Wednesday, March 18, 2009

SC88-4 /

The United States Of Corruption

The AIG hearings of today are just the latest installment of the ongoing mass corruption being perpetrated on the American Public from elites that have no conscience or sense of morality. CEO of AIG Liddy was asked today about future repayment of the 175 billion that this fraudulent company has so far been given. He said that first the Federal Reserve would be payed back when/and if AIG gets stable, and then the TARP billions would be paid. So the Federal Reserve gets paid first, and not the American Public who supposedly now own 80 percent of AIG. Liddy later said, " Everything we do, we do in partnership with the Federal Reserve ". It has come out today the the FED has know about the AIG bonuses long before the rising angst about all of this in the last two days. AIG is being kept alive because it is an important tool of the FED, through which billions of taxpayer money is funneled through it, as it is the insurer of most of the Big Banksters created toxic debt fiasco.

The FED is not a part of the US goverment, they are huge privately owned central Banksters. This entity ( the FED ) illegally came into being in 1913, and now they have growing ( almost total ) control over US economic policy. The elites that comprise this entity serve their own interest, and not that of the American public. Just today on MSNBC a government official was heard to say, " The Federal Reserve and Ben Bernake are in control of whats going forward in this economy ". Late last year the FED gave itself new sweeping powers of control over the US economy after it ( in the person of Hank Paulson ) told US government officials that if the FED wasn't allowed these powers, the US economy would desinigrate and very likely martial law would be declared in the US. Where have the multiple trillions of taxpayer money gone? Who got the money? What has it accomplished ? The people who know, the FED, are not talking and haven't disclosed to date any details. The FED is a criminal enterprise, a Godzilla sized parasite sucking the life blood out of the American economy. Kashkari, the FED mini me minion who was appointed to oversee the TARP 700 billion was asked recently about who are the counter parties receiving the bailout money. His response, " I don't understand your question ". Why should he answer, the FED is in control, not the American Public.

Timothy Geitner was the head of the New York FED before being appointed to the US treasurer position. Geitner is a FED man however without a doubt. The fact that he holds this treasurer government position makes no differance, he's working for the FED, not the American Public. Why is he still working with a skeleton staff this long after the election. Very convenient not to have more people looking over his shoulders as he continues to do the FED,s nefarious business. While everyone is focused on the relatively smaller corrupt issues of stuff like the AIG bonuses and Madoff the Ponzi King the FED is looting and pillaging the public coffers to the tune of many multiple trillions of dollars. You, your children, and their children are being put on the hook for all of these frauds in the form of a skyrocketing public debt. Just today the FED is pumping 1.1 trillion more of public money into the fray to help wash away some more ( a small percentage ) of the toxic investment sludge the banksters created in the first place. The Banksters are getting bailed out, and the public is getting screwed.

The public rage is rising quickly now and why not. These scumbag elites financiers and corportate criminals have been scamming the American public on a ongoing basis for many decades with the rigged economic systems they have put in place and a brutal reckoning is long overdue. CEO Liddy spoke today of an e-mail to their company speaking of piano wire and the fraudulent criminals getting what their due. For all they have done to the American Public, I hope the Karma payback for these corrupt criminals is severe and painful ( mentally and otherwise ) for those involved with these massive frauds.

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