Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed
As anyone who's been paying attention will know, Imperial College London played a key role in providing the justification for the scamdemic hysteria and Oxford University played a key role in providing the "solution" to that problem.
Specifically, as you'll recall from Who Is Bill Gates?, it was the Imperial College COVID-19 Research Team that issued a report on March 16th, 2020, predicting the deaths of up to 500,000 Britons and 2.2 million Americans unless strict government measures were put in place, and it was this (completely erroneous) report—along with a similarly alarmist model from the Gates-funded Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation—that was used to justify the first round of lockdowns in the US and the UK. And, as you'll recall from my report with Whitney Webb on the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links, it was the Oxford Vaccine Group's partnership with AstraZeneca that gave rise to one of the injections currently making its way into the veins of hundreds of millions around the globe in the name of "fighting COVID."
So it should be no surprise that Imperial College and Oxford University researchers also played a key role in a pre-scamdemic report that was recently dug up by The Daily Expose and that lays out the gameplan for the implementation of an even bigger globalist agenda: the shutdown of the global economy.
The report, entitled "Absolute Zero: Delivering the UK’s climate change commitment with
incremental changes to today’s technologies" was produced in 2019 by UK FIRES,
"a collaboration between the universities of Cambridge, Oxford,
Nottingham, Bath and Imperial College London" that is "aiming to reveal
and stimulate industrial growth in the UK compatible with a rapid
transition to zero emissions." It slipped largely under the radar
"Absolute Zero" is supposedly a reference to the UK's commitment to reach "zero emissions"—or a state in which there is no net emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere—by the year 2050. But "absolute zero" also serves as a reference to the bone-chilling vision for the future of humanity that the globalists and their academic minions are busily constructing for humanity under cover of the scamdemic.
Strap in, folks. This is going to be a wild ride.
OK, first things first. Read the report. Or, at least give it a good once over. When you do, you'll see that the ostensible purpose of the report, according to its Executive Summary, is to answer the question: "if we really want to reach zero emissions [in the UK] in thirty years time, what does that involve?"
Their answers should not be surprising to anyone who has been watching the unfolding of the anti-human, anti-life agenda from the release of The Club of Rome's Limits to Growth report in 1972 to the birth of Agenda 21 at the Maurice Strong-led 1992 UN Earth Summit to the roll out of The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in recent years.
Namely, the authors of "Absolute Zero" inform us that:
- All airports in the UK except Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast will close in the next decade and all air traffic will cease by the year 2050.
- All existing forms of blast-furnace production and all existing forms of cement production will be halted by the year 2050, meaning that "the construction industry has to radically change its production process or close" and that buildings will become smaller and much more expensive.
- All naval shipping will cease by the year 2050 (with the possibility of some shipping resuming some time "beyond 2050" when freight ships have been equipped with onboard nuclear power).
- All consumption of beef and lamb will cease by the year 2050 along with all consumption of overseas foods that are not imported by rail (see air traffic and shipping above).
- And, of course, all non-renewable energy production will cease by 2050.
Those are just the highlights, but you can find many, many more bold (and oddly specific) pronouncements about what we can expect in our carefully restricted future scattered throughout the report's 57 pages. See, for example, page 25, where we learn that coloured ceramics will be a thing of the past by 2050 unless our wise technocratic overlords can find a production method for such material that doesn't require fossil fuel-dependent reduction firing.
Naturally, the entire screed is lovingly illustrated with the type of utterly impenetrable spaghetti graphs that can only be produced by the type of deranged mind that would write a report like this in the first place.

Any questions?
Observing all of this, some question might occur: Why 2050? And how are these report writers so confident that they know what will occur by this mysterious date?
The authors provide the answer to this in the "Why this report matters" section of the document where they write: "In her last significant act as Prime Minister, Theresa May changed the UK’s Climate Change Act to commit us to eliminating all greenhouse gas emissions in the UK by 2050." They later state that the activities they say will cease by 2050 are those "which will be illegal in 2050 due to the Climate Change Act."
They are referring to ex-Prime Minister Theresa May's 2019 amendment to the 2008 Climate Change Act, which, according to the UK government's own press release, "puts the UK on the path to become the first major economy to set net zero emissions target in law."
The amendment itself—formally the "Climate Change Act 2008 (2050 Target Amendment) Order 2019"—consists of a single clause, changing the original act's stipulation that "the net UK carbon account for the year 2050 is at least 80% lower than the 1990 baseline" to read "100% lower." In effect, as the authors of the Absolute Zero report state, this represents a legally binding pledge that the UK will be "net zero" for its "carbon account" by the year 2050. From this kernel of truthiness, the ravenous haters of humanity over at UK FIRES have constructed their "Absolute Zero" edifice, declaring that anything that emits greenhouse gases will be illegal in the year 2050.
Of course, this is nonsense. As the Absolute Zero report itself quietly concedes in an innocuous paragraph headlined "What we mean by Absolute Zero," the report's authors' interpretation of the law will almost certainly differ from that of whatever government is in charge in the year 2050 (assuming the act itself has not been amended or scrapped by that point). "The UK’s Climate Change Act contains two 'escape' words," they admit, those escape words being "net" emissions and emissions that occur in UK "territory." As they rightly surmise, these words will doubtless be interpreted by any conceivable future government to mean that any amount of dastardly "emissions" are in fact allowable under the act, provided that those emissions are "offset" by carbon trading or some other such sleight-of-hand nonsense; and that any emissions that do not occur directly on UK territory (like the emissions involved in shipping goods to UK territory) will not count toward the "carbon account."
For this reason, the Absolute Zero team has decided to construct their entire report on an interpretation of a law that would not be used by any rational government: that by 2050 the UK will literally not be emitting any greenhouse gases at all. But as we all know, the UK government—if it acts in the way that governments generally act—will simply kick the can down the road when 2050 arrives by amending the legislation or using accounting tricks to declare themselves to have reached the "net zero" target, regardless of how much the country might be emitting in reality.
But here's the worrying part: We are—as even the dumbest, blindest and most willfully ignorant can see after the past 18 months of lockdown insanity—not dealing with rational governments. In fact, if the political status quo is not changed in the near future, then the real criticism to be leveled at the Absolute Zero report is that it assumes the globalists will wait until 2050 to shut down productive human activity. In reality, the UK government has already moved to enshrine into law a 78% reduction in emissions (from 1990 levels) by 2035 and there is no indication that they are going to use accounting tricks to allow people an escape from this future of artificially-imposed poverty. This is the land of the proposed carbon ration account we're talking about, after all.
Now, to be fair, there is a type of rationality at play on the part of those who are seeking to shut down the world economy, stop all meaningful productive activity, and deliberately set about returning humanity to the stone age . . . it is just not the type of "rationality" that any normal person would assume. Many still believe that national governments are run by corrupt but not malignant politicians, if not for the benefit of the nation then for the benefit of the nation's business and industrial interests. But this is not true. As recent events have shown, national governments are increasingly working toward an international agenda that is set by intergovernmental bodies (whether the WHO/Gates/Gavi/Big Pharma cartel in the case of the scamdemic or the UN/Club of Rome/WEF cartel in the case of Agenda 2030) that is not beholden to antiquated ideas of "national" interest.
No, these intergovernmental bodies are stewarded over not by national partisans who are concerned about the well-being of their fellow countrymen, but—as I have extensively documented in report after report after report after report over the decades—eugenics-obsessed elitists who care more about their fellow travelers (of whatever nationality) than they do about the vast majority of people who happen to claim citizenship in the same nation-state as themselves. In the twisted ideology of these elitists, their families are worthy of enjoying the fruits of Mother Earth while the common people (i.e., you, me, and everyone else reading these words) pose the "problem" of "the growing human population."
In the days of yore, the eugenicists used the fig-leaf of religion to justify their beliefs. They deserved to rule because God appointed their family to be rulers. In more recent times, they have tried to use the fig-leaf of science to justify their beliefs. They deserved to rule because their stock was inherently superior to the "defective and degenerate protoplasm" of the lower classes. And, now that the charlatanry of eugenics has gone out of style, they have attached themselves to the conversation movement, using Malthus in, Malthus out computer models and Absolute Zero reports to argue that the vast majority of the population will have to start seeing privation as prestigious if human civilization is to be derailed and neo-feudalism reinstituted.
This is the logic of the global elite, and by those standards the Absolute Zero report is (unfortunately for all of us) exactly correct. The people who are really in charge of the UK—not the politicians who are paraded in front of the public to take the blame for the agenda, but the unchanging old guard of the international agenda—really do want you to stop eating meat . . . and instead start eating the protein-based meat-like substitutes that are grown in their labs.
They really do want you to stop buying new homes and constructing new buildings . . . and instead become perpetual renters on the real estate market that they are monopolizing.
They really do want to end all commercial air traffic . . . and instead keep the skies clear for their private jets.
This is the agenda that is coming into view and that the Absolute Zero writers accurately document. In the future, if these eugenicists get their way, you will be a completely controlled serf on the neo-plantation, relying on government permission for even the bare necessities of life while your jet-setting globalist overlords laugh at you from their lakeside mansions.
And the worst part is that the people behind Absolute Zero know that the most effective way to implement this agenda will not be by issuing top-down, authoritarian legislative decrees. Instead, it will be implemented most efficiently by making the public desire their new peasant lifestyle.
In an interview with The Ecologist shortly after the release of the report, Absolute Zero lead author Julian Allwood was asked about the wisdom of placing too much of the burden of responsibility for the shift to Absolute Zero on individuals rather than on the mega-corporations and the governments that are responsible for the majority of emissions in the first place. "Demanding that a harried parent or a stressed-out worker or an internet-uncertain elderly citizen should address these questions is a recipe for turning them against your programme?"
Allwood responded by approvingly citing an instance of social shame that has been used to effect the type of transformation that he wants to see take place in UK society:
There’s a very encouraging example in Sweden, with the two mothers who set up the movement to have a hundred thousand people sign up and pledge not to fly for a year. That led to the ‘flight shame’ [flygskam] movement in Sweden. As a result, if you look at national statistics on take-offs in Sweden, the domestic ones have fallen and the government has responded by investing more in rail as an alternative to aviation.
Flight shame, indeed. You do not need to be a Nostradamus to see where this is heading: Eating meat shame. Heating your home in the winter shame. Using electricity shame. Not starving to death in the gutter shame.
But, as worrying as this is, Allwood's example does point to a potentially hopeful fact: the same principle that is being deployed by the would-be social engineers to achieve their goals is the same principle that free humanity could use to achieve theirs. By raising awareness that alternatives to the Club of Rome / WEF/ UN agenda are not just available but desirable, and that the growing human population is in fact the answer to the problems created by the parasitic elite that are trying to blame us for the mess that we have created, we can turn this around. We can, at the very least, make the Absolute Zero agenda unworkable through mass noncompliance.
All we have to do is to convince the masses that the true goal of these elite institutions and pampered eugenicists is not to "save the earth," but to condition the mass of humanity to accept austerity while the elitists continue to live their lives of unimaginable comfort and wealth. Remarkably, though, although this seems like a slam dunk case, many people—gaslit their whole lives to believe that their "original sin" of living on this earth is an environmental crime and that they must pay penance to the global elite for their "carbon footprint"—are incapable of understanding the true nature of this Absolute Zero scam.
This is why we need to redouble our efforts to show the public the true nature of the problem we face: not an overpopulated earth, but an earth where a wealthy elite are deliberately engineering catastophes—environmental, economic, geopolitical and otherwise—so that they can then pose as our saviours and propose their "solution" of neofeudalism to consolidate their control over the planet.
Maybe we can start by affirming that the Absolute Zero fanatics will pry the coloured ceramics from our cold, dead hands!
A Tool of Control: How Health Officials Weaponize Language to Manage Public Perception of COVID Vaccines
The deployment of clever linguistic tricks has created a hostile upside-down universe, where even the vaccine-injured are tarnished as “anti-vaxxers” or liars rather than acknowledged as ex-vaxxers who took risks that turned out to be life-changing.
Psychological and linguistic manipulation are, for those in power, proven tools for building, consolidating and maintaining dominance — a reality keenly depicted in George Orwell’s never-more-relevant novel, “1984.”
As phrased by master propagandist Edward Bernays, an approximate contemporary of Orwell’s, the mind of the people “is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion.”
Recent events surrounding COVID vaccines have shown that medicine and public health — with the help of a complicit media — are particularly skilled at “pull[ing] the wires which control the public mind.”
The clever bag of linguistic tricks deployed by the medical cartel includes seeding evocative terms such as “vaccine hesitancy” and “lockdowns” (which is prison terminology) into popular and scientific discourse, forging slippery new definitions of words with formerly fixed meanings (such as “pandemic,” “herd immunity” and “vaccine”), and circling failed products back around by giving them the positive spin of “boosters.”
Ominously, medicine’s and public health’s verbal assaults encourage shaming of, or violence against, those who ask questions, while upholding the disingenuous pretense that vaccine mandates are compatible with freedom.
In this hostile upside-down universe, even the vaccine-injured are tarnished as “anti-vaxxers” or liars rather than acknowledged as ex-vaxxers who took risks that turned out to be life-changing.
‘Much like other stressors’
One of the more insulting recent examples of linguistic weaponization involves a dubious psychiatric cover term, “functional neurological disorder” (FND), that is suddenly being trumpeted as an explanation for the tsunami of adverse events — especially severe neurological reactions — being reported all over the world in the aftermath of COVID vaccination.
Psychiatrists conveniently define FND — which they also refer to as a “psychogenic” (originating in the mind) or “conversion” disorder — as “real” nervous system symptoms that “cause significant distress or problems functioning” but are “incompatible with” or “can’t be explained by” recognized neurological diseases or other medical conditions.
Lest members of the public derive a “simplistic impression of potential links between the [COVID] vaccine and major neurological symptoms,” neurologists pushing the FND story have hastened to reassure people that the “close development of functional motor symptoms after the vaccine does not implicate the vaccine as the cause of those symptoms.”
One of these individuals is National Institutes of Health-funded neurologist Alberto Espay, who implausibly adds that COVID vaccination (which entails injection with high-risk substances and technologies) is just “a stressor or precipitant, much like any other stressor … such as a motor vehicle accident or sleep deprivation.”
Officials and the media are audaciously trotting out the FND narrative on both sides of the pond, as evidenced by a recent Daily Mail headline that read, “Videos of people ‘struggling to walk’ after getting their COVID vaccine are NOT result of jab itself but a condition triggered by stress or trauma.”
Helping with the spin, a member of the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization straight-facedly attributed this “stress” to coercion, stating: “If people begin to feel they are being kind of forced against their will to do something, then in a sense that’s quite a damaging thing to do because it gives people the impression vaccination is something being imposed on them.”
Hammering home the point that “there is nothing to see here,” Kings College London physician Matthew Butler solemnly (and without evidence) agrees that FND — though “serious and debilitating” — “does not implicate any vaccine constituents and should not hamper ongoing vaccination efforts.”
Butler is the lead author of a May 2020 paper proposing FND patients’ “abnormal body-focussed attention” be treated with psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin — never mind that psychedelics themselves, admit Butler and co-authors, “sometimes produce abnormal physical and motor effects,” including seizures.
An all-too-familiar game
To past victims of vaccine injury, the “it’s all in your mind” sleight-of-hand being summoned to dismiss COVID vaccine injuries is all too familiar.
Consider autism, which psychiatrists blamed, in its earliest days, on emotionally distant “refrigerator moms.”
In more recent decades, families affected by autism have experienced the double whammy of regulatory indifference to likely culprits (including not just neurotoxic vaccines but other probable environmental triggers) alongside brazen denial of autism’s escalating prevalence.
Young people injured by human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines tell similar stories of “denial and dismissal of reported harms and deaths.” Researchers who in 2017 reviewed the serious adverse events reported during two of the largest HPV vaccine clinical trials noted that “Practically, none of the serious adverse events occurring in any arm of both studies were judged [by the manufacturers] to have been vaccine-related.”
In the face of severe symptoms such as heart-attack-like chest pain, numbness and swelling of extremities, hair loss, whole-body aches and extreme fatigue, boys and girls injured by HPV vaccines have been repeatedly subjected to medical gaslighting — told they are “crazy” and just need to “slow down.”
In one incident in Australia, after “26 girls presented to the school’s sick bay with symptoms including dizziness, syncope [fainting] and neurological complaints” within two hours of receiving HPV vaccines at school, pharma-funded researchers had the chutzpah to dismiss the safety signal and characterize the episode as a “mass psychogenic event” — which they defined as “the collective occurrence of a constellation of symptoms suggestive of organic illness but without an identified cause in a group of people with shared beliefs about the cause.”
Recognize, question and reclaim
The medical-public health-pharma cartel, the “small cabal of wealthy countries, corporations and individuals” that support it, and their media mouthpieces are supremely confident in their ability to manage public perceptions through words and narratives, whether for the purpose of “mystifying” the public about key events, securing buy-in for oppressive policies or sowing discord to divide and conquer. (As journalists Caitlin Johnstone and Glenn Greenwald also remind us, many media personalities are intelligence agency veterans or assets, and the “sole owner of the Washington Post is a CIA contractor.”)
Thus, it pays to be attentive to how health authorities use language, for “the more you know about language, the more immune you become to its effects.”
Beyond noticing the manipulation, we must also stop ceding the linguistic terrain to our would-be manipulators — for example, by eschewing weaponized vocabulary such as the pejorative term “vaccine hesitancy.”
Catholic journalist Jane Stannus points out that the term “vaccine hesitant” portrays those who decline COVID (or other) vaccines as “‘trapped by irrational fears’ in a state of inaction or ignorantly opposed to science,” with the strong suggestion “that such backward and weak-minded persons are worthy of contempt, especially compared with the enlightened, confident people who signed up for the vaccine immediately.”
The unfortunate corollary of such language is the “witch hunt on the unvaccinated” that we are already witnessing, “an act of violence against the fabric of society,” says Stannus, that is “a greater evil … than the shared suffering of disease.”
We can and urgently need to see through these shenanigans and reclaim our humanity.
Fast-moving current events are proving those who have declined COVID injections are the wise ones, with science proving them correct in just about every way.
Whether we consider the many suspected dangers of products unleashed on the public less than a year ago, or the injuries and deaths occurring on a never-before-seen scale (including in teens who had their lives ahead of them), or the clear superiority of natural immunity, or the fact that the injections don’t even do the one thing the clinical trials alleged they could do (i.e., keep more severe illness at bay), it is clear that citizens who would rather think for themselves than swallow prefabricated lies are the ones who are going to come out ahead.
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