Cartoons are pictures that ludicrously exaggerate and distort the
unique characteristics of a subject. This distortion distinguishes them
from portraits or precision images and gives them impact. The American
Public is now exposed to three cartoons of critical importance, likely
to have a powerful effect on the hive mind.
The caricatures are of three men whose lives are, in one way or
another, of great, indeed, of so obsessively great importance to The
Empire that if feels it imperative to control absolutely what you think
of or about these men. This is odd, because two of the men are dead, and
one might suppose their need to make you understand them properly would
be less important than when they were living, but that’s not how it
works in The Empire. The three are Alexei Navalny, Gonzalo Lira, and
Julian Assange.
Navalny, deceased some days ago, is being celebrated with a tsunami
of hagiography only equaled in The Empire by eulogies accorded
assassinated Presidents. The aura of holiness in which he is bathed by
imperial media is simply impermeable. The reason for his canonization
and ascension into the heavens of propaganda, is that he was, for The
Empire, their Great White Hope against Russia and the man that Biden,
with typical, sparkling wit, called that “crazy SOB”, Putin.
Vast amounts of dollars were invested in Navalny and all other pop-up
groups and parties willing to go on the payroll of The Empire as agents
in its clumsy, naive effort— beyond hopeless from, oh, say, the year
2000—to effect “regime change” in Russia. The many pallets of Franklins
that have evaporated in that idiots’ delight exceed the 5 Billion Vickie
Nuland funneled into Ukraine to buy it, install her man, and say “fuck
the EU”.
As The Empire’s White Knight, his minor flaws—virulent racism—were no
problem, though his inability to get elected to anything or build a
following was discouraging to his funders at NED and the CIA. Dead,
though, he became for it a magical martyr to the re-invented Evil
Empire. In truth, the man was neither especially good or bad, and the
facts that he was completely ineffectual and virtually unknown in his
own country, and that his feeble crusade against Putin had no chops, are
neither interesting nor damning.
What is mind-boggling is the intensity of the energy being put out by
The Empire to make this insignificant, unimportant chap a great moral
hero to Americans. We are told he was the greatest rebel since
Spartacus, a Slavic Honest Abe, and the one hope of suffering millions
for liberation at last from a regime they have elected for the past 20
years, when the reality is that he was a bland, colorless, gadfly
nonentity of no consequence at all.
A second man, Gonzalo Lira, also dead now, is being handled in an
absolutely opposite way. That is, every possible effort is being made by
our politburo and its media whores to see to it that you never hear of
him at all. Lira, you see, while not a man of any great influence, was a
truth telling, free lance reporter who, living in Ukraine, did not
embrace The Empire’s narrative which is pure bullshit, and has been from
long before the Maidan debacle.
His open podcasts regarding what he saw and knew were made only with
intent to inform, breaking through the seamless stream of macho happy
talk and delusional official pep talks to puncture the propaganda bubble
at every point he touched it, to lay out what was really happening on
the ground. He was where it was all going down, experiencing the sad
reality of America’s proxy war and, unfailingly fair in his analyses, he
pulled no punches.
In so doing, he drew fire from Zelensky’s muscle and got a tour of
their holding pen with a bit of roughing on top. They let him out,
warning that any further provocation and he’d be iced for good.
Foolishly, he made this all known online and then made a break for the
border where he was caught and disappeared.
That was six or eight months ago, during which no word of him got
out. He was an American citizen but our Embassy, appealed to by many
sources, stonewalled and did nothing. He died inside about a week ago,
of pneumonia, it was said. In the enormous outpouring of rage and grief
Navalny’s death required to make him an American hero, Lira’s end didn’t
make the papers.
The third man, alive in spite of The Empire is, without any close
rival, the greatest journalist in this world since Tom Paine. Julian
Assange, besides being everything the American press is not—a journalist
who goes after truth no matter whose ox is gored, or what the cost to
himself—is a monumental hero.
Founder of Wikileaks, he was first targeted by The Empire for release
of the notorious “Collateral Murder” video, made by an America
helicopter as it strafed and killed unarmed Iraqi civilians and children
and two Reuters journalists while the pilot joked on audio about his
murders. This one video—though he released much more on American
barbarity in Iraq— did more to sicken the world at U.S. brutality and
atrocity, than any other piece of information in the entire course of
that hideous, criminal war.
The Empire went after Assange, determined to destroy him, with Sweden
and the U.K. colluding, and drove him to seek asylum in the Ecuadorian
Embassy, facing a list of conjured up, bogus charges. Treachery helped
the CIA video him and allowed his kidnapping and jailing by the supine,
sick twits who run England, who have held him in solitary five years,
uncharged. The Empire is now conspiring with medieval, bewigged,
profoundly corrupt English judges to extradite him in order to kill him
in America.
As Navalny is deified, Lira’s name won’t be mentioned, and all you
will hear from the slut media about Assange is how terrible he is for
exposing the vicious depravity of your own evil country.
A man set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington today. He said he did it in protest of the genocide in Gaza.
Independent journalist Talia Jane reports
that she was able to obtain footage of the incident, which the unnamed
man apparently recorded himself. Jane reports that the man said he is
“an active duty member of the U.S. Air Force” and that he “will no
longer be complicit in genocide.” After igniting he repeatedly yelled
“Free Palestine.”
According to Jane, a police officer showed up pointing a gun at the
man’s burning body; I guess that’s just what American cops do when they
aren’t sure what to do. Someone who was actually trying to save the man
reportedly yelled “I don’t need guns, I need fire extinguishers!”
This just might be the most American thing I have ever heard of. It’s more American than the fake bald eagle cries
they put in Hollywood movies. It’s more American than monster trucks
and mass shootings. You simply cannot fit more America into a single
incident than a man dying a horrifying death in protest of war crimes
while a first responder screams at cops to stop pointing their guns at
him and go get fire extinguishers. If you were to pick a single moment
in history to sum up the essence and expression of the US empire, that
would be it.
UPDATE: I got footage of the self-immolation at the Israeli embassy in DC.
individual, wearing fatigues, introduces himself as “an active duty
member of the U.S. Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in
The New York Times reports
that the man “was taken to a nearby hospital with life-threatening
injuries and remains in critical condition.” A spokesman for the US Air
Force has reportedly confirmed that the man is an active duty member.
“I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest,” the man reportedly recorded himself saying
before the incident. “But compared to what people have been
experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not
extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be
The nameless protestor is correct. People in Gaza are being burned
alive, are suffocating to death under collapsed buildings, are having
operations and amputations without anesthesia, are starving to death,
are watching their loved ones die in front of them, are experiencing
suffering of a degree that very few of us here in the west can even
imagine. And our ruling class is absolutely attempting to normalize this
for us.
This isn’t even the first self-immolation we’ve seen in protest of Israel’s US-backed atrocities after October 7; back in December an unnamed protester with a Palestinian flag self-immolated outside the Israeli consulate building in Atlanta.
And as I reflect on this I can’t help thinking, how many Israel
supporters have self-immolated in protest of October 7? How many Israel
supporters have self-immolated in protest of the super serious
antisemitism crisis they claim is making Jews feel unsafe in their
communities? Surely their grievances are just as serious and sincere as
those of Palestine supporters, no?
Of course not. This has not happened and the very idea is laughable.
Israel apologists insist that it is they and their favorite ethnostate
who are the real victims in all this, rather than the population of Gaza
who has seen tens of thousands of Palestinians annihilated while Israeli soldiers openly celebrate their mass displacement and death.
But you don’t see them self-immolating; you see them cheerleading for
ethnic cleansing and genocide. They wouldn’t do anything to cause
themselves pain or inconvenience to promote their pet agenda. They
wouldn’t even miss brunch for it.
It’s a horrific thing, burning alive. I suspect that pretty much
everyone who’s ever self-immolated has had serious regrets about it
within the first few seconds. There’s simply nothing one can do to
prepare oneself for the experience of that kind of pain, or for how long
it can take them to lose consciousness after it’s started. At that
point the only comfort they could possibly offer themselves is that it
can’t go on forever.
But the fact that anyone would ever take such a measure at all shows
how profoundly urgent they recognize this issue to be, and how much more
sincere they are about it than those on the other side.
UPDATE: The protester has died. His name was Aaron Bushnell.
“Democratic Party elites such as those on CNN are not just angry but genuinely confused by the fact that American voters don’t obey them.” — Glenn Greenwald
What’s most amazing about the fiasco that
was the French Revolution is that it happened at exactly the same time
that the United States successfully organized themselves into an orderly
and effective government following the American Revolution. George
Washington was elected and sworn-in by April of 1789, with the backing
of an exemplary constitution assembled by the best minds in the land.
The Bastille fell in July that same year. France then fell into a years’
long orgy of beheading and chaos that went nowhere until 1799 when an
artillery officer named Bonaparte put an end to it by sheer force of
Of course, France had assisted America
in concluding our revolt against King George — surely you remember the
Marquis de Lafayette from your high school history class (or has he been
replaced by George Floyd?). There were plenty of Frenchmen still on the
American scene during the years following the British surrender at
Yorktown in the fall of 1781. Some of them must have kept tabs on the
Constitutional Convention, May to September, 1787, out of which came our
blueprint for managing national affairs, and not a few of these
Frenchmen were active in their own revolution which kicked off two years
By the way, Thomas Jefferson was in
Paris from 1784 until autumn of 1789, months after the Bastille fell. He
succeeded Ben Franklin as minister there to negotiate trade agreements
(Ben went to London as ambassador). John Adams was also on-the-scene in
Paris as our ambassador there when Jefferson arrived. These Americans
met daily and chatted endlessly with France’s political players. The
American Articles of Confederation were in effect then, to be replaced
by the improved US Constitution in 1787. The people of France, including
the various elites involved in public life, royal, haut bourgeoise,
lawyers and generals, might have taken a lesson from the American
experience of how to successfully come out of a political tribulation.
Alas, they simply could not get their shit together.
Rewind a little to 1793 in Paris, the
revolution in full swing: King Louis XVI went to the guillotine in
January. The National Convention had replaced the National Assembly as
the furnace of political action. The radical Jacobin faction, led by
Robespierre and Saint-Just, coalesced into a power-seizing majority
there. They took their name from a political club founded by
anti-royalists, but their platform became increasingly extreme as the
revolution lurched toward pandemonium.
During their year in power, the
Jacobins turned the life of the nation upside down in their zealous
quest to create a perfectly equitable society. They abolished the church
(and replaced it with their own “cult of the supreme being”). They
changed the week from seven days to ten days, they changed the names of
all the months of the calendar. (1792 was denoted “the Year One.”) They
put in price and wage controls while churning out money (paper assignats)
which triggered (voila) monetary inflation! They confiscated grain from
farmers all over the country. They condemned thousands (estimate:
20,000 to 40,000) of political enemies to the guillotine in their “Reign
of Terror.” In short, the Jacobins made a bloody mess of things and
pissed-off a lot of their countrymen.
By the summer of 1794 (in their renamed month of Thermidor),
everybody else finally had enough of the Jacobin nightmare. On July 27,
Robespierre was at the rostrum once again denouncing his enemies and
crying for blood when the out-group members present started throwing
food at him and shouting him down. That was the magic moment when
everything flipped — the shock of recognition that the Jacobins had lost
power. Just like that! The chamber fell into a melee, a lot of shoving
and shouting. . . Robespierre and his cronies were chased across town to
the city hall (Hôtel de Ville) and barricaded themselves
inside. The mob broke through and arrested them. Somewhere in the
confusion a policeman shot Robespierre in the face, shattering his jaw
(no more speeches for you!). . . and the very next day, Robespierre,
Saint-Just, and twenty of their associates had their appointment with
“the national razor.”
This event became known as the Thermidorian Reaction.
The insane Jacobin program of terror and social derangement was swiftly
abolished. Nothing like it was seen again until the Bolsheviks, the
Maoists and the Khmer Rouge came along in the 20th century,
and now, in our time, The Party of Chaos as led by “Joe Biden” (or
whoever and whatever is behind him), with their open border, their lust
for another world war, their drive for censorship, their sadistic
lawfare, their race and sex hustles, their compulsive lying, and their
sick destruction of every norm and boundary in daily life.
America is headed for its own
Thermidorian Reaction. It’ll end up being called something else, of
course, because it is a different time, place, and set of circumstances.
But it feels close, doesn’t it? Everybody I know or correspond with
mentions this feeling that something is going to blow in our country,
and pretty soon. The air is alive with it, just as the air is alive with
portents of spring. Are you waiting for it?
Welcome to Mixed Reality: A Fake Place Where Fake People Are Trapped Forever
"Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that
this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with
machines to enslave them." —Frank Herbert
The worst thing in the world is to be right.
No, that's not quite right. Let me amend that. The worst thing in the
world is to be right about something horrific and inescapable, a
looming danger that you can see approaching from the distance but whose
progress you are powerless to prevent no matter how loudly you ring the
This is the lesson of Cassandra, the Trojan princess of Greek
mythology who, having deceived the god Apollo, was cursed with the gift
of uttering true prophecies that were never believed by anyone.
And, agonizingly, it is also the lesson I have had the displeasure of
learning through personal experience during my 17 years of creating The
Corbett Report.
I produced podcasts warning about transhumanism and technocracy before most people even knew what a podcast was.
I filed a report on Medical Martial Law in 2009, back when quarantines and forced vaccinations were treated as the far-out fantasies of Hollywood script writers.
Now, here we are in 2024, and, once again, the general population is
just starting to catch up with what we Corbett Reporteers have seen
coming for years.
So, are you ready for the horrors of an always-on, constantly connected, interminably intermediated "mixed reality"?
No, of course you aren't. Here's why.
Have you encountered one in the wild yet? You know, a real, live Vision Pro wearer?
Maybe not. But, chances are, you will soon enough.
For those not in the know, Vision Pro is the sexy new $3,500 mixed-reality headset from the same bitten-Apple
gadget porn designers who brought you the iPhone and the iPod and the
iWatch and a seemingly never-ending assortment of Chinese slave-made
fondleslabs and digital doohickies.
The Apple Vision Pro—the latest object of fetishistic devotion from the wizards of Cupertino—is being marketed as "an infinite canvas that transforms how you use the apps you love" and as an "introduction to the era of spatial computing."
So, what does this commercial claptrap really mean? What does a "mixed-reality headset" actually look like?
Well, like this, of course:
If this is your first time seeing the Vision Pro in use, you would be
forgiven for concluding that we are experiencing an invasion of
transhuman cyber-soldiers. But don't worry, it's not that. It's just the
beginning of the dystopian cyberpunk horror film that is the world of
Anyway, you can go to the Apple site and watch the promotional
materials to learn all about this new technological marvel and how it
will soon change all our lives for the better . . . but you don't need
to do that. You can just read one of the many, many, many, many, many, many "news articles" (read: advertisements) for the gadget that have been generated in the dying dinosaur media of late.
That’s right! Everyone loves their phone . . . and now their phone
can love them back! And they’ll never have to worry about forgetting
their phone at home ever again!
No, this should seem familiar because you almost certainly saw it (or at least the COOL AND EXCITING gestural interface the Vision Pro relies on) in that 2002 summer blockbuster, Minority Report. In reality, Minority Report was not just a COOL AND EXCITING! action flick from Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise, but a masterclass in predictive programming. For years afterward, everyone was citing every disturbing new technological "advancement"—from the creepy digital marketing billboards
that could identify you by eye scan and address you personally by name
to the amazing gestural technology that allowed Cruise (as Detective
John Anderton) to waltz his way through oceans of digital information
like a composer conducting a symphony—as an example of a Minority Report-style dystopia coming into view.
Well, in case you didn't know, Minority Report's amazing ability to predict the future was no mere happenstance. In fact, Minority Report was a textbook example of predictive programming,
in which we were inoculated against our current-day invasion of Vision
Pro-wearers by witnessing it all on the silver screen before it came to
pass in reality.
Minority Report is a 2002 Hollywood sci-fi movie from
director Steven Spielberg presenting a dystopian future of pre-crime,
total surveillance and police state technology. Unlike many science
fiction fantasies, however, the technology depicted in the film has
already proven remarkably prescient. From statistical analysis programs
like IBM’s Blue CRUSH
that purports to be able to predict criminal “hotspots” to drone
technologies that are beginning to look more and more like the police
tracking robots depicted in the movie, Minority Report has
proven time and again to have been ahead of the curve in predicting
technology. This is not accidental. During the film’s pre-production in
1999, Spielberg invited a panel of experts to a three-day “think tank”
in Santa Monica, California. Including architects, biomedical
researchers and computer scientists, the group wrote the “2054 bible,”
an 80-page book detailing the most likely technological, sociological,
architectural and political changes of the next half-century.
That's right! The wizards of Holy/Wood and their scriptwriting
sorcerers actually convened an ad hoc "think tank" to write a bible of
the future, in which they boldly "predicted" what our world would look
like in 50 years. And that ragtag bunch of young up-and-comers—including
the corpulent, Hillary-worshipping Jaron Lanier of The Social Dilemma fame and Shaun Jones of DARPA biowarfare
infamy and Steward Brand of Whole Earth Catalogue notoriety—just
happened to put together a movie that depicted a number of future
technologies (like the gestural interface technology that is now
creeping out random passersby on the street in New York and other
tech-enslaved hotspots) with eery accuracy.
Funny how that works, isn't it?
Here are the real questions: Why are the Holy/Wood magicians and the
news repeaters and the tech giants and seemingly everyone else in
positions of power so invested in getting us to strap a computer to our
face? What is this tech takeover really about? And how is this
technology going to start changing us as a species?
The scenes of Vision Pro-clad transhumans walking around our cities
is nightmarish enough. Merely watching these not-quite-here people
trying to interact with their fake online digital spaces at the same
time as they're navigating crosswalks and driving cars is anxiety
inducing in itself. But what does it look like from their perspective?
Once again, as a clued-in Cassandra of The Corbett Report community,
you will already know the answer to that question. Specifically, you'll
be able to cast your mind back to Lesson 3 of the Mass Media: A History online course ("Caught in the Web") in which we experienced "hyper-reality"—the immersive simulation of the augmented reality of the future originally developed in 2009 by filmmaker Keiichi Matsuda as part of his master’s thesis at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London.
Viewers of that non-stop assault on the senses will no doubt remember
how incredibly overwhelming that imaginary experience in a "mixed
reality" environment is at first, with an ordinary bus trip . . .
. . . and an ordinary shopping trip to the grocery store
. . . being transformed into a kaleidoscopic eyegasm of information,
messages, advertisements and activities, all displayed for the film's
first-person protagonist (Juliana Restrepo) on a display presumably
being projected into her eyes by a Vision Pro-style headset in some
near-future setting.
But you will also remember that gut-dropping moment when the
protagonist's headset comes under cyberattack and she is forced to
reboot her system, revealing the bare, boring, non-hyper-reality
underlying the frenetic visual display on her device.
What makes Matsuda's film so powerful is that it demonstrates not
only what the world might look like for those who choose to strap
themselves into the mixed-reality nightmare of the Big Tech overlords,
but also how utterly addictive such an unreality can become even after a
few short minutes of exposure. The revelation of the simple, unadorned
supermarket aisle in all its drab reality is a gut punch to those
viewers who didn't even realize they were already starting to get drawn
into the digital matrix being overlayed on the screen.
As I say, if you did take the online mass media history course and you did
get through Lesson 3, then you experienced this moment for yourself,
and you already know it to be true. But, in case you're one of those
people who can believe something only when it's confirmed by third
parties, here's your confirmation:
That's an article by Adam Rogers at BusinessInsider documenting an
experiment conducted by a team of researchers led by Jeremy Bailenson at
the Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford. In that experiment,
subjects attempted to wear an Apple Vision Pro or a Meta Quest
(Zuckerberg's Facebook equivalent of the mixed-reality goggles) for
weeks at a time, and the results were shocking. As it turns out, the
"passthrough" process by which these devices take the real world and
then present it to its wearer via the digital screen begins to have
profound dissociative effects on the gadget's user after prolonged
periods of use.
Because passthrough captures and then re-renders reality, it can have
an unnerving, distancing effect over time. When Bailenson's colleagues
actually tried to talk to people, the world turned into a giant,
confusing Zoom. Video chats, as we've all experienced, are plagued by
delays in responses and missed social cues. Conversations lose subtlety,
but it's good enough for a meeting. But passthrough magnifies the
effect — the people you talk to start to seem unreal. Up close, they
look like avatars. Farther away, they become just part of the
In other words, the difference between the digital world and the
"real" world starts to blur. The digital world may seem more "real" but
only at the expense of the "real" world losing its sense of reality.
So, what is the end result of such a process?
Do we begin to lose our cognitive faculties altogether?
Do we start to imbue the machines and bots and algorithms and avatars
that form the fabric of this mixed-reality universe with humanity?
And, most worryingly of all, do we forsake our humanity altogether by
engaging in this fake digital world? That is to say, if we continue to
follow this path—if we strap on the goggles and literally immerse
ourselves in the Media Matrix—do we start to become machines?
If you don't know how these long-term social engineering programs
work yet, let me clue you in. It's at this point that the narrative
controllers put out some sort of "news" story that elicits laughter at
the Cassandras warning about the looming catastrophe. Soon, everyone
will be relentlessly mocking anyone who sees any sort of threat from the
mixed-reality dystopia.
Don't believe me? Well, think back to when the term "metaverse" was
first seeded in the public consciousness a few years ago. Do you
remember how the term immediately got hijacked by Mark Zuckerberg? And
how our first impression of the metaverse was the clunky Facebook
version of that virtual space? Now the very word "metaverse" is a running gag
about bad branding decisions and silly-looking avatars and whoever
warns us about the dangers of immersing ourselves in these digital
spaces of the future is dismissed like Cassandra.
"Pfff. James was warning us about this metaverse stuff a few years
ago, but look how wrong he was! It was all a bunch of fluff and hype,
and it never caught on. Now excuse me while I strap on my Vision Pro."
Of course, you can guess what the latest headlines about the Vision
Pro are telling us. That there's nothing to worry about! That the Vision
Pro hype was all just a silly two-week trend and, thank goodness, it's
all over now!
You see? Relax, everybody. These goggle thingies are cumbersome and
uncomfortable, and people are already returning them. End of story.
If this is your first rodeo, here's how this scam works: these
"people are returning their Vision Pro" reports, too, are just another
part of the extended dinosaur media advertising campaign that is seeking
to ease us into the media matrix.
Now, don't get me wrong: this is not an advertising campaign
for the Vision Pro in particular. It's a campaign to convince us this
"mixed-reality" nonsense (or whatever they're calling it this week) is
part of our day-to-day reality now. It's inevitable. It's here to stay.
Get used to it. Or at least get used to seeing people using it, because, as it turns out, this is all an aspect of the "mimetic desire" phenomenon that will eventually lead to us adopting this technology. (Remember when Stephen Colbert took a bizarre break at the 2010 Grammy Awards to show off his spiffy new iPad to the TV-addicted masses?)
The point of this new "everyone is returning their Vision Pro!" news story
advertisement is to plant the idea in the public consciousness that our
unease with this latest technology is understandable. After all, at
this stage the technology is clunky and headache-inducing. But the
headlines are simultaneously planting the idea that these contingencies
of form are the only reason people aren't lining up around the
block to strap themselves into the goggles right now. Once someone
cracks the design code and makes glasses that are comfortable and
stylish, then the social engineers will have removed the one obstacle to
this technology that they have allowed us to recognize.
And then, when people begin inserting themselves into the "mixed-reality" media matrix . . .
. . . well, unfortunately, my fellow Cassandras know all too well how
the rest of the story plays out. Let's just hope that Apollo's curse is
not upon us so we can successfully warn the masses before it's too
SC stands for Storm Coming. Humanity has created an ever growing tempest of myriad converging difficulties and realistically unsolvable complexities. The architecture of the human mind and its manner of functioning meant we would always go down this increasingly troubled path as a species. My postings here are a collection of articles on the long list of looming dire issues. I have been posting SC for a few years at another website. To find earlier SC postings go to : , then look for the SC postings in the forum list. To access older SC threads there go back in the older pages of the forum list to SC84 posted in January 2009. SC84 through SC1 ( titled " A storm is coming ) can be viewed at that forum. Use this blog for SC85 to current SC postings. I will be adding further updated info here at my Hotspringswizard blog as time permits.
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