Bretton Woods 3.0. The Great Lockdown, The Great Reset, and The Great Paradigm Shift
Part I: The Entire Globe Hijacked by A Geopolitical Earthquake

“The transformation is both symbolically and visibly expressed by the de facto appearance of the first-ever global capital. That capital city, however, is not New York, the place where the General Assembly of all nation-states periodically convenes. New York might have become the capital if the world’s new order had emerged on the basis of comprehensive collaboration among nation-states, based on the legal fiction of equal sovereignty. But such a world did not come to pass, and indeed the very notion has become an anachronism given the new realities of transnational globalization and of the historically unique scope of sovereign American power.
And yet a global capital did emerge, not between the Hudson and East rivers but on the banks of the Potomac. Washington, D.C., is the first global political capital in the history of the world. Neither Rome nor ancient Peking—both capitals of regional empires—nor Victorian London (except perhaps in international banking) even came close to matching the concentration of global power and decision making in a few square blocks of downtown Washington. Decisions made within two overlapping, but relatively tight triangles project U.S. power worldwide and heavily influence the way globalization evolves. A line drawn from the White House to the monumental Capitol building, to the fort-like Pentagon, and then back to the White House encapsulates the triangle of power. Another line from the White House to the World Bank just a few blocks away, to the State Department, and back to the White House (thus also encompassing the International Monetary Fund and the Organization of American States) demarcates the triangle of global influence. —Zbigniew Brzezinski, pp. 131-32, The Choice: Global Leadership or Global Domination, 2004
Perhaps the only thing more shocking than the above quote from Zbigniew Brzezinski’s little known 2004 book is the unprecedented events of 2020 that, ostensibly, continue to defy belief. Our entire globe has been hijacked by a geopolitical earthquake to the likes the world has never seen before, a most sinister “strategic wedge of denial” plot ever devised, as we shall see.
Behind the thin label of “coronavirus-lockdown,” is a paradigm shift even greater than the first decoupling of the Bretton Woods monetary system from the gold standard on August 15, 1971, a “new global Cold War” with modern China concentrated amongst the multipolar BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South America) and the US-EU cross-Atlantic west at the crux of the conflicted sides—a global economic warfare Iron Curtain—attempting to establish the new paradigm of digital currency, artificial intelligence, identity blockchain, and biometric contact tracing as the arbiter of financial and technological world order in the 21st Century. An entire planet has been caught in the dangerous cross-roads of a geopolitical paradigm shift of the Bretton Woods monetary system into its second decoupling—Bretton Woods 3.0—precisely what the Davos World Economic Forum powers have suspiciously coined, “The Great Reset.”
The “Natural Doctrine” of Global Domination Comes to an End
Unapologetically, one of the most shocking revelations professed by the late Zbigniew K. Brzezinski in his little-known 2004 book was that American-led, cross-Atlanticist globalization—the New World Order—is the “natural doctrine of global hegemony” that grants unprecedented power and influence to the United States as the world’s first, only, and very last superpower. The hegemonic doctrine of cross-Atlanticist globalization was strictly summed up on page 96 of Brzezinski’s The Choice, stating flatly, “Acting together, America and Europe are in effect globally omnipotent. Both sides of the Atlantic know this.”
Since the very establishment of the Bretton Woods Monetary Agreement of 1944 upon the smoldering heap of the Second World War’s ashes—coronating an unprecedented lever of power upon the US dollar as sole world reserve currency of all markets, commodities, and world trade—Western Europe was quickly transformed into de facto economic and militarily occupied territory of the United States. Bretton Woods 1944 was the birth pangs of the coming Marshall Plan of 1947 and subsequent establishment of NATO in 1949, transforming Europe into a de facto US economic-military zone as the EEC (European Economic Community) by 1955—culminating from the Bilderberg Conferences of 1954-55—which led to the creation of the supranational European Union in 1993 and the widespread financial instrument known as “Eurodollars;” American dollars held and traded in European banks and beyond.
The cross-Atlantic American Century was the very neo-imperial precedent that would strip the nation-states of their hallowed sovereignty, whether in the form of paralyzing economic sanctions, or in the direct explosion of bombs. After all, independence and freedom were, merely post-WWII “abstractions” that Zbigniew Brzezinski referred to directly as the “legal fiction of equal sovereignty,” under the global governance of the Atlanticist Bretton Woods institutions—IMF, World Bank, OAS, WTO, BIS—most of which, were conveniently located in Washington, D.C., USA:
“The weaker or poorer countries, and especially the most socially vulnerable components, may come to feel deprived of any direct political connection to the decision making that determines their well-being. If a national economy were to falter, nobody—not even the remote multilateral institutions (such as the WTO or IMF), not supranational organs (such as the EU), not huge global corporations and financial institutions (located in the distant cities of the world’s richer countries)—could be held to political account. For many, economic globalization could amount to political disempowerment.” (Emphasis added from p. 160)
The sheer magnitude of the plethora of shocking revelations about the inner mechanics and schematics defining transnational globalization which emanated from Washington, D.C.—the global capital of the world—that Brzezinski unveiled were simply outrageous, virtually inconceivable realities. The construct of unelected rulers—literal unseen hands—making powerful decisions that completely disempower and disenfranchise people and entire nation-states through the vehicles of international financial institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and even huge private, global corporations that in effect are more powerful than entire nations is beyond the pale.
On pp. 134-35 of The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership, Zbigniew Brzezinski went even further beyond the pale of the phenomena behind the “global elite” and the global capital of the world from which criminally disempowering decision making has become in effect, a world-party congress for the global elite known as the Davos World Economic Forum:
“This phenomenon is even more widespread among the international business elite and the officialdom of the large global financial institutions located in the United States. Meetings of such prestigious organizations as the Trilateral Commission (an elite North American, East Asian, and European NGO) are increasingly reminiscent of college reunions.
A concomitant but more general phenomenon is the appearance of a distinct global elite with a globalist outlook and a transnational loyalty. Fluent in English (usually in its American idiom) and using that language to conduct its business, the new global elite is characterized by high mobility, a cosmopolitan lifestyle, and a primary commitment to the workplace, typically a transnational business or financial corporation. Non-native senior executives within such firms are now common, with 20 percent of Europe’s largest companies even directed by individuals who once would have been considered foreigners. The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum has become in effect, a party congress for the new global elite: top politicians, financial tycoons, captains of commerce, media moguls, academic heavyweights, and even rock stars. That elite increasingly displays its own distinctive sense of interest, camaraderie, and identity.
This elite is fostering the emergence of a global community of shared interest in stability, prosperity, and perhaps eventually democracy. Its focus on America is a tacit acknowledgement that even a global community needs a central clearinghouse for ideas and interests, a focal point for crystallizing some form of consensus, a consequential initiative, and ultimately a sense of direction. Even if it does not entail any formal recognition of Washington’s special status as the global capital, the focus on America is a bow to the twin realities of our time, that of one nation’s power and that of transnational globalization.” (Emphasis added)
The height of the cross-Atlanticists power was 2004, the very same year Brzezinski wrote the manifesto for hegemonic, self-anointed elitist globalization in The Choice, which is clearly emitted in the language and scope of the revelations within its pages. Globally, as Brzezinski had shockingly put it on p. 148, “The level playing field is a reality only between the United States and the European Union. When the two agree, they can dictate to the entire world the rules governing global trade and finance……..Power permits America, right or wrong, to transcend any apparent inconsistency.” (Emphasis added)
When the United States of America emerged as the victor of the Cold War self-coronating itself as the sole superpower of the world achieving global hegemony, George H.W. Bush Sr. ceased to be President; he became Global Leader I under the global principality of the global capital. Bill Clinton became Global Leader II, George W. Bush became Global Leader III, Barack H. Obama became Global Leader IV, and Donald J. Trump became Global Leader V consecutively.
Just as much as the unipolar cross-Atlantic Bretton Woods monetary system dependent on and therefore dominated by the United States was a power unto itself, it was just as much an even greater danger unto itself from within. By 2008, the unipolar moment in time if not history in the post-Cold War, post-historical imperium under the global capital of the world was plunged into disarray by catastrophic leadership, and catastrophic financial collapse compounded by extreme disparity gaps of income inequality on both sides of the Atlantic during the tenure of Global Leader III. Zbigniew Brzezinski underscored the catastrophic leadership of the George W. Bush Administration and its clear implications on pp. 176, 192, 216 in his 2007 Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower:
“As Global Leader III, George W. Bush misunderstood the historical moment, and in just 5 years dangerously undermined America’s geopolitical position. In seeking to pursue a policy based on the delusion the ‘we are an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality,’ Bush endangered America……[A]n intelligent Global Leader IV should still be able to exploit that feeling to tap what’s left of the reservoir of good will towards America.….[I]t is essential that America’s second chance after 2008 be more successful than the first for there will be no third chance. America urgently needs to fashion a truly post-Cold War globalist foreign policy.” (Emphasis added)
Barack H. Obama became Global Leader IV only to extend the previous administration’s catastrophic leadership creating humanitarian disasters by staging coups of entire nation states setting off an abyss of war, destruction, and chaos across North Africa the Middle East in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq in the “Arab Spring.” Eastern Europe was completely destabilized in the blatant and violent US overthrow of Ukraine in February of 2014, creating a direct confrontation with Russia and erupting a horrible civil war in Donbass bringing the threat of a major conflict-by-miscalculation in Europe that much closer.
Global Leader IV also inherited a looming financial disaster and national debt crisis that by 2011, put the US debt-to-GDP ratio over the 1oo percentile threshold. US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was pleading with members of US Congress to raise the US national debt ceiling by May 16, 2011 because of the literal apocalyptic debt default of the United States was within sight: “The longer Congress fails to act, the more we risk that investors here and around the world will lose confidence in our ability to meet our commitments and our obligations……Default by the United States is unthinkable.” (Emphasis added)
Shockwaves of the raid supposedly killing Osama bin Laden with zero physical evidence or even a mere photograph resembling his dead body came flooding across the news wires May 2, 2011 as warnings of literal US national debt default were drowned out in the background. It is of absolutely no coincidence that “the worlds most wanted man” Osama bin Laden wound up dead on the very same day US Treasury Secretary Geithner announced he had managed to push back an insolvency doomsday in a bid for time until Aug. 2, 2011 to avoid US default.
In Zbigniew Brzezinski’s final 2012 book Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power, this ugly reality was shockingly brought to light—p. 46 in Part 2, The Waning of the American Dream—that, “According to an April 2010 Brookings Institution study projecting the US debt under varied assumptions, the Obama administration’s budget would have the US national debt surpass the post-World War II high of 108.6% of GDP by 2025.” He went further revealing some direct, insider knowledge from the journal Foreign Affairs of the powerful NGO cross-Atlanticist Council on Foreign Relations on pp. 47-49:
“Given that paying for this spending trajectory would require a substantial tax increase for which as of now there is no national will, the inescapable reality is that growing national indebtedness will increase US vulnerability to the machinations of major creditor nations such as China, threaten the status of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, undermine America’s role as the world’s preeminent economic model and, in turn, its leadership in such organizations such as the G-20, World Bank, and IMF, and limit its ability to improve itself domestically and, at some point even, to raise the capital required to fight necessary wars.
America’s grim prospects have recently been pithily summed up by two experienced public policy advocates, R.C. Altman and R.N. Haass, in their 2010 Foreign Affairs article ‘American Profligacy and American Power’ in these grim words: ‘The post 2020 fiscal outlook is down-right apocalyptic….The United States is fast approaching a historic turning point: either it will act to get its fiscal house in order, thereby restoring the prerequisites of its primacy in the world, or it will fail to do so and suffer both in the domestic and international consequences.’ If America continues to put off instituting a serious reform plan that simultaneously reduces spending and increases revenue, the United States will likely face a fate similar to the previous fiscally crippled great powers, whether ancient Rome or twentieth-century Great Britain.
Second, America’s flawed financial system is a major liability. It presents twin vulnerabilities: First, it is a systemic time bomb that threatens not only the American but also the global economy because of its risky and self-aggrandizing behavior. And second, it has produced a moral hazard that causes outrage at home and undermines America’s appeal abroad by intensifying America’s social dilemmas. The excess, imbalance, and recklessness of America’s investment banks and trading houses—abetted by congressional irresponsibility regarding deregulation and financing of home ownership, and driven greed Wall Street speculators—precipitated the financial crisis of 2008 and subsequent recession, inflicting economic hardship on millions……[M]oreover, recent studies comparing US intergenerational earnings mobility to those of various European countries show that overall economic mobility is actually lower in ‘the land of opportunity’ than in the rest of the developed world. Worse still, America now lags behind some European countries in the rate of upward income mobility. One of the principle causes has been America’s deficient public education system.” (Emphasis Added)
The election of Donald Trump—a non-politician and iconic business mogul—bringing Global Leader V into the world foray on a chauvinist tidal wave mantra of “Make America Great Again (MAGA)” was but only an even greater extension of the systematic crisis of leadership and financial destruction of the cracking Bretton Woods edifice. A quantum leap of political polarization, raunchy chauvinism, and outright jingoism would only add injury to the insult in the self-destruction of the cross-Atlanticist global hegemony dependent on and therefore dominated by the United States of America.
A phenomenon of global political awakening—internally and externally—and public awareness from universal television, radio, greater access to internet, instant messaging/communications, and above all social media networks, is creating extremely dangerous dimensions of political polarization in the United States, and anti-Western, anti-imperial awareness of political processes, gross income inequality, injustice, human suffrage, climate/environmental issues, wars/conflict zones, social unrest, and news developments from abroad. The major catalyst of this slide into an extremely dangerous scenario of the cross-Atlantic dominated US collapse amidst the growing phenomena of global political awakening was mass, widespread ignorance of American society which Brzezinski truthfully laid bare on pp. 52-53 of Strategic Vision:
“America’s fifth major vulnerability is a public that is highly ignorant about the world. The uncomfortable truth is that the United States public has an alarmingly limited knowledge of basic global geography, current events, and even pivotal moments in world history—a reality certainly derived in part from its deficient education system.
[T]hat level of ignorance is compounded by the absence of informative international reporting readily accessible to the public. With the exception of perhaps five major newspapers, local press and American TV provides very limited news coverage about world affairs, except for ad hoc coverage of sensational or catastrophic events. What passes for news tends to be trivia or human-interest stories. The cumulative effect of such widespread ignorance makes the public more susceptible to demagogically stimulated fear, especially when aroused by a terrorist attack. That, in turn, increases the probability of self-destructive foreign policy initiatives. In general, public ignorance creates an American political environment more hospitable to extremist simplifications—abetted by interested lobbies—than to nuanced views of the inherently more complex global realities of the post-Cold War era.
[W]orst of all, according to a careful RAND Corporation study, ‘a process with roots as large and deep as political polarization is unlikely to be reversed easily, if at all….Our nation is in for an extended period of political warfare between the left and the right’.” (Emphasis added)
Collapse of the US dominated, cross-Atlantic Bretton Woods system’s ability to lead as the so-called model for the world—much less as the ‘global capital’—had been driven destructively beyond the pale in its paralleling social, moral, and economic collapse. Global Leader V only made a quantum leap of catastrophic leadership abjectly into an irreversible direction bereft of diligent diplomacy and statesmanship, much less real viable economic principles, all the while making demagogic, narcissistic and outrageous false claims that the US economy “was the best in the history of the United States” with radical jingoist overtones—completely contradicting existing reality.
Since January 2011, the United States government was bankrupt—with a debt-to-GDP ratio well over 100%—forcing the US Congress into last resorts of consistently and constantly passing bills to avoid government shut-downs and ultimately, catastrophic default. By July 2019, the situation of exceeding 100% of US debt-to-GDP ratio was so dire that on July 22, 2019 Global Leader V and the US Congress unprecedentedly suspended the US government debt ceiling until July 2021, absolutely not a small undertaking whatsoever by any means.
The purported globally monolithic cross-Atlantic Bretton Woods system—the American Century—dependent on and therefore dominated by the global capital of the world Washington, D.C. that had wielded such a lever of unprecedented power since the end of World War II was but only an imaginary line that receded with the horizon as the cross-Atlantic hegemonic elitists ran ever so faster towards it. The “natural doctrine of global hegemony” in American-led globalization had ostensibly come to its bitter end, economically collapsed and morally bankrupt—or was it about to shift imperial gears with “all guns blazing” in a Great Reset?
New Silk Road Token: Death of Bretton Woods and the American Century
The perniciousness and profligacy of the self-destructing and imploding unipolar US-dominated Bretton Woods system was but only setting the precedent for growing multipolar power and influence of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), and the absolute geo-economic colossus of China’s 2013 Belt Road Initiative (BRI) taking the non-western world by storm. In just less than a decade, 71 countries of the world are currently participating in the nearly $30 trillion-dollar BRI comprising an unprecedented two-thirds of the world’s population, and over a third of world’s GDP.
The threat of the unipolar, hegemonic cross-Atlantic US-EU Bretton Woods monetary system—the literal hierarchy enjoyed by the global elite since 1944—being seriously challenged or superseded had in effect become reality. It was a living nightmare for the cross-Atlanticists, the very geopolitical reality Zbigniew Brzezinski had warned about on pages 31 and 159 in his most infamous 1997 book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives:
“In that context, how America ‘manages’ Eurasia is critical. Eurasia is the globe’s largest continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world’s three most advanced and economically productive regions. A mere glance at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa’s subordination, rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania geopolitically peripheral to the world’s central continent. About 75 percent of the world’s people live in Eurasia, and most of the world’s physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for about 60 percent of the world’s GNP and about three-fourths of the world’s known energy resources……..All of the potential political and/or economic challengers to American primacy are Eurasian. Eurasia’s power vastly overshadows America’s…….
[B]oth the pace of China’s economic growth and the scale of foreign investment in China—each among the highest in the world—provide the statistical basis for the conventional prognosis that within two decades the or so China will be a dominant global power, roughly on par with the United States and Europe (assuming that the latter both unites and expands further)……a Greater China will emerge not only as the dominant state in the Far East but as a world power of the first rank.” (Emphasis added)
2019 was proving to be the year of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) far and wide with virtual quantum leaps in cooperation, developments, and colossal projects of high-speed train rails and most especially rail lines connecting trade and commerce of goods from Eurasia (Russia-Europe-Middle East) to China previously land-locked and requiring time consuming sea routes. The biggest projects in this regard were by far the completion of the Power of Siberia pipeline in the Far East directly linking Russian gas to China, above all the unprecedented Russia-China Arctic LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) projects in bringing greater efficient and effective energy solutions to Asia by contouring typical energy markets dominated by the West.
The sum of all fears and greatest imminent threat to the cross-Atlanticist Bretton Woods system on the agenda of the 11th BRICS Summit to be held in Brazil November 13-14, 2019 was the paradigm shift of digital currencies and international payment systems completely off and out of the US dollar. By April of 2019, China had brought several years of innovation to life in central bank digital currency (CBDC) planning, quite literally bringing the People’s Bank of China the title of being the first country to introduce a central bank digital currency in various trials slated for 2020.
However, China’s national CBDC was not entirely the central focus of the cross-Atlanticist alarm; the BRICS mainlining agenda item for November 13-14, 2019 was nothing short of a paradigm-shifting geopolitical earthquake of BRICS unified, cross-border payment systems—such as the establishment of CIPS in 2015—and the issuance of the New Silk Road Token (NSRT), with the first digital token transaction taking place on August 29, 2019 well before the November BRICS summit. It was a geopolitical open casket viewing for the end of hegemonic dictates and reliance on the US dollar dominant SWIFT and CHIPS systems which was laid clearly out by Vice Chairman Huang Qifan of the China International Economic Exchange Center in an interesting interview:
“Prior to the launch of the RMB Cross-Border Payment System (CIPS), RMB cross-border liquidation was highly dependent on the US SWIFT system and CHIPS. However, there are certain risks associated with a high degree of reliance on SWIFT and CHIPS systems. First of all, SWIFT and CHIPS are gradually becoming the financial instruments for the United States to exercise global hegemony and carry out long-arm jurisdiction. Second, SWIFT is an outdated, inefficient, and costly payment system. Since its establishment 46 years ago, SWIFT has been slow to update, and its efficiency has been relatively low; there is no future for these systems.” (Emphasis added)
In “long-arm jurisdiction,” Mr. Huang was clearly referring to Washington D.C.’s “global capital of the world” game of paralyzing, US dollar dominated unilateral economic sanctions carried out with impunity with no international authority to do so. It was the beginning of the end of what Zbigniew Brzezinski audaciously and unapologetically referred to on p. 147 of The Choice—“There is thus a perfect fit between global hegemony and economic globalization: the United States can promote an open global system while largely defining the system’s rules and choosing for itself how dependent on the system it wishes to be for itself.” (Emphasis added)
Aside from the geopolitical earthquakes and paradigm shifts of alternative payment systems, de-dollarization, the Belt Road Initiative, the era of new digital economies—the New Digital Silk Road—and NSRT digital token instruments, Russia was literally leveling the energy superpower playing field and transforming the hydrocarbon face of the Earth with unprecedented, colossal energy projects at breakneck speed. Washington had literally pumped its purported energy superpower brains out with the US fracking and drilling hydrocarbon revolution to become the world’s largest producer of oil and gas by 2020, only to fall flat on its face trying to sell shale gas and far too expensive US LNG to overseas markets, especially Europe. It was but an imaginary line that receded with the horizon as they ran ever faster towards it, which Gazprom put succinctly in a recent public company statement:
“Liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States cannot be considered as the basis for the energy security of large gas consuming countries, let alone whole regional markets such as Europe…..The development of gas production from shale in other countries in the period to 2030 will not have a significant impact on the global gas market and Gazprom’s business. For Gazprom, production of shale gas is not a promising avenue of business development due to the high proven reserves life of conventional gas fields, and their economic and environmental advantages.”
Russia had gone into “hydrocarbon-hyperdrive” completing and innovating new colossal oil and gas projects in the Black Sea region (Turkstream/Blue Stream), Far East (Power of Siberia/Power of Siberia 2), Arctic (Yamal Mega Project/Vostok Oil Project), and in Europe the addition of Nordstream 2, a highly US-targeted and sanctions attacked project to double the 55 billion cubic meter capacity of the Nordstream pipeline in the Baltic Sea.
The current natural global warming cycle (human created pollution does compound this cycle issue to slighter less degrees than public opinion is made to believe) is well known to top scientific advisors meeting with the heads of state behind closed doors whom are fully aware of exploiting this warming period to access otherwise inaccessible hydrocarbons. Henry Kissinger, George Schulz, James Baker III, Colin Powell, and Condoleezza Rice—the Bush II era neocons and cross-Atlanticists—co-authored a May 30, 2012 WSJ Op-Ed, “Time to Join The of the Law of the Sea Treaty” attesting to the fact, and oiling imperial gears for the coming race over the Arctic.
A geostrategic analysis of the Arctic Circle maps by any keen observer as to why the western powers are preoccupied with establishing Arctic borders by international law via the Law of the Sea Treaty should be quite clear. The Russian Federation irrefutably has the largest accessible Arctic coastline and territorial possession of Arctic shelf (Siberian Shelf, Lomonosov Ridge) towards the North Pole, the smallest geographical portion of the polar ice cap, the world’s largest fleet of icebreaking vessels, and the Northern Sea Route traversing Russia’s territorial waters gives Russia the greatest access and geostrategic edge to the Arcticfar and wide. By contrast, the United States Arctic borders are miniscule against Russia or Canada—the US, Canada, and Greenland have the largest geographical portion of the polar ice cap—and it does not take a geostrategic expert to determine why Washington, D.C. was making an outrageous bid to purchase Greenland from Denmark in August 2019.
The Yamal Mega Project overseen by Gazprom on the Yamal Peninsula attests to the fact with 2019 total gas production at 96.3 billion cubic meters and a jaw-dropping colossal potential of up to 360 bcm per year—total reserves and resources of all fields in the Yamal Peninsula are 26.5 trillion cubic meters of gas, 1.6 billion tons of gas condensate, and 300 million tons of oil.
By October-November 2019 with the onset of the paradigm shifting, geopolitical earthquakes of the BRICS summit, Belt Road Initiative, China’s digital Yuan/Renminbi CBDCs, New Silk Road Token (NSRT), New Digital Silk Road, and unprecedented colossal Russian energy projects, alarm bells of financial DEFCON 5 were going off loudly in the Washington, D.C.-based Bretton Woods “global capital of world.”
CLADE X 2018: “A Pandemic Exercise”?
In May of 2018, the Davos World Economic Forum in conjunction with the Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security coordinated a little-known “table-top exercise” bizarrely labeled CLADE X: A Pandemic Exercise. Designed to “simulate a series of U.S. National Security Council meetings” responding an “evolving pandemic,” the day-long table-top exercise of CLADE X included8 former senior officials of the U.S. Government, and a member of the U.S. Congress in front of a live audience of 150 government officials, academics, and policy experts amidst an outbreak of novel respiratory virus modeled on SARS (CoV) and H1N1 (Influenza) with the lethality of SARS but contagious as flu, spreading slowly.
Not only was the onset of accelerated preoccupations with “potential pandemics” by elite circles—whether the World Economic Forum (via the Center for Health Security) or Bill Gates TED Talks—extremely bizarre, the scenario played out in CLADE X eluded to, and insinuated the context of gene editing and genetic manipulation of viruses in the era of these existing realities. In the exercise, an extremist group called A Brighter Dawn (ABD) obsessed with issues of overpopulation claims to have genetically engineered a virus containing Nipah Virus elements as a bio-weapon called CLADE X to diminish the populations of the Earth, a so-called “super spreader” event, similar to the 2001 smallpox bio-attack exercise “Dark Winter.”
To say in the slightest of degrees this was a most seemingly radical form of predictive programming is at best a major understatement of the century. The “tragic outcome” of the exercise was the most catastrophic pandemic in history with hundreds of millions of deaths, economic collapse, and societal upheaval. Emphasis was added in a “plausible denial” fashion in the WEF page that, “…some modicum of attention should be paid to the extreme end of the risk spectrum—pandemic events that could profoundly affect the arc of history.” (Emphasis added)
A deeper look into the absolutely chilling and not too far-fetched from reality CLADE X pathogen pandemic exercise revealed some of the most shocking dimensions. In the CLADE X simulation summary papers, the extremist group of radical scientists-gone-rogue called A Brighter Dawn (ABD) carried out a biblical plague inspired, conspiratorial bio-attack on the global population “as the corrective of humanity’s excesses” as they felt “direct action was needed to achieve the ‘reset’ or ‘paradigm shift’ that would be required to fundamentally alter the balance.” Sound familiar?
EVENT 201: A Second Pandemic Exercise or a Plan-demic?
Simultaneously as the BRICS geared up for their paradigm shifting summit in November 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Davos World Economic Forum were assembling an “influential summit” of their own. On October 18, 2019, the Center for Health Security held a high-level, 3.5-hour live table-top exercise labeled “EVENT 201: A Global Pandemic Exercise.”
The second consecutive EVENT 201 “exercise” starkly contrasted the CLADE X scenario from the previous year, simulating an outbreak of novel zoonotic coronavirus from bats to pigs to humans, causing a severe pandemic that is again, modeled on SARS (CoV) but is much more transmissible by those with “mild” symptoms or, asymptomatic. CAPS Virus (Coronavirus Acute Pulmonary Syndrome) is the fictitious pathogen in the exercise from the SARS and MERS (CoV) family that progresses into pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome:
“There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.
Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.
The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease.”
The bizarreness of title “EVENT 201” was predicated on 200 epidemics that occur annually because “its only a matter of time” before one of them becomes global, a severe pandemic that is hence, the 201st event, an “Event Horizon” perhaps. 15 current global business, government, and public health leaders were “players” in the exercise, some of which suspiciously were George Fu Gao (Director General of China CDC), Avril Haines (former Deputy Director of the CIA), and Brad Connett (current President of Henry Schein’s US Medical Group).
Unlike CLADE X 2018 where shockingly the purported fictitious extremist group ABD forces direct action to achieve a “reset” or “paradigm shift,” Brad Connett makes a less shocking, but equally suspicious call “for a new Marshall Plan” or “Marshall” type-plan—quickly recusing himself “not meaning to use the term exactly”—at the 8:00 minute mark of the EVENT 201 Highlight Reel, “that can go into effect and stimulate change very quickly.” Sound familiar?
It is extremely difficult after reviewing the summary papers for both “exercises” from CLADE X 2018 and EVENT 201 2019 to believe that either is an entire “coincidence” that a carbon-copy, fictitious scenario became a real life 2020 event catastrophically throwing our entire world into a chaotic state, just a few short months after the conclusion of “EVENT 201.” Stranger than fiction, in August of 2017 former Lt. Col. Robert P. Kadlec was selected as an Assistant Secretary of the US Health and Human Services for the division of Preparedness and Response, the very same year Bill Gates established CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) during the 2017 Davos World Economic Forum meeting. Kadlec is also most importantly to note, the United States Strategic National Stockpile Chief.
While in the US Air Force, Lt. Col. Robert P. Kadlec co-authored two chapters in a little-known book titled, “Battlefield of the Future: 21st Century Warfare Issues,” where Kadlec shockingly wrote Chapter 9 Twenty-First Century Germ Warfare and Chapter 10 Biological Weapons for Waging Economic Wars. Even more shockingly, Kadlec disclosed a most sinister and outrageous ideological revelation in the 6th paragraph of Chapter 9: “Using biological weapons under the cover of an endemic or natural disease occurrence provides an attacker the potential for plausible denial. In this context, biological weapons offer greater possibilities than do nuclear weapons.” (Emphasis added)
A disclaimer now exists on the summary pages of EVENT 201 that the “exercise” was neither a prediction nor has any direct bearing to the current novel Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. The disclaimer is mere plausible denial, the very Kadlec plausible denial that provides the attackers biological weapon cover under an endemic natural disease occurrence. A global economic warfare “Iron Curtain” was about to come down—in Iran.
Little did the people of the entire world, much less the United States of America, know what the “party congress” of the self-anointed, “global elite” were practicing or planning for them to adhere to as early as May 2018. Even further, little did the unsuspecting people around the entire globe have the slightest of clues what was being bestowed up them in the final days of 2019 as they looked towards welcoming the new year of 2020 whilst geopolitical developments would soon dictate otherwise, disempowering every aspect of life as we once knew it.
To be continued in Bretton Woods 3.0: The Great Lockdown, The Great Reset, and The Great Paradigm Shift (Part 2)
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