Monday, April 8, 2024


“The Collective West”, Corruption, The Neocons and the 2024 Presidential Election.

My book, Our Country Then and Now, traces US history from Native American prehistory through early European arrivals, through the pioneer phase of settlement, to the disasters of the 20th century until today, when our government is on the verge of taking us into World War III.

We had two centuries of Indian, white, and African-American indigenous development, not without serious conflict, prior to American independence in 1776. A lot of hardship, but a great deal of nobility, beauty, and heroism.

Starting with the Revolutionary War, we had a gradual takeover by globalist finance, using fractional reserve banking and usury as their chief instruments of power. Around 1900, the British Empire and the US money power began to merge, with the Morgan/Rockefeller interests taking control of the US through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

This merger between British and American power started and carried out World Wars I and II for world control and is now trying to complete the project via WW III which is now starting. The action arm of lawless and futile US imperialism is the “Neocons.”

Put succinctly, the “Collective West” is run by money-grubbing lunatics, who also happen to be genocidal maniacs towards their own population. One of their projects is the Covid pandemic, with more to come with the 2024 WHO “treaty.”

My belief is that they cannot defeat the combined nations of Eurasia and the Global South. But a stalemate would allow the US to assume its proper role as one important nation among many others, not the world hegemon. The US does not have to pretend to be an “exceptional” or “indispensable” nation, nor does it have to climb to the top of the international heap by demonizing or hating others.

We should be friends and collaborators with Russia, China, and Iran, not enemies.

On the 2024 presidential election, if, of course, we have an election and the Biden administration doesn’t cancel it, from one standpoint we have a very old and fundamental rivalry between the “internationalist” Democratic Party run by Big Finance vs. the nationalistic Republicans who have found themselves a spokesman in Donald Trump. There is also a lot of support for Trump among the working level of the national security establishment. One figure often mentioned for a cabinet post is Col. Douglas MacGregor, who is a hero among conservative voters.

The most important issue Trump is riding on is the Biden administration’s open border policy that has allowed the entry into the US of millions of illegal immigrants. The state of Texas in particular has taken a strong stand against this.

The internationalists, heavily Zionist, and strongly behind the Ukraine war, control the Democratic Party and the top echelons of the US Deep State, which has been running a slow-motion assassination attempt against Trump and seems to be doing the same against Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

RFK Jr. has little real platform except his family name and record as an environmental attorney but has progressive creds and could take enough votes from Biden to swing the election. Sinking Biden would constitute potent revenge against the Deep State and its endless machinations.

The only candidate that could make a difference in policy is Jill Stein, the Green, whose platform includes peace in the world and monetary reform, the two issues that really matter. Obviously she has no chance to become president.

Once Biden, or whoever they substitute for him, is elected, we would likely see the nuclear WW III that is in the works, since it’s the only way the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire could defeat Russia-China-Iran/BRICS+, etc. It was Democratic President Harry Truman that nuked Japan.

One way to put it is that the Democratic Party, along with similarly aligned parties in other Western nations and Israel, is controlled by a malign destructive force determined to kill or enslave most of humanity, reducing the planet to a totalitarian anthill. This destructive force is spearheaded by the strongly pro-Israel Neocon faction, the ones who brought us 9/11 and the ongoing regime of endless war.

In my opinion, the only answer to these dilemmas is spiritual, and that involves the revival of humanity’s traditional religions. This does not mean creating state religions. It means people acquiring a spiritual center that guides their personal, family, and public lives, that awakens their conscience. It means living by the law of love, not hate.

The key is reform of the monetary system—essentially nationalization of the Federal Reserve and the elimination of fractional reserve lending and usury.


President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas Destroy America with Immigration Conspiracy

The United States government under President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have set out to destroy the U.S. with their devastating immigration conspiracy.

I will not attempt to write a book on the subject in this space, as there is already an abundance of information available. Suffice it to say that opening the floodgates to illegal immigration, especially at the southern border, is now the number one issue separating Biden from Republican nominee Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

Biden’s campaign apologists claim that Biden has simply been trying to “repair the damage” done by Trump during his own presidency, but they lie about this along with everything else.

Biden and Mayorkas are the most visible members of a gang that is trying to destroy America.

Trump appears to be the only person who can try to save the country, though RFK Jr. has also decried open borders.

But polling at 10 percent, RFK Jr. obviously cannot be elected. He can be an election spoiler, however, by drawing enough votes from Biden through what I call his “boutique” candidacy. The Democrats’ recognize this and are pulling out all the stops to stop him.

This is not the first time in US history that our government has allowed vast numbers of immigrants to enter without sufficient preparation or safeguards.

At times the country was able to absorb the influx, as with refugees from the Irish Potato Famine in the late 1840s and 1850s who settled mostly in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. A limited amount of Chinese immigration helped build railroads in the West.

During the Civil War, the nation lost a million young men of reproductive age which made room for huge numbers of immigrants during the next several decades, including almost three million Jews from Central Europe and Russia. Large influxes of immigrants from Poland, Scandinavia, and Italy also arrived, with some moving West and many crowding into slums in the northeastern cities. The urban crowding led to a rapid growth in organized crime which became much worse with the arrival of Prohibition idiocy.

It was Democratic Party politicians from the cities, like those of the corrupt Tammany Hall machine in New York, who were the strongest backers of immigration and who reaped the most benefit in adding to the voter rolls. The influx also saw tremendous growth of members of the Catholic Church in America, which brought some stability to the lives of the newcomers. Big finance and big business went along due to the increase in workers willing to work for low wages. Bankers also saw future consumer borrowers on the horizon, as people with no money, homes, or assets were easy to put into debt.

The Democrats cemented their position as the greatest benefactors of immigrants and working-class Americans through 1930s New Deal programs, including Social Security. Immigrants without jobs also became cannon fodder for World Wars I and II, when 116,000 and 407,000 military members died respectively to further the ambitions of the Anglo-American Empire.

But it’s been during the last 50 years that immigration has skyrocketed with the enormous influx of refugees boosted by U.S. wars and civil conflicts in regions like Central America, the Asian rim, and the Middle East. The passage of NAFTA and its implementation by President Bill Clinton destroyed Mexican family farms, also bringing hordes of low-paid workers to US cities. The joke at the time went, “What did Davey Crockett say when he looked over the wall of the Alamo?” Answer: “Where did all them lawn maintenance guys come from?”

But nothing can match the numbers or the potential destruction wrought by Biden and his henchmen over the last four years.

From the explosion in fentanyl overdoses inflicted by Mexican drug gangs to the obvious intent to stack the voter rolls with millions of new Democratic voters, the U.S. may never be the same. Republican poll workers and volunteers are anticipating election day on November 5 with trepidation.

And the degree of organization behind it all may never be truly appreciated. Following is an April 3 quotation from the Duran website:

“Biden is using the church to import more Democrat voters to the U.S.

“Hundreds of millions of dollars are being funneled to religious NGOs to entice and support illegal immigrants across the southern border.

“At a time when millions of Americans are homeless and in need of medical treatment, Washington is more concerned with playing host to millions of illegal immigrants…

“How many Americans would like to receive cash debit cards, food, clothing, medical treatment, shelter, and even ‘humanitarian transportation’ for doing absolutely nothing, aside from breaking the law? Well, sorry, because American citizens don’t qualify for the massive handout that surpasses $1.6 billion dollars, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. The freebies are going to millions of US-bound migrants in 17 Latin American nations and Mexico instead. In what was once a matter of quiet speculation is now an open secret: the Biden administration is using hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money to fund a variety of NGO initiatives aimed at helping illegal immigrants enter the US from Latin America and Mexico.

“Under the auspices of a United Nations-led ‘Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP),’ the US State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) have been sending taxpayer funds to various religious nonprofit organizations, which then dangle the juicy enticements before thousands of migrants, opening the floodgates to a wave of illegal US southern border crossings.”

What now?

We are already seeing the effects of Biden’s open border in rising crime statistics. Can any of this be stopped and how? Fortunately, voters are catching on, with polling support for Biden sinking to unprecedented lows.

State and local officials are bracing for the battles to come. But the US presidential election is still seven months off. What surprises do the crooks yet have in store?


Glenn Greenwald: “What We Discovered Shocked Me.” The #TwitterFiles Brazil

24 minute video at article address

Comments to article:

" Our world is sick. Planet slowly dying. A paradigm shift must take place soon. With the help of good writers/journalists, public intellectuals, it will happen. Substack keeps me centered. "

" Welcome to George Orwell’s 1984 everyone! "


Australian Military Refuses To Disclose Arms Deal With Israel To Protect Its ‘Reputation’

Australia’s Defence Department has refused a Freedom of Information request about the details of an arms deal with Israel on the grounds that such information “could harm Australia’s international standing and reputation,” which suggests the details must be pretty damning. Equally as scandalous, this refusal was reportedly made in consultation with the Israeli government.

In an article titled “Details of defence deal with Israel kept under wraps to protect Australia’s ‘reputation’,” the ABC’s Andrew Greene details how the Australian military snubbed a Freedom of Information request by the Australian Greens regarding a “Memorandum of Understanding” between Australia and Israel that was signed in 2017. 

“The document within the scope of this request contains information which, if released, could reasonably be expected to damage the international relations of the Commonwealth,” the Defence Department said in a letter explaining its rejection.

“A summary provided by the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) to the Greens reveals that the Israeli government was also consulted about releasing the document before Defence ultimately rejected the FOI request,” the ABC reports.

“The document contains information communicated to Australia by a foreign government and its officials under the expectation that it would not be disclosed,” a Defence official wrote in justification of its decision.

Greens senator David Shoebridge objected, saying “There is no place for secret arms treaties and secret arms deals between countries, and there is certainly no place for giving other countries veto power over what the Australian government tells the public about our government’s defence and arms deals.”

“Over 30,000 people have been killed by the State of Israel in Gaza in the past six months. In this context, the Australian public has a right to know about the military trade relationship with the State of Israel,” added Shoebridge.

It’s wild to think about the fact that the Australian warmakers determined this admission, that the truth would harm Australia’s reputation, to be the option that was least destructive to Australia’s reputation. When someone tells you “I can’t tell you the truth about that because the truth will make everyone dislike me,” it means they’ve ruled out every other option before coming to that position because the truth really is that ugly.

It’s like coming home to find your husband frantically burning clothes and mopping up blood and asking him what’s going on, and he says “I can’t tell you because the truth would harm your opinion of me.” Your very first thought after that is going to be that he must have done something very, very bad if that’s the best answer he could give you.

Back in November lawyer and researcher Kelly Trantner published an article with Declassified Australia titled “Australia’s role in the bombing of Gaza” about Israel’s use of Australian equipment to conduct its F-35 bombing campaigns, writing that “no bombs could be dropped on Gaza by an F-35 without parts manufactured for the F-35s by Melbourne company, Rosebank Engineering.”

Trantner notes that more than 70 Australian companies have been awarded “over $4.13 billion in global production and sustainment contracts through the F-35 program to date.” Since the writing of Trantner’s piece, during Israel’s active genocide in Gaza, the Australian Army has drawn controversy by awarding a billion-dollar contract to Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems. 

As we’ve discussed many times, Australia is functionally a military and intelligence asset of the same US-centralized empire as Israel. We’re currently falling all over ourselves helping the US prepare for a future war with China, and we’ve been providing logistical support for the US and UK bombing campaign against Ansarallah in Yemen. If all the violence and chaos we’re seeing in the middle east leads to the US committing to a direct full-scale war in the region, we may be absolutely certain that Canberra will march us into that one as well. All while the empire cages an Australian journalist in a maximum security prison for exposing its war crimes.

Australia, like Israel, is not a real country. Like Israel, Australia is nothing other than a settler-colonialist outpost of western imperialism built on genocide, ethnic cleansing and theft, and now operates in a way that is inseparable from the US war machine. This land will never know peace or justice until we have extricated ourselves from the talons of the empire.

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