Medicine Wants to Kill You
Historians of the future, savoring ‘possum goulash around their campfires, will marvel that modern medicine squandered its authority, its credibility, and its sacred honor in the Covid Panic of the 2020s, when public health officials and doctors in clinical practice colluded to force mass vaccinations while suppressing news of the harms and injuries the vaccines caused — potentially sacrificing millions of citizens like so many experimental fruit flies.
Poster-boy for this epic debacle was Dr. Eric J Rubin, editor of the New England Journal of Medicine who, serving on the CDC’s advisory vaccine committee, actually said, “We’re never gonna learn how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.” Giving it to children, that is, which the government authorized last week, even while that same CDC issued a safety advisory warning on vaccine-induced myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), especially in boys and young men.
Nota bene: myocarditis is not a condition you necessarily get over because affected heart muscle cannot replace itself; rather the inflammation leads to scarring of heart muscle and a shortened life-span.
Meanwhile, young vaxxed athletes drop dead of heart failure in shocking numbers on high school gridirons, soccer fields, cricket pitches, bike trails, and running tracks around the world, and ordinary civilians develop a bewildering array of post-vax cardiovascular, neurological, and thrombotic disorders of which only a small fraction end up being recorded in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Those numbers now are at least roughly 10,000 deaths and 20,000 permanently disabled. The VAERS website is so kludgy and inadequate that doctors are discouraged from using it — to the degree that only an estimated 10 percent of adverse events are actually reported. Doctors are also threatened with disciplinary punishment for publicizing problems with the vaxxes.
In fact, the news can’t be completely suppressed. It is obvious now — due to the frantic push for “booster” shots — that the various vaccines stop working to prevent infection with Covid-19 after several months. What is only partially understood is the action of the spike proteins that linger in the body post-vax, but the evidence is not good, since they have a particular affinity for attaching to the endothelial linings of blood vessels generally, and in the capillaries of major organs in particular — especially ovaries and testicles, raising the specter of widespread infertility ahead.
On top of that, the vaccines are suspected of breaking down the immune system, leaving the vaxxed vulnerable to opportunistic infection, disabling the genetic mechanism that allows the body to routinely defeat cancer cells, and turning people’s immune systems against them in auto-immune disorders.
How are the doctors and public health officials behaving in the face of all this? Pushing ever more strenuously for the forced vaccination of everybody of all ages, no matter what, and vilifying anyone who militates for respecting informed consent to be vaccinated. The net result is that doctors appear to have violated en masse their Hippocratic oath of ethics which calls on them to first do no harm.
Everything about the virus and its countermeasures — from the murky origins of it in Dr. Anthony Fauci’s official funding of bioweapons research, to the patent trail of conflicted ownerships and interests in the subsequent vaccine developments, to the fierce suppression of news and debate — suggests nefarious motives, or else a mass psychotic panic among the very highly-trained people society must depend on in a crisis.
It’s also getting harder to tell how much of a crisis this actually is or ever really was. There’s no reliable way of knowing how many people really died as a direct result of Covid, or just tested positive for the virus (with a janky PCR test) when they were struggling with one or more serious illnesses (co-morbidities), especially when there were substantial dollar subsidies at stake from the federal government tied to Covid cases. Nor is it possible to determine right now how many deaths attributed to Covid are actually a result of reactions to the vaccines. Most troubling of all, it looks like the rate of deaths from cardiac disorders, thrombosis, and neurological damage in the general population is noticeably exceeding the normal range — as reported officially in the UK, Ireland, and other countries.
It bears repeating that whatever Covid-19 actually is or where it came from, it’s a disease not a whole lot more deadly in the general population than the flu in a bad season; that in the natural course of things, it would have probably only killed mostly the very old and already sick, and that the rest of the population would have soldiered through it and acquired a sturdy natural immunity superior to anything the vaxxes might confer (even in theory).
My own doctor tried to persuade me to get vaxed-up during a routine physical in October. I asked him if he was aware of the thousands of deaths and disabling adverse events reported on the CDC’s VAERS system. He said the numbers were not true and went on to say that he had “one hundred percent confidence in the vaccines.” He’s always appeared to be a smart and capable person. A year or so ago he was enlisted to act as an executive administrator in the health care org he practices in, and now only sees patients two days a week. Perhaps that leaves him no time to follow the news. Or maybe he has no inclination to follow any news except what comes from sources like cable TV channels, which are almost entirely sponsored by the Pharma industry.
The bottom line for me is that he has compromised my faith in his judgment. I wonder how many other people feel that way about their doctors. The medical profession was already in trouble before Covid came on the scene. It had entered into a demonic symbiotic relationship with the insurance industry that amounted to pervasive racketeering. (Just imagine the hospital bills of all those people with adverse vax reactions that the doctors affected to be mystified by, and ran countless, fruitless tests on.)
The good news for now is that a federal court has stayed the “Joe Biden” vax mandates. The government is expected to dispute that decision today (Monday Nov 8). Meanwhile, the rumor of a general strike against vaccine tyranny, set for today through Thursday, is in the air and we’ll have to stand by to see if anything happens. We should also be standing by in the weeks ahead to see how many more people begin to show symptoms of developing serious bodily disorders from the multiple shots they have been suffered to take.
Putting Trudeau On Notice, Our Governments are No Longer Legitimate: Throwing Off the Tyranny of Canada’s Mandatory Vaccines
The Creation of The Canadian Institute of National Integrity
....Our Governments are No Longer Legitimate
Under the current circumstances I have lost confidence in Canada’s governing apparatus.
I can no longer picture the complex of government agencies in Ottawa and the provincial capitals as legitimate. Canada’s parliamentary system does not translate well into secretive zoom calls and a virtual shut down of crucial flows of information.
For instance, how are citizens supposed to make sense of our government when even the flow of news that used to emanate from question period, is no longer available? Question period is a central tradition of parliamentary procedure.
Canada cannot work well when its finances become increasingly subject to the secretive conniving between the likes of Justin Trudeau, Mark Carney, Chrystia Freeland and those in charge of the Wall Street behemoth, BlackRock. As a proxy for the private bankers pulling the strings on the Federal Reserve and on the Bank of Canada, BlackRock has become a big part of the creation of all manner of Liberal Party slush funds.
Without any real mechanism of accountability, vast new quantities of new money keep being created. Compound interest is still being charged against the growing national debt slated to become part of the bankers’ Great Reset.
As I see it, the people and institutions that together constitute our governments in Canada can no longer claim the confidence of the Canadian citizenry. The violence entailed in forcing mandatory vaccinations on large numbers of Canadians is the last straw. There is no mandate from the people for implementing the kind of ultimatum being forced on the citizenry without justification.
In the section that follows I outline the reasons why I believe our governing entities have lost their legitimacy. I conceive of the words that follow as a manifesto of sorts, as a call to liberate ourselves from the tyranny taking hold. We must begin the process of reconstructing Canada as a nation of integrity, as a nation where the will of the people prevails over the will of those seeking to subvert us at every turn.
Canadian Institute of National IntegrityOur governments in Canada have lost their way. They are no longer legitimate. At all levels, our governments have joined an international conspiracy against the people of Canada and against the peoples of many other nations as well.
Our societies are being plunged into chaos born of a contrived mass hysteria. Our public services no longer serve to protect people. Instead they do the opposite. They hurt and kill people. Our health care systems are being made to break down. They are becoming sites of unnecessary deaths and injury. Similarly, our schools, our courts, our transportation infrastructures, and our life-supporting supply chains are being made to break down through the malevolence of our discredited and compromised public authorities.
Moreover, our public and private systems of media have, with some conspicuous exceptions, become sources of disinformation, deception and censorship. Our big venues of mass communication are withholding the truth in ways that imperil the sanity, discernment, safety, public health, and economic viability of whole populations subjected to an unrelenting barrage of psychological warfare. As a result the mental health of a sizeable portion of our population has been permanently undermined. The principles of informed consent in governance have been bulldozed aside.
Our government officials have empowered themselves to declare states of emergency that they then deploy to make of themselves authoritarian despots. These same government potentates refuse to provide evidence to the courts that would justify the states of emergency they declare. Even experts in their fields are censored when it comes to debating the medical substance of the claims and assertions imposed from above.
Tragically the courts are playing along with the charade and chicanery. The judiciary is refusing to live up to its responsibilities as a check on government overreach into tyranny. As is the case in most of the other countries suffering the same plague of despotism, the constitutional protections for the rights and freedoms of citizens are being regularly and systematically violated. Increasingly threatened is our capacity to even present our grievances to the alien governments stolen from us in this international coup.
The Tainted Content of These Forced Injections
arbitrary creation of mandatory regimes to force tainted Covid shots
into the veins of Canadians have transported us all into an era when the
imperative to resist the illegitimate governments is now upon us. We
can no longer tolerate the malevolent actions of the dictatorial cliques
that have malevolently forced their unfounded authority upon us. As
much as our governments and their media accomplices are trying to hide
the damning information from us, the tainted content in these forced
injections is well known to cause high numbers of deaths and injuries.
Significant portions of these deaths and injuries are being caused by the fact that the Covid shots stimulate the proliferation of pathogenic spike proteins throughout the vascular systems of their recipients. This result is causing all manner of blood-related maladies including myocarditis, heart attacks, strokes, and infertility issues in both females and males.
The evidence is overwhelming that many top-ranking scientists warned of the health problems that would arise if the notoriously-corrupt regulatory agencies bestowed emergency measure approval on the clot shots. Nevertheless, the regulatory agencies gave their approval based on accepting a well-documented complex of lies meant to make it seem that no effective alternative remedies existed.
Ever since early reports began to circulate about the extent of injection-related deaths and injuries, many high-ranking medical professionals have been urgently calling for the complete withdrawal of the dangerous Covid jabs from public distribution. No matter how esteemed and distinguished the reputations of these medical whistleblowers, their professional opinions have been consistently ignored.
A brief survey of some of the professional assessments currently being brushed as aside in the rush towards universal vaccination are the following: They include the position of Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most widely published medical researchers in the United States. He writes
The current code vaccines; AstraZeneca, J&J, Pfizer & Moderna right now are obsolete. They do not cover the new variants Patients are failing on these vaccines, they’re being hospitalised and getting sick despite having the vaccines. The vaccines at this point in time have amounted to record mortality and percent injury, and should be considered unsafe and unfit for human use.”
Dr. Luc Montagnier, expert virologist and Nobel Prize winner in 2008 in the Physiology of Medicine, writes,
We’re in unknown territory and proclaim mandatory vaccines for everyone. It’s insanity. It’s vaccination insanity that I absolutely condemn.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a professor, virus expert, and one of the cited research scientists in German history, writes,
Gene-based vaccines are an absolute danger to mankind and their use at present violates the Nuremberg codex, such that everyone who is propagating their use should be put before a tribunal.”
Especially the vaccination of children is something that is so criminal that I have no words to express my horror … We are horribly worried that there’s going to be an impact on fertility. And this will be seen in years or decades from now. And this is potentially one of the greatest crimes, simply one of the greatest crimes imaginable.”
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, an experienced vaccinologist with deep experience as a vaccine designer, writes,
The mass vaccination hype will undoubtedly enter history as the most reckless experiment in the history of medicine.
Dr. Zev Zelenko, a renowned medical practitioner who has successfully treated thousands of Covid patients writes,
Covid War Criminals Should Face Nuremberg-Style Trials For Crimes Against Humanity.
See this.
The deaths and injuries being caused by the tainted injections are becoming major factors in the disarray that is taking hold of many hospitals. Many health care professionals, but especially nurses, have become aware of the dishonesty reverberating throughout many emergency rooms and intensive care units. They are fleeing the sites of murder and mayhem– of deception and malfeasance– being perpetrated under the besmirched banner of fighting Covid-19.
Mandatory Vaccines. Chaos in Our Health Care System
Now we are seeing the imposed regime of mandatory vaccines causing many hospital workers to refuse the jabs. These individuals are in a good position to realize the dangers involved in taking these injections. As a result, the hospital workers are being pushed out the door with full knowledge it will cause our health care system to crash. Is this wanton destruction of our hospitals a purposeful initiative aimed at wrecking existing institutions so that they can be fully privatized?
The chaos in our health care system is being replicated across many sectors including air transport. The aviation industry is an especially fraught field for the imposition of tainted vaccines. Blood clotting combined with pressure differentials at high altitudes put aviation workers and passengers at added risk. This pattern applies also to those already-high-risk groups engaged in military aviation.
The result is that air transport is falling into a condition of disarray similar to that currently plaguing our hospitals. It seems that governments are not only allowing this crisis to develop, but are actually stimulating it in order to advance aims and objectives whose true nature is being withheld from the public.
There is growing awareness that something is terribly amiss and that the official narrative of Covid-19 is specious. Many fundamental questions are being raised by the severity of the Covid cult’s ruinous agenda of imposing injection mandates on millions of working people as well as on students. The extremism of Covid Officialdom is leading many to the conclusion that the havoc being wrought is being done purposely rather than inadvertently.
The force being applied in the imposition of injection mandates goes way beyond the realm of coercion into that of extortion. Like the citizens of many countries, never before have Canadians en masse faced anything like the ultimatum to choose between taking a “product” or losing one’s job or one’s educational opportunities. In this case, the lose of jobs involves the penury that comes from the lose of economic viability as well from a further set of prohibitions, hardships and indignities. The so-called vaccine passports are being designed to create a new class of Canadian lepers excluded from participation in a society now reserved exclusively for vaccine-compliant people.
It would be bad enough if this agenda was being pushed forward on the basis of the dissemination of medical products that were, in fact, safe and effective. But there is a large and growing body of evidence that the Covid clot shots are anything but safe and effective. How are we to explain our governors’ infatuation with the misguided goal of universalizing cradle-to-grave programs of vaccines as they lionize the pharmaceutical industry and downgrade the God-given gifts of natural immunity?
It is for these reasons that the Canadian Institute of National Integrity is being founded. CINI is being established with the explicit goal of calling attention to the illegitimate nature of the current crop of Canadian governments at all levels. The levers of power must be removed from these illegitimate entities.
Measures must be put in place as a bridge to a new era when governments are structured to be genuinely accountable to the people of Canada. The fact that we have so quickly descended into our current plight can be taken as proof that our system of checks and balances is illusory; that we lack safeguards against severe abuses of the machinery for declaring and exploiting public emergencies.
Many existing systems have been abused and are broken beyond repair. It is hard to picture, for instance, the medical system, the parliamentary system, the media, the courts as currently structured and our universities in their present form, ever regaining the trust and confidence of ordinary citizens. The extent of the betrayal by these institution is palpable.
There were some flaws deeply embedded in all these institutions that caused them to fail just when we needed them the most. Hence the task we are facing goes far beyond kicking out the saboteurs that got us into this mess and to elect instead genuinely ethical leaders. What is required is a comprehensive reworking of our whole political economy so that we will never be subject to such a malevolent takeover in the future. Somehow the banker’s monopoly must be broken to reign in the abuse of usury as a weapon of enslavement.
Putting Justin Trudeau on Notice
We must, however, start immediately to move forward against the usurpers before they become entrenched. As part of the process of moving forward, we have a responsibility to put Justin Trudeau on notice. Trudeau has made himself into a caricature of the malignant forces that must be resisted and controlled. Trudeau junior has fashioned himself as one of the world’s most reviled symbols of the Great Reset and the atrocious conception of transhumanism. Both of these inter-related globalist objectives are being promoted unrelentingly by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum.
The WEF, which meets annually at Davos, has displaced the role of Canada’s parliament and that of many other legislatures around the world. Canadians are beginning to rise to reclaim the national integrity of our country that has been betrayed by the treasonous agenda that Justin Trudeau has come to embody.
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