Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The Heat Is On!

The forces of command and control that underpin and reinforce the corporate state are more evident daily across the globe and across the nation. Eric Snowden’s retreat to the protective umbrella of Moscow, Julian Assange’s forced confinement in Ecuador’s London Embassy, trumped-up charges of bio-terror in Oklahoma, and now these pathetic-looking students from Arapahoe High School evacuating their building after a non-fatal shooting on campus with only the suspect shooter dead by his own hand. Hands raised high like suspected perps guarded closely by up-armored and well-armed militarized riot police. Well, certainly we understand the need for control, because the citizenry has gone beserk, buckling under the mounting constraints of a system designed to make them stand and deliver or die trying. What happens in a pressure cooker?

As the earth heats up through Anthropogenically-induced climate change, as habitats become less habitable and hospitable, as the oceans continue to acidify and ecological crises mount, as the air becomes thinner and harder to breathe for lack of oxygen, and clean drinking water more expensive to purchase, so too the human inhabitants will begin to chafe, buckle and resist the systems and controls designed to enforce a legalistic-syllogistic ordering so precariously placed onto a deconstructed organic world long ago re-ordered according to the needs of hierarchy.

We are living the apocalyptic moment, my friends. But it has crept up on us slowly and stealthily, covertly and without much fanfare. It has surrounded us, engulfed us, and is swallowing us within itself. It is Leviathan. And the ‘war of all against all’ is now in full battle mode and charging forward.

The guys with the most advanced weaponry and the coolest armor will do whatever it takes, whatever is necessary, to win, to keep the chattel under control as the pressure cooker heats up. That is the way of progress, advancement, of competition, of domination, the capitalist way; the way of this world we have willingly or not created with one another.

Is it possible that this garment of civilization fits just a ‘scoch’ too tight? Perhaps the pilgrim’s progress has just led him down the wrong road; a road to perdition. And it seems as though there is no turning back now. Perhaps we can incentivize a slowdown, but a downright about face is inconceivable at this juncture…. the show must go on! and on, and on!

It is strange, nay! sick, how we have been told that children should not watch violent movies because it just makes them violent… teaching them to accept it as a condition of ‘life.’ Yet we spread violence systematically around the world, recruiting our very youth to dish it out; and further, we provide them with video games of destruction and death-dealing in preparation for the same video-stick controlled death-dealing they deliver on our behalf from their hidden military and CIA consoles via drone and missile deployment.

The more we compete for scarce resources within a finite environment in a zero-sum game of winner take all, the more brutal we become individually and collectively as a people. Just look around you folks, the signs are written even on the subway walls and tenement halls. Progress, expansion, acquisitiveness, accumulation, the society of the Spectacle, these are the conditions underlying and aggravating our entrance into this brave new world of perpetual violence. We have not only left the garden; we’ve torched the whole damn thing and adamantly believe it was our god-given right, our destiny, to do so. And so we limp along with an absurd Darwinian faith that the strongest among us will somehow survive while the Others, the weak ones will perish. But, so much for such evolutionary thinking. The survival of the fittest, my ass! It is not the fittest that survive, but the sickest, those who cunningly hijacked the planet, claimed divine right and manifest destiny over the beasts of field and sea.

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We’re so glad you could attend
Come inside! Come inside!
There behind a glass is a real blade of grass
be careful as you pass.
Move along! Move along!

Come inside, the show’s about to start
guaranteed to blow your head apart
Rest assured you’ll get your money’s worth
The greatest show in Heaven, Hell or Earth.
You’ve got to see the show, it’s a dynamo.
You’ve got to see the show, it’s rock and roll ….

Right before your eyes we pull laughter from the skies
And he laughs until he cries then he dies then he dies

It’s only the beginning, my friends! Only the beginning!

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