Monday, November 29, 2021


Merry Christmas, from 2031

Postcards from the Dystopian Edge

It’s now called Global Gratitude Day (GGD2).

Note: This column was submitted to on Weds, November 23rd at 2:40 PM, one day before the Omicron variant was reported to the WHO and three days before the WHO declared it a Variant of Concern. Is this life imitating art, or is the Pandemic Playbook becoming all too predictable?

It’s 6:00 AM on Thursday, December 25th, 2031, and just like clockwork, the birds begin to chirp through the speakers built into the walls. Quietly at first, and then louder.

“Alexa, I’m awake”.

It’s nice to wake up and not be afraid. The sheets are clean, and there’s black coffee waiting in the common area. Usually. Well, sometimes.

“Alexa, what’s my Social Credit Score (SCS)?”

Shit! Down five points, just like that, and only last night I had a 91. I was kind of expecting it, but I check the Metaverse anyway… At least the notification is private: Reminiscing pre-WGW.

Stop being so stupid, Quinn.

They allowed us two holiday drinks, and I got wishy-washy. I wasn’t criticizing. I know we need to sacrifice. Sometimes, I just miss the old days, like when we could travel.

It’s my 2nd warning; a 3rd will shade my Meta profile red for two months.

I’ve been so good; they must appreciate that. Whatever they use to track my carbon has to be almost perfect; I haven’t left the Pod in 68 days. My consumption and productivity levels are good, and I don’t like, share, or create misinformation. I’ve never even fallen for any of their Meta-Traps.

Don’t worry. I’ve still got all three Citizenship Badges: Climate, Justice, and Compliance. Mom and dad are proud, I just know it.

Sometimes though, I just want to talk about the past.

The days of yore

It feels like yesterday, back when we called them Thanksgiving and Christmas. Driving three hours from blistery UMass in dad’s old Civic back to Tarrytown, NY the anticipation was electric.

After months at school, there was nothing better than Christmas Day. The smell of Mom’s famous dinner, twin turkey and hams roasting in the oven as she quizzed me on classes, friendships, dating and parties, mixing gravy with that big smile, her favorite Christmas carols setting the mood to perfection.

Dad mashed away at the potatoes, reminding us how they always taste better a little chunky, and with the skin on. He never liked helping in the kitchen, except when it was time to mix the drinks.

Laughter roared in from the yard, sisters and cousins taking turns on all the new toys Santa brought – sleds, scooters, bikes, and trikes – six cars front-to-end in the driveway. A fire crackled on in the fireplace under five stockings from the mantle as the Giants game played for no one in particular in the den.

It was as good as it gets, the holidays we shared before the Twin Emergencies. Before the global COVID and Climate Pandemics changed everything.

It’s so different now, sometimes it feels like that was all a dream. Or is this the dream?

It’s hard to reconcile the emotions. All that love, it quickly gives way to shame, an anxiety that’s hard to bear, thinking back to the carbon footprint we made, even on a single day in December.

We were so stupid, all of us.

We didn’t realize, but we should have. It was us. It was all of us, Americans especially… we were killing the planet. We were the cause of the Climate cancer that strangled Mother Earth.

Thank goodness for COVID-19.

It united the world, or much of it, to save the climate. Leaders from the USA, Europe, New Zealand and Australia mobilized our collective strength. They created a World Government for the West (WGW), to curtail twin COVID and Climate Crises. They partnered with big corporations – big tech, big banks, and big box stores – to introduce an inventory-management of people, products, and information.

They told us what to do to save the planet, to protect each other, and to save ourselves.

The road to serfdom

It started slowly. After the vaccines and booster campaigns, we had to come together as one to beat COVID, “the War-on-COVID”, we began to call it.

It was the only way back to normal, they said. I remember the day I was finally able to get my fourth Moderna booster. I cried when I finally got to see Mom and Dad again.

Some didn’t want the vaccines. They believed the misinformation; it was everywhere.

Meta worked hard to take it down, the misinformation. We had armies of Fact Checkers, but at first, it just kept popping up. Lies about vaccine deaths or injuries were everywhere.

They even tried to blame the effects of climate change – like heart disease in children – on the vaccines.

Misinformation had become weaponized – it was now called “Cyber Terror” – they told us, maybe from Russia or domestic terrorist, white supremacist groups. The media would do their best to protect us.

If you stayed in your lane, wore your mask, and followed CDC, you could be safe.

We were allowed to go places and do things if we stayed current on boosters, while it became hard for the unvaccinated. If you can’t protect your community, you can’t participate.

Sorry, not sorry.

Leading up to the 2024 election, there was another surge of COVID from a new, Sigma variant. Unlike Delta and Omicron, Variants of Concern, the CDC and WHO called Sigma a Variant of High Consequence. This meant that prevention and medical countermeasures had significantly reduced effectiveness.

It was all over the news…

“The Sigma variant is said to have mutated and transmitted from Patient Zero, an unvaccinated woman in Ocala, FL, a mother of three admitted members of the Proud Boys. The deadly strain of COVID 19 is vaccine resistant. The CDC reports a disproportionately high number of infections in the vaccinated population, and low vaccine-induced protection against severe illness and hospitalization.”

Most States went back into full lockdown mode – essential businesses only – while Pfizer, Jansen, and Moderna created new boosters, in some cases doubling the dose of active ingredients.

Harris-Warren ran on a campaign of vaccine mandates to end-the-lockdowns.

They won re-election over Trump-DeSantis by the widest margin ever, receiving 71% of the popular vote. The conspiracy theorists said that was impossible, but so many of us just hated Trump.

Though she stepped into the role after Biden’s stroke and sudden death in 2022, to have a black woman elected President was a huge victory, with another woman serving as VP.

On January 6th, President Harris issued Executive Order (EO) 14575 mandating that every American over three be fully vaccinated against COVID 19, including boosters every six months.

There were more riots at the Capital, another insurrection.

Protests erupted and became riots on both sides. The unvaccinated were the problem. They were the reason we couldn’t go back to normal. They wanted ‘individual liberty’, ‘state’s rights’, and chanted ‘my body, my choice’, but COVID doesn’t give any of us a choice. It’s about protecting our community.

We had to protect our community.

Some – even the same people turning up at opposing rallies – seemed to want only rage and destruction. They wanted to blow everything up to pay for America’s sins.

Pallets of brick somehow arrived on street corners ahead of scheduled rallies.

The destruction was allowed to go on, described as peaceful, even justified. Any country that allowed nearly 100 years of legalized slavery, that justifies the destruction of property.

I was so naïve, with my white privilege.

To me, slavery had been the stuff of history books, but that was foolish thinking – white privilege – thinking that way, not knowing any better. So much guilt and shame, as I look back at who I was.

Shame about slavery, shame about racism, shame about climate.

Dozens of cities burned, and local police departments were overwhelmed. Governors pleaded for help, and the Harris Administration stepped in to bring order, issuing 35 new Executive Orders for Martial Law with curfews, restrictions on hate speech, and temporarily suspending the 2nd Amendment.

People were asked to turn in their guns, and received reimbursement. Neighbors, friends, and family members who identified others harboring guns were rewarded with $15,000 each.

Anyone opposing the new rules was labeled a white supremacist, anti-vaxxer, or domestic terrorist. Military vehicles paraded through the streets, rounding them up for reeducation in quarantine camps.

We were happy to see them go, to see the fighting stop.

The Digital Dollar

The rioting ended, but America was anxious. We wondered if we would ever get to go back to normal. If everyone just follows the rules, we can be safe again, I kept reminding myself.

The President had a plan, they announced. Five women would lead us out of crisis, a first in history, America’s finest hour. We watched as Harris delivered a virtual State of the Union.

“My administration is making history. I am happy to report an end to suffering in America. No longer will single mothers have to work two jobs to put food on the table. No more will seniors need to skip meals to buy a modest birthday present for a grandchild. Together with Vice President Warren, Secretary Yellen, Chairwoman Brainard, and Comptroller Omarova, we will continue to Build Back Better, assuring every hardworking American gets a Universal Basic Income, above the poverty line.”

Roaring applause were chimed into the broadcast, and just like that, they ended poverty.

They rolled it out with an all-Digital Dollar, giving us all our own accounts with the Central Bank. I got $1,850 per month, and married couples got $2,775.

People stopped getting married after that.

The money came through an App on our phones, FedNow, but businesses got greedy, raising prices. We had more money, so they thought they could get away with charging more.

Capitalism is so gross.

Nobody was poor, but many of us still didn’t have things. It cost a lot just to get by.


The Ministry of Propaganda Then and Now: Youtube Censorship. “Covid-19 Medical Misinformation Policy”

Gleichschaltung is a German word with a rich history. It stands for the coerced harmonisation of all forms of public expression with the official line. That concept is currently undergoing a renaissance, but not in the “captive nations” of the East.

Every morning after arriving in his office at the Propaganda Ministry, Dr. Goebbels would devote himself to the important task of disseminating a directive to all German media outlets, outlining what position on principal issues they were expected to take on that particular day. The media were instructed not only on what to say but – of equal importance – what not to mention. The system Goebbels set up worked like a charm. Under his meticulous supervision, in public discourse an imposing harmony of opinion reigned from one end of Germany to another, undisrupted by discordant voices.

One wishes that this mechanically imposed harmony, admired as it may have been by some, had come to an end in 1945. But a YouTube bulletin disseminated a few days ago reminds us that it did not.

YouTube users were curtly informed of the prevailing “Community Guidelines” on a topic which currently is at the top of the list of public concerns: The Covid-19 crisis. Here are the highlights of that guidance:

“COVID-19 medical misinformation policy

“YouTube doesn’t allow content about COVID-19 that poses a serious risk of egregious harm.

“YouTube doesn’t allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts local health authorities’ (LHA) or the World Health Organization’s (WHO) medical information about COVID-19. This is limited to content that contradicts WHO [about the utter corruption of WHO, see here] or local health authorities’ guidance on:

  • “Treatment,
  • “Prevention
  • “Diagnosis
  • “Transmission
  • “Social distancing and self-isolation guidelines, and
  • “The existence of COVID-19.”

Sceptics are encouraged to go directly to the source if they have doubts about the authenticity of these appalling prohibitions: see this.

YouTube then goes on to specify:

“What this policy means for you if you’re posting content:

“Don’t post content on YouTube if it includes any of the following:

“Treatment misinformation:

“Content that encourages the use of home remedies, prayer, or rituals in place of medical treatment such as consulting a doctor or going to the hospital.”

Notably, no definition of “egregious harm” or “home remedies” is given, nor is any rationale provided for prohibiting such remedies being recommended by persons who may have had a positive experience after using them. Nor is it explained to millions of religious people throughout the world why prayer and procedures condescendingly termed “rituals” are also on the prohibited list. Will members of the Christian Science religious denomination, who since long before the appearance of Covid have relied exclusively on prayer for therapeutic purposes and avoided medical cures, now be required to alter their beliefs? Not even in the Soviet Union were believers ever made to face such a stark choice. To even the least sophisticated it should now be obvious that the thrust of YouTube’s guidelines is not to promote health but to steer patients toward the extremely expensive solutions that have enabled the pharmacological industry to make a financial killing from Covid-19.

That impression is strongly reinforced by the nauseatingly repetitious proscriptions that follow:

“Content that recommends use of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19

“Claims that Hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19

“Categorical claims that Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19

“Claims that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are safe to use in the treatment COVID-19

“Content that recommends use of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine for the prevention of COVID-19

“Claims that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are safe to use in the treatment COVID-19.”

What evidence is there that they are unsafe? No indications are given. The governments of India, Japan, and the municipal authorities of Mexico City, among others, are quite happy with the results of the application of these treatments. So are their cured citizens who, however, are now prohibited by YouTube from telling others about their successful recovery.

If YouTube were merely a media platform, what possible interest could it have in disparaging cheap and effective alternatives to outrageously expensive, untested, and harmful pharmaceutical preparations of undisclosed composition, for the ill effects of which companies that produce them refuse to accept any tort liability?

The YouTube guideline goes on to disqualify questioning of masks or of their effectiveness and “claims that an approved COVID-19 vaccine will cause death, infertility, miscarriage, autism, or contraction of other infectious diseases,” although it is an amply documented fact that it will do all those things.

Also forbidden are claims that “an approved COVID-19 vaccine will contain substances that are not on the vaccine ingredient list, such as biological matter from fetuses (e.g. fetal tissue, fetal cell lines) or animal products.”  Never mind that several manufacturers have already admitted that it does, albeit using the weasel concept of “fetal cell lines” to mask the morally objectionable use of material from aborted babies, and so on and so forth, in dreary detail that even Dr. Goebbels would have felt too embarrassed to put in one of his directives.

Readers are again urged to go to the link provided above to confirm for themselves the extent to which a private virtually monopolistic media corporation such as YouTube (along with other similar concerns, such as Twitter and Facebook) is willing to go in dictating to citizens what opinions they are prohibited from expressing.

And now we come to the nitty-gritty: What happens if posted content violates YouTube policy:

“If your content violates this policy, we’ll remove the content and send you an email to let you know… If you get 3 strikes within 90 days, your channel will be terminated.

“We may terminate your channel or account for repeated violations of the Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. We may also terminate your channel or account after a single case of severe abuse, or when the channel is dedicated to a policy violation.”

There is no disclosure of who makes these determinations or any hint of due process or appellate procedure.

The perceptive reader must by now entertain the logical question: by what right does a private corporation, chartered to make its services available to all members of the public on a non-discriminatory basis, presume to dictate to its users what they may or may not think or post? The same question, of course, can be put to other private corporations which are also abusing their privileged position in order to impose ideological tyranny. Twitter and Facebook come to mind.

And where are the public authorities to reign in these unhinged private tyrants? The state, indeed, seems to have withered away, exactly as Marx predicted, or it may simply have merged with private corporations to lay the foundations of fascism, as Mussolini is alleged to have said. The state’s unsavoury role in this assault on freedom of expression is of particular concern. While passively subcontracting the dirty work to private corporations, it can perfidiously claim that no formal curtailment of personal liberties is taking place. The First Amendment remains technically intact since it is not the government that is undermining it.

The Covid-19 social control experiment has been running for almost two years. It cannot be denied that it has accomplished some of its objectives, but in important respects it has also been an unmitigated failure. YouTube’s offensive list of “don’ts,” issued after two years of intense global indoctrination, is irrefutable proof of that. In spite of unwavering support by politics, media, finance, and corrupt “science,” the Covid narrative has fallen apart under relentless battering by competent and informed partisans of truth and liberty.

Dr. Goebbels’ inept disciples have overlooked the concept of gute Propaganda, paradoxically one of the key postulates of the doctor’s technique. It means that to be credible, successful, and ultimately persuasive, propaganda must be heavily laced with elements of truth. In their hubris and unremitting reliance on crude force, they failed to do their homework. “Good propaganda,” Goebbels wrote, “need not lie, in fact must not lie. Propaganda which makes use of the lie … cannot have success in the long run …  but a right idea must also be set forth in the appropriate way.”

They have obviously failed to find the appropriate way to package Covid-19 for the hesitant and disbelieving masses. Hence, their inelegant solution is to try to ram it down everybody’s throat, which is a risky approach and likely to backfire. Schade … the doctor is probably muttering in his molten lake in hell.

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