The Day JFK Warned Us About the Globalists ‘Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy’ and their Censorship Regime
We have been warned decades ago by US President, John F. Kennedy who gave a speech on the dangers the globalists pose to us all before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961:
It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions–by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a wartime discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match
On November 22nd, 1963, JFK was assassinated while in a motorcade passing through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas.
Today, the governments of the US, EU and Israel are experiencing a global revolution against their “rules-based order” and are struggling to remain the unipolar hegemonic power thus by creating a censorship regime to keep important information hidden from the public in order to continue their regime change wars, interfere in foreign elections, coordinate political assassinations, to imposing crippling economic sanctions against their adversaries. The “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that JFK spoke about has come true in various forms since his groundbreaking speech, but one thing I would like to mention is that there is hope, there is a world-wide awakening taking place and the Globalists are very concerned.
The US and its New World Disorder
Since 1776, the US government had waged brutal wars on the indigenous populations as part of their expansionist goals in North America. Then after World War I, they invaded many Latin American nations in South and Central America, the Caribbean, and parts of Asia. Since the end of World War II where parts of Europe and Asia including the Soviet Union and China (who was invaded by Imperial Japan) were rebuilding their societies from the destruction left by the war, so the US jumped on the opportunity to become an aggressive imperialist power. US President Dwight D, Eisenhower had warned the public before JFK on the rising power of the Military-Industrial Complex that became an important element to the Globalist power structure, especially after they dropped atomic bombs unnecessarily on the city’s of Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Imperial Japan killing hundreds of thousands of mostly Japanese civilians to demonstrate to the world that they are willing to do anything, including having the will to kill innocent people to advance its goals.
JFK said that the US war machine combined its “military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations” and launched numerous wars in Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and elsewhere that included Korea (1950-1953), Vietnam (1955-1975), Cuba (1961), The Dominican Republic (1965-1966), Cambodia (1970), Laos (1959-1975), Grenada (1983), El Salvador (1981-1992), Panama (1989-1990), Nicaragua (1981-1990), Haiti (1994-1995), Serbia (1998-1999) and so on. In the Middle East and Africa, the US, NATO and Israel have also been involved in numerous conflicts in Angola (1974-1975), Iran (since 1979), Libya (1986, 2011), Iraq (1990 to Present), Afghanistan (2001-2021), Yemen (2002-Present), Somalia (2007-Present), and of course, Syria (2014-Present). *It is also important to note that the war on Palestine has been ongoing with the US and European Union’s support of Israel since 1948.
Currently, the US and its partners in crime are involved in a proxy war against Russia with their full support for Ukraine and soon they will be aiming their guns at China. US forces are still occupying Iraq and are stealing oil from Syria. In Latin America, US operatives are most likely planning future regime change operations in Venezuela, Nicaragua and elsewhere with non-government organizations (NGOs) (but are funded by the US government) such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI). The US has also imposed harsh economic sanctions on Russia, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba. North Korea where in some cases, causing devastating consequences in an attempt to purposely destroy their economies since they are on Washington’s hit list.
Meanwhile, Western powers and their Globalist agendas has hit a brick wall according to Russian President, Vladimir Putin who gave a speech at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland on January 27th, 2021, on the state of the rules-based order charade and it was significant, but of course, the US and European mainstream media barely mentioned anything about It. Putin said that “the era linked with attempts to build a centralized and unipolar world order has ended. To be honest, this era did not even begin.” Putin spoke about the Western monopoly of power that was contrary to the world’s cultures and diversity, “The essence of this monopoly ran counter to our civilization’s cultural and historical diversity” he continued “The reality is such that really different development centers with their distinctive models, political systems and public institutions have taken shape in the world.”
However, the globalists are not giving up on their hidden agendas and will do everything they can to hide the truth from the public and that’s where the censorship regime comes in.
“Dissenters are silenced, not praised” … The Censorship Regime in America

Censorship is a worldwide problem, there is no doubt about that, but the “beacon of freedom” is the biggest hypocrite on the block when it comes to censoring the truth. Here is a good example, when the groundbreaking Dark Alliance series was published by investigative journalist, Gary Webb about the CIA and the origins of the crack epidemic that began on the streets of Los Angeles and the profits it made to fund an illegal war to support the Contras, a US-backed terrorist organization against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, the US government began a campaign to destroy Webb’s credibility and eventually his life. One other important part of the story is that the CIA also sold weapons to Iran in secret as a second stream of cash to continue their illegal war which is formally known as the Iran-Contra Affair. However, Webb worked for the San Jose Mercury Sun and exposed the CIA-backed operation that was funded from the drug profits they made from the crack cocaine that was first sold on the streets of Los Angeles which had destroyed the African American community in the process. In 2004, Webb apparently committed suicide with two bullets to his head although some people, including myself, believe that he was murdered.
Since then, the censorship regime went full speed ahead silencing alternative news websites, and prominent journalists with help from Big Tech companies that includes YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and others. Before Big Tech began censoring online information, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden were targeted by Washington for exposing Western foreign and domestic crimes and they themselves were censored and charged for various crimes. Now, the Pulitzer prize winning journalist, Seymour Hersh is also being censored for his reporting on the US-Norway terrorist attack on Russia’s Nord Stream gas pipelines and recently, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted four African American activists who are members of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and the Uhuru Movement who are accused of collaborating with Russian intelligence to somehow influence elections in the US. The latest victim of censorship is Tucker Carlson, whether you agree with him or not, he just got fired over at FOX news for most likely reporting on the dangers of Covid-19 vaccines and the war in Ukraine, regardless, all of these people have one thing in common, they all did their jobs as journalists, whistleblowers or just activists speaking their mind, all told the truth, and truth is the enemy of the corrupt state. In the US, The RESTRICT Act (S. 686), which is sponsored by a Democrat Senator from Virginia, Mark Warner which threatens anyone who accesses blacklisted websites through virtual private networks (VPNs) which creates private connections between computers and phones to the internet will face up to 20 years in prison or a $250,000 fine is currently being discussed by Washington’s political establishment. If that is not the most extreme bill on censorship, I don’t know what is.
The US political establishment claims that they are the beacon of freedom and democracy, however, they are currently leading the world in censoring journalists, foreign media outlets such as RT news, Press TV, and others. In the latest annual report on press freedoms conducted by Reporters without Borders (RSF) who is known for biased-reporting ranked the US at number 45 for press freedoms, but it should place the US and its big Tech censorship monopoly at least 50 notches down to number 95 on the list for committing one of the worst assaults on foreign and domestic media networks and journalists in modern history.
The US is at a crossroads with its waning political and economic power in this new geopolitical landscape. US and European banking cartels including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the mainstream media, the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Oil all have a role in censoring the truth because they do not want the public to know what’s behind their agenda when it comes to regime change, starting new wars, to creating and arming terrorists (ISIS and AL Qaeda), to promoting deadly vaccines and the list goes on. The endless lies promoted by Western powers and Israel are now facing a backlash by the global community and that’s why they are racing to censure anyone who dares to tell the truth about their hidden agendas. April 27th, 1961 is the day JFK warned us, and as of today, his warnings still hold true.
More Troubled Banks
As I reported at the time, the banking crisis is not limited to Silicon Valley Bank. Silicon Valley Bank’s failure was followed by the failures of New York Signature Bank and First Republic Bank of San Francisco. Now three more banks have had their stock prices collapse–Western Alliance, PacWest Bankcorp, and Metropolitan Bank.
As I have emphasized, the Federal Reserve’s higher interest rates are the cause of the bank troubles. The decade of zero interest rates left banks with portfolios of low interest rate assets on their balance sheets. As the Federal Reserve raised rates, these assets declined in value. Depositors saw that the banks were technically insolvent and withdrew funds. Others withdrew funds because they can now get higher interest rates from money market funds.
Banks losing deposits are subject to runs. Expecting the worse, shareholders sell their holdings of the banks’ stocks. As the banks lose market value, troubles increase.
The Federal Reserve is causing a banking crisis, because the Federal Reserve imagines that the inflation is a monetary inflation and not an inflation resulting from supply disruptions caused by Covid lockdowns and Russian sanctions. If the Federal Reserve succeeds in throttling the economy with higher interest rates, supply problems are aggravated by reductions in production. In other words, as usual, the Federal Reserve’s policy is counterproductive.
I have always been amazed that Americans look to government entities for solutions when incompetence is the main attribute of government.
Pretend to the End
“Who would have thought in 2020 when they were voting for Joe, that they were voting for the most hardcore accelerationist collapsitarian candidate in history.”
The creatures of the underworld running our country must think the public is awfully stupid. You are expected to take at face value the claim that “Joe Biden” is actually up for re-election. Could it be more obvious that he’s pretending? (Just as he’s been pretending to serve as CEO of our government.) Meanwhile, we are not supposed to notice that the entities behind him are scrambling to dismantle, demolish, and asset-strip what remains of the USA in body and spirit. But enough of us are noticing to make it a problem for them.
First, who are these entities? They are exactly who you think they are. What you see around you is not just a complex system (Western Civ) unwinding and breaking apart — though that is part of the story. It is also the appearance of a controlled demolition by desperate, frightened, and crazy people who want to be the ones left standing when the demolition is complete. The catch is, they are pretending, too. They are control-freaks who cannot keep things under control.
This power underworld is a coalition of large public and private organizations, here and out there in the world, and the folks in charge of them, and they are all out of control, too, pretending that their operations are coherent and efficacious. For instance, the vast consortium of intelligence agencies in our country, the CIA, DIA, ad nauseam, their multitudinous spin-offs, and their international partners (e.g., MI6, Mossad, the World Health Organization). If you want to see how they actually work, watch the Coen Brothers’ movie Burn After Reading. You will see a bustle of perfectly hapless, frantic, and insanely self-destructive activity performed by clueless clowns in nice business suits.
There is also the matrix of banking, including the international regulatory agencies such as the IMF, the World Bank, the Fed, the European Central Bank, and the banks themselves. And the bankers — Powell, LeGarde, Dimon, et. al — and the money managers, Fink, Soros, and their nefarious activities. They are all pretending to be in charge of a money system so burdened with fakery and legerdemain that it’s in the process of flying up the cosmic wazoo and vanishing, leaving Western Civ, functionally, broke.
My guess is that the nominal leader of this underworld in the USA — more like a master-of-ceremonies than an actual director — is Barack Obama. He has been running “Joe Biden” since the 2020 coup against Mr. Trump. The Clintons wanted to be in the mix somewhere, but it appears they’ve lost the fight for dominance — what with Bill in a perpetual doghouse and Hillary wearing that “loser” sign plastered on her back. For now, “Joe B” is a place-holder for the Party of Chaos. Who else have they got? Gavin Newsom? I’m sure. Hair and teeth only get you so far. Just wait until they roll the footage of San Francisco. Kamala Harris? Discussion unnecessary. Elizabeth Warren? (Grandma Oatmeal, we call her.) A bunch of governors no one has ever heard of? For now, they’ll just try ignoring RFK, Jr., since he wants to turn the Democratic Party upside-down and inside-out while rinsing it with Drano.
Who will they slot in when “Joe B” gets the hook? Michelle Obama, of course. Seems ridiculous, I know. (Actually, it’s completely ridiculous.) But our country has become so marinated in recycled products, celebrities, and narratives that Mr. Barack Obama (and cohorts) might just be bold enough to try it. Michelle is just another product at this point, like a can of Bud Lite, or a Hostess Ho-Ho, and that’s how they will try to sell her. The public’s collective mind has been successfully disordered to the degree that unreality no longer registers. If they pull this off, it will be Mr. Obama’s fourth term — and the coup-de-grace for the nation.
I don’t think the public will stand for it, but the condition of our country is so grave now that the actual contest underway is not between political personalities but between economic collapse and civil war. In the latter race there will be a winner and a runner up, and it looks like the economic collapse is already well advanced. Inflation is crushing the middle-class and business activity of every kind — except maybe drug trafficking — is falling into a coma.
Meanwhile, the escapades of the “Joe Biden” crime family inch towards critical mass. It’s another sign of the public’s disordered collective mind that so much evidence of grotesque criminality could already stand revealed before them without anyone in authority (hint: the heads of the DOJ and FBI) feeling the pressure of public opinion to act. Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray have foolishly made themselves accessories in all that crime by working to cover it up. Everyone knows it and that is arguably the most demoralizing of all the manifold failures ongoing. Real justice is AWOL.
You’re aware, no doubt, of the situation on the Mexican border. Just days from now many tens of thousands of people from foreign lands waiting there will be ushered illegally across the Rio Grande by agents of the US State Department working with a whole bunch of NGOs and the United Nations to enable that rush to the entrance. The inflow will continue indefinitely. The operation has got the blessing of the “Joe Biden” regime, and everybody knows that, too. My guess is that’s what will set off a new civil war: when citizens of the border states eventually take up arms against this invasion, and our government tries to stop them from defending their own country.
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