. As recently reported by investigative journalists Alex Gutentag and Michael Shellenberger:6
“The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) are non-governmental organizations, their leaders say.
When they demand more censorship of online hate speech, as they are currently doing of X, formerly Twitter, those NGOs are doing it as free citizens and not, say, as government agents.
But the fact of the matter is that the US and other Western governments fund ISD, the UK government indirectly funds CCDH, and, for at least 40 years, ADL spied on its enemies and shared intelligence with the US, Israel and other governments.
The reason all of this matters is that ADL’s advertiser boycott against X may be an effort by governments to regain the ability to censor users on X that they had under Twitter before Musk’s takeover last November.
Internal Twitter and Facebook messages show that representatives of the US government, including the White House, FBI, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as well as the UK government, successfully demanded Facebook and Twitter censorship of their users over the last several years.”
Censorship by Proxy
What we have now is government censorship by proxy, a deeply anti-American activity that has become standard practice, not just by intelligence and national security agencies but federal agencies of all stripes, including our public health agencies.
September 8, 2023, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s injunction banning the White House, the surgeon general, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FBI from influencing social media companies to remove so-called “disinformation.”7
According to the judges’ decision,8 “CDC officials provided direct guidance to the platforms on the application of the platforms’ internal policies and moderation activities” by telling them what was, and was not, misinformation, asking for changes to platforms’ moderation policies and directing platforms to take specific actions.
“Ultimately, the CDC’s guidance informed, if not directly affected, the platforms’ moderation decisions,” the judges said, so, “although not plainly coercive, the CDC officials likely significantly encouraged the platforms’ moderation decisions, meaning they violated the First Amendment.”
Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier, the U.S. government is not acting alone. Governments around the world and international organizations like the World Health Organization are all engaged in censorship, and when it comes to medical information, most Big Tech platforms are taking their lead from the WHO. And, if the WHO’s pandemic treaty9 is enacted, then the WHO will have sole authority to dictate truth. Everything else will be censored.
YouTube to Ban All Types of Medical ‘Misinformation’
YouTube, for example, which censored medical information that went against CDC guidance during the COVID pandemic, recently announced it is committed to eliminating virtually all medical “misinformation” that contradicts the WHO:10
“While specific medical guidance can change over time as we learn more, our goal is to ensure that when it comes to areas of well-studied scientific consensus, YouTube is not a platform for distributing information that could harm people.
Moving forward, YouTube will streamline dozens of our existing medical misinformation guidelines to fall under three categories – Prevention, Treatment, and Denial.
These policies will apply to specific health conditions, treatments, and substances where content contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO) … Here’s what the framework will look like:
Prevention misinformation: We will remove content that contradicts health authority guidance on the prevention and transmission of specific health conditions, and on the safety and efficacy of approved vaccines. For example, this encompasses content that promotes a harmful substance for disease prevention.
Treatment misinformation: We will remove content that contradicts health authority guidance on treatments for specific health conditions … Examples include content that encourages unproven remedies in place of seeking medical attention for specific conditions, like promoting caesium chloride as a treatment for cancer.
Denial misinformation: We will remove content that disputes the existence of specific health conditions. This covers content that denies people have died from COVID-19 …
In applying our updated approach, cancer treatment misinformation fits the framework — the public health risk is high as cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, there is stable consensus about safe cancer treatments … and it’s a topic that’s prone to misinformation.
Starting today and ramping up in the coming weeks, we will begin removing content that promotes cancer treatments proven to be harmful or ineffective, or content that discourages viewers from seeking professional medical treatment.”
The UN’s War on Misinformation
The United Nations is also deeply engaged in fighting the “‘infodemic’ of misinformation,”11 and has enlisted a cadre of “rapid response” fact checkers to counter undesirable views, wherever they appear.
The UN has also partnered with private businesses, telecommunications companies, civil society groups, media and individual journalists to combat misinformation.
The UN secretary-general António Guterres’ has even gone on record saying “hate speech” is a “weapon of war” that must be brought under control to achieve the UN’s peacekeeping aims. In July 2022, he made the following remarks to the Security Council, clearly demonstrating that the UN views censorship as a necessity for world peace:12
“The United Nations must play a more deliberate role as an information actor in conflict environments. We must be seen as a trusted source of information by providing engaging, factual content, facilitating inclusive dialogue, demanding the removal of harmful speech, calling leaders to account and promoting the voices of peace and unity.”
Just what is “harmful speech”? Why, anything that counters the globalist narrative — “the voices of unity” — of course. In classic Orwellian doublespeak, UN leadership is calling dissent (i.e., “hate speech”) “a weapon of war,” when in reality, censorship is the weapon.
This kind of rhetoric tells you that we are in fact at war, and the public has been declared the enemy of the globalist cabal, the members of which have infiltrated all the key national agencies and international organizations now being used to browbeat us into compliance with a slave agenda.
In the video above, under-secretary-general for the UN’s global communications talks about how “social media is being weaponized to provoke the worst in human nature” (there’s that war lingo again), and how the UN is “pushing Big Tech” to “bring balance to our information systems.”
In other words, Big Tech is being pushed to give the technocrats a battlefield edge by eliminating the “weapons” of everyday people (who greatly outnumber them), namely their voices.
Why Are We Being Censored?
While globalists and technocrats would have you believe that censorship is all about protecting people by making sure everything they see is accurate and truthful, the exact opposite is actually happening. The Deep State players (whether they recognize themselves as belonging to that exclusive club or not) are the ones spreading false information to lull you into compliance with an agenda that is so utterly horrifying that no sane, rational person would ever go along with it.
I’m talking about The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the 2030 Agenda and the One Health agenda. These and several other terms all refer to one comprehensive, worldwide plot to create a global slave society under the rule of a centralized world government run by un-elected technocrats.
Everything we have seen and experienced over the last three years is part of that agenda, including the global push for vaccine mandates. It is no surprise then, to find out that 14 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals involve compulsory vaccinations. As noted in the August 2021 issue of Globalization and Health:13
“Immunization directly impacts health (SDG3) and brings a contribution to 14 out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as ending poverty, reducing hunger, and reducing inequalities. Therefore, immunization is recognized to play a central role in reaching the SDGs, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).”
Nothing is happening by accident. It is all part of a movement toward a global totalitarianism centered on the control and suppression of populations. But to get there, they must control the flow of information. Truth-tellers cannot be tolerated because, again, there are billions of us, and only thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of them.
Once the technocratic system of control is fully in place, 24/7 surveillance and artificial intelligence-driven algorithms will keep people in check, but until then, the globalists need our cooperation to install and implement the prerequisite surveillance and control systems. Keeping people from understanding the big picture is the greatest weapon in their arsenal.
There is also plenty of evidence indicating they’d prefer to have far fewer of us around, and preventing you from accessing truthful information about health and medicine will ensure you get and stay sick (which is profitable for them) and ultimately die sooner rather than later (which is the goal).
Once you understand the grand plan, you can see how it’s being implemented in stages, and why all this censorship is needed, from their point of view. At that point you have a decision to make: Go along with their program to own you and all of your descendants, in perpetuity, or take ownership of your own life and peacefully move in the opposite direction, toward decentralized, uncensored, privacy-based systems of all kinds.
The Horrifying Secret Agenda of the UN and WHO: Total Enslavement of Humanity Through a “Global Health Dictatorship”
The official concluding statements by the UN and WHO at the completion of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York regarding the High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response are summarized as follows:
United Nations
The high-level meeting on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response will focus on the theme: “Creating and maintaining political momentum and solidarity for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response“. Plenary Segment: Statements by Member States and members of the United Nations specialized agencies.Issued on 20 Sept 2023.
WHO statement on the high-level meeting on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response:
The World Health Organization welcomed today’s historic commitment shown by global leaders, at the UNGA, to strengthen the international cooperation, coordination, governance, and investment needed to prevent a repeat of the devastating health and socioeconomic impact caused by COVID-19, make the world better prepared for future pandemic, and get back on track to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
“The first-ever head of state summit on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response is a historic milestone in the urgent drive to make all people of the world safer, and better protected from the devastating impacts of pandemics,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “I welcome this commitment by world leaders to provide the political support and direction needed so that WHO, governments and all involved can protect people’s health and take concrete steps towards investing in local capacities, ensuring equity and supporting the global emergency health architecture that the world needs.”
The political declaration, approved by Mr Dennis Francis, President of the 78th United Nations General Assembly (2023), and the result of negotiations under the able leadership of Ambassadors Gilad Erdan of Israel and Omar Hilale of Morocco, underscored the pivotal role played by WHO as the “directing and coordinating authority on international health,” and the need to “commit further to sustainable financing that provides adequate and predictable funding to the WHO, which enables it to have the resources needed to fulfil its core functions.”Issued on 20 Sept 2023
Neither the UN nor the WHO statement mentions the number of world leaders or heads of state, who approved the crucial WHO documents, the severely revised (more than 90 points of revision) International Health Regulations (IHR), including the Pandemic Treaty – which is actually no longer a treaty, as it is planned to ram it through during the next World Health Assembly (WHA) in May 2024 – making the new IHR effective without a vote. See full interview with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger here.
Since there are no official accounts from these “behind closed-door” UN / WHO meetings, we can rely only on “hearsay”, according to which there were several member states who abstained and others who objected to the revised IHR. Among the objectors was apparently the Russian Federation. See this.
The Mike Adams interview of Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger (26 September 2023) about the coming (planned) health dictatorship by the UN and WHO juxtaposes the official UN / WHO statements.
There is nothing constructive, nothing the world might want to look forward to that came out of these secret meetings, debates. Secretive, like a death cult, planning a worldwide genocide run as part of the “new” WHO / UN Agenda.
Imagine where the world has gone? And where the full UN Agenda 2030 is planning to take us?
With a corrupted UN system, with a World Health Organization that is no longer looking after the population’s health and disease, but is promoting death.
And that on a worldwide basis. All governments – more than 190 national governments, have all been coopted, corrupted coerced and outright threatened – if they do not go along and lie to the people who supposedly elected them, and if they do not betray the trust and the (tax) money these people have confided in them – people’s funds that also pay for the government bureaucrats generally generous wages.
Here are some of the key points Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger made during the BOMBSHELL interview. For courageously speaking out since the beginning of the outbreak of this criminal plandemic, Dr. Stuckelberger has been a beacon for truth. In response, the University of Geneva cut off all her courses and deprived her of her faculty position.
She is also otherwise threatened and coerced, often censored – to no avail: Astrid keeps speaking out, to spread the truth as far and widely as possible – so that people eventually may wake up – stand up – and stop obeying. Non obedience is everyone’s right.
Here are some of the highlights of Dr. Stuckelberger’s interview:
When during the organization’s earlier times, WHO stood for protecting the lives of the elderly and children, today WHO is promoting suicide for older people and forced killer vaccination for children.
WHO is eliminating staff – scientists, doctors, and researchers, who are ethical and true experts, replacing them with people who are no experts, unethical and corrupt.
WHO programs on food, nutrition or basic sanitation, have morphed into programs that are largely overseeing the extermination of people on planet earth, rather than promoting the health of people.
In the 1990s WHO was still warning about the dangers of 5G microwaves, the negative effects of holding the phone to your ear… how it affected the brain — no longer. These warnings have been eliminated from the WHO’s website. This is part of accelerating elimination of old age people and of dumbing the brains of children and young adults.
Also, WHO warned of the danger building 5G antennas on school buildings – as the effect on human brains and the development of human brains is devastating – this warning too, has disappeared from WHO’s website.
Around the year 2000, the private sector, with lobbies came into effect – and Bill Gates put his foot in WHO’s door. In 2012 he was literally in charge of WHO’s vaccination / immunization programs.
Today, WHO alone has a monopoly on all that concerns health – it is a tyrannical dictate – and is followed by severe censoring, including with punishment for those who do not follow the mandate. UN Secretary General, António Guterres, is echoing what WHO is doing, by promoting censorship [banning “fake news”], and digitizing health information – with a monopoly for WHO.
But WHO alone cannot control the world, as Ministers of Health, usually countries’ representatives at the World Health Assembly, may not agree with some dictates and they must listen to their governments [though, most of which have been corrupted], they need an overarching body to assure full compliance, the United Nations.
Therefore, the UN will claim the overall right of controlling censorship as well as dictates on health, i.e., vaccination / programs on immunization, delegated to WHO — no questions asked, all with the objective of massively reducing the world population, an objective which has been on the political drawing board since the 1970s.
the Kissinger Report published in 1974, in the year following the U.S.
sponsored military coup in Chile (September 11, 1973).
WHO is the door to the most sensitive and vulnerable points in our lives: life and death, health and disease. It is the entry to their – the Beast’s – biotech neuro-weapon which is the so-called injection vaccine – and they want to roll out untold thousands of new types of vaccines, billions to be administered over the coming years – a perpetual program, feeding into the UN Agenda 2030 – to help accomplish the “17 Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG).
The first paragraph of the preparedness on pandemic prevention response, refers to the constant and repeated danger of covid and covid-related pandemics… triggering an eternal fear, as covid has been enshrined in the brains of the people as THE potentially death-bringing pandemic and danger.
They are generating constant fear with something that didn’t even exist, that has never been analyzed scientifically, never been isolated in laboratories, nor with the instruments of WHO — it’s always about infections, because you cannot see them (the viruses), and people do not know.
WHO along with the (bought) media is a psychological terrorist organization.
Under the new declaration WHO is becoming a permanent fear campaign mechanism, with the overarching worldwide tyrannical authority to demand “preventive” quarantine even against the policies of individual sovereign countries, and they are implementing them enforced by police and military – which country governments must obey, under threat.
But, says Astrid, “the Beast is losing power, because we are becoming more conscious, waking up and resisting.
The revised IHR and the Pandemic Convention – yes, it is not a treaty, as it will be adopted, not even voted on.
That is the imposition by the UN – sponsored, or imposed by the US. The IHR / Pandemic Convention will be adopted by the WHA in May 2024, without a vote. And during this UNGA 2023, WHO and its public (mainly the White House) and private (mainly the pharma-industry) sponsors are asking for the blessing of the UN; and “they” received the blessing of the UN.
Australia is already training their police and military to enforce mandated vaccinations – ramming in doors of family homes and making sure that schools comply with the vaxx-orders.
They want to get rid of children for depopulating the world – and of course of elderly people, who are not contributing to the economy, but using state money [that they contributed to] for living in retirement (pensions) – whom Klaus Schwab’s Israeli adviser, Yuval Noah Hariri, calls, “useless eaters”.
That is why former President Trump has already said, if he will be reelected President, he would propagate homeschooling.
WHO is run by McKinsey Consulting – Dr. Stuckelberger has seen the contract – and by the bought media.
They, “the Beast”, will invent a public emergency, either “natural” or a plandemic of a monster epidemic, to spread fear and lock people down.
They are rolling out a plan, to lock people down, they want the vaxx back – it is already visible from the media.
[In India a new pandemic has already been declared, with compulsory masks. An outbreak of Nipah virus (NiV) has been confirmed in India. Six cases of Nipah, including two deaths, have been reported – see video below (Annotation by PK)]
Three major corporate media outlets control the world:
- AP = American Press;
- AFP = French Press; and
- Reuters.
They are paid to lie. They cannot be believed, but they distribute their news to all local mainstream media, which must report almost verbatim the going narrative.
We must create our own counter-media – like what you are doing, referring to Mike Adams and others, to spread the truth and let people know what is going on.
They – “the Beast” — are doing whatever they can with the help of the governments, which are no longer YOUR governments. Today’s governments across the globe are coerced to do what “the Beast” wants them to do, either by buying them or by threat.
They will create anything to maintain the level of fear, even the plague is a possibility.
All they need to do is create a fake disease in one city, and then declare it a pandemic – and all that comes with the pandemic — lockdowns, ramming in doors for forced vaccinations also in schools, a fear-based tyranny – where people will obey…. But will they? (Annotation PK)
Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future
The “Havana Syndrome” is one of the brain manipulations – first appeared in 2016 in the US and Canadian Embassies in Havana, Cuba. Since then, the syndrome has occurred in many other places – in Beijing, Moscow, Serbia…
We humans emit waves – “love waves” as well as “anger waves” – our moods are expressed in electromagnetic waves.
Controlled opposition talking about viruses, covid, mRNA, PCR-test, the vaccination that all may come back… that is their plan – the Beast’s plan, the perpetuation of an absolute fraud.
Mike Adams:
“We are seeing the complete perversion of science which will destroy the credibility of science and medicine. – There is no isolate of SARS-Covid-2, has never been – it is a total fraud.”
“While the next plandemic is being rolled out – and more and more people are being victimized by this fraud – genocide is unfolding in front of us.”
We, the People, cannot let that happen; we must win this war
These are the paraphrased final words of Astrid Stuckelberger –
“We are gonna have a tough wave of time now, this may last for 6 months a year… who knows. So, take good care of yourself. If you are knowledgeable, you are better prepared for what may come – and take care of the elderly and the kids. I am worried about the children. They are gonna go after the children…”
“There is already a warning: in Norway, they must vaccinate all the young people… Take No Vaccine whatsoever, they are trying to sell you all sorts of common vaccines – don’t take them, they are all fake mRNA vaccines….”