The Empire’s Surprise
The American press, has become a mouthpiece for deceit. The collapse of this empire is inevitable.
You have to hand it to The Empire of Capitalism when it comes to the variety of tactics it has devised for breaking and destroying countries that attempt to refuse its arrogant overlordship.
Sure, military assault and destruction are the big item lately—in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine—and those disastrous, bungled pratfalls were big moneymakers for the War Machine. Our Command and Control apparatus, laughingly referred to as our “democracy”, utterly contemptuous of its lobotomized, morally dead citizenry, does what the inner circle of its Capitalist owners require to maximize their profits, and losing “wars” is of no consequence since there is arguably more profit in that than in winning them, whatever than might mean. Either way they cash in and getting American boys killed is of no concern to them.
So, “war” heads its list of tactics but not to the exclusion of other effective means of destroying small nations for plunder. It has subjected the whole of Central and South America forever with bullying and violence, empowering the sleaziest whores in their “elites” to run them as extraction zones and money brothels for The Empire’s banks and partner pirates.
It has used its CIA—its nasty corps of sick, bumbling psychos—to facilitate this calumny, and wherever thought necessary, to hire murderers to take out anyone who resisted in a roster of nations around the world. It even tried this form of demolition, and nearly succeeded, in attempting to reduce giant Russia to beggary and ruin but that, as it turned out, was beyond its capability.
Lately, the amanuenses of The Empire, its “Free Press”, long reduced to sniveling bawdry, have been strident in advising us braindead readers and watchers, that Haiti is spiraling down into chaos because its legitimate government has been ousted by violent, predatory gangs. Oh, my!
One of the true wonders of The Empire’s Propaganda Bureau— that “Free Press”—has been how it has learned to do what it pretends to be real reporting on an event while leaving out or eliminating anything that might convey the truth of the matter. The major news outlets and print media are filled every day with the most transparent and egregious bullshit in the interest of keeping the great mass of American naifs from ever knowing anything true about anything that concerns them.
The story of the corruption and decomposition of the American press into its stinking, deliquescent corpse is long and grim, having intensified after Vietnam where some young studs in the trade still insisted on telling the truth—Brown, Halberstam and Sheehan, notably. This persistence put some truly stunning and devastating holes in the stonewalling of bald, cynical lies that the military and State Department used to defend the indefensible, much like what Nazi Zionist Israel is doing now to try to mask their race murder in Gaza, and showed it for what it was.
When young Sy Hersh broke the story of the maniacal horror of the My Lai murders, the fake face of this phony, lying empire was broken in the eyes of all the world. Hersh, one of the true greats of the trade, has long since been banished from all mainstream outlets as a mind and voice that will not whore his integrity to the degraded and disgraced requirements of our ugly, contemptible, official PR dog and pony show.
William Shirer wrote revealingly of this rolling takeover of the American news biz, as far back as post-WWII years, and a comprehensive and temperate documentation of the sorry selbstmord of American journalism is now out in Patrick Lawrence’s biographical, “Journalists And Their Shadows”.
The rotting of our press has enabled the soft tactics of The Empire through its cosmetic work—similar to an undertaker’s sprucing up a stiff with paint and perfume—to decorate and render pleasing the vicious, inhuman evil with which The Empire has eviscerated and bled out whole peoples. Cuba, belongs high in that catalog, and Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and on and on, but none has been more villainously manhandled and raped than Haiti about which The Empire now expresses old maidish distress that it has come to such inexplicable failure.
As little as Americans know of how their country works today, they know less, nearly nothing, of their actual history, and that which is known they seek, in great numbers, to ban as a serious threat to their self-esteem. In the early 20th century, America—pre-empire—bullied, beat up, and brutalized the whole Caribbean until it made all those islands and small nations into the money pits of Capitalist masters. United Fruit owned whole countries, as did various oil and sugar barons and big banking hyenas.
Of all those ripped off and looted states, none was more grossly violated than Haiti because its people were black, therefore meat for lynching by our sanctimonious racist hypocrites. Marines made it into a whorehouse and grab-bag for our Capitalist brutes and blackjacked it into submission, ceding it to vicious, depraved Papa Doc and his Tonton Macoutes, as CEO for white financial pirates. When he finally ran to rot on the Riviera and efforts were made for independence by patriots, the banks and “free market” ghouls had their overlord—yours and mine, I’m talking about—crush them and reimpose the chaos and larceny of The Empire.
The Empire’s vile role, shameful and horrifying everywhere, was nowhere more nakedly malevolent than in Haiti to this day. And now, this addled, stupid, senile collapsing empire’s panjandrums are clutching their pearls and clenching their sphincters over this sudden, unforeseen unpleasantness they just can’t understand.
This, of course, is no surprise. They don’t understand anything but brutality and crime, in the hallucination of hegemony that they dream of, and have lost forever.
Deterrence By Savagery?
The West’s historical success was rooted in organized violence, rather than its proclaimed values.
“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion (to which few members of other civilizations were converted) but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.”
― Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1996)
Western colonialism began in the fifteenth century and ended, with a few exceptions, in the mid of the 20th century. It was enabled by the development of technologies and fast population growth. The West then changed to a new model of ruling the world. It talked about human values and human rights and certain rules that would allegedly enable everyone to enjoy those.
The facade did not hold up well. The West, and especially the U.S., abused the ‘rules based order’ by circumventing international law whenever it did not fit its interests. It continued to apply ‘organized violence’ under dubious circumstances. The wars against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq were supposed to demonstrate that the West would uphold whatever rules it claimed to exist. But the wars were lost and the U.S. had to retreat from them.
The war in Ukraine is only the latest but most obvious demonstration that the ‘rules based order’ no longer exists:
Over the past several decades, the United States has continually placed Moscow in a position either to accept the fait accompli of NATO expansion at the expense of Russian security interests, or to escalate with force and suffer the consequences of increased economic and political ostracization. This disincentive to avoid escalation has been effectively removed. Explicating the altered state of international relations is not cheerleading for the Russian position — although it may be treated as such by those who disingenuously present any realistic assessment of the situation as “appeasement” — but rather illustrating how Moscow has insulated itself from Western ostracization, thus changing the entire balance of power in not only Europe, but the world.
Now, it is Russia that has the West on the horns of a dilemma: It can either watch the Kremlin achieve its strategic objectives, guaranteed in a one-sided negotiated settlement or through the continued attrition of Ukrainian forces, or it can escalate with force. Putin’s statement regarding nuclear weapons was not mere rhetoric—it was the Russian president defining the limits of the current conflict from a position of authority.
Anything short of total Ukrainian victory is therefore an implicit admission that the “rules-based” economic and political order has been irreversibly altered.
This morning hypersonic weapons destroyed an SBU headquarter in Kiev just seconds after the air alarm was activated. Western air defenses had failed. Russia has destroyed the myth of the West’s superiority in applying organized violence.
Others have taken note. The recent flare up in U.S. relations with Niger is a consequence of this:
The pressure brought to Niger reveals that Washington is supporting the war against Russia for reasons other than the right of Ukraine to choose its partners and join NATO, or that that right only applies when the partner being chosen is the United States and NATO but not Russia. The core principle, then, is not the right of a sovereign nation to choose its partner, but the right of a sovereign nation to partner with the United States.
The American attitude toward Niger and Russia reveals a second lesson. A key response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine was to isolate Russia and reinforce the U.S.-led unipolar world. It has not worked.
The United States has expressed concern that the “Russian Federation is really trying to take over central Africa as well as the Sahel.” Thurston told me that the U.S. is “very worried about Russian influence throughout the Sahel, and it has a particular sting in Niger given the previous closeness of the relationship.”
He added that the United States “seems to regard competition with Russia in Africa as zero-sum; whereas, most African governments don’t see things that way.” And that is the hallmark of the emerging multipolar world that the U.S. is trying to hold back. Saudi Arabia has said “we do not believe in polarization or in choosing between sides.” India’s Minister of External Affairs, S. Jaishankar, in his book, The Indian Way, describes the new multipolar world as one in which countries deal “with contesting parties at the same time with optimal results” for their “own self-interest.”
Having lost its two main sources power, the rules based order as a (somewhat) soft power instrument and its military hard power superiority, the West is in need of a new instrument of deterrence, a new tool that allows it to press its interest against the will of other powers.
It found that in demonstrating utter savagery.
The war on Gaza, backed by the West, is a demonstration that the West is willing to cross all lines. That it will discard any nuance of humanity. That it is willing to commit genocide. That it will do everything to prevent international organizations to intervene against this.
That it is willing to eliminate everyone and everything that resists it.
Those nations who commit themselves to multi-polarity should steel themselves for what might be visited on them.
Things That Have Been Discredited During The Destruction Of Gaza
List of things that have been discredited during the destruction of Gaza:
• Israel
• the “rules-based international order”
• liberals
• the label “antisemitism”
• the mainstream media
• Joe Biden
• the “two-state solution” myth
• Bernie Sanders
• Robert F Kennedy Jr
• the label “terrorist”
• the “human shields” lie
• the ADL
• the US war machine
• right wing “free speech” supporters
• the Democratic Party
• the Republican Party
• Zionism
• all western governments
• all of western civilization
• everything westerners believe about their society
The US vetoed multiple UN ceasefire resolutions, then put forward a fake “ceasefire” resolution that didn’t actually demand a ceasefire and accused Russia and China of “sabotaging” peace when they vetoed it, then an actual ceasefire resolution was passed which the US abstained from voting on rather than vetoing in order to save face over its Russia/China moralizing, and then the US declared (100% falsely) that the UN ceasefire resolution which passed is “non-binding”.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to support and defend Biden and just endorsed virulent Israel supporter Hakeem Jeffries for House Speaker, even after accusing Israel of genocide in a House floor speech.
If you say this is a genocide and then you support the people who are backing this genocide, it means either (A) you’re fine with genocide or (B) you only called it a genocide to score progressive political points and don’t actually believe what you said.
Biden supporters keep trying to spin his genocidal actions as some kind of aberration in his otherwise lovely behavior due to highly unusual circumstances, as though he hasn’t been a bloodthirsty warmonger AND an extreme pro-Israel hawk his entire fucking political career.
Don’t babble at me about how bad and wrong it is for Palestinians to use violence unless you can offer me a coherent plan for what they should do instead.
Civil disobedience won’t work because Zionists have no conscience and don’t care about Palestinian death and suffering.
The doors to a two-state solution with a real Palestinian state are slammed shut by Israel’s political landscape and are being further bolted down by continually expanding settlements deliberately designed to prevent such a solution from ever emerging.
A one-state solution where everyone has equal rights and no ethnicity gets preferential treatment is an even more remote pipe dream which not even Israel’s western allies support.
So what can the Palestinians do? It doesn’t look like anyone who opposes armed resistance has any good answers. Really what they want is for Palestinians to just lie down and submit to whatever abuses Israel wants to inflict upon them and just slowly fade into obscurity and become a forgotten people, but they can’t say that aloud without sounding like psychopaths so they just finger-wag at Hamas without ever offering any legitimate solutions.
Palestinians have been forced against their will into an impossibly horrible situation, and they sometimes use violence out of desperation because all the other doors are closed to them. If you want me to “condemn” them for this you can kiss my ass, especially since you can’t even tell me what they should do instead.
The overwhelming majority of westerners spend roughly zero percent of their day thinking about Jews and Judaism, but because Israel stands accused of genocide people are being gaslighted into believing our society is overflowing with a widespread seething hatred of Jewish people.
All popular online posts about Israeli atrocities will have numerous comments underneath claiming that it didn’t happen, or that it was justified, or that it was good actually, or that it should be blamed on Hamas. Every single one, without a single solitary exception. No matter how strong the evidence is. No matter how horrific the atrocity.
This shows you that Israel apologists don’t care about truth or morality, and it shows you that they never have. All throughout Israel’s history they’ve been lying and manipulating the public narrative about what the Israeli state has been doing this entire time. That’s why they push so hard to get people de-platformed and censored and to get TikTok shut down: all they care about is controlling the public narrative, so they want to silence anyone who makes that harder for them.
Canada Links Citizens' Bank Accounts to Social Credit Score

The Canadian banking system will soon be transformed by a so-called “open banking” framework.
Proponents are framing this as a more “inclusive” way for banks to easily share information and access user data.
However, the move will merge social standings with banking to provide governments and unelected bureaucrats with complete control over our finances.
The organization Open Banking Excellence (OBE), a World Bank partner that originated in the UK, boasts that it will incorporate social credit scores and bank information, and likely digital cash and IDs, in one “convenient” and “inclusive” place.
OBE, which has reached 40 countries, aims to “create exceptional platforms and content that promotes knowledge sharing, new thinking and partnerships within the industry – catalyzing the adoption of Open Finance and Data for better financial inclusion worldwide.”
“It’s about having that fairer, more inclusive, more open society,” said Helen Child, founder of Open Banking Excellence.
Of course, “Open Society” is an ideology championed by radical billionaire George Soros which involves open borders, no prisons, and rampant crime, among other “progressive” ideas.
However, the need for inclusivity and fairness in banking is not explained, despite being repeatedly pushed by proponents of the plan.
“It drives financial inclusion,” Child claims of the scheme.
“It’s democratizing data.”
What Child failed to mention is that data will be worth more than gold as we move forward with a cashless society.
There is no easier way to control the masses than to control their access to money, and their ability to buy, trade, and freely move about.
The Canadian Press outlined the true motive in plain sight:
“One of the biggest areas of growth is in credit assessments.
“Under open banking, lenders could directly access an individual’s banking data, so they can look beyond credit scores.
“Consumers can also use it to build their credit scores, for example, by proving reliable rent payments.”
Looking beyond credit scores equates to determining if a person is fit to participate in the global economy based on their personal views.
As Canada continues to crack down on so-called “hate,” the next step will inevitably be to block citizens from accessing their money if they’re suspected of wrongthink.
The Canadian government already tested these plans by shutting down the bank accounts of the Freedom Convoy protesters in 2022.
British populist politician Nigel Farage has also been a victim of the debanking agenda.
Farage never committed a crime or did anything to warrant what many have called the “Farage fiasco.”
He was suddenly debanked by Coutts and was unable to access any of his checking or savings accounts.
His credit cards were deactivated.
He was unable to participate in society without a moment’s notice.
Farage did his due diligence and found that countless people had experienced the same financial attack carried out by the banks on behalf of the government.
This is a widespread phenomenon.
We saw it happening commonly during Covid lockdowns, where users were not permitted to access places if their digital Covid passports failed.
In China, when banks were facing a liquidity crisis, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) simply denied depositors the right to access their money.
Citizens were blocked from physically accessing their banks.
The government successfully prevented a bank run by intervening.
We saw a few celebrities debanked from the system for voicing unpopular opinions without any legal proceedings or crimes committed.
However, Canada is one of many nations hoping to use unofficial social credit scores to control the masses.
All of these actions are setting the stage for how Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will operate.
Once CBDCs are rolled out for public use, the system will be a collective network containing everyone’s personal data, digital ID, social credit score, vaccination status, and money.
Governments have already begun debanking individuals.
These latest steps will make it increasingly easier to force the masses to bow down and relinquish all control to the globalist elite.
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