Friday, August 26, 2022


An Ill Wind

Something ominously foul rides the late summer breeze as our country, and Western Civ with it, tilts into the season of growing darkness. Can you sense it? Death is in the air, and not in the usual Halloween vaudeville mode, either, with the cackling lawn zombies and top-hatted, tap-dancing skeletons. This ain’t no foolin’ around.

We have never been so unprepared for a calamity in plain sight and that is because the people who run things have made it happen in combined acts of wickedness and stupidity. After decades of mere racketeering, arranging things so as to bankrupt anyone who gets seriously ill, corporatized health care now presides over a harvest of medically-induced death, pretending dumbly that there is nothing to see.

Get this: the people are seeing it now, and talking about it, and there will be no stopping their discovery of exactly what has gone on, or their wrath in the afterwash. The chief architect of this epic debacle, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Captain Queeg of American Public Health, has announced his exit from the scene “to pursue the next chapter of my career.” He was coy about what that might be. I think the job title is: defendant. It will be a milestone in human history to witness The Science itself go on trial, should it live long enough. What awaits to take its place? Viziers with wands and pointed hats? Crones riding broomsticks against a cold, lifeless moon? A principality of dark magic? Descent into the underworld?

The medically-induced termination of life at large scale accompanies the current effort to provoke the suicide of culture and nationhood — more orchestrated depravity and folly. Institutions are turned against us like flame-throwers. The FBI might break down your door next in its quest to suppress dissent. The composers of official mind-fuckery never sleep, assuring that you will not know which end of anything is up. Your purblind legislators just set 87,000 new IRS agents on your asses, as if that was any sort of a good idea. The courts exist to protect The Party, but which party? (What does it matter, at this point? quoth Hillary Clinton.) Take your pissant complaints about those alleged constitutional rights someplace else, like Twitter and Facebook, where they can be expunged as soon as you hit the “post” button. You’ll be dead soon, anyway.

We’ve heard ad nauseam that the Washington DC insiders, the denizens of that demi-mythic Deep State in the wealthiest metro area of all the land, look down on the rest of America. Why is that? I’ll tell you. Because the DC confederacy of grifters has gotten fat off your suffering as they have systematically wrecked and looted that rest of America, the sinking middle-class. They are living in fabulous comfort off your bamboozlement and ruin. Their contempt for you grows on your tragic breakdown like fungus on a once-mighty fallen tree. They prevailed in this world and you didn’t. You chumps are in Palookaville on your way to the bone orchard, and therefore they are better than you, ha ha ha.

There is another side of this life, in case all that has got you demoralized. That is the side where human beings say things that comport with reality, where people mean what they say and use language as if it evolved to describe things and doings with some exactitude — as in this is this and that is that… and not the inverse or opposite. That is the side of life where pretending is not the highest-and-best use of human intelligence. I know, these days it’s hard to imagine that side of life, but it’s actually still there, waiting to be reanimated.

The regime that has turned our world inside out in its Satanic pursuit of comfort and power will be stripped naked and judged, if not by official judges, then by an unstoppable consensus. The sore-beset public will take an inventory of what has been lost and begin reconstructing a scaffold of shared life that rewards fidelity to the way things actually work. It will be a rough passage out of what amounts to a hostage crisis. There will be friction and heat. You will not be comfortable, but you will be dauntless. You will certainly not have nothing or be happy about that. You will have, at least, a restored memory of what it was like to strive honorably for a life worth living.

We’re in the crucible of all that just now, where everything is white hot. Do not bend or melt. Soldier through. Be men and be women (there is truly nothing in-between, and do not fall for faithless inducements to doubt that). You are brothers and sisters in an enterprise worth saving and you have a history worth defending. Believe it.


More Monster Than Man Fauci Pushed Out?

Hegemon USA’s angel of death and human misery, a modern-day Josep Mengele, medical fraudster/profiteer, Anthony Fauci, won’t be around to torment humanity any more by yearend in a public capacity?

Is he stepping down voluntarily or was he pushed?

Weeks earlier in July, he said the following:

“By the time we get to the end of the Biden (regime’s) term, I feel it would be time for me to step down from this position.”

His newly announced exit is by yearend.

His rein of terror began in 1984 — a symbolic year needing no elaboration — when he became head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

According to Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine’s Natural Oncology, Professor Mark Sircus:

He’s “the worst human being ever to walk our planet, along with (likeminded genocidist) Bill Gates.”

Paul Craig Roberts called him “a corrupt piece of excrement.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. called him “a mix between (con man) Bernie Madoff, (extrajudicial defender of powerful interests at the expense of ordinary people) J. Edgar Hoover,” and a mafia crime boss.

Fronting for pure evil throughout his public life, his diabolical agenda has been worlds apart from medicine as it should be practiced.

In his book, titled “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” RFK. Jr. revealed the true measure of Fauci’s heart of darkness.

As Biden regime chief medical advisor and NIAID head, he betrayed the public trust for personal gain. 

On all things related to flu/covid — the mother of all state-sponsored scams with mass-extermination and elimination of what little remains of greatly eroded freedoms in mind — Fauci consistently lied and mass deceived the public with pure evil intent. 

Throughout his public life, he’s been more monster than man.

As NIAID director, he transformed the agency into an incubator for Pharma’s drug development and profiteering — including for rushed to market, poorly tested, health-destroying flu/covid kill shots.

At the same time, he scorns known safe and effective hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin for treating and curing flu/covid.

Virtually everything he, likeminded fraudsters and their MSM press agents promoted has been all about irreparably harming health, not protecting and preserving it — including lockdowns, masks, PCR tests, social distancing and kill shots most of all.

Commenting on Fauci’s announced retirement from pubic life by yearend, the Brownstone Institute said:

As NIAID head, he “bec(ame) the face of lockdowns and (mass-jabbing) mandates that left enormous economic, cultural and health destruction in their wake.”

“He never acknowledged” or took responsibility for the diabolical agenda he pushed.

After years of scamming and harming public health, did he “become a liability to the Biden” regime and undemocratic Dems?

Throughout his public life, he lied and otherwise scammed the public for maximum Pharma profits and his own self-interest.

An old Fauci video admitted what he suppressed publicly thereafter, saying:

The best protection against flu/covid is by “get(ting) infected yourself” and recovering to generate long-lasting immunity from re-infection.

For individuals under age-70, full recovery from flu/covid is over 99.9%.

For individuals older than age-70, it’s 95%.

According to science, nothing remotely justifies flu/covid mass-jabbing for anyone — nor lockdowns, masks, social distancing or PCR tests.

What’s deceptively called covid is flu/renamed.

The alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus, allegedly responsible for causing the illness, doesn’t exist.

Years of research never found it.

On Monday, Children’s Health Defense President and General Counsel, Mary Holland, minced no words as follows, saying:

“In the last two-and-a-half years, tragically, we have witnessed a global assault on the Nuremberg Code.”

Fauci, other US/Western anti-public health officials and their MSM press agents have been key co-conspirators with intent to inflict maximum harm to maximum numbers of people domestically and worldwide — in flagrant breach or core medical ethics and the rule of law.

They “must be prosecuted for crimes against humanity” — ones clearly too grievous to ignore.

What’s gone on since kill shots were rolled out irreparably harmed countless millions and shortened the lifespan of others.

In his book, titled “Coming Apocalypse,” noted physician, author of over 100 books on health, Dr. Vernon Coleman, stressed the following from its preface, saying:

“Right from the start, I told you (that mass hysteria over flu/covid) was the biggest hoax in history.”

“(S)o-called experts got it wrong and had, for whatever reasons, manufactured a false crisis.”

“I was the first to suggest that the so-called ‘cure’ (the lockdown policies and refusal to treat other patients to ‘protect’ them from infection) would kill far more people than the disease.”

“So now it is time to assess the damage that has been done and see how the ‘cure’ will damage our way of life and dominate everything we do for decades.”

“I was right about the hoax.”

Coleman’s book explains what happened to date and how the lives of countless millions and billions of people throughout the West and elsewhere were irreparably harmed.

Instead of serving and protecting the general welfare, US/Western and other ruling authorities have gone all-out to harm it by wanting public health as it should be destroyed.

That’s the legacy of Fauci, his co-conspirators, ruling regimes that have supported the mother of all scams and their MSM press agents.


When Billionaires And The Government Work Together To Control Information

Facebook restricted visibility of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story in the lead-up to the 2020 election after receiving counsel from the FBI, according to Facebook/Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

“So we took a different path than Twitter,” Zuckerberg said during a Thursday appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience. “Basically the background here is the FBI, I think basically came to us — some folks on our team and was like, ‘Hey, um, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert. There was the — we thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump of — that’s similar to that. So just be vigilant.’”

Zuckerberg said a decision was made to restrict that information on Facebook’s multibillion-user platform. He said that unlike Twitter, which banned the sharing of the article entirely, Facebook opted for the somewhat subtler option of censorship by algorithm.

“The distribution on Facebook was decreased,” he said, adding when pressed by Rogan that the decreased visibility of the article happened to a “meaningful” extent.

As we’ve discussed previously, censorship by algorithm is becoming the preferred censorship method on large Silicon Valley platforms because it can be done to far more people with far less objection than outright de-platforming and bans.

In addition to being censored across social media platforms, the Hunter Biden laptop story was first ignored and dismissed by the mainstream news media, then spun as a Russian disinfo operation. Those media outlets eventually came around to admitting that the leaked emails were probably authentic, and Hunter Biden tacitly authenticated them himself when he acknowledged that the information “could” have come from his laptop. Nothing that came from that laptop was anywhere near as scandalous as the unified front presented by the news media and Silicon Valley in reducing the political impact of an October surprise before a presidential election.

And now we know that the reason the world’s largest social media platform censored that particular story was because they were cautioned by the FBI against allowing such information to circulate. How many of those other institutions suppressed that news story because they were told to by the FBI or other government agencies? How often are US government agencies involving themselves in the act of censorship? What other information is being suppressed in this or similar ways? What other information will be suppressed in the future?

Because of the veils of government and corporate secrecy which obscure our view of the behaviors of power, we don’t get to have answers to these questions. All we get to have is what oligarchs like Mark Zuckerberg choose to tell us, in whatever way and to whatever extent they choose to tell us about them.

But even what we’ve been told is pretty ugly. A government agency and a social media platform of unprecedented influence teaming up together to silence impactful political speech is censorship by any sane definition. Mainstream liberals can come up with all kinds of arguments for why the continually expanding justifications for online censorship are fine and normal and not really censorship, but are they able to maintain those justifications when government agencies are actively involved? Is it really better when political speech is being censored by a collaboration of government operatives and billionaires than censored directly by the government alone?

Alan MacLeod has been putting out a number of reports with Mintpress News documenting the way many veterans from the FBI, CIA, NSA and other government agencies have been recruited to work for tech companies like Google/YouTube, Facebook/Meta, and Twitter. The intimacy with which these government and corporate entities are working together is growing closer and closer, and they’re making less and less effort to conceal it.

In a power structure without clear boundaries separating corporations from the government, corporate censorship is state censorship. The mightiest power structure on earth is growing more and more brazen and shameless about this reality.

You know you are living in an oligarchy when Mark Zuckerberg has more political influence over your country than any elected official. Democracy is an illusion. Those who live under the US empire are a propagandized and politically impotent population who only think they are free because they’ve been given the illusion of freedom, and less and less effort is being made to sustain that illusion.

We are ruled by unelected sociopaths who have no wisdom, no compassion, and no intention of ever relinquishing their rule. This will continue unless and until enough of us wake up to what’s going on to stop them.

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