Saturday, February 15, 2014


Demonizing Putin and Villainizing Russia

As an American living most of his time in western Siberia, east of Moscow by some three thousand kilometers, tucked away near the foot of the Altai Mountains abutting Mongolia and Kazakhstan, I have a unique vantage point from which to assess, and a different perspective on the Russia-bashing we have been witness to in the Western media, not just recently with the Sochi Olympics (although most notably there), but really as a non-stop flood of shitty-reporting since the fabled Wall came tumbling down decades ago.

Our conglomerate corporate media moguls, particularly in Britain and the USA, continue to craft narratives that drive not only the Grand Spectacle of our Western lives, but also shape all perceptions west of Moscow (and increasingly even in Moscow and the East).

I know that the naïve patriots among us will sing as follows; ‘but of course our story is shaping perceptions around the globe, that is because our narrative is rich and healthy and good.’ But, us realists will quickly and cynically point out that this patriotic (and self-delusional) narrative really only benefits a select few among us, even in our beloved HOMELAND, while depleting global resources, fouling air and water, eviscerating land, destroying indigenous lifeways, and leading the earth to an apocalyptic climatic (and climactic) expiration date.

The really suspicious among us will ask further; ‘Was the Pussy Riot incident a covertly managed Western affair meant to embarrass Putin, the Kremlin, and the Russian cultural traditions (viz., the Orthodox Church)?’ And, alternatively, ‘Was the political uprising against Putin during the elections the result of Western influence, financed and staffed by NGO’s operating covertly to drum up political angst against the new arch-enemy of Uncle Sam?’ Indeed, creating a tangible enemy where none existed; and this, perhaps due to our grand failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, not to mention Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, etc.

Our narratives, moreover, appear ever more conspiratorial in nature, reflecting an uncanny allegiance with and lockstep adherence to the official narrative of the emerging American imperial hegemony, with its alphabet soup of secreted and militaristic services engaged in a unipolar war of global domination and planetary destruction… all under the false-flag slogan of spreading democracy and freedom round the world, when all they are really interested in is spreading-out and making more living-room for the fatuous and gluttonous lifestyles of the uber-rich, the spectacularly famous among the elect Western oligarchy and its entourage.

More often than not, when it comes to Russia bashing, President Putin lies at the heart of these ad-hominim attacks. We hear constantly about how evil he is; that he was the man from the KGB and now has brought that secretive mentality under his political control, engendering a totalitarian state. We hear about his defense of the Assad regime, and his close ties to Iran, along with his attacks on poor Georgia and the idiot Saakashvilli, along with his alleged attempts to take back control of Ukraine. But, where do we see totalitarianism really trending? Why, in Amerika, of course. Drone attacks on civilians abroad, presidential kill lists, unrestricted and unabashed monitoring, data collection, and snooping not only on all US citizens, but also world leaders, together with the covert activities of the NSA, FEMA, TSA, CIA, FBI, ATF, and a host of other secreted agencies tucked away in Washington’s hidden portfolio. Indeed, perhaps it is Washington that has covert designs on Ukraine!

" Any doubts about the Obama administration’s real intentions in Ukraine should have been dispelled by the recently revealed taped conversation between a top State Department official, Victoria Nuland, and the US ambassador in Kiev. The media predictably focused on the source of the “leak” and on Nuland’s verbal “gaffe”—“Fuck the EU.” But the essential revelation was that high-level US officials were plotting to “midwife” a new, anti-Russian Ukrainian government by ousting or neutralizing its democratically elected president—that is, a coup. [Distorting Russia]"

And, of course, the Western media is quick to gaffe at the $50+BB expenditure that went into preparing for the Sochi Olympics. They will talk about graft, skimming, payoffs, greed, Putin and his friends, and crazy give-aways. Like we have seen none of that here in the good ole’ USA. Right! Well, Russia is a large country covering twelve time zones… at almost twice the size in landmass of the USA. The infrastructure throughout this country is less developed, more primitive, more ‘make-do’ than it is finished (according to spectacular Western tastes). In part this is due to its size, in part its geography, in part its harsh climate, in part cultural tradition, and in part past Soviet policies and decisions. But, as a recent blogger rightfully pointed out, substantial infrastructure work was needed in and around Sochi, just to provide suitable access to the venues for all the Western visitors and press. It is part and parcel of the cultural transformation, the Westernization, the gentrification of Russia! Like it or not!

But, we know those media complaints are themselves another false flag, another distraction from the real agenda, the real enemy in our midst… the US government, with its secret agencies, its covert spying on its “free” citizens, its militarized security forces, its hegemonic designs for a New American Century. There is nothing this growing hegemony will not do to achieve its ends… the protection of the lifestyles of the rich and infamous.

Russia is not the real problem in today’s world. The USA is the problem. Our lifestyle and our propaganda first germinated and then forced the eruption of of radicalized self-interest, greed, graft, and the competitive winner-take-all-and-fuck-the-rest-of-you attitude we now find growing and in full flower increasingly throughout the Russian Federation. Putin himself may only be a victim himself of this growing and gnawing Western infiltration. He is not the culprit, but merely a hapless recipient of the propaganda and its generous beneficence to the rich and powerful.

The political goons and fakir running the USA (black, white or otherwise), along with their hyperventilating neotenous (juvenile or developmentally arrested), militaristic corporate overseers, have one plan in mind; demonize and villainize Putin and destroy Russia. But then again, it is only a smokescreen intended to cover-up the creeping global tentacles of BIG BROTHER AMERIKA!! It is part of the planned spectacle to keep us citizens enthralled, to crusade religiously and search out the OTHER, the ALIEN, defining him as the ENEMY, because we have nothing positive to offer this world except divisiveness, hatred, violence, war, death, and planetary annihilation. Is anyone sick of the narrative yet?

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