Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Ukraine, Neocons, Lib Interventionists, and Blank Check Republicans

We are on a debt-financed primrose path terminating in poverty and want, to say nothing of thermonuclear war.

As I write this, Americans are going to the polls to vote for this or that faction of the corporate uniparty. Einstein was right when he said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Every two years, Americans vote for the same uniparty selected candidates expecting the serious issues of inflation, crime, drugs, etc. to be addressed, only to get broken campaign promises and more of the same.

Ukraine is hardly on the radar—and yet tens of billions of dollars added to an astronomical debt, conservatively estimated at over 30 trillion, will not go to help the American people. It will be spent in one of the only growth sectors of the economy— “defense,” where death merchants embrace windfalls—and the destructive, poverty-inducing policies of the federal reserve and central bankers will continue to be explained away as corporate greed.

In fact, the neocons and “humanitarian (sic) interventionists” are pushing to increase weapons sales. “Bill LaPlante, the Pentagon’s chief weapons buyer, said that he expects Congress to grant the authority to allow wartime purchasing power at a level not seen since the Cold War,” writes Dave DeCamp.

To continue arming Ukraine, LaPlante has been calling for the Pentagon to be granted the authority to lock in multiyear contracts for weapons purchases, which are typically reserved for procuring naval vessels and warplanes. The idea is to get arms makers the incentive to ramp up production.

Congress will not seriously address—except during elections—rising crime rates, an opioid crisis, the dissolution of the middle class, and out-of-control inflation (now 20%, not the “official” number of 8.6%). Inflation is driven by a “loose” monetary policy and the foolish injection of trillions of dollars into the economy to mollify an increasingly grumpy populace during a blown-out-of-proportion pandemic.

If you read the “news,” however, you get the impression inflation is created by greedy corporations. Democrats love this fallacious explanation peddled by the corporate media.

During a recent House oversight subcommittee hearing, Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., pointed to data from an Economic Policy Institute report which found that more than half of the increased prices people are paying are coming from increases in corporate profits, and not from higher overhead costs associated with operation and labor.

In other words, this Democrat suffers from either a) stupidity and an inability to comprehend economic theory—which you’d think would be part of her job—or b) lying to divert attention away from the real culprits, the ruling financial elite.

As Ron Paul noted last May as the lockdowns waned, the federal reserve enables the disastrous spending OCD affliction rampant across a bought-and-paid-for Congress.

[Fed Chairman Jerome] Powell does not want to admit that the real reason the Fed will continue to keep rates low is that increasing rates will cause the federal government’s interest payments to rise to unsustainable levels.

Congress will speed up the effort to impoverish the nation, and turn it into a third-world hellhole, by magically creating a mountain of devalued fiat dollars and steering it toward the insatiable maw of the death merchants—all in the deceptive name of saving non-existent “democracy” from the evil machinations of Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping, and other selected enemies.

The Senate has added an amendment to its version of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act to grant the authority [to purchase an endless supply of death machines]. It would allow the Pentagon to make multiyear purchases through 2023 and 2024 of certain arms made by Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, and Raytheon, the former employer of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

LaPlante was ecstatic. “They [Congress] are supportive of this. They’re going to give us multiyear authority, and they’re going to give us funding to really put into the industrial base―and I’m talking billions of dollars into the industrial base―to fund these production lines,” he said during a press conference last week.

They are, of course, far less supportive of doing something about an economy that is turning vicious and threatening a recession (in fact, a depression) that will strip millions of Americans of their dignity and ability to maintain a modicum of security for their families.

Zelenskyy and his coterie of nasty Russophobic Nazis are far more important than the welfare of a public that only matters on a day like today, the first Tuesday in November, when ballots are counted, ignored, and stuffed.

In fact, the path we are on—a debt-financed primrose path terminating in poverty and want, to say nothing of thermonuclear war—is precisely what the original neocons called for: endless war and a population locked in serfdom to the state. During Bush’s war, Danny Postel interviewed the academic Shadia Drury, author of The Political Ideas of Leo Strauss and Leo Strauss and the American Right.

The ancient philosophers whom Strauss most cherished believed that the unwashed masses were not fit for either truth or liberty, and that giving them these sublime treasures would be like throwing pearls before swine.

Strauss and his followers embraced the philosophy of Plato, Nietzsche, Thrasymachus,  and Machiavelli.

[Strauss, Alexandre Kojève, and Carl Schmitt] were convinced that liberal economics would turn life into entertainment and destroy politics; all three understood politics as a conflict between mutually hostile groups willing to fight each other to the death. In short, they all thought that man’’s humanity depended on his willingness to rush naked into battle and headlong to his death. Only perpetual war can overturn the modern project, with its emphasis on self-preservation and “creature comforts.” (Emphasis added.)

And perpetual war is what we have endured decade after decade as the neocons wormed their way into the halls of government. The Obama administration, while initially campaigning to end neocon wars, embraced the big kahuna neocon Frederick Kagan to oversee the illegal and devastating (for civilians) war in Afghanistan. Obama made certain the neocon to-do list was accomplished—continuing and expanding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while laying the ground for additional horrors in Syria and Libya. Sanctions continued to be imposed on Iran for its fictional building of a nuclear bomb.

On the so-called Left, excuses were made for Obama’s neocon-ish foreign policy. “More than five years into his presidency, Barack Obama has failed to take full control over his foreign policy, allowing a bureaucracy shaped by long years of Republican control and spurred on by a neocon-dominated U.S. news media to frustrate many of his efforts to redirect America’s approach to the world in a more peaceful direction,” wrote the late Robert Parry in 2014.

The Obama administration’s Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, the wife of Robert Kagan, micromanaged the illegal coup in Ukraine that brought Russian-hating ultranationalists into the government.

The policy directives of the ruling elite span both factions of the USG uniparty. It does not matter who sits in the Oval Office (so long as it is not an outlier like Trump), foreign policy is set in stone, and decided by the likes of the Council on Foreign Relations.

“Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the U.S. policy of support for Ukraine’s sovereignty has been strong across the U.S. political spectrum,” declares Sarah Dixon Klump, writing for the Kennan Institute at the globalist Wilson Center. (In order to put this statement in its proper context, do a non-Google search on Cold War architect George Kennan.)

The late William Green Miller, Bill Clinton’s ambassador to Ukraine, according to Dixon Klump,

…recommended that the Obama administration, like the Bush and Clinton administrations before it, voice its support for Ukraine’s eventual entry into NATO. In the meantime, however, Miller pointed out that the U.S.—through the signing of the Tri-Partite Agreement of January 14, 1994—is explicitly and formally obliged to support Ukraine in the event that its sovereignty, territorial integrity, or independence is threatened militarily, economically, or politically.

Russia considers Ukraine and NATO a red line, the same as the US would declare a violation of a red line if Russia placed its war machines and troops up against the US-Canada or Mexico borders. Hubris and double standards rule the day in the “indispensable nation,” as the advocate of child murder, Madeline Albright, who defended the engineered death of over 500,000 Iraqi children, described the USG.

The wishes of the American people have nothing to do with such foreign policy decisions and their needs are routinely dismissed. The wisdom of spending trillions of dollars to overturn elections, invade foreign countries, kill disfavored people abroad, and build a police and surveillance state at home is rarely discussed.

Democrats and Republicans put on a good show, making millions of Americans believe there are distinctive differences between what are in reality two factions of a uniparty that takes marching orders from the likes of the Council on Foreign Relations (as Hillary Clinton admitted.)

Millions of Americans are sadly misinformed on the growing daily prospect of thermonuclear war. Unlike the Cuban Missile Crisis, there is no Robert Kennedy behind the scenes arranging diplomatic exchanges between the USG and Russia. The neocon and lib interventionists have left the decision to negotiate the fate of humankind up to a man threatened with murder if he does not tow the neo-nazi line on Russia.

The neocons are not and never have been interested in diplomacy. They sincerely believe they make their own reality and thermonuclear war is not on the agenda.

As an adviser to George W. Bush (said to be Karl Rove) declared in 2004 during an interview with Ron Suskind of The New York Times,

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

However, if we follow the rationale of neocons and liberal interventionists—that Russia is an evil empire and the USG must depose Putin—the new reality will be nuclear winter and the extinction of life on planet Earth.


If You Say “Democracy” Often Enough the Voters Will Reward You

Just don’t mention Ukraine or the economy

To be sure there is an election coming up today in the United States and President Joe Biden has clearly taken the low road in the lead up to it by speaking before friendly audiences and repeating over and over the bromides that cause the brain to go numb. During the past week it was all about saving “American democracy” from the MAGA barbarians. And Democracy is, inevitably, tied to the Democratic Party etymologically, which, in a sense, makes it the presumed sole possessor of the right stuff when it comes to delivering freedom to all, including most recently a truly delusional pledge by Biden to “free Iran.”

The problem for the president is that Bidenspeak is being seen by some as devoid of content, choosing to skip over any discussion of the actual policies that have benefitted or harmed the American people over the past two years. That omission is convenient as many voters look around and see high inflation, a struggling economy, surging crime rates and an open border that may have produced, according to Tucker Carlson, a tidal wave of as many as five million illegal immigrants in the country. And, of course, there is also the war threatening to go nuclear over the Russian intervention in Ukraine, a conflict that threatens no American interest but which nevertheless has been elevated into a genuine saga of good versus evil through the combined efforts of the US and British governments ably assisted by the western mainstream media.

And it has become a real war, thanks to the joint UK-US bombing of one of the Nord Stream pipelines that connect Russia to northern Europe. Washington has warned repeatedly that it would take steps to shut down the pipeline, which it regards as a security threat in that it makes Europe dependent on Russia for energy, and it appears that the plucky Brits did the dirty work. Britain’s then Foreign Minister Liz Truss reportedly texted US Secretary of State Antony Blinken immediately after the pipeline blew up, telling him “It’s done!” Neither Truss nor Blinken were apparently aware that Russian intelligence had penetrated the security on the connection and recorded the communication.

And, of course, it is all about Ukraine even if the ultimate objective by the US is to weaken Russia militarily while also removing President Vladimir Putin. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has emerged as some kind of puppet master in his control of the White House, the US Congress and the mainstream media, drawing an estimated 60 billion dollars in economic and military aid from the US Treasury and also committing Washington to support his country until it “wins” against Putin. Zelensky, whose middle name must be Svengali, reportedly was involved recently in a phone call with Biden in which the US president expressed frustration over Zelensky’s frequently repeated demands for more money and weapons. Biden vented and even shouted but Zelensky wound up with the cash, some of which will certainly go to support the Ukrainian president’s various real estate holdings in Israel and Florida.

And then there is the “dirty bomb” story making the rounds. It has two components. First is the technology of a dirty bomb itself, which is a high explosive device that is seeded with radioactive waste that is lethal and contaminates a large area when it is detonated. A dirty bomb is considered a weapon of mass destruction and its use is categorized as a war crime, much like using a chemical or biological weapon. Second, there is the false flag aspect to the tale that is circulating. The Russian government, the source of the report, is claiming that Zelensky’s government is preparing to put together and detonate a dirty bomb somewhere inside Ukraine and before blaming the development on Putin and his government. That attribution of an action falsely to a country or government that was not involved is a false flag and the intention is to create a perception that someone is breaking the rules on what is allowed even during wartime.

False flags attacks were used most recently in the western supported insurgency in Syria, most notably at the Damascus suburb of Ghouta in 2013, where a chemical-weapons claimed attack that may have killed as many as 1700 people took place. The attack was inevitably attributed to the Syrian government by the United States but it was in fact, much more plausibly carried out by the rebels who controlled the area at that time.

So why would Zelensky detonate a dirty bomb within the area he controlled? Well, Zelensky has long sought increased and direct US and NATO involvement on his side in the fight against Russia. Being able to point to a major war crime that he would attribute to the Russians through a false flag operation might just be enough to do the trick and bring in larger scale western involvement. It is certainly something that Zelensky and his neocon advisers would consider an acceptable ruse de guerre. Given the effective neocon control over foreign policy and the media outlets in the US it would also in all likelihood involve the United States in a major war that was avoidable with devastating consequences for all parties involved.

So, if Joe Biden wants to talk about his achievements in the run-up to elections, why doesn’t he explain his reasons for enabling and expanding the war with Russia over Ukraine? That war has not only brought about a flow of billions of dollars in aid for the most corrupt country in Europe, it has also resulted in a worldwide energy crisis that has fueled inflation and disrupted trade. More to the point, it has led to a global movement to confront the United States over its presumption that it is the hegemonistic power that sets the rules for everyone else. That is also contributing to increasing rejection of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, which will have an incalculable impact on the American economy and the country’s standard of living.

Has it all been worth it, Joe, to craft a narrative that ignores the real issues just so you can stay in power? The America that you and I were brought up in is sliding down into a deep dark hole, and you and your delusional neocon and neoliberal friends have been largely responsible for the descent even as you use your bully pulpit to cry about “democracy” at every opportunity.

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