Thursday, March 9, 2023


We Are All Going To Need Anti-Radiation Pills If Our Leaders In Washington Continue Going Down This Path

 Many Americans won’t realize that World War III has begun until missiles start raining down on our homeland.  But by then it will be way too late.  Ever since Joe Biden entered the White House, our relations with both Russia and China have been steadily swirling down the tubes, and it appears that our military could soon be forced to fight wars with both of them simultaneously.  That would be absolutely suicidal, but our leaders don’t seem interested in peace.  The hothead in the White House is surrounded by a team of incompetent warmongers, and if they stay on the path that they are currently on millions upon millions of Americans could end up dead.

So if you plan to make your voice heard before that happens, now is the time.

Over in Russia, regular television programming was interrupted by a message telling viewers that they needed to take their anti-radiation pills and head to the closest bomb shelters…

Russians were warned today to take anti-radiation pills and rush to their nearest nuclear bomb shelters after hackers compromised state television servers to broadcast chilling messages.

TV and radio programmes in Moscow and the Sverdlovsk region, including Yekaterinburg city, were interrupted with an alarming message telling citizens a missile strike had been conducted on Russian soil.

The population was urged to take potassium iodide pills, don gas masks to protect themselves and to seek shelter.

Thankfully, the warning was not real.

Hackers were behind it.

But the truth is that we are all going to need anti-radiation pills if this madness doesn’t end.

Both sides just continue to escalate matters.  On Thursday, the Russians hit Ukrainian cities with the largest missile attack in weeks

The head of Ukraine’s armed forces said Russia had fired 81 missiles at Ukrainian territory on Thursday morning, including six “kinzhal” hypersonic missiles, which its air force cannot intercept.

The mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, said the capital experienced a number of explosions that had damaged energy infrastructure and injured several civilians. In his most recent post on Telegram, Klitschko said that because of emergency power outages after the missile attack, 40% of the capital’s consumers are now without heating.

Russia had not used hypersonic Kinzhal missiles since the beginning weeks of the war.

These missiles are absolutely devastating, because they can fly at speeds that are absolutely mind blowing

The Kinzhal, unveiled by Russian President Vladimir Putin five years ago, can accelerate to Mach 4 — four times the speed of sound — and may be capable of speeds of up to Mach 10, with a range to about 1,250 miles. The missile is also believed to be nuclear-capable.

An even more sophisticated weapon, Russia’s Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle, can fly at speeds as high as Mach 27, according to the Kremlin. Another hypersonic, the Zircon anti-ship missile, has also reportedly been developed, but there are no reports of the Zircon or Avangard being used in combat.

The U.S. has poured nearly 200 billion dollars into this conflict so far, but the Russians continue to gain more ground.

Even with all of the aid we have given them, the Ukrainians are simply outmatched, and at this point even Ukrainian news sources are openly acknowledging the reality of what has been happening in places such as Bakhmut…

The Kyiv Independent recently interviewed soldiers on the frontline and issued a surprisingly blunt assessment (given it’s obviously a news source on the Ukrainian side) that Ukrainian soldiers are by and large “unprepared, poorly-trained battalions being thrown into the front line meat grinder to survive as best they could with little support from armored vehicles, mortars, artillery, drones and tactical information.”

Would Joe Biden be willing to send his son Hunter to fight in Bakhmut?

If not, then why does he expect Ukrainians to send their kids into an endless slaughter?

If politicians on both sides and their families actually had to fight in these wars, they would end really quick.

Unfortunately, I believe that things could soon go to an entirely new level.

Once they lose Bakhmut, the Ukrainians will become very desperate and might end up doing something really stupid.

Speaking of stupid, highly respected journalist Seymour Hersh says that the Biden administration’s approach to Ukraine is “very scary and very dumb”

“What’s going on now in this White House is terrifying to me”, Hersh said. “(Antony) Blinken, (Jake) Sullivan and (Victoria) Nuland … they’re just out of their league here… Do they really want to get NATO into a war? There’s no question we’ve been increasing the amount of American troops in Poland, secretly, and deploying many more arms in that area. I would guess they may push for NATO to make a physical presence… I don’t know what the goal is. I don’t know if they know what the goal is… I don’t know what’s going on in that White House. But it’s very scary and very dumb.”

I will never understand how the United States of America ended up having people like Blinken, Sullivan and Nuland running our foreign policy.

Have we really fallen that far?

They are evil and incompetent at the same time, and that is a very dangerous combination.

I wouldn’t trust them to run a Dairy Queen, but now the fate of humanity is literally in their hands.

Earlier today, I was quite alarmed to read that there has been “an increasing presence of Russian submarines off of U.S. coasts”

As Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine continues to rage, United States commanders and military observers are sounding the alarm about the activity of Russia’s submarine fleet thousands of miles away, off the U.S. coast.

Throughout the war, which began when Putin launched a full-scale invasion of neighboring Ukraine last February, there has been a buildup of Russian Navy forces in the Black Sea. There has also been an increasing presence of Russian submarines off of U.S. coasts and in the Mediterranean, according to officials.

If you have read my latest book, then you already understand why this is such a big deal.

Meanwhile, one of the top officers in the Chinese military has publicly stated that it is time to “concentrate our efforts on preparations for war”

Emphasizing Beijing’s urgency on Sunday, one of China’s two most senior military officers, Zhang Youxia, called on the People’s Liberation Army to “concentrate our efforts on preparations for war.” Nearly 73 years old, Zhang remains in his position as one of the very few PLA officers with combat experience. As the South China Morning Post reports, another senior official called for improvements to the PLA’s urban warfare capabilities. Most of Taiwan’s population lives in cities.

Put simply, Beijing isn’t messing around. This year’s National People’s Congress has confirmed a defense spending increase of 7.2% for 2023-2024.

If the Chinese did not intend to invade Taiwan, they would have no reason to prepare for war.

But the truth is that they know that they are going to invade, and they also know that this will mean war with the United States.

Of course the U.S. military is rapidly preparing for such a conflict as well.  The following comes from a very interesting piece in The Economist about U.S. preparations for a war with the Chinese…

The marines are training for a war with China, probably precipitated by an invasion of Taiwan. Their base in Okinawa, at the southern end of the Japanese archipelago, is just 600km (370 miles) from Taiwan. The two islands are part of what American military planners call the “first island chain”: a series of archipelagoes and islands, big and small, that stretches from Japan to Malaysia, impeding naval passage from China to the Pacific. Whether by harrying Chinese ships from a distance or—much less likely—by deploying to Taiwan to help repel a Chinese landing, the marines will be early participants in any conflict.

Before I end this article, I want to make sure that nobody forgets about the Middle East.

War is coming there too, and it is going to be absolutely terrible.

Things are so tense in the region right now, and we just witnessed a horrific terror attack right in the heart of Tel Aviv.

This is a time of wars and rumors of wars.

If our leaders were sane, they would be trying to find peaceful resolutions with both the Russians and the Chinese.

But instead they are drunk with arrogance and power, and they seem to take delight in endlessly provoking both Russia and China.

There isn’t going to be peace, and so you might want to stock up on some anti-radiation pills while you still can.


Tucker Carlson Exposes the January 6 Insurrection Hoax and is Denounced by Leaders of the Republican Party and, of course, the Whore Media

The Democrat Party, Department of Justice, and US Media Stand Revealed as Utterly Corrupt and Venal, an Evil Satanic Force

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican Kevin McCarthy, released video tapes of the alleged “January 6 Insurrection” to Tucker Carlson, who used the video evidence to demonstrate on his popular Fox News program that the “insurrection” was a hoax created by Democrats, media whores, federal agents, and Capitol Police.  The rioting was done by federal agents pretending to be protesters and, with the police, acting as provocateurs.

For example, Carlson showed a video of Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick, who according to Democrats and whore media was beaten to death by “insurrectionists” on January 6 and died from head injuries, walking around inside the capital keeping protesters who had been allowed in the Capitol in line after he allegedly was murdered by Trump insurrectionists.  Carlson reports the autopsy report from the Washington, D.C. Medical Examiner’s Office that rules  Sicknick died from natural causes on January 7 unrelated to events on January 6, not from “death in the line of duty courageously defending Congress and the Capitol” as the Democrats’ Capitol police and whore media claimed.

Sicknick family members, who hoped to financially capitalize on his death disputed Carlson’s factual report, but a family member some time ago disputed the beating death, and Carlson showed video footage of Sicknick wearing a helmet.

The greatest outcries came from Rino “Republicans,” such as Mitch McConnell, the leader of “Republicans” in the Senate who denounced Carlson for telling the truth.  For honored Members of the Establishment like McConnell, truth is disruptive and very unwelcome.  McConnell sees Carlson as an obstacle to getting rid of Trump, who is a threat to the Establishment and must be exiled from political life.

McConnell was not the only Republican protesting the truth. North Carolina Republican Thom Tillis, Louisiana Republican John Kennedy, South Dakota Republican Mike Rounds, and of course the whore media, such as CBS, lied through their teeth, again claiming Sicknick was beaten to death.  For CBS and the whore media, this is a chance to get Carlson.  Just as Senate Republican Leader McConnell was a powerful ally of Democrats in getting rid of Trump, he has allied himself with Democrats in an effort to be  rid of Carlson.  Why do Senate Republicans choose for their leader a person who represents the ruling elite instead of the American people?

My most horrendous  thought is that Kevin McCarthy’s critics are correct that McCarthy is himself part of the establishment and has given Carlson doctored videos in order to discredit him.  Apparently,  this is not the case. The real story is coming out. Unlike the presstitute media, The Epoch Times, available both online and in print, is providing objective reporting: 

The whore media, the Department of Justice (sic), the Democrats and Rino Republicans will lie, and lie, and lie.  Will Americans continue to trust them and, thereby, be shorn of any possibility of representation in Congress?  Are Americans  too dense and too trusting of authority to remain a free people?  The ruling establishment has them and will not voluntarily let go.  

Currently the Justice (sic) Department is doing all it can to prevent attorneys for the wrongly accused Trump supporters from delaying the kangaroo  trials and coerced plea bargains until they can view the 41,000 hours of video evidence that has been withheld from the defendants.  I suspect that the corrupt Biden Justice (sic) Department has gamed this and that all is in the hands of corrupt Democrat judges and corrupt Democrat prosecutors.  The January 6 Insurrection is a coup against those citizens who have figured out that American democracy has been replaced by an elite oligarchy in which the people have no voice.  

The convictions of the “Trump insurrectionists” were either coerced plea bargains of people held in prison who could not afford to defend themselves or “convictions” obtained by corrupt Democrat judges and prosecutors withholding exculpatory evidence from the trial and substituting lies for facts. With Russiagate, January 6 Insurrection, and all the rest of the orchestrated hoaxes, the Justice Department has made it clear that the US justice system is incapable of actually delivering Justice. 

The tyranny that Americans face is not in Russia and China.  It is in Washington.  Americans have no greater enemy than “their” government whether it is Democrat or Republican.  Patriotic Americans who wrap themselves in the flag are too blind to see.

The most important 9 minutes of information you will ever hear:

( Tucker Carlson video at article address )


Reality Check Warning 

Virtually everything reported by US/Western regimes and their MSM press agents on major issues is fake news.

None of it can be taken at face value.

Since 2014, the empire of lies and its Western vassals have been at war on nonthreatening Russia because it’s free from the scourge of their control.

Since Russia launched its liberating SMO in self-defense a year ago, things escalated to global war.

Nuclear armed and dangerous USA, Britain and France are pushing things for war with these WMDs by using Nazi-infested Ukraine as a platform for perpetual war-making against nonthreatening Russia.

Virtually everything claimed in the West about Ukraine is a bald-faced Big Lie.

In 2014, hegemon USA replaced its democratically elected government with illegitimate Nazified rule to wage perpetual war on Russia.

At the same time since 2020, the empire of lies and its Western vassals have been going all-out to eliminate millions and billions of unwanted people by kill shots designed for this purpose.

Biden and other undemocratic Dems, Western co-conspirators and their MSM press agents are more ruthlessly evil than history’s worst despots.

At this time, they’re pushing things toward humanity-destroying nuclear war.

Since 2020, scholar physician, Vernon Coleman MD, and other truth-telling experts, wrote extensively about the fake pandemic, toxic kill shots, and all else related to the mother of all state-sponsored health-destroying scams.

In April 2020, Coleman wrote the first analysis of the fake pandemic.

He explained the Great Reset’s “hidden agenda.”

He proved scientifically that virtually everything flu/covid related aims to destroy public health, while falsely pretending to protect and preserve it.

He minced no words calling flu/covid “the greatest (state-sponsored) hoax in history.”

He explained that US-dominated NATO virtually admitted launching war on Russia in 2014 by use of Ukrainian foot soldiers, and that US/Western regimes are at war on their own people.

He stressed that voting is a colossal waste of time.

No matter who wins when US/Western elections are held, wealth, power and privilege alone are served at the expense of the public interest.

At the same time, MSM misinform and disinform instead of the other way around.

Separately on Monday, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported the following:

Its forces struck a Ukrainian electronic intelligence facility near Kiev, as well as a Western operations center in the former nation-state’s West.

Russian forces continue advancing along front line positions.

Over the weekend, Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoigu, said the following:

Expanding its liberating SMO “depends on weaponry…supplied” to Ukrainian Nazis by US/Western regimes.

Last week, Vladimir Putin stressed that Russia will do whatever it takes to defend the nation and its people from the scourge of US/Western aggression by use of Ukrainian foot soldiers.

And this fake news by the Biden regime, saying:

Nazi-infested Ukraine has until fall to retake lost territory, what’s impossible to accomplish, or the empire of lies and its Western vassals will “pressure” the regime to negotiate with Russia (sic).

A state of perpetual war exists by the collective West against nonthreatening Russia.

The US-installed puppet in Kiev has no say over all things related to what’s going on.

As ordered by his US master, he rejected conflict resolution talks in favor of perpetual war to the last Ukrainian.

Separately on Monday, the US-installed puppet met with Biden regime treasury secretary Yellen in Kiev to receive marching orders face-to-face — focused on continuing perpetual war on Russia with expendable regime foot soldiers.

And this reality check on Monday by China, saying:

On all things related to Russia and Ukraine, Beijing “promote(s) peace talks and a political settlement of the crisis,” adding:

“In addition to pouring lethal weapons into the battlefield in Ukraine, the (Biden regime) has been selling sophisticated weapons to Taiwan in violation of the three China-US joint communiques.”

And the empire of lies trampled on truth by “spreading disinformation that China would supply weapons to Russia.” 

“Who is promoting peace and deescalation, and who is fueling the tension and making the world more unstable?”

“The answer is (indisputably) obvious.”

And this from the US-installed puppet buffoon in Kiev, saying:

Ukrainian Nazis are preparing to attack Crimea.

According to militant Russophobe, Victoria Nuland:

“Russia turned Crimea into a massive military installation (sic).” 

“Those are legitimate targets (sic).”

“Ukraine is hitting them (sic), and we are supporting that (sic).”

In response to her support for perpetual war, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, slammed her comments, saying: 

“The American warmongers have gone even further.”

“They are inciting the Kiev regime to further escalate, to bring war to the territory of our country with direct strikes.”

Crimea is sovereign Russian territory, what its military will defend in similar fashion to other parts of the country.

And this Southfront reality check on Monday, saying:

Surrounding and capturing the strategically important town of Artyomovsk will force Ukrainian Nazis to retreat or be wiped out entirely by advancing Russian forces.

Separately on Monday, Secretary of Russia’s Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev, stressed the following:

Hegemon USA-dominated Western “strategy of strangling sovereign states is nothing but the revival of the old methods of colonialism” — what Russia forthrightly opposes.

“We see the consequences of Western interference in the affairs of” sovereign nations. 

“In North Africa and the Middle East, there remain hotbeds of tension they created in Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and other countries.”

US/Western regimes “spread terrorism” instead of combatting it.

Separately according to Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban:

“Europe is sliding into war (on Russia) step by step” by supplying Ukrainian Nazis with heavy weapons.

Will deploying their troops to Ukraine for perpetual war on Russia be the next shoe to drop?

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