Thursday, August 15, 2013


Obama’s New Cold War

Well folks, it’s official! The new cold war between Russia and the USA has commenced. It was declared by Obama himself in several news conferences this week.

Obama holds pre-vacation news conference, laments ‘backward’ Russian thinking

Obama Compares Russia’s President Putin to a Bored Kid

Obama: U.S. Pausing To Reassess Relations With Russia

Is this guy for real? Is this the “pause” that refreshes or a stagnation in a long drawn-out slushy thaw that refreezes? Is it not obvious who is the pouty fat kid picking his nose in the back of the classroom? The warrior mentality that has infected much of our country and our corporate policy is now solidly embedded in the political infrastructure of this hegemony. If anyone dares to have an alternative opinion or point of view regarding our behavior, or demonstrates policies we find distasteful (i.e., not in our elites best interests), well then we are ready to cast them as the enemy and proceed directly with crucifixion. A very Roman behavior, don’t you think?

Again, I say, the self-righteous extremism of such an attitude is overwhelming. And when the present hegemon was asked during a press conference if Mr. Snowden was a “patriot” he answered:

‘I don’t think Mr. Snowden was a patriot,’ Obama said…’The fact is, is that Mr. Snowden’s been charged with three felonies…’

Really, you don’t say. And just who was it that saw he was charged with said felonies Mr. Obomber? You and your Justice Department; is that not correct? And why did you take away his passport if you believed he had the right to prove his rectitude, not his innocence because he committed no crime but simply disclosed the most illegal and heinous of actions committed by our government and its corporate oligarchs? Did you not already label him guilty, as charged? Do you not see how your entire administration along with the controlling media propaganda machine have already found him guilty? Have you become so blind to your own selfish ambitions that you fail to see a real community activist in the flesh before your eyes? Are you so profoundly in bed with your corporate benefactors that any attempt to unveil the charade you all are playing-for- keeps is punishable by death? Or by life in political prison?… prisons themselves privatized and run by your own corporate goon squads, the same goons who are up-armored in your police forces and rent-a-warrior camos that soak the American taxpayer, while protecting big corporate interests abroad, and your beloved elite lifestyle at home, while the rest of the citizenry – those unwashed masses – sweat and toil so that you, your monied sponsors (overlords), and your cronies, can keep this party going until the entire globe is fucked?

What nerve you have, sir, to belittle Vladimir Putin for making a decision of conscience just because it is at odds with your own imperial plans, and embarrasses you, just as Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and others have embarrassed you over the past six years. Is there no introspection of which you are capable? Are you nothing but surfaces, without any interior? It is a rhetorical question, sir. Of course you are without substance… just a smiley face, a pitchman, there to do the bidding of those robbing the world of its beauty and people of their lives and livelihood. You have finally done all Americans a huge favor… you have disclosed without a shred of embarrassment the vacuousness of the American presidency, the sham of our political system, and the concept of democracy in general… and you have accomplished all of this in record time, just six years. The constitutional lawyer has shredded the beloved Constitution; or to put a finer point on it sir, you have shown us – shown the world – that the US Constitution is nothing, of no more significance than any other corporate policy statement; that it was so constructed (as are all laws and policies) simply to protect the property of those who wrote them; that it is capable (as are all laws) of being reinterpreted by the whim and fancy of any corporate lawyer or constitutional law professor to fit whatever the exigencies of the moment demand; to make it amenable to the needs and desires of those in power, without regard for the citizenry, other peoples or the planet.

Whether its fracking the crap out of the earth just to prop up the semblance of empire, rerouting and downing another sovereign’s plane to satisfy your curiosity, calling your counterpart in Russia names, stirring up international rebellions to get better control of global resources and markets for your corporate bosses, assassinating American citizens abroad or terrorizing them at home with your constant drone-ing, surveillance, and militarized police forces, killing innocents in Pakistan to satisfy your godly aspirations, allowing your thieving bankers to go unmolested while continuing to run your casino economy operation, you have shown us how to do it while remaining aloof and as smug as an ass, even denying that Mr. Snowden’s whistle-blowing was in any way a causal factor in your decision to revamp the NSA surveillance programs. And you still call him a traitor, while dissing Putin for protecting him. Enjoy your new cold war, sir, and enjoy your political debauchery while still in office; I am sure the next clown will do no better.

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