Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Today, 4-11, I was unable to do my daily post here at my Hotspringswizard Blog, its not working, I don't know why. Everything else works except for the " new post " feature. 

Today, 4-12, I found this in my email:

Your post titled "SC297-13" has been deleted

Blogger []
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2024 8:20 AM


     As you may know, our Community Guidelines 
( describe the boundaries for what we 
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "SC297-13" was 
flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our 
guidelines and deleted the post, previously at

     Why was your blog post deleted?

     Your content has violated our Misleading Content policy. Please visit 
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

     If you believe we made an error, you can request an appeal:
You may have the option to pursue your claims in court. If you have legal 
questions or wish to examine legal options that may be available to you, 
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     We encourage you to review the full content of your blog posts to make 
sure they are in line with our standards as additional violations could 
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     The Blogger Team
So it appears that this part of the Blogger notification relates to why I cannot do new post,
 " We encourage you to review the full content of your blog posts to make 
sure they are in line with our standards as additional violations could 
result in termination of your blog. "

Also this,

" Your content has violated our Misleading Content policy. Please visit 
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more. "

Sign of the times, censorship, termination, truth will not be allowed. 15 years at Blogger and this is what they do. Dark times , getting worse.

Desperados… NATO cranks up false-flag mode

It’s open season for false-flag provocations in NATO’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

Russia is winning the war – now in its third year – and the NATO weapons laundering scam with its NeoNazi regime in Ukraine is coming apart. So what to do?

Only two weeks after a terror attack near Moscow that killed 144 civilians, which the Western media roundly attributed to Islamist jihadists and Western governments categorically asserted had nothing to do with the Ukrainian regime it sponsors, there now follows a spate of other false flags.

Russia is being accused of dropping chemical weapons on Ukrainian soldiers while also trying to blow up Europe’s biggest civilian nuclear power plant.

Over the weekend, Western media reports bore the hallmark signs of disinformation campaigns by peddling lame claims that the Russian military was dropping gas grenades on Ukrainian troops.

It was reported that chemical weapons were being used daily to target Ukrainian positions near Lyman and Chasiv Yar in Donetsk Oblast. The source of this information was purportedly an “American combat medic” serving in the ranks of the Ukrainian armed forces. That detail alone raises suspicion of planted disinformation.

The second realm of cloying propaganda is the sudden reappearance of reports that the Zaporozyhe Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) is coming under constant artillery fire from drones. Those attacks had gone into a lull since last year. Now they are back, as if by clockwork.

Western media have repeated their earlier pattern of trying to make out that it is not clear whether it is the Ukrainian or the Russian side that is firing on the ZNPP – thereby risking a nuclear catastrophe that would engulf Europe from radioactive fallout.

Rafael Grossi, the director of the United Nations nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, is again shamefully indulging the Western media disinformation. Grossi confirmed that the ZNPP was hit at least three times in recent days and he warned of “a significant risk of a major nuclear accident” adding that “this cannot happen”. But Grossi feigns to be agnostic about who is carrying out the attacks. He did not specifically call out the Ukrainian side as the perpetrator.

The Western media affects the ambiguous notion that it could not confirm Ukrainian or Russian claims, thereby giving the impression that it could have been Russian strikes on the ZNPP.

That is ludicrous. Russian forces control the nuclear plant having taken it in March 2022 soon after intervening in Ukraine to halt the aggression of the NATO-backed regime. Russia has provided documented evidence to the UN that the Ukrainian side has been targeting the ZNPP repeatedly with US-supplied artillery and NATO logistics.

Yet the Western media and the UN’s IAEA indulge in the risible charade that Russian forces might be shelling a nuclear plant that they are in possession and control of.

The Western media claims that Russia is resorting to chemical weapons are also absurdly illogical. Why would Russia need to use such a weapon when it is already gaining the strategic upper hand in the war? Besides, Russia has verifiably destroyed all of its chemical weapons years ago as mandated by the 1997 CW Convention.

The same illogical scenario was seen when the Syrian Arab Army was in full control of the battlefield against NATO-backed mercenaries. It was the Western-sponsored cut-throat jihadists of Al Nusra Front and so on that were the ones who contrived chemical weapons attacks and the Western media would reflexively and wrongly blame the Syrian state forces. The provocation succeeded in Syria in triggering the United States, Britain and France to launch air strikes against the Syrian army.

Russia has no need – even if it had chemical weapons – to use them when it is decimating NATO’s proxy army of the NeoNazi Ukrainian regime.

Likewise, Russia commandeered the Zaporozyhe Nuclear Power Plant at an early stage in the conflict knowing that the NATO regime would otherwise use it as a terror card. How right Russia was. The NATO forces are once again stepping up efforts to bomb the ZNPP in an attempt to create a crisis that would presumably justify an escalation by NATO.

Just like the atrocious mass murder at the Crocus City Hall near Moscow on March 22, the NATO proxy war is shifting to all-out hybrid terrorism. The NATO axis has lost conventional warfare on the battlefield due to Russia’s superior firepower and military tactics.

The NATO powers are becoming desperate from the historic defeat. They have invested an unprecedented huge amount of political and financial capital in winning a proxy war to defeat Russia – and they stand to now lose with devastating losses.

This is the feverish context for French leader Emmanuel Macron mouthing off about sending NATO troops into Ukraine and other NATO leaders issuing desperate pleas for more weapons supplies and compulsory military conscription. Their insane proxy war is a monumental debacle that spells calamity for the political establishments in the West, including the lying propaganda news media.

Amid this desperation on a sinking ship of Titanic proportions, the NATO powers are going into full false-flag mode to create some frenetic distraction.

The trouble for them is that we have been here many times before, and the whole world can see through their sordid playbook.

Comment to article:

" There is no limit to the depth that Zionist Washington DC won’t sink. Expect anything evil from that government! "



Well, that’s a relief. The Empire’s PR people came out right after the massacre at Crocus to tell us that it had nothing to do with Ukraine, much less with them. They said they warned Putin that an attack was likely at a music event or something. Of course, they couldn’t tell him where, because they didn’t know, you see.

The thing that comes to mind hearing The Empire’s solemn, baldfaced denials of responsibility for the Moscow mass murders is the story of the man caught by his wife in flagrante, and as she stares at him, naked and erect, he yells to her, “Hon, it’s not me!”

I have no sound information on the Crocus horror, and so can draw no firm conclusions about it. Anything I offered would be baseless opinion which, although very much in vogue among The Empire’s mouthpieces nowadays, does not make it past my Superego as a usable mode of operation.

Stating as fact that which cannot be verified or which is patently untrue, as in the case of most of what we are informed is real information, as opposed to the “mis”, “dis”, or “mal” types that our government is so intent on eliminating, is not a practice I can subscribe to. I prefer to defer judgement and confess ignorance rather than to make assertions that are untethered to the reality they address. Of course, I’m not your government.

What seems to be certain is that a few men of Tajik nationality killed over 140 people. They were caught on the way to the Ukrainian front and are imprisoned with a number of their fellows who are said to have had some role in it. That’s it. There is no information on their motive, and only rumors as to sponsoring or backing, including some in our media speculating that Putin did it himself, in order, they say—as in the Nord Stream blowup—to injure himself and his national interest. The reasoning in The Empire’s press strongly resembles Medieval Scholasticism, or the headlines once run in the Volkischer Beobachter, but there it is.

The aftermath of the massacre is being met in Moscow with a deafening silence which the simple take to mean that it is being gagged down as a bad break that will be forgotten, but that ain’t necessarily so. One can’t be sure, but a betting man would conclude there is deep, thorough investigation going on that will lead to sound conclusions and, perhaps, spectacular behaviors.

In contrast to the Crocus case, there seems to be no doubt that Nazi Israel took out the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, killing a leader of the Quds Force. Iran has vowed to revenge the act, but again, there is official silence as the matter is investigated.

The prudence evinced by both injured states in exercising such restraint is both fortunate for the world and wise, since retaliation, however justified, is likely to bring on regional or even world war. The fact that each attack was so violent and carried out on home territories—an embassy is considered part of its home country—makes the patience shown in responding to them amazing.

The quietly charged atmosphere around these provocative hits has a distinct resemblance to the tense, foreboding days in Europe after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914. Before the horrendous bloodletting of WWI, there were a couple of weeks during which those who realized what threatened was cataclysmic held their breath in hopes of a rationality that didn’t come. This is no prediction. These grim events may resolve themselves in some way that avoids an eruption. The nations involved, however incensed and insulted, may find a means of avoiding an arbitrament of force, but the fact remains that massive power blocs are in open confrontation.

What is worse is that The Empire, desperate from a string of losses and humiliations that only benefitted the War Machine—admittedly, the driving power of this sick, delaminating relic of a hegemon—and unable to face its own demotion from world boss to a sort of lethal raging granny, will continue to tempt fate with its advanced case of national dementia. It will not relent until it gets the real war it seeks in which it will be, for the first time in its short history, thrashed within an inch of its life. My, that will be a hard surprise to the great majority of braindead Americans.

Rhetoric can be wounding, but superior weaponry annihilates. And The Empire doesn’t have it. None of it. Russia, in contrast, does. The Empire is still basking in the glory of the incineration of Dresden and the battle of the Coral Sea. It is as prepared as it can possibly be… for World War II. Or even Korea or Vietnam… But its mighty arsenal of yesteryear will be as ineffectual against hypersonics as Polish cavalry was against the Panzer Korps.

The wild card in all this is Nazi Zionist Israel. The last six months have been as perfect a demonstration of the behavior of a nation that has not only lost its moral compass and threadbare cloak of civilization, but has even laid its rotting, repugnant soul open for the world to see, and smell. One has to conclude that the word “Israel” must mean “murder” in Hebrew. This psychotic entity attacked Iran directly and sees no reason to even lie about it, and the vicious affront is an act of war that demands commensurate or greater response. And it will come.

Then, if Israel chooses, the dogs of real war can be loosed, and the range of complications becomes imponderable. Once again, as always with Israel, Aunt Sam’s Empire is caught on its back foot by Zionist hubris, and will be pulled into any hairy stuff Herr Netanyahu precipitates. Not that our geriatric politburo wouldn’t be keen to break a lance for our nation’s Zionist Jewish owners. After all, as Nancy, Mitch and the whole Crone and Geezer High Command have vowed, it is—to paraphrase that old monster, George Wallace—“Israel today, Israel tomorrow, Israel forever!”

The bughouse lunacy of The Empire in its senescence is so stark that it would be risible if our lives weren’t tied to it. But they are.

Comment to article:

" Very true, national dementia of the highest order. America is flirting with self annihilation. "


The Mechanism: how the “order” based on made-up rules is descending into savagery

As the de facto North Atlantic Terror Organization celebrates its 75th birthday, taking Lord Ismay’s motto to ever soaring heights (“keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down”), that thick slab of Norwegian wood posing as Secretary-General came up with a merry “initiative” to create a 100 billion euro fund to weaponize Ukraine for the next five years.

Translation, regarding the crucial money front in the NATO-Russia clash: partial exit of the Hegemon – already obsessing with The Next Forever War, against China; enter the motley crew of ragged, de-industrialized European chihuahuas, all in deep debt and most mired in recession.

A few IQs over average room temperature at NATO’s HQ in Haren, in Brussels, had the temerity to wonder how to come up with such a fortune, as NATO has zero leverage to raise money among member states.

After all, the Europeans will never be able to replicate the time-tested Hegemon money laundering machine. For instance, assuming the White House-proposed $60 billion package to Ukraine would be approved by the U.S. Congress – and it won’t – no less than 64% of the total will never reach Kiev: it will be laundered within the industrial-military complex.

Yet it gets even more dystopic: Norwegian Wood, robotic stare, arms flailing, actually believes his proposed move will not imply a direct NATO military presence in Ukraine – or country 404; something that is already a fact on the ground for quite a while, irrespective of the warmongering hissy fits by Le Petit Roi in Paris (Peskov: “Russia-NATO relations have descended into direct confrontation”).

Now couple the Lethal Looney Tunes spectacle along the NATOstan front with the Hegemon’s aircraft carrier performance in West Asia, consistently taking its industrial-scale slaughter/starvation Genocide Project in Gaza to indescribable heights – the meticulously documented holocaust watched in contorted silence by the “leaders” of the Global North.

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese correctly summed it all up: the biblical psychopathology entity “intentionally killed the WCK workers so that donors would pull out and civilians in Gaza could continue to be starved quietly. Israel knows Western countries and most Arab countries won’t move a finger for the Palestinians.”

The “logic” behind the deliberate three tap strike on the clearly signed humanitarian convoy of famine-alleviating workers in Gaza was to eviscerate from the news an even more horrendous episode: the genocide-within-a-genocide of al-Shifa hospital, responsible for at least 30% of all health services in Gaza. Al-Shifa was bombed, incinerated and had over 400 civilians killed in cold blood, in several cases literally smashed by bulldozers, including medical doctors, patients and dozens of children.

Nearly simultaneously, the biblical psychopathology gang completely eviscerated the Vienna convention – something that even the historical Nazis never did – striking Iran’s consular mission/ambassador’s residence in Damascus.

This was a missile attack on a diplomatic mission, enjoying immunity, on the territory of a third country, against which the gang is not at war. And on top of it, killing General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon, his deputy Mohammad Hadi Hajizadeh, another five officers, and a total of 10 people.

Translation: an act of terror, against two sovereign states, Syria and Iran. Equivalent to the recent terror attack on Crocus City Hall in Moscow.

The inevitable question rings around all corners of the lands of the Global Majority: how can these de facto terrorists possibly get away with all this, over and over again?

The sinews of Liberal Totalitarianism

Four years ago, at the start of what I later qualified as the Raging Twenties, we were beginning to watch the consolidation of an intertwined series of concepts defining a new paradigm. We were becoming familiar with notions such as circuit breaker; negative feedback loop; state of exception; necropolitics; and hybrid neofascism.

As the decade marches on, our plight may at least have been alleviated by a twin glimmer of hope: the drive towards multipolarity, led by the Russia-China strategic partnership, with Iran playing a key part, and all that coupled with the total breakdown, live, of the “rules-based international order”.

Yet to affirm there will be a long and winding road ahead is the Mother of All Euphemisms.

So, to quote Bowie, the ultimate late, great aesthete: Where Are We Now? Let’s take this very sharp analysis by the always engaging Fabio Vighi at Cardiff University and tweak it a little further.

Anyone applying critical thinking to the world around us can feel the collapse of the system. It’s a closed system alright, easily definable as Liberal Totalitarianism. Cui bono? The 0.0001%.

Nothing ideological about that. Follow the money. The defining negative feedback loop is actually the debt loop. A criminally anti-social mechanism kept in place by – what else – a psychopathology, as acute as the one exhibited by the biblical genocidals in West Asia.

The Mechanism is enforced by a triad.

1.The transnational financial elite, the superstars of the 0.0001%.

2.Right beneath it, the politico-institutional layer, from the U.S. Congress to the European Commission (EC) in Brussels, as well as comprador elite “leaders” across the Global North and South.

3.The former “intelligentsia”, now essentially hacks for hire from media to academia.

This institutionalized hyper-mediatization of reality is (italics mine), in fact, The Mechanism.

It’s this mechanism that controlled the merging of the pre-fabricated “pandemic” – complete with hardcore social engineering sold as “humanitarian lockdowns” – into, once again, Forever Wars, from Project Genocide in Gaza to the Russophobia/cancel culture obsession inbuilt in Project Proxy War in Ukraine.

That’s the essence of Totalitarian Normality: the Project for Humanity by the appallingly mediocre, self-appointed Great Reset “elites” of the collective West.

Killing them softly with AI

A key vector of the whole mechanism is the direct, vicious interconnection between a tecno-military euphoria and the hyper-inflationary financial sector, now in thrall with AI.

Enter, for instance, AI models such as ‘Lavender’, tested on the ground in the Gaza killing field lab. Literally: artificial intelligence programming the extermination of humans. And it’s happening, in real time. Call it Project AI Genocide.

Another vector, already experimented, is inbuilt in the indirect assertion by toxic EC Medusa Ursula von der Lugen: essentially, the need to produce weapons as Covid vaccines.

That’s at the core of a plan to use funding of the EU by European taxpayers to “increase financing” of “joint contracts for weapons”. That’s an offspring of von der Lugen’s push to roll out Covid vaccines – a gigantic Pfizer-linked scam for which she is about to be investigated and arguably exposed by the EU’s Public Prosecutor Office. In her own words, addressing the proposed weapons scam: “We did this for vaccines and gas.”

Call it Weaponization of Social Engineering 2.0.

Amidst all the action in this vast corruption swamp, the Hegemon agenda remains quite blatant: to keep its – dwindling – predominantly thalassocratic, military hegemony, no matter what, as the basis for its financial hegemony; protect the U.S. dollar; and protect those unmeasurable, unpayable debts in U.S. dollars.

And that brings us to the tawdry economic model of turbo-capitalism, as sold by collective West media hacks: the debt loop, virtual money, borrowed non-stop to deal with “autocrat” Putin and “Russian aggression”. That’s a key by-product of Michael Hudson’s searing analysis of the FIRE (Finance-Insurance-Real Estate) syndrome.

Ouroboros intervenes: the serpent bites its own tail. Now the inherent folly of The Mechanism is inevitably leading casino capitalism to resort to barbarism. Undiluted savagery – of the Crocus City Hall kind and of the Project Gaza Genocide kind.

And that’s how The Mechanism engenders institutions – from Washington to Brussels to hubs across the Global North to genocidal Tel Aviv – stripped down to the status of psychotic killers, at the mercy of Big Finance/FIRE (oh, such fabulous seafront real estate opportunities available in “vacant” Gaza.)

How can we possibly escape such folly? Will we have the will and the discipline to follow Shelley’s vision and, in “this dim vast vale of tears”, summon the transcending Spirit of Beauty – and harmony, equanimity and justice?

Comment to article:

" The hubris of the Evil Empire knows no bounds or limits, otherwise how they can even mention the words “rules or order” when America since its foundation has flaunted its disregard for civilized behavior or rules of any kind unless fits its own goals and purposes. Grotesque claims. "

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Tyranny by the Numbers: The Government Wants Your Money Any Way It Can Get It

The government wants your money.

It will beg, steal or borrow if necessary, but it wants your money any way it can get it.

This is what comes of those $1.2 trillion spending bills: someone’s got to foot the bill for the government’s fiscal insanity, and that “someone” is the U.S. taxpayer.

The government’s schemes to swindle, cheat, scam, and generally defraud taxpayers of their hard-earned dollars have run the gamut from wasteful pork barrel legislation, cronyism and graft to asset forfeiture, costly stimulus packages, and a national security complex that continues to undermine our freedoms while failing to making us any safer.

Americans have also been made to pay through the nose for the government’s endless wars, subsidization of foreign nations, military empire, welfare state, roads to nowhere, bloated workforce, secret agencies, fusion centers, private prisons, biometric databases, invasive technologies, arsenal of weapons, and every other budgetary line item that is contributing to the fast-growing wealth of the corporate elite at the expense of those who are barely making ends meet—that is, we the taxpayers.

According to the number crunchers with the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, in order to spend money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, the government is borrowing roughly $6 billion a day.

Basically, the U.S. government is funding its existence with a credit card.

Let’s talk numbers, shall we?

The national debt (the amount the federal government has borrowed over the years and must pay back) is more than $34 trillion and will grow another $19 trillion by 2033.

The bulk of that debt has been amassed over the past two decades, thanks in large part to the fiscal shenanigans of four presidents, 10 sessions of Congress and two wars.

It’s estimated that the amount this country owes is now 130% greater than its gross domestic product (all the products and services produced in one year by labor and property supplied by the citizens).

In other words, the government is spending more than it brings in.

The U.S. ranks as the 12th most indebted nation in the world, with much of that debt owed to the Federal Reserve, large investment funds and foreign governments, namely, Japan and China.

Interest payments on the national debt are more than $395 billion, which is significantly more than the government spends on veterans’ benefits and services, and according to Pew Research Center, more than it will spend on elementary and secondary education, disaster relief, agriculture, science and space programs, foreign aid, and natural resources and environmental protection combined.

According to the Committee for a Reasonable Federal Budget, the interest we’ve paid on this borrowed money is “nearly twice what the federal government will spend on transportation infrastructure, over four times as much as it will spend on K-12 education, almost four times what it will spend on housing, and over eight times what it will spend on science, space, and technology.”

In ten years, those interest payments will exceed our entire military budget.

This is financial tyranny.

We’ve been sold a bill of goods by politicians promising to pay down the national debt, jumpstart the economy, rebuild our infrastructure, secure our borders, ensure our security, and make us all healthy, wealthy and happy.

None of that has come to pass, and yet we’re still being loaded down with debt not of our own making while the government remains unrepentant, unfazed and undeterred in its wanton spending.

Indeed, the national deficit (the difference between what the government spends and the revenue it takes in) remains at more than $1.5 trillion.

If Americans managed their personal finances the way the government mismanages the nation’s finances, we’d all be in debtors’ prison by now.

Despite the government propaganda being peddled by the politicians and news media, however, the government isn’t spending our tax dollars to make our lives better.

We’re being robbed blind so the governmental elite can get richer.

In the eyes of the government, “we the people, the voters, the consumers, and the taxpayers” are little more than pocketbooks waiting to be picked.

“We the people” have become the new, permanent underclass in America.

Consider: The government can seize your home and your car (which you’ve bought and paid for) over nonpayment of taxes. Government agents can freeze and seize your bank accounts and other valuables if they merely “suspect” wrongdoing. And the IRS insists on getting the first cut of your salary to pay for government programs over which you have no say.

We have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used, but we’re being forced to pay through the nose, anyhow.

We have no real say, but that doesn’t prevent the government from fleecing us at every turn and forcing us to pay for endless wars that do more to fund the military industrial complex than protect us, pork barrel projects that produce little to nothing, and a police state that serves only to imprison us within its walls.

If you have no choice, no voice, and no real options when it comes to the government’s claims on your property and your money, you’re not free.

It wasn’t always this way, of course.

Early Americans went to war over the inalienable rights described by philosopher John Locke as the natural rights of life, liberty and property.

It didn’t take long, however—a hundred years, in fact—before the American government was laying claim to the citizenry’s property by levying taxes to pay for the Civil War. As the New York Times reports, “Widespread resistance led to its repeal in 1872.”

Determined to claim some of the citizenry’s wealth for its own uses, the government reinstituted the income tax in 1894. Charles Pollock challenged the tax as unconstitutional, and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in his favor. Pollock’s victory was relatively short-lived. Members of Congress—united in their determination to tax the American people’s income—worked together to adopt a constitutional amendment to overrule the Pollock decision.

On the eve of World War I, in 1913, Congress instituted a permanent income tax by way of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution and the Revenue Act of 1913. Under the Revenue Act, individuals with income exceeding $3,000 could be taxed starting at 1% up to 7% for incomes exceeding $500,000.

It’s all gone downhill from there.

Unsurprisingly, the government has used its tax powers to advance its own imperialistic agendas and the courts have repeatedly upheld the government’s power to penalize or jail those who refused to pay their taxes.

While we’re struggling to get by, and making tough decisions about how to spend what little money actually makes it into our pockets after the federal, state and local governments take their share (this doesn’t include the stealth taxes imposed through tolls, fines and other fiscal penalties), the government continues to do whatever it likes—levy taxes, rack up debt, spend outrageously and irresponsibly—with little thought for the plight of its citizens.

To top it all off, all of those wars the U.S. is so eager to fight abroad are being waged with borrowed funds. As The Atlantic reports, “U.S. leaders are essentially bankrolling the wars with debt, in the form of purchases of U.S. Treasury bonds by U.S.-based entities like pension funds and state and local governments, and by countries like China and Japan.”

Of course, we’re the ones who have to repay that borrowed debt.

For instance, American taxpayers have been forced to shell out more than $5.6 trillion since 9/11 for the military industrial complex’s costly, endless so-called “war on terrorism.” That translates to roughly $23,000 per taxpayer to wage wars abroad, occupy foreign countries, provide financial aid to foreign allies, and fill the pockets of defense contractors and grease the hands of corrupt foreign dignitaries.

Mind you, that’s only a portion of what the Pentagon spends on America’s military empire.

The United States also spends more on foreign aid than any other nation, with nearly $300 billion disbursed over a five-year period. More than 150 countries around the world receive U.S. taxpayer-funded assistance, with most of the funds going to the Middle East, Africa and Asia. That price tag keeps growing, too.

As Forbes reports, “U.S. foreign aid dwarfs the federal funds spent by 48 out of 50 state governments annually. Only the state governments of California and New York spent more federal funds than what the U.S. sent abroad each year to foreign countries.”

Most recently, the U.S. has allocated nearly $115 billion in emergency military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine since the start of the Russia invasion.

As Dwight D. Eisenhower warned in a 1953 speech, this is how the military industrial complex continues to get richer, while the American taxpayer is forced to pay for programs that do little to enhance our lives, ensure our happiness and well-being, or secure our freedoms.

This is no way of life.

Yet it’s not just the government’s endless wars that are bleeding us dry.

We’re also being forced to shell out money for surveillance systems to track our movements, money to further militarize our already militarized police, money to allow the government to raid our homes and bank accounts, money to fund schools where our kids learn nothing about freedom and everything about how to comply, and on and on.

There was a time in our history when our forebears said “enough is enough” and stopped paying their taxes to what they considered an illegitimate government. They stood their ground and refused to support a system that was slowly choking out any attempts at self-governance, and which refused to be held accountable for its crimes against the people. Their resistance sowed the seeds for the revolution that would follow.

Unfortunately, in the 200-plus years since we established our own government, we’ve let bankers, corporate turncoats and number-crunching bureaucrats muddy the waters and pilfer the accounts to such an extent that we’re back where we started.

Once again, we’ve got a despotic regime with an imperial ruler doing as they please.

Once again, we’ve got a judicial system insisting we have no rights under a government which demands that the people march in lockstep with its dictates.

And once again, we’ve got to decide whether we’ll keep marching or break stride and make a turn toward freedom.

But what if we didn’t just pull out our pocketbooks and pony up to the federal government’s outrageous demands for more money?

What if we didn’t just dutifully line up to drop our hard-earned dollars into the collection bucket, no questions asked about how it will be spent?

What if, instead of quietly sending in our tax checks, hoping vainly for some meager return, we did a little calculating of our own and started deducting from our taxes those programs that we refuse to support?

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we’re no longer living the American dream.

We’re living a financial nightmare.


The WHO’s Road to Totalitarianism

Several articles on the proposed amendments to the WHO’s international health regulations have appeared here on Brownstone, such as this excellent introduction. Consequently, there is no need to repeat this information in a similar format. What I would like to do instead is to pursue the question, what the implications would be for people worldwide if this organisation were to be successful in getting the representatives of member countries to accept the proposed amendments. More specifically, what are the likely consequences in terms of the concept and practice of totalitarianism

To understand this, one has to get to grips with the mode of rule called totalitarian government, of course, but I doubt whether most people have an adequate grasp of full-fledged totalitarian rule, despite recently experiencing it to a certain degree under ‘pandemic’ conditions. Should the amendments proposed by the WHO be accepted in May, the citizens of the world would be subjected to unadulterated totalitarianism, however, so it is worthwhile exploring the full implications of this ‘anonymous’ mode of governance here.

This is done in the hope that, if representatives of the people – which is what they are supposed to be – in legislative bodies around the world were to read this article, as well as others related to the same topic, they would think twice before supporting a motion or bill which would, in effect, grant the WHO the right to usurp the sovereignty of member nations. The recent developments in the state of Louisiana in the US, which amount to the rejection of the WHO’s authority, should be an inspiration to other states and countries to follow its example. This is the way to beat the WHO’s mendacious ‘pandemic treaty.’      

On her website, called Freedom Research, Dr Meryl Nass has described the WHO’s notion of ‘pandemic preparedness’ as a ‘scam/boondoggle/Trojan horse,’ which aims (among other things) to transfer billions of taxpayer dollars to the WHO as well as other industries, in order to vindicate censorship in the name of ‘public health,’ and perhaps most importantly, to transfer sovereignty regarding decision-making for ‘public health’ globally to the Director-General of the WHO (which means that legally, member countries would lose their sovereignty). 

In addition, she highlights the fact that the WHO intends to use the idea of ‘One Health’ to subsume all living beings, ecosystems, as well as climate change under its own ‘authority;’ further, to acquire more pathogens for wide distribution, in this way exacerbating the possibility of pandemics while obscuring their origin, and in the event of such pandemics occurring, justifying the development of more (mandatory) ‘vaccines’ and the mandating of vaccine passports (and of lockdowns) globally, thus increasing control (the key term here) over populations. Should its attempt at a global power grab succeed, the WHO would have the authority to impose any ‘medical’ programme it deems necessary for ‘world health,’ regardless of their efficacy and side-effects (including death). 

In the preceding paragraph I italicised the word ‘control’ as a key term. What should be added to it is the term ‘total’ – that is, ‘total control.’ This is the gist of totalitarian rule, and it should therefore be easy to see that what the WHO (together with the WEF and the UN) strives for is total or complete control of all people’s lives.

No one has analysed and elaborated on totalitarianism from this perspective more thoroughly than the German-born, American philosopher, Hannah Arendt, and her monumental study of this phenomenon – The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951 and in enlarged format, 1958) still stands as the authoritative source for the understanding of its historical manifestations. The latter, focused on by Arendt, are 20th-century Nazism and Stalinism, but it is not difficult to perceive its lineaments in what we have been living through since 2020 – although a strong case could be made that 2001 marked its identifiable beginning, when (in the wake of 9/11) the Patriot Act was passed, arguably laying the authoritarian groundwork for totalitarian rule as clearly perceived by Henry Giroux.   

Arendt (p. 274 of the Harvest, Harcourt edition of The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1976) singles out ‘total terror’ as the essence of totalitarian government, and elaborates as follows: 

By pressing men against each other, total terror destroys the space between them; compared to the condition within its iron band, even the desert of tyranny [which she distinguishes from totalitarianism; B.O.], insofar as it is still some kind of space, appears like a guarantee of freedom. Totalitarian government does not just curtail liberties or abolish essential freedoms; nor does it, at least to our limited knowledge, succeed in eradicating the love for freedom from the hearts of man. It destroys the one essential prerequisite of all freedom which is simply the capacity of motion which cannot exist without space.   

Reading this evocative characterisation of totalitarianism in terms of ‘total terror’ makes one realise anew, with a start, how fiendishly clever the perpetrators of the so-called ‘pandemic’ emergency were – which was no real pandemic, of course, as the German government recently admitted. It was the thin edge of the wedge, as it were, to insinuate ‘total terror’ into our lives by means of curtailing our access to free movement in space. ‘Lockdowns’ are the signature tool for implementing restrictions of free movements in space.

It may not, on the face of it, appear to be the same as, or similar to, the incarceration of prisoners in the concentration camps under Nazi rule, but arguably the psychological effects of lockdowns approximate those experienced by inmates of these notorious camps in the 1940s. After all, if you are not allowed to leave your house, except to go to the shop to buy food and other essentials before you hurry back home – where you dutifully sanitise all the items you bought (a concrete reminder that venturing out in space is ‘potentially lethal’) – the imperative is the same: ‘You are not allowed out of this enclosure, except under specified conditions.’ It is understandable that the imposition of such strict spatial boundaries engenders a pervasive sense of fear, which eventually morphs into terror.   

Small wonder the pseudo-authorities promoted – if not ‘commanded’ – ‘working (and studying) from home,’ leaving millions of people cloistered in their houses in front of their computer screens (Plato’s cave wall). And banning meetings in public, except for a few concessions as far as the numbers of attendees at certain gatherings were concerned, was just as effective regarding the intensification of terror. Most people would not dare transgress these spatial restrictions, given the effectiveness of the campaign, to instil a dread of the supposedly lethal ‘novel coronavirus’ in populations, exacerbating ‘total terror’ in the process. The images of patients in hospitals, attached to ventilators, and sometimes looking appealingly, desperately at the camera, only served to exacerbate this feeling of dread. 

With the advent of the much-hyped Covid pseudo-‘vaccines,’ another aspect of generating terror among the populace manifested itself in the guise of relentless censorship of all dissenting views and opinions on the ‘efficacy and safety’ of these, as well as on the comparable effectiveness of early treatment of Covid by means of proven remedies such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. The clear aim of this was to discredit contrarians who raised doubts over the official valorisation of these supposedly miraculous cures for the disease, and to isolate them from the mainstream as ‘conspiracy theorists.’ 

Arendt’s insight into the indispensable function of space for human movement also casts the WEF’s plans to create ‘15-minute cities’ worldwide in a disturbing new light. These have been described as ‘open-air concentration camps,’ which would eventually become a reality by prohibiting movement outside of these demarcated areas, after an initial period of selling the idea as a way of combating climate change by walking and cycling instead of using carbon-emitting motor cars. The WEF and WHO’s ‘concern’ with climate change as a putative threat to global health offers further justification for these planned variations on prisons for the thinly disguised incarceration of millions of people.  

The pertinence of Arendt’s thinking on totalitarianism for the present does not end here, though. Just as relevant as the manner in which it cultivates terror is her identification of loneliness and isolation as prerequisites for total domination. She describes isolation – in the political sphere – as ‘pre-totalitarian.’ It is typical of the tyrannical governments of dictators (which are pre-totalitarian), where it functions to prevent citizens from wielding some power by acting together.

Loneliness is the counterpart of isolation in the social sphere; the two are not identical, and the one can be the case without the other. One can be isolated or kept apart from others without being lonely; the latter only sets in when one feels abandoned by all other human beings. Terror, Arendt sagely observes, can ‘rule absolutely’ only over people who have been ‘isolated against each other’ (Arendt 1975, pp. 289-290). It therefore stands to reason that, to achieve the triumph of totalitarian rule, those promoting its inception would create the circumstances where individuals feel increasingly isolated as well as lonely. 

It is superfluous to remind anyone of the systematic inculcation of both of these conditions in the course of the ‘pandemic’ through what has been discussed above, particularly lockdowns, the restriction of social contact at all levels, and through censorship, which – as remarked above – was clearly intended to isolate dissenting individuals. And those who were isolated in this way, were often – if not usually – abandoned by their family and friends, with the consequence that loneliness could, and sometimes did, follow. In other words, the tyrannical imposition of Covid regulations served the (probably intended) purpose of preparing the ground for totalitarian rule by creating the conditions for isolation and loneliness to become pervasive.

How does totalitarian government differ from tyranny and authoritarianism, where one may still discern the figures of the despot, and the sway of some abstract ideal, respectively? Arendt writes that (p. 271-272):

If lawfulness is the essence of non-tyrannical government and lawlessness is the essence of tyranny, then terror is the essence of totalitarian domination.

Terror is the realization of the law of movement; its chief aim is to make it possible for the force of nature or of history to race freely through mankind, unhindered by any spontaneous human action. As such, terror seeks to ‘stabilize’ men in order to liberate the forces of nature or history. It is this movement which singles out the foes of mankind against whom terror is let loose, and no free action of either opposition or sympathy can be permitted to interfere with the elimination of the ‘objective enemy’ of History or Nature, of the class or the race. Guilt and innocence become senseless notions; ‘guilty’ is he who stands in the way of the natural or historical process which has passed judgement over ‘inferior races,’ over individuals ‘unfit to live,’ over ‘dying classes and decadent peoples.’ Terror executes these judgements, and before its court, all concerned are subjectively innocent: the murdered because they did nothing against the system, and the murderers because they do not really murder but execute a death sentence pronounced by some higher tribunal. The rulers themselves do not claim to be just or wise, but only to execute historical or natural laws; they do not apply [positive] laws, but execute a movement in accordance with its inherent law. Terror is lawfulness, if law is the law of the movement of some suprahuman force, Nature or History.            

The reference to nature and history as suprahuman forces pertains to what Arendt (p. 269) claims to have been the undergirding beliefs of National Socialism and Communism, respectively, in the laws of nature and of history as being independent, virtually primordial powers in themselves. Hence the justification of terror being inflicted on those who seem to stand in the way of the unfolding of these impersonal forces. When read carefully, the excerpt, above, paints a picture of totalitarian rule as something predicated on the neutralisation of people, as human beings, in society as potential agents or participants in its organisation or the direction in which it develops. The ‘rulers’ are not rulers in the traditional sense; they are merely there to ensure that the suprahuman force in question is left unhindered to unfold as it ‘should.’ 

It takes no genius to perceive in Arendt’s perspicacious characterisation of totalitarian domination – which she relates to Nazism and Stalinism as its historical embodiments – a kind of template which applies to the emerging totalitarian character of what first manifested itself in 2020 as iatrocracy, under the subterfuge of a global health emergency – something well known to all of us today. Since then other features of this totalitarian movement have emerged, all of which cohere into what may be described, in ideological terms, as ‘transhumanism.’ 

This, too, fits into Arendt’s account of totalitarianism – not the transhumanist character, as such, of this latest incarnation of the attempt to harness humanity as a whole to a suprahuman power, but its ideological status. Just as the Nazi regime justified its operations by appealing to nature (in the guise of the vaunted superiority of the ‘Aryan race,’ for example), so the group of technocratic globalists driving the (not so) ‘Great Reset’ appeals to the idea of going ‘beyond humanity’ to a supposed superior (non-natural) ‘species’ instantiating a fusion between humans and machines – also anticipated, it seems, by the ‘singularity’ artist called Stelarc. I emphasised ‘idea’ because, as Arendt observes (p. 279-280), 

An ideology is quite literally what its name indicates: it is the logic of an idea. Its subject matter is history, to which the ‘idea’ is applied; the result of this application is not a body of statements about something that is, but the unfolding of a process which is in constant change. The ideology treats the course of events as though it followed the same ‘law’ as the logical exposition of its ‘idea.’

Given the nature of an ideology, explicated above, it should be evident how this applies to the transhumanist ideology of the neo-fascist cabal: the idea underpinning the historical process has supposedly always been a kind of transhumanist teleology – allegedly the (previously hidden) telos or goal of all of history has constantly been the attainment of a state of surpassing mere Homo and Gyna sapiens sapiens (the doubly wise human man and woman) and actualising the ’transhuman.’ Is it at all surprising that they have claimed to have acquired god-like powers

This further explains the unscrupulousness with which the transhumanist globalists can countenance the functioning and debilitating effects of ‘total terror’ as identified by Arendt. ‘Total terror’ here means the pervasive or totalising effects of, for example, installing encompassing systems of impersonal, largely AI-controlled surveillance, and communicating to people – at least initially – that it is for their own safety and security. The psychological consequences, however, amount to a subliminal awareness of the closure of ‘free space,’ which is replaced by a sense of spatial confinement, and of there being ‘no way out.’

Against this backdrop, reflecting on the looming possibility that the WHO may succeed in getting compliant nations to accept the proposed amendments to their health regulations, yields greater insight into the concrete effects this would have. And these aren’t pretty, to say the least. In a nutshell, it means that this unelected organisation would have the authority to proclaim lockdowns and ‘medical (or health) emergencies,’ as well as mandatory ‘vaccinations’ at the whim of the WHO’s Director-General, reducing the freedom to traverse space freely to ironclad spatial confinement in one fell swoop. This is what ‘total terror’ would mean. It is my fervent hope that something can still be done to avert this imminent nightmare. 

Monday, April 8, 2024


“The Collective West”, Corruption, The Neocons and the 2024 Presidential Election.

My book, Our Country Then and Now, traces US history from Native American prehistory through early European arrivals, through the pioneer phase of settlement, to the disasters of the 20th century until today, when our government is on the verge of taking us into World War III.

We had two centuries of Indian, white, and African-American indigenous development, not without serious conflict, prior to American independence in 1776. A lot of hardship, but a great deal of nobility, beauty, and heroism.

Starting with the Revolutionary War, we had a gradual takeover by globalist finance, using fractional reserve banking and usury as their chief instruments of power. Around 1900, the British Empire and the US money power began to merge, with the Morgan/Rockefeller interests taking control of the US through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

This merger between British and American power started and carried out World Wars I and II for world control and is now trying to complete the project via WW III which is now starting. The action arm of lawless and futile US imperialism is the “Neocons.”

Put succinctly, the “Collective West” is run by money-grubbing lunatics, who also happen to be genocidal maniacs towards their own population. One of their projects is the Covid pandemic, with more to come with the 2024 WHO “treaty.”

My belief is that they cannot defeat the combined nations of Eurasia and the Global South. But a stalemate would allow the US to assume its proper role as one important nation among many others, not the world hegemon. The US does not have to pretend to be an “exceptional” or “indispensable” nation, nor does it have to climb to the top of the international heap by demonizing or hating others.

We should be friends and collaborators with Russia, China, and Iran, not enemies.

On the 2024 presidential election, if, of course, we have an election and the Biden administration doesn’t cancel it, from one standpoint we have a very old and fundamental rivalry between the “internationalist” Democratic Party run by Big Finance vs. the nationalistic Republicans who have found themselves a spokesman in Donald Trump. There is also a lot of support for Trump among the working level of the national security establishment. One figure often mentioned for a cabinet post is Col. Douglas MacGregor, who is a hero among conservative voters.

The most important issue Trump is riding on is the Biden administration’s open border policy that has allowed the entry into the US of millions of illegal immigrants. The state of Texas in particular has taken a strong stand against this.

The internationalists, heavily Zionist, and strongly behind the Ukraine war, control the Democratic Party and the top echelons of the US Deep State, which has been running a slow-motion assassination attempt against Trump and seems to be doing the same against Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

RFK Jr. has little real platform except his family name and record as an environmental attorney but has progressive creds and could take enough votes from Biden to swing the election. Sinking Biden would constitute potent revenge against the Deep State and its endless machinations.

The only candidate that could make a difference in policy is Jill Stein, the Green, whose platform includes peace in the world and monetary reform, the two issues that really matter. Obviously she has no chance to become president.

Once Biden, or whoever they substitute for him, is elected, we would likely see the nuclear WW III that is in the works, since it’s the only way the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire could defeat Russia-China-Iran/BRICS+, etc. It was Democratic President Harry Truman that nuked Japan.

One way to put it is that the Democratic Party, along with similarly aligned parties in other Western nations and Israel, is controlled by a malign destructive force determined to kill or enslave most of humanity, reducing the planet to a totalitarian anthill. This destructive force is spearheaded by the strongly pro-Israel Neocon faction, the ones who brought us 9/11 and the ongoing regime of endless war.

In my opinion, the only answer to these dilemmas is spiritual, and that involves the revival of humanity’s traditional religions. This does not mean creating state religions. It means people acquiring a spiritual center that guides their personal, family, and public lives, that awakens their conscience. It means living by the law of love, not hate.

The key is reform of the monetary system—essentially nationalization of the Federal Reserve and the elimination of fractional reserve lending and usury.


President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas Destroy America with Immigration Conspiracy

The United States government under President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have set out to destroy the U.S. with their devastating immigration conspiracy.

I will not attempt to write a book on the subject in this space, as there is already an abundance of information available. Suffice it to say that opening the floodgates to illegal immigration, especially at the southern border, is now the number one issue separating Biden from Republican nominee Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

Biden’s campaign apologists claim that Biden has simply been trying to “repair the damage” done by Trump during his own presidency, but they lie about this along with everything else.

Biden and Mayorkas are the most visible members of a gang that is trying to destroy America.

Trump appears to be the only person who can try to save the country, though RFK Jr. has also decried open borders.

But polling at 10 percent, RFK Jr. obviously cannot be elected. He can be an election spoiler, however, by drawing enough votes from Biden through what I call his “boutique” candidacy. The Democrats’ recognize this and are pulling out all the stops to stop him.

This is not the first time in US history that our government has allowed vast numbers of immigrants to enter without sufficient preparation or safeguards.

At times the country was able to absorb the influx, as with refugees from the Irish Potato Famine in the late 1840s and 1850s who settled mostly in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. A limited amount of Chinese immigration helped build railroads in the West.

During the Civil War, the nation lost a million young men of reproductive age which made room for huge numbers of immigrants during the next several decades, including almost three million Jews from Central Europe and Russia. Large influxes of immigrants from Poland, Scandinavia, and Italy also arrived, with some moving West and many crowding into slums in the northeastern cities. The urban crowding led to a rapid growth in organized crime which became much worse with the arrival of Prohibition idiocy.

It was Democratic Party politicians from the cities, like those of the corrupt Tammany Hall machine in New York, who were the strongest backers of immigration and who reaped the most benefit in adding to the voter rolls. The influx also saw tremendous growth of members of the Catholic Church in America, which brought some stability to the lives of the newcomers. Big finance and big business went along due to the increase in workers willing to work for low wages. Bankers also saw future consumer borrowers on the horizon, as people with no money, homes, or assets were easy to put into debt.

The Democrats cemented their position as the greatest benefactors of immigrants and working-class Americans through 1930s New Deal programs, including Social Security. Immigrants without jobs also became cannon fodder for World Wars I and II, when 116,000 and 407,000 military members died respectively to further the ambitions of the Anglo-American Empire.

But it’s been during the last 50 years that immigration has skyrocketed with the enormous influx of refugees boosted by U.S. wars and civil conflicts in regions like Central America, the Asian rim, and the Middle East. The passage of NAFTA and its implementation by President Bill Clinton destroyed Mexican family farms, also bringing hordes of low-paid workers to US cities. The joke at the time went, “What did Davey Crockett say when he looked over the wall of the Alamo?” Answer: “Where did all them lawn maintenance guys come from?”

But nothing can match the numbers or the potential destruction wrought by Biden and his henchmen over the last four years.

From the explosion in fentanyl overdoses inflicted by Mexican drug gangs to the obvious intent to stack the voter rolls with millions of new Democratic voters, the U.S. may never be the same. Republican poll workers and volunteers are anticipating election day on November 5 with trepidation.

And the degree of organization behind it all may never be truly appreciated. Following is an April 3 quotation from the Duran website:

“Biden is using the church to import more Democrat voters to the U.S.

“Hundreds of millions of dollars are being funneled to religious NGOs to entice and support illegal immigrants across the southern border.

“At a time when millions of Americans are homeless and in need of medical treatment, Washington is more concerned with playing host to millions of illegal immigrants…

“How many Americans would like to receive cash debit cards, food, clothing, medical treatment, shelter, and even ‘humanitarian transportation’ for doing absolutely nothing, aside from breaking the law? Well, sorry, because American citizens don’t qualify for the massive handout that surpasses $1.6 billion dollars, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. The freebies are going to millions of US-bound migrants in 17 Latin American nations and Mexico instead. In what was once a matter of quiet speculation is now an open secret: the Biden administration is using hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money to fund a variety of NGO initiatives aimed at helping illegal immigrants enter the US from Latin America and Mexico.

“Under the auspices of a United Nations-led ‘Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP),’ the US State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) have been sending taxpayer funds to various religious nonprofit organizations, which then dangle the juicy enticements before thousands of migrants, opening the floodgates to a wave of illegal US southern border crossings.”

What now?

We are already seeing the effects of Biden’s open border in rising crime statistics. Can any of this be stopped and how? Fortunately, voters are catching on, with polling support for Biden sinking to unprecedented lows.

State and local officials are bracing for the battles to come. But the US presidential election is still seven months off. What surprises do the crooks yet have in store?


Glenn Greenwald: “What We Discovered Shocked Me.” The #TwitterFiles Brazil

24 minute video at article address

Comments to article:

" Our world is sick. Planet slowly dying. A paradigm shift must take place soon. With the help of good writers/journalists, public intellectuals, it will happen. Substack keeps me centered. "

" Welcome to George Orwell’s 1984 everyone! "


Australian Military Refuses To Disclose Arms Deal With Israel To Protect Its ‘Reputation’

Australia’s Defence Department has refused a Freedom of Information request about the details of an arms deal with Israel on the grounds that such information “could harm Australia’s international standing and reputation,” which suggests the details must be pretty damning. Equally as scandalous, this refusal was reportedly made in consultation with the Israeli government.

In an article titled “Details of defence deal with Israel kept under wraps to protect Australia’s ‘reputation’,” the ABC’s Andrew Greene details how the Australian military snubbed a Freedom of Information request by the Australian Greens regarding a “Memorandum of Understanding” between Australia and Israel that was signed in 2017. 

“The document within the scope of this request contains information which, if released, could reasonably be expected to damage the international relations of the Commonwealth,” the Defence Department said in a letter explaining its rejection.

“A summary provided by the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) to the Greens reveals that the Israeli government was also consulted about releasing the document before Defence ultimately rejected the FOI request,” the ABC reports.

“The document contains information communicated to Australia by a foreign government and its officials under the expectation that it would not be disclosed,” a Defence official wrote in justification of its decision.

Greens senator David Shoebridge objected, saying “There is no place for secret arms treaties and secret arms deals between countries, and there is certainly no place for giving other countries veto power over what the Australian government tells the public about our government’s defence and arms deals.”

“Over 30,000 people have been killed by the State of Israel in Gaza in the past six months. In this context, the Australian public has a right to know about the military trade relationship with the State of Israel,” added Shoebridge.

It’s wild to think about the fact that the Australian warmakers determined this admission, that the truth would harm Australia’s reputation, to be the option that was least destructive to Australia’s reputation. When someone tells you “I can’t tell you the truth about that because the truth will make everyone dislike me,” it means they’ve ruled out every other option before coming to that position because the truth really is that ugly.

It’s like coming home to find your husband frantically burning clothes and mopping up blood and asking him what’s going on, and he says “I can’t tell you because the truth would harm your opinion of me.” Your very first thought after that is going to be that he must have done something very, very bad if that’s the best answer he could give you.

Back in November lawyer and researcher Kelly Trantner published an article with Declassified Australia titled “Australia’s role in the bombing of Gaza” about Israel’s use of Australian equipment to conduct its F-35 bombing campaigns, writing that “no bombs could be dropped on Gaza by an F-35 without parts manufactured for the F-35s by Melbourne company, Rosebank Engineering.”

Trantner notes that more than 70 Australian companies have been awarded “over $4.13 billion in global production and sustainment contracts through the F-35 program to date.” Since the writing of Trantner’s piece, during Israel’s active genocide in Gaza, the Australian Army has drawn controversy by awarding a billion-dollar contract to Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems. 

As we’ve discussed many times, Australia is functionally a military and intelligence asset of the same US-centralized empire as Israel. We’re currently falling all over ourselves helping the US prepare for a future war with China, and we’ve been providing logistical support for the US and UK bombing campaign against Ansarallah in Yemen. If all the violence and chaos we’re seeing in the middle east leads to the US committing to a direct full-scale war in the region, we may be absolutely certain that Canberra will march us into that one as well. All while the empire cages an Australian journalist in a maximum security prison for exposing its war crimes.

Australia, like Israel, is not a real country. Like Israel, Australia is nothing other than a settler-colonialist outpost of western imperialism built on genocide, ethnic cleansing and theft, and now operates in a way that is inseparable from the US war machine. This land will never know peace or justice until we have extricated ourselves from the talons of the empire.

Sunday, April 7, 2024


Facing Nuclear War

The invention of nuclear weapons was an act of total insanity. If the massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons are not dismantled and destroyed, sooner or later they will destroy planet Earth.

We have survived so far because the Cuban Missile Crisis awoke President Kennedy and Soviet leader Khrushchev to the danger of distrust between nuclear powers. For the remainder of the 20th century Washington and Moscow worked to defuse tensions and to build transparency and trust. Sufficient success was achieved to avoid false indications from warning systems showing incoming ICBMs from resulting in the launch of nuclear war.

Today there is no trust. In the 21st century all of the arms agreements hammered out over the decades of the Cold War have been abandoned, first by Washington and then in response by the Kremlin. The Soviet collapse in 1991 gave rise to the neoconservative doctrine of US hegemony, an assertion of American unilateralism, a claim of American supremacy. Such an absurd and unrealistic claim is totally inconsistent with the existence of nuclear weapons.

All trust has been erased. In the US Russia has been demonized to an unprecedented extent. It is so extreme that anyone who gives an objective analysis is branded a “Putin agent/dupe.” This makes realistic assessments impossible.

In Russia trust of Washington has been completely destroyed by broken promises, such as NATO will not move one inch to the East, broken arms agreements, deceit over the Minsk Agreement, and by Washington’s endless rejections of Russian requests for a mutual security agreement.

Today all it takes for the world to end is one false warning of incoming missiles.

It was Washington, not Russia, that created this situation, and nothing is being done about it. The world is content with the Sword of Damocles hanging by a thread over the planet.

Whenever I raise this most serious of all issues, a gaggle of idiots pronounce that nuclear weapons will never be used because there can be no winners. All the while Putin is warning that Washington and its NATO puppets are pushing Russia into nuclear war. There is no end of people too stupid to see the dire threat.

If Biden, the defense secretary, anyone in Washington had any sense, they would call Putin and declare that we need more than a mutual security agreement. We need to dismantle and destroy all nuclear weapons–the US, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel, France and the UK. To demonstrate our newly acquired good intentions, Washington should announce that it is closing its worldwide network of illegal bioweapon research laboratories and abandoning its effort to substitute Washington’s self-serving “rule-based order” for established international law.

The notion that the US needs to defend against a Russian or Chinese invasion is an absurdity when the US is being overrun daily by immigrant-invaders. According to official numbers, immigrant-invaders recruited from 160 countries by NGOs financed with federal tax dollars are entering unopposed our country monthly in numbers equivalent to the population of Pittsburgh.

300,000 a month is 3.6 million a year. No one knows how many immigrant-invaders have entered our country, but the evidence is clear that the US is being colonized. The best guess is that 30 million illegals have taken up residence in the US. And this at a time when US manufacturing has been offshored and robotics is eliminating many remaining jobs. The influx is so great that even schools, airports and bus stations, and hotels are being turned into housing for immigrant invaders. There are reports that private businesses are being paid by state, local, and federal governments to provide housing for the immigrant-invaders. In other words, an invasion is being turned into a profit center for private businesses based on government tax dollars.

American property owners are finding themselves dispossessed by immigrant-invaders. A family can return from vacation to find immigrant-invaders, who cannot be evicted, occupying their home. Breaking and entering has been turned into an “owner-tenant dispute.” Rental property owners find rental units vacant between leases occupied by illegals who cannot be evicted. I have reported examples on this website.

American citizens are exploited in additional ways. They have to pay for schooling, health care, and prepaid credit cards given to illegals. The character of neighborhoods is erased. Crime multiplies. Liberals demand that illegals be given voting rights. California hires them as police officers. Members of Congress want to put the immigrant-invaders in the US military and use them to defend the country whose borders they have violated. As Washington refuses to oppose this invasion, why is Washington so concerned about a mythical Chinese or Russian invasion? The absurdity boggles the mind. America has been turned into a tower of babel.

We know for certain that Russia and China combined do not have armies approaching in size the immigrant-invaders overrunning our country. So, why are we only concerned about being invaded by Russians and Chinese or the UN, but not by the invaders we are actually experiencing, about which nothing is done?

Instead we are pursuing an aggressive foreign policy toward, Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran that is fomenting nuclear war. Washington’s aggression is a dire threat to the existence of life.

To comprehend the collapse in US-Russian relations, compare the warm reception given to the American pianist, Van Cliburn, in Moscow in 1958 when he won the international Tchaikovsky piano competition with the refusal today of Western orchestras to perform the music of Russian composers.

This Sunday morning brings news that Washington think tanks are now saying it is time for NATO troops to be sent to Ukraine or the West will suffer a catastrophic defeat. So, after all the denials, it is the West’s war against Russia. Perhaps Putin will take note.

Following the Vietnam pattern, the NATO troops will be used for logistics and support personnel, thereby freeing more Ukrainian soldiers for the front, but not themselves used in combat. It was through this door that the US ended up with 500,000 soldiers in Vietnam and still lost the war.

The US already has soldiers in Moldova where they are engaged in exercises with Moldovan soldiers. There is talk of Moldova joining the US in occupying Odessa, Ukraine’s last remaining position on the Black Sea. Once again it seems Putin’s lackadaisical way of fighting war has worked against him.

In Romania law changes are underway that allow Romanian soldiers to engage in offensive operations against countries that have not attacked Romania, and the Polish foreign minister is sending a mission to coordinate with Ukraine.

As it has since day one of Putin’s “limited military operation,” the war continues to widen. And dangerously. Perhaps for budget reasons, perhaps for civilian labor force needs, Putin has not raised an army sufficiently large to defend with conventional weapons the enormous length of Russia’s border with NATO. As attacks can come from the Arctic to the Black Sea and even from Georgia in central Asia, Russia is relying on nuclear weapons.

Putin was forced to intervene in Donbas, but it should have been done in a way that quickly ended the conflict and chilled any appetite for war with Russia.

Donald W. Miller, Jr., calls to our attention a new book by Annie Jacobsen titled Nuclear War: A Scenario:
Read the article and the book and demand that Washington sober up before it gets everyone killed.


Poynter’s Creepy ‘Fact-Based Expression’

Fact-based expression.

That is what the once vaunted now openly vile Poynter Institute – a pivot point of the international censorship-industrial complex – wishes to “strengthen…around the globe.”

Pointedly, not “free speech,” but “fact-based expression.” 

They’re not the same thing.

This absurd term, floated through the invite to read the institute’s annual and recently released “Impact Report,” may at first blush seem to be yet another silly woke wiggle, like “birthing person (mother) or “involved in the criminal justice system” (a felon) or “experiencing homelessness” (vagrant).

Like many Orwellian neologisms, it might, if you hear it only once or twice, seem to make a tiny bit of sense because “fact-based expression” implies telling the truth.

But like so many other progressive rewordings, it is purely an attempt to sound reasonable so as to mask a deeply ominous intent.

That intent? To control speech and public discourse by being the lone decider as to what is factual and what is not and those decisions are being – and will be – made based on the sociopolitical outlook of the progressive woke elite, the socialite socialist statist global drivers that fund Poynter.

But the Poynter Institute – once the premier media/journalism teaching and thinking, for lack of a better term, organizations – made a significant error in rolling out the term: it appears right after “free press,” inviting the clear comparison.

“…meaningful achievements we have made to help strengthen a free press and fact-based expression around the globe,” is how the email introduction to the report read.

So why not simply say “free speech?”

Because that’s not what they want at all (they don’t really believe in a free press either, noting the importance of the press being “responsible,” i.e..housebroken.)

To the contrary, “fact-based expression” demands both self and external censorship, a political, social, and cultural censorship that will drown out and drone on.

That is the business Poynter is in now – fact-checking. So Poynter will be telling the world what constitutes “fact-based expression” and what is not, what is verboten.

How convenient for Poynter, how wonderful for the globalists, how terrible for everyone else.

And Poynter has the connections to make it stick – take December, 2020 and Covid for example.

The American Medical Association “partnered” with Poynter to spread the gospel of vaccines, of pandemic panic, and the evils of “misinformation.”

Poynter even offered an online course that local (and national) news people from around the country could take that would leverage the trust they have built in the community to convince people to take the “vaccine:”

We know from previous vaccination efforts that local news is critically important: Audiences trust local news the most, and local journalists will be critical in guiding the public to vaccine administration sites and explaining eligibility.

The first rounds of vaccines will be based on new mRNA technology that, while being a scientific breakthrough, may raise questions in the public’s mind about safety and efficacy. We will explain the technology in ways you can pass along to the public.

The course made sure the locals reported how safe the vaccine was, how important it was, and what “misinformation” about the vaccine needed to be shot down.

Oddly enough, it also worked to help journalists “explain to audiences the importance of the second dosage of the vaccines.” On December 4, 2020 – curiously early for that specific topic – the “vaccine” had been out for only a couple of weeks.

As for all of 2020, you can see Poynter’s round-up here. Note it features the term “covidiot.”  

(And you can watch a rerun of the webinar here.)

How convenient for Poynter, how wonderful for the globalists, how terrible for everyone else.

Just nine years ago, Poynter had a budget of $3.8 million and, unless you worked in the media, you had no idea it even existed. Today, thanks to massive support from the likes of Google, Meta (Facebook), and others, Poynter is a $15 million a year nexus point for those who wish to control the press and, more importantly, what everyone else says.

Poynter runs PolitiFact, a media outlet that pretends to be in the business of checking facts. 

But it does no such thing. It is a global elite swamp third-party validation machine that twists and turns and backflips to put its “FACT” stamp of approval on just about anything that needs to be buttressed.

Or, more importantly, it stamps “FALSE” on a statement or story or concept that is at odds with the current popular narrative that keeps that same global elite in power (a litany of Poynter’s obfuscation and the tricks it uses can be found here).

It runs MediaWise, an outfit that claims to train (largely) younger people how to spot “misinformation,” something that does not actually exist but is a pillar of the censor’s claim to their right to exist. And through its “Teen Fact Checking Network,” Poynter is training a new generation of censors.

If Poynter were honestly trying to stop misinformation, it would not practice the art so well. 

And Poynter is the home of the International Fact Checking Network, a group of global media and other fact-checking organizations that is dedicated to “fighting repression and misinformation.”

To quote the IFCN chief: “Misinformation is on the march. The politically powerful are using disinformation to confuse the public and control the agenda. And fact-checkers and other journalists face attack and harassment simply for doing their jobs,” said Angie Drobnic Holan, IFCN director. “Yet our work continues. We are on the side of truth. We are on the side of information integrity.”

And the IFCN determines what is the truth, what information has the requisite “integrity” to pass muster?

In other words, doing to the world what it has done to the United States: work with social media and government agencies to stamp out dissent.

April 2 was “International Fact Checking Day.” To honor the occasion, Drobnic Holan took to her blog to claim that fact-checkers are not censors and, it appears, that the Murthy v. Missouri case currently in front of the United States Supreme Court is not really about the basic and immutable American tenet of freedom of speech but about letting misinformers keep muddying the waters of official truth:

The Supreme Court case is primarily about the government’s actions in dealing with tech platforms: Did the Biden administration go too far in asking for takedowns of vaccine-related misinformation? For years, similar attacks have been aimed at fact-checkers. As director of the International Fact-Checking Network, I’ve watched this movement label fact-checkers as part of a “censorship industrial complex,” claiming that fact-checkers are trying to suppress debatable information.

Ironically, this deeply misleading argument itself is aimed at suppressing critique and debate.

Google and Meta (Facebook) and TikTok are, as noted, Poynter funders and use its products to help decide what is or is not allowed on their platforms. That actual fact does not bode well for the neutrality of Poynter’s fact-checking efforts.

Specifically as to TikTok, Poynter proudly claims that “(T)hrough innovative fact-checking partnerships with Meta and TikTok, PolitiFact is slowing the spread of thousands of pieces of false or harmful online content each month — reducing future views of false information by 80% on average.”

And Poynter decides what is “harmful” and “false.”

And just a few days ago, clearly in response to the bill to force the sale of TikTok going through Congress, Poynter decided to “fact check” who really owns TikTok. Poynter decided that the statement that the “Chinese government owns TikTok” is – surprise surprise – false.

Because of its vaunted past, Poynter is the respectable (actually becoming less respectable with each passing million) face of the international movement to determine what the public can talk about.

And it seems being in the “fact” industry is good for business – budget tripled, staff doubled, got far more notoriety, and getting a bit of actual global power, all in the past decade.

Google, Meta, the Omidyar network (lefty media funders), The Just Trust (a spinoff of the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative that focuses on “criminal justice), TikTok, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Stanford Impact Labs, which “invests in teams of researchers working with leaders in government, business, and communities to design, test, and scale interventions that can help us make progress on some of the world’s most pressing and persistent social challenges” are some of the major funders of Poynter.

All of the above are powerful progressive/woke companies and foundations and are intertwined with the global movement to muzzle the freedom of the average person, to create a rental world in which people will simply be interchangeable cogs to be watched, fed, and placated.

Another funder of Poynter is the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), one of the most caustic – and powerful – members of the international “civil society” behemoth that lay somewhere between government and private industry and is now more powerful than either.

Note: NED was specifically founded in the 1980s to do in public what the CIA could no longer do in secret: play international politics, foment revolutions, buy supporters, and influence foreign media.

Another Poynter partner is the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), a stepchild of the still-extant German Marshall Fund.

Reminder – the Marshall Plan was set up after World War II to help rebuild Germany and Europe; the Fund was created by the West German government and is now one of most slithery internationalist think tanks on the planet.

Last November, Poynter hosted a very very poorly attended “United Facts of America” online symposium, which included the participation of the Fund and the ASD. The ASD was the group behind the “Hamilton 68” Russian disinformation dashboard, a tool used countless times by the mainstream media to show how much Russia had warped the American electoral process.

The world can expect to see “fact-based expression” more often in the very near future, can expect to hear “Are you in favor of lying?” arguments if you say you are worried about the new rubric, and can expect to see ‘fact-based expression” in law books soon as an appropriate mitigation of free and unfettered speech.

The concept is already making headway – see the Online Harms Bill proposed in Canada, which “authorizes house arrest and electronic tagging for a person considered likely to commit a future (hate) crime.”

Poynter is a far far distance away from its original mission, but in theory still understands the actual news business. We asked them what exactly is “fact-based expression:”

“What is ‘fact-based expression’ exactly?  What does that term mean? It has to be different from ‘free speech’ because (the report intro) would have read ‘free speech’ just as it did ‘free press.’”

The response from the transparent media training foundation?

“We have seen your message and I have shared it with the team. We did see your deadline note in the subject line and in the body text. We’ll try to respond as soon as we can, keeping your deadline in mind.”

No further response – I guess “the team” didn’t want to answer the question or they didn’t have a “fact-based expression” to reply with.


As Support For Gaza Goes Mainstream, Don’t Let The Empire Co-Opt The Movement

Opposition to the slaughter in Gaza appears to be getting more mainstream, which is obviously great, but when political impulses go mainstream it means there’s going to be a massive and concerted effort to funnel public sentiment in a direction that doesn’t damage the interests of the empire.

They’re going to try to blame this all on Netanyahu.

They’re going to insist that Israel itself is fine and the only thing that went wrong was a fluke incident in which an aberrational right wing faction briefly got into power.

They’re going to try to wash the western empire’s hands of the mass atrocities it directly facilitated in Gaza.

They’re going to try to frame Biden as a basically decent politician who found himself trapped in an impossible situation.

They’re going to keep pretending a two-state solution is right around the corner and doing everything they can to stall out meaningful change on Palestinian rights, while blaming any obstacles to peace on the Palestinian resistance.

They’re going to pollute the information ecosystem with a deluge of messaging which is all designed to counter the notion that Gaza means the entire status quo needs to be overhauled — with regard to Israel-Palestine, with regard to US foreign policy, with regard to the US government itself, and with regard to the western power structure in general.

They’re going to say everything they need to say to ensure that everyone understands that the basic status quo in Israel, the United States and the western world is working perfectly fine, and this was all just an innocent little oopsie poopsie caused by a few bad apples.

They’ll justify, they’ll excuse, they’ll exonerate, and then they’ll distract, moving public attention on to the next big thing and allowing the amnesia of the daily news churn to wash Gaza from our attention — all while pretending to be on our side.

This messaging will need to be fought tooth and claw. We cannot allow them to neuter this political moment with spin and propaganda. We need to make sure their criminality remains front and center of public awareness, and we need to push for the real revolutionary changes that Gaza plainly proves are needed.

Let mainstream sentiment turn against the current Israeli regime and bring an end to the butchery in Gaza, but don’t let the imperial narrative managers co-opt anything. Don’t let them hijack the zeitgeist that’s been building. 

View all words and actions of the western political-media class with aggressive skepticism, and push back forcefully every time they try to push public sentiment in a direction that advantages the empire.