Beyond Orwell and Huxley: Brave New World Unfolding? Compulsory Vaccination, Digital Passports?
Today’s brave new world may be heading in directions beyond what Orwell and Huxley imagined.
It’s facilitated by made-in-the USA covid and economic collapse.
For ordinary Americans, it created worse hard times than during the Great Depression.
It’s facilitating the greatest ever wealth transfer from most people to the privileged few.
It’s part of a grand scheme for transforming the US and other Western states into ruler-serf societies.
Covid is another form of seasonal flu/influenza, an annual epidemic in the US and elsewhere that affects millions of people.
It comes and goes like clockwork without mass hysteria fear-mongering, partial or full shutdowns causing mass unemployment, mask-wearing that does more harm than good, and social distancing.
All of the above with likely more on the way seems more like a Hollywood horror film than reality.
Interventionist hawks comprising the Biden/Harris regime’s national security team likely means escalated militarism and endless wars over the next four years while vital homeland needs go begging — along with all of the above.
The World Economic Forum-promoted Great Reset may be on the way — a scheme promoted executive chairman Klaus Schwab.
Paul Craig Roberts called him an “insane tyrant,” his scheme intended to “end…human autonomy, (facilitated by) implantable microchips (to control) our bodies and brains.”
It aims to control and exploit ordinary people so privileged ones can benefit more than already.
It’s a dystopian nightmare — wrapped in deceptive equitable socioeconomic rhetoric.
Neoliberal harshness expanded a large-scale underclass in the US and West.
Great Reset planners intend expanding it further toward their goal — ruler/serf societies in the West and worldwide.
Digital health passports may be part of their scheme to facilitate hazardous mass vaxxing.
Will they be required for employment, attending school, air travel, other public transportation, hotel reservations, restaurant dining, in-store shopping, attending a sporting event, and other social interactions?
Will daily lives and routines no longer be possible without proof of covid immunity?
Will what was inconceivable not long ago become reality ahead?
Will something similar to what Britain’s Boris Johnson has in mind be on the way?
Despite unreliable PCR tests that produce false positives and negatives time and again — rendering them useless — Johnson aims to start mass-testing.
He wants to “identify people who are (covid) negative…who are not infectious so we can allow them to behave in a more normal way, in the knowledge they cannot infect anyone else.”
Will he require a health passport for Brits to resume daily life — which includes mass-vaxxing?
Rushed development of hazardous to human health covid vaccines are close to being rolled out.
Is something similar to what’s planned in Britain coming to the US and other Western societies — a brave new world more unfit to live in than already?
On Friday, Children Health Defense chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. said the following about Pfizer and Moderna covid vaccines:
Will “a significant percentage of people who are going to get the vaccine…get sicker than they would from covid…?”
Moderna vaccine development showed “100% of the people had some side effects, many of them mild.”
But “20% of the high-dose test subjects had serious side effects.”
“(W)e have to ask ourselves (if it’s) better to get covid, at least for most age groups, then it is to get the vaccine?”
On his Children’s Health Defense website, Kennedy discussed a New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) mass-vaxxing strategy.
It recommends voluntary use initially. If “unsuccessful,” mandate it, adding:
“(P)rinciples of public health ethics support trying less burdensome policies before moving to more burdensome ones.”
Voluntary vaxxing “should be limited to a matter of weeks” — followed by federal and state legislation that mandates it.
Noncompliance should incur “substantial penalties…(like) employment suspension or stay-at-home orders.”
According to Kennedy, authors of the NEJM article are connected to the (Bill) Gates Foundation, a leading promoter of mass-vaxxing.
The NEJM’s “article is a revealing — and horrifying — blueprint for Pharma’s imposition of mandates that could require hundreds of millions of reluctant Americans to submit to a risky medical procedure with poorly-tested, ineffective, zero-liability vaccines,” Kennedy explained, adding:
“The NEJM has once again confirmed its former editor Marcia Angell’s warning that this once renowned journal has devolved into a propaganda vessel for Pharma.”
Other than diabolical brave new world plotters, who could have imagined earlier what’s unfolding in real time now.
Air travel may be affected early in the new year.
According to the International Air Transport Association’s Nick Careen:
IATA is “in the final development phase (of a) digital passport” to show if international travelers were vaccinated against covid.
IATA will urge all international carriers to adopt what the association is promoting.
Will domestic carriers in the US, West and elsewhere go the same way?
Will federal and local governments, businesses, and operators of whatever involves public interactions follow suit?
If voluntary compliance with covid vaxxing doesn’t work, will mandating it be implemented?
Is a draconian new way of life on the way under hardened police state rules?
Mass nonviolent resistance is the only alternative, pushing back against what no just societies would tolerate.
Brave Vandana Shiva Speaks Out Against the Great Reset

Organic radical inspiration Vandana Shiva has been couragely speaking out against the insidious ‘Great Reset’ being sprung on us by Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the rest of the global capitalist elite.
She warns in a new interview that “The Great Reset is about maintaining and empowering a corporate extraction machine and the private ownership of life”. (1)
Shiva has lately been drawing particular attention to the insidious role of Bill Gates in the technocrats’ assault on food and nature.
In October 2020 she warned:
“With his philanthro-imperialism, Gates is emerging as the Columbus of the digital age, the New Monsanto pushing failed GMOs and trying to introduce new GMOs based on gene editing”. (2)
Gates’ nefarious activity is the subject of a special report produced by Navdanya, the seed and food sovereignty movement founded by Shiva in 1987. (3)
Shiva commented:
“We have seen the Green Revolution and the industrial agriculture model fail, wiping out forests, transforming the land into a monoculture, causing pollution and illness, destroying natural resources and livelihoods. And it is now a major contributor of climate change and species and biodiversity extinction.
“In spite of this, while we are looking at better ways to farm, Gates has pushed the Green Revolution in Africa. He seems too impatient to look at the complexity of the natural world and biodiversity. He’s taking control of the worlds’ seed banks, pushing failed GMOs that we had rejected in India to other countries, taking control of gene traits through gene editing, and driving extinction through gene drives”. (4)
Shiva has also been strongly critical of The Great Reset, the global technocratic corporate coup promoted by Gates’ friend and associate Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.
She told Jeremy Loffredo of The Defender:
“The Great Reset is about multinational corporate stakeholders at the World Economic Forum controlling as many elements of planetary life as they possibly can. From the digital data humans produce to each morsel of food we eat”. (5)
Shiva accused the WEF of “parading fake science” with its emphasis on GM food, lab-made proteins and pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals as “sustainable solutions”.
She added that “for Mr Schwab to promote these technologies as solutions proves that The Great Reset is about maintaining and empowering a corporate extraction machine and the private ownership of life”. (6)
Schwab’s WEF has partnered with an organization called EAT Forum, closely linked to the pharmaceutical industry.
Said Shiva:
“EAT’s proposed diet is not about nutrition at all, it’s about big business and it’s about a corporate takeover of the food system.
“EAT’s uniform global diet will be produced with western technology and agricultural chemicals. Forcing this onto sovereign nations by multinational lobbying is what I refer to as food imperialism”. (7)
Our updated profile of Vandana Shiva can be found here.
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