Alert COVID-19: RNA-Type Vaccines Which Modify the Human Genome. Crackdown on Free Speech
This first video interview may be one of the most important ones you listen to before the onslaught of the Covid-19 vaccine – distinction: Western style Covid-19 vaccine.
The Russian Sputnik V is not part of the same design.
The western ones are not the “normal” kind; they are RNA-type vaccines that modify the human genome, plus much more – but listen to Dr. Christiane Northrup, who has an excellent way of describing complex issues for everybody to understand.
( Cristiane Northrup video link here in this article )
An important article in RT Op Ed entitled “UK wants to use literal army to fight ‘anti-vaccine propaganda’ online” begs the question “Are we in a budding totalitarian state” involving censorship and a crackdown on free speech?
The above article by Lewis Olden is related to the video, in as much as it shows what to expect, if we let this vaccine or any of the western vaccines be put into our bodies.
This refers right now to the UK which is implementing harsh controls through a specially trained “cyber” Military Unit – mind control, basically taking away your freedom of expression and eventually of thought.
This is hard to believe. But you better be prepared for it. And Dr. Christiane Northrup explains how.
The article entitled – Breaking – by “Vaccine Impact” (2 December 2020) quotes the former Head of Pfizer Research, Dr. Michael Yeadon, as saying that the new untested mRNA (human DNA-altering) Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, BNT162b2, may make females infertile.
The two companies’ BNT162b2 has become the first COVID-19 vaccine allowed in the Western world as drug regulators in the U.K. doled out an emergency use authorization on Wednesday, ahead of decisions by the U.S. and Europe, which are expected soon.
For the broader vaccine world, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s decision means the world now has the first mRNA shot authorized for widespread use, opening up a brand-new chapter for vaccine development. (Source.)
An emergency STAY OF ACTION was filed with the European Medicines Agency by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Germany and Dr. Michael Yeadon. See: “Stay of Action” Filed Against FDA to STOP Approval of COVID Vaccine for Using Faulty PCR Tests in Trials
THIS STAY OF ACTION is very similar to the one filed last week with the FDA in the U.S. by Dr. Sin Hang Lee, and “demands that clinical trials be STOPPED until there is an accurate testing mechanism in place to correctly identify SARS-CoV-2, since the PCR test is very inaccurate”. “In Dr. Lee’s ADMINISTRATIVE STAY OF ACTION, he recognizes the great risk for harm on the American public if the vaccine trials are approved based on these faulty tests”. “Dr. Yeadon, the former head of Pfizer research, also went public recently in a viral video recording where he states that the COVID Pandemic is over, and that it is being kept alive by false narratives using the faulty PCR tests.” (health impact news, op cit)
Just think – eleven months ago, at the beginning of January 2020 – nobody would have thought – not in their wildest nightmares – what would be coming to humanity within the next few months – maybe years if we don’t stop it. Repression no end – all possible because of an atrocious fear campaign.
Clever – fear from an invisible enemy.
People with fear will end up with a vastly reduced immune system, vulnerable to all kinds of infectious diseases, not just covid. Fear also reduces the will to resist – people under fear can be manipulated. We see it every day.
This invisible enemy [V the virus[, they say has killed hundreds of thousands of people.
Truth is, however, quite different. CDC figures show that there have been no excess deaths in the US in 2020 – in fact the total deaths at the end of 2020 may be even lower than in 2019. – So, what are we talking about? A phantom virus-killer? – See for yourself.
Frankly, who could have imagined that we would be loosing almost all human and civil rights only 11 months later, by December 2020?
And yes, this draconian crackdown starts in the UK (though, we have seen “examples” of it in Melbourne and Victoria State of Australia) – while people actually stand in line waiting for the vaccines, in the hope life will return to normal – IT WILL NOT.
It will get worse, and especially, you have no idea what is in the vaccine and how it will affect you – side effects and real effects. How it may affect future generations. You will never be able to detox your body from RNA vaccines, as they change your DNA, like genetically engineered organisms – think of corn, soja, rice, cotton and many more. With one of these vaccines you will become “transhuman”.
You will know much more after having listened to the interview with the renown Dr. Christiane Northrup.
Massive-massive civil disobedience may be the answer.
US War Department Vaccination Cards

All vaccines are hazardous to human health.
It’s why they should be avoided, safe alternatives chosen for protection.
Rushed development, inadequately tested, covid vaccines will be especially dangerous.
In what ways and to what extent will only be known in the fullness of time after mass vaxxing begins.
Inoculated individuals will be unwitting guinea pigs in a widespread experiment with human health and social control.
On Wednesday, the US war department revealed images of covid vaccination cards — to be given to every American vaxxed.
A previous article asked if they’ll be required for employment, attending school, air travel, other public transportation, hotel reservations, restaurant dining, in-store shopping, attending a sporting event, and other social interactions?
Will daily lives and routines no longer be possible without proof of covid immunity from hazardous to human health vaxxing?
On Wednesday, noted microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi said the following about covid vaccines:
When available in the coming weeks, they’ll be “downright dangerous (and will send you) to your doom.”
He called Anthony Fauci’s claim about 75% of Americans needing to vaxxed against covid to achieve herd immunity “utter nonsense,” adding:
“Someone who says this has not the slightest inkling of the basics of immunology.”
According to National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases expert Dr. Emily Erbeling, vaccine development typically takes from 8 to 10 years.
Fast-tracked development of covid vaccines will involve “not looking at all the data.”
AMA president Dr. Susan Bailey said that the number of physicians expressing concern about covid vaccines is “unprecedented.”
Polling data show that around 50% of Americans are concerned about the safety of covid vaccines.
According to Langer Research for the NAACP:
Only 14% of African Americans and 34% of Latinos believe that covid vaccines will be safe.
Only 19% of African Americans trust drug companies. Less than one-third believe that the FDA “look(s) after their interests.”
The Pentagon reportedly will distribute millions of vaccination kits — to include a vax card certification of inoculation.
In cahoots with the CDC and Big Pharma, the so-called Immunization Action Coalition “works to increase immunization rates” by promoting hazardous to human health mass vaxxing.
Its associate director Dr. Kelly Moore is promoting the idea of vax cards to keep track of everyone vaxxed for covid.
The information will be sent to state and federal registries — the latter to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Will unwilling to be vaxxed individuals be tagged as non-compliers?
Will they be penalized as explained above and perhaps additionally in other ways?
What’s going on is part of a diabolical plot to continue eroding fundamental freedoms.
Things are heading toward eliminating them altogether on the phony pretexts of protecting human health and national security.
The nation I grew up in long ago is being systematically transformed into a dystopian society only mass activism in the streets has a chance to prevent.
So-called Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is part of the diabolical plot.
It’s a secretive public/private partnership (involving the war department, HHS, DHS, and Big Pharma) in support of mass vaxxing against made-in-the-USA covid.
It’s a form of seasonal flu/influenza, an annual pandemic with no fear-mongering/mass hysteria, no ineffective hazardous to health face masks, no social distancing, or lockdowns causing economic collapse, mass unemployment, and impoverishment of millions — no totalitarian social control.
OWS reportedly intends mass surveillance of mass vaxxed Americans, likely non-compliars to be tagged for unwillingness to go along with the herd.
Tech giants Google and Oracle reportedly are involved in the mass surveillance scheme.
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, OWS “resurrected (the Orwellian) Total Information Awareness — TIA — scheme).”
It was “devised after the September 11 attacks that was quickly defunded following public backlash over privacy concerns.”
“Is total surveillance set to become the new normal,” Dr. Mercola asked?
OWS is “being directed by (the US) military, (DHS), technology companies and US intelligence agencies…rather than (by) public health officials.”
On the phony pretext of combatting a strain of seasonal flu called covid, mass vaxxing, mass surveillance, and likely other draconian steps will be part of an unacceptable Orwellian new normal.
According to Humans Are
“OWS architects and proponents have worked to justify these extreme and invasive surveillance programs by marketing this agenda as the ‘solution’ to whatever Americans are most afraid of at any given time.”
“It has very little to do with ‘public health’ and everything to do with total control.”
It’s also about letting Big Pharma cash in big for greater profits and stock market valuations.
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