Tuesday, August 25, 2009



cuddletuffy August 24, 2009 7:15 PM

I remember once getting tricked by some people at work into going to a party that turned out to be a bible study. I also had a similar thing happen where I ended up at a meeting of Trotsky-ites. In both cases, I had to get out fast as everyone had stars in their eyes. "How do I get the f*** out of here with another cupcake and no pamphlets or 30 minute sermons" - read my panicked thought bubble.

Whether it was Jesus or the State/Central Planners who were going to save me or take a bunch of stuff from everyone else to make us all equal, the mentality was the same. Namely - an infantile need to feel protected by putting all faith and hope in someone or something else, and an arrogance that said that they knew what was best for everyone else.

Every time I read Asoka's posts, I am reminded of the people I met at those, "parties."
The quip about Obama bringing back manufacturing is hilarious. First of all, we don't want one man who is so powerful that he can bring back manufacturing to the United States. Second of all, he can't anyways. You see there is a problem with Asoka's theory, and it is grounded in what his/her posts make very obvious - that there is a fundamental lack of understanding of how economics and markets work.

What would have to happen for manufacturing to come back to the United States? Here are a few of them:

1. Asset prices would have to finish their collapse so that real-estate, transportation, and above-all LABOR prices could be competitive with those in China and the other mostly Asian countries.
2. Environmental regulations would have to be eliminated or severely curtailed to be competitive with China and every other smoldering cesspool of industrialism on the planet.
3. Taxes and regulations would have to be eliminated or significantly reduced to encourage investment in the finishing industries and the vast web of feeder businesses, again, in order to be cost competitive with China.

Obama is doing the exact opposite of all of that. You see, his boys at Goldman, Citi, JP Morgan ... you know, the ones who gave him so much money to become president, that can't have asset price collapses yet - they still have too much exposure to the commercial and residential derivative risk.

The government can't have them blow up on their books either - if they do, who is going to lend them money to keep the empire occupying and building nations with their bombs, tanks and guns?

He can't deregulate. How else would Goldman Sachs make more money off of the government by running the carbon trading exchanges?
I could go on and on about the auto industry bailout preventing wages being competitive w/ china ... ... ... and similar LBJ/Nixon/Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama imperial/fascist government boondoggles.

As for the Green jobs crap. It is just that crap. There is no way around conservation. Growth and energy consumption as being synonymous are, as JHK points out, a dead system. It can't be revived. Not in the United States of Debt Serfdom.
It is a fantasy to believe that it is all the Republican's fault, and that if we just had Democrats everything would be okay. It is one big festering imperial cabal.

You see, MLK, Ghandhi, Krishnamurti, Siddartha, Christ, Mohammed were always loathed and/or killed by the heads of state, and never sought to be the head of state. They would not harm you and they did not seek power. Why you follow Obama and the Democrats with googly eyes, (or blog fingers), is a mystery. Perhaps it is because, unlike the avatars I mentioned before, Obama will never tell you - "Go away. Don't look to me for the answers. Have the courage to look to yourself." No. He'll keep saying Hope and Change like a broken record, while the machine that spins and catapults the propaganda from his mouth as the megaphone, grinds away.

He is the head of state. He'll be the first to kill, (via extraoridnary rendition), the next MLK or Ghandhi if they threaten his or his backing cabal's grip on power. Somehow you must know this. Perhaps that is why you are so prostrate before him.

I've never met a Moonie. Or maybe, Asoka, in the virtual world of the Internets I have.

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