Monday, October 10, 2022


The U.S. Is Leading the World Into the Abyss

A few years after WW I, the poet T.S. Eliot opened his famous poem “The Wasteland” with these words: “April is the cruelest month … “  I think he may be wrong, for this October may be the cruelest month of all, followed by November.  Unprecedented.  You can hear the clicking and grating of spades if your antennae are attuned.

We are on the brink of ominous events created by the U.S. war against Russia.  Yet so many people prefer to turn away and swallow the lies that the U.S. wants peace and not war and is the aggrieved party in the crisis.

A friend of mine, who is constantly charging me with having turned right-wing because of my writing that accuses many traditional liberal/leftists of buying the national security state’s propaganda on the JFK assassination, “9/11,” Syria, Ukraine, Covid-19, censorship, the “New” Cold War, etc., and whose go-to news sources are The Guardian, CNN, The New York Times, NPR, ABC, seems oblivious to the fact that right and left have become useless terms and that these media are all mouthpieces for the CIA and their intelligence allies in the new Cold War; that the so-called right and left are joined at the hip with their obsession with Pax Americana.

There are no right and left anymore; there are only free and independent voices or those of the caged parrots repeating what they have been taught to say:

“Polly wants a war!”  “Polly wants a war.”

I am afraid that I will never convince this dear friend otherwise and I find that depressing.  Yet I know such views are shared by millions of others and that even if nuclear war breaks out their minds will not change.  Propaganda runs very, very deep into their psyches, and they desperately want to believe.  Hitler said it clearly in Mein Kampf:

The masses … are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

Hitler learned so much about “manufacturing consent” from his American teachers Edward Bernays, Walter Lippmann, et al., who accomplished so much brainwashing of the American people.  They were all masters of the lie and millions continue to believe their followers.

If nuclear weapons are again used (and everyone knows the only country to have used them), these believers will blame their use on Russia, even though Russia has made it very clear that it would only resort to such weapons if the country’s existence were threatened, while the U.S. continues affirming its right to preemptively use nuclear weapons when it so chooses.

And even if nuclear weapons are not used, the recent sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines and the bombing of the Crimean Bridge, both clearly the work of U.S./NATO/Ukrainian forces, have raised the ante considerably.  The door to hell has just been opened wider, and I suspect not by accident, as the U.S. elections approach.

In his recent television talk, Vladimir Putin made Russia’s nuclear position very clear, mentioning nuclear weapons only in the context of Western threats of using them, as Moon of Alabama reported.  Putin said:

They [the U.S./NATO/Ukraine] have even resorted to the nuclear blackmail. I am referring not only to the Western-encouraged shelling of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which poses a threat of a nuclear disaster, but also to the statements made by some high-ranking representatives of the leading NATO countries on the possibility and admissibility of using weapons of mass destruction – nuclear weapons – against Russia.

I would like to remind those who make such statements regarding Russia that our country has different types of weapons as well, and some of them are more modern than the weapons NATO countries have. In the event of a threat to the territorial integrity of our country and to defend Russia and our people, we will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us. This is not a bluff.

The citizens of Russia can rest assured that the territorial integrity of our Motherland, our independence and freedom will be defended – I repeat – by all the systems available to us. Those who are using nuclear blackmail against us should know that the wind rose can turn around.

When the long-planned U.S. war against Russia, so obvious to anyone who sees past the propagandist headlines and studies the matter, soon explodes into full-scale open war for all to see in horror, as it will, these true believers will dig in their heels even more.  They will find new reasons to justify their faith, and it is akin to religious faith.  The infamous Rand Corporation’s 2019 report cited above, “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia,” cites the following as part of the war process, as summarized in the Strategic Culture article, but it will have no impact on the faithful believers:

  • Providing lethal military aid to Ukraine
  • Mobilizing European NATO members
  • Imposing deeper trade and economic sanctions
  • Increasing U.S. energy production for export to Europe
  • Expanding Europe’s import infrastructure to receive U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplies

I keep thinking of the U.S. false flag Gulf of Tonkin “incident” in 1964 and how effective that was in convincing the gullible population and the complicit U.S. Congress – by a vote of 88 to 2 in the Senate and 414 to 0 in the House of Representatives (try to imagine such criminals) – that U.S. destroyers were innocently attacked by the North Vietnamese and that Lyndon Johnson should be given the authority to respond to repel “communist aggression,” which, of course, he did by bombing North Vietnam and sending 500,000 troops to savagely destroy Vietnam and Vietnamese nearly 9,000 miles from the United States.  Johnson simply lied to wage war and Biden is doing the same today.  But far too many people love their leaders’ lies because it allows them to secretly feel justified in the lies they themselves tell in personal matters.  And what may be true of the distant past, can’t be true today.

In 1965, the folk singer Tom Paxton put Johnson’s lies to music with “Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation.”  In those days, art was used as a weapon against U.S. propaganda.

Today we can ask: Where have all the artists gone?

We know that the U.S. has, for the time being, abandoned sending hundreds of thousands of troops into another country; now it is drones, air warfare, special forces, the CIA, mercenaries, terrorists, and intermediaries such as the Ukrainian conscripts, Azov Nazis, and NATO surrogates.  Such was the lesson of Vietnam when the draft led to massive protests and resistance.  Now war is waged less obviously and the propaganda is more extensive and constant as a result of digital media.

There are many such examples of U.S. treachery, most notably the attacks of September 11, 2001, but such history is only open to those who take it upon themselves to investigate.

Now there is the corrupt Ukrainian U.S. puppet government, which is nearly 6,000 miles from the United States, and must be defended from Russian “aggression,” just like the corrupt South Vietnamese U.S. puppet government was.

To those who buy the mass media propaganda, I ask: Why is the U.S.A. always fighting to kill people so far from its shores?  Doesn’t it sound a bit odd that our wonderful leaders destroyed Libya, Vietnam, Serbia, the Philippines, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc., countries so far away, and now that Russia defends itself from U.S./NATO encroachment a few miles from its borders, it is accused of being the evil aggressors and Vladimir Putin called another Hitler like all the leaders of the countries we attacked?  Have you completely lost your ability to think?  Or do you, like little children, actually believe the disembodied newsreaders who deliver your prepackaged television propaganda?

If I ask such an obvious question, does that make me a “right-winger”?

If I state two facts: that Donald Trump – whom I consider despicable and part of the divide and conquer game as Biden’s flip side, and have said so – did not start a war against Russia and that Russia-gate was a Democratic propaganda stunt and is false, does that make me a right-winger?  My friend would say so. Do telling facts define your political allegiances, whether they be facts about Republicans or Democrats?

No.  I will tell you what it makes me: A disgusted human being sickened by all the lies and people’s gullibility after decades of evidence that should have awakened them to the truth about all these politicians and the war against Russia underway.  I have lost patience with it.  For decades I have been writing about such propaganda to no avail.  Yes, those who tended to agree with me might have moved a little closer to my arguments, but the vast majority have not budged an iota.

I wish it were different. It is my desire. Eduardo Galeano, the Uruguayan sage of the Americas, who knew what was up and what was down when he wrote Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World in 1998, said this about Desire:

A man found Aladdin’s lamp lying around. Since he was a big reader, the man recognized it and rubbed it right away. The genie appeared, bowed deeply, and said, ‘At your service master. Your wish is my command. But there will be only one wish.

Since he was a good boy, the man said, ‘I wish for my dead mother to be brought back.’

The genie made a face. ‘I’m sorry, master, but that wish is impossible. Make another.’

Since he was a nice guy, the man said, ‘I wish the world would stop spending money to kill people.’

The genie swallowed. ‘Uhh … What did you say your mother’s name was?’

The desire for peace and security is a universal dream.  Sometimes it is hidden in people’s hearts because they have swallowed the lies of the evil ones who wish to wage war against those who insist on security for their country, as Russians are demanding today.

It is very frustrating to try to wake people out of their manufactured consent and the insouciance that follows as we are being led into the abyss.

But I will not stop trying.  Galeano did not.  He left us these words of universal resistance:

We shall be compatriots and contemporaries of all who have a yearning for justice and beauty, no matter where they were born or when they lived, because the borders of geography and time shall cease to exist.

We must save the world before it is too late.


The Story of the Century Just Broke (And No One Noticed)

If you're a good, credulous consumer of the lamestream media, you likely take it as a given that Russian hackers present the greatest danger to the human species in the history of our planet.

Or is that Chinese hackers? Or maybe North Koreans? Meh, whatever. Details, shmetails!

The point is that the threat posed by these shadowy cyber warriors (whoever they may be) is so great that no amount of foaming-at-the-mouth, hyperbolic, end-of-days catastrophism from the TV talking heads and Twittering blue checkmarks and think tanking deep staters is too much.

Yes, the Chinese are infiltrating our corporations' computer systems in order to steal all of our industrial secrets! How else could you possibly explain the fact that the fearsome Chinese military boasts so much refurbished American technology?

And yes, the Russkies are hacking into the power grid. How else could you possibly explain the fact that power outages are increasingly common in the Western world?

And of course the North Koreans are hacking Hollywood! How else could you possibly explain the absolute dreck that is being pumped down the public's throat in the name of "entertainment" these days?

In fact, as we dutiful devotees of the digital doyens know all too well by now, it's even worse than that. These cretinous computer criminals are no longer content merely to hack into our computer mainframes and exfiltrate our precious data. No, in this age of information warfare, the wicked warriors of the world wide web are now engaged in psychological operations against us, actively spreading mis-, dis- and mal-information in order to warp our innocent minds with facts that are uncomfortable to the establishment elitists.

So, in the midst of all of this hysterical hyperventilation over the hordes of cyber warriors attacking us from every direction, you think it would be kind of a big deal if a venerable journalistic institution like, oh, say, The Washington "Democracy Dies in Darkness™" Post came out with a story blithely admitting that the largest army of internet psyops soldiers in the world is in fact being fielded by the US, wouldn't you? Surely it would be worthy of more than a passing mention in the back of the newspaper if social media companies were deleting the US military's fake bot army and the Pentagon were running a fake "investigation" into the matter to cover their posterior, wouldn't it?

Well, guess what? That's exactly what is now being admitted, and you likely didn't hear anything about it, did you?

Let's correct that.


Whether you are a consumer of mainstream or alternative media, you will have heard by now all about the great danger of our age: online misinformation. After all, we've just lived through three years of establishment hysteria over the fact that average Joes and Janes (and even Jameses!) have dared to use the internet to spread the truth about the scamdemic.

Even before this latest round of "COVID misinformation" delirium, we'd been hearing for years that democracy itself was under attack by shadowy Russian cybersleuths posting hundreds of dollars' worth of Facebook Jesus memes. ("Won't someone think of the (s)elections!")

Attentive viewers of the MSM will have noticed little cracks in the facade of this particular propaganda narrative, however.

There's the Scary Poppins scandal, for instance, where the Biden administration attempted to appoint well-known disinformation spreader and censorship proponent Nina Janckewicz as head of their bone-chillingly named "Disinformation Governance Board."

Or there's the seemingly endless parade of establishment propagandists, disinformation spreaders and outright liars who are using their political capital to push for increasingly draconian censorship laws in a brazen bid to silence those who would point out their mendacities.

Indeed, by this point it's almost impossible for any objective observer to deny that the entire establishment freak-out over "online misinformation" is:

  • a projection by those self-same establishment figures, who are guilty of spreading such misinformation themselves; and

  • a convenient excuse for censoring their critics.

But, lest any fence-straddling normie should still be in doubt about where the real misinformation threat is coming from, that doubt has been erased by the latest scandal to break through the information blockade set up by the MSM gatekeepers.

Although you might have missed it if you blinked while scrolling through your news feed last week, the very same mockingbird repeaters who have just spent the past decade ginning up a neo-McCarthyist New Red Scare over ChiCom/Best Korea/Russkie hackers have just admitted that the biggest purveyor of online mal-, mis- and dis-information is . . .

. . . (are you ready for this?) . . . 

. . . the US government!

Surprised? I didn't think so.

Specifically, a new report from our friends over at WaPo reveals that the Pentagon "has ordered a sweeping audit of how it conducts clandestine information warfare after major social media companies identified and took offline fake accounts suspected of being run by the U.S. military in violation of the platforms’ rules."

The report is a whitewash, of course. It points to a Graphika/Stanford report released this past August, which, in a refreshing change of pace, took the type of scatter plot nonsense that is used to connect sites like The Corbett Report to "extremist" outlets and to foreign influence operations and instead used that methodology to expose a group of suspiciously pro-Western social media accounts.

The Graphika/Stanford researchers uncovered "an interconnected web of accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and five other social media platforms that used deceptive tactics to promote pro-Western narratives in the Middle East and Central Asia." These accounts appeared to be engaged in "a series of covert campaigns over a period of almost five years rather than one homogeneous operation." Although some of these operations were linked to a US Special Operations Command online propaganda program called the "Trans Regional Web Initiative" that was briefly reported on a decade ago, the other accounts were engaged in "a series of covert campaigns of unclear origin."

The latest WaPo report informs us that "the White House and some federal agencies" have "expressed mounting concerns over the Defense Department’s attempted manipulation of audiences overseas" and are investigating the matter. While the original Graphika/Stanford report did not directly accuse the US military of controlling or deploying the network of "pro-Western" social media accounts, the WaPo's anonymous sources say that "US Central Command is among those whose activities are facing scrutiny."

Reading between the lines, it isn't difficult to understand why The Bezos Post is "reporting" on this story: outside researchers uncovered a US government-run online misinformation network, the Pentagon is running a phony baloney "investigation" so that they can inevitably conclude that they did nothing wrong, and the public is left with the impression that this "scandal" was all about a perfectly legal (if morally questionable) "overseas" propaganda campaign.

If we take it as face value, the report will have many shrugging their shoulders and moving on to the next story. So what if the US government created a few fake social media accounts to—as WaPo asserts—"counter disinformation spread by China suggesting the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 was created at a U.S. Army lab in Fort Detrick" and "amplify truthful information from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the virus’s origination in China"? What's the big deal?

The big deal, of course, is that this story is a limited hangout and we are only being shown the very tiny tip of an unimaginably large iceberg.


I'm sorry if I'm now breaking this to you, but it's not only Russia, China, North Korea or whatever bogeymen happens to on the State Department's hit list this week who employ hackers and digital spies and bot armies and psyops soldiers in their quest to influence online discourse. It's also the US and Israel and Britain and Canada and every other nation in the world that is engaging in these silicon shenanigans.

This won't come as a surprise to anyone paying attention, of course. You only need to cast your mind back a few months to that intentionally creepy US Army psyops recruitment ad to get a sense of the scope of American military involvement in the online disinformation space.

More to the point, as I'm sure you're already aware, the internet was literally created by the US military. Starting out as the ARPANET, the impetus behind the creation of the internet was—as Vint Cerf, now hailed as one of the "fathers of the internet" casually admitted in 2018—"a belief that command and control could make use of computers in order to enable the Defense Department to use its resources better than an opponent."

And, as researchers like Yasha Levine, author of Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet, have pointed out, the internet was, from its very earliest incarnation, a weapon of surveillance and control to be deployed against anyone the US military deemed to be a counterinsurgency threat.

With that context in mind, it's easy to see the hundreds of data points connecting US military and intelligence operations and the internet as just pieces of that overall puzzle. Although an exhaustive list of such puzzle pieces would take a dozen articles to properly enumerate, they include:

I could go on and on. But it isn't just the US that is involved in these types of operations, of course.

It's Canada, too, where the government is "employing Internet Trolls, Shills & PR Agents to 'correct misinformation'."

And it's Israel, which trains cadres of Zionists to edit Wikipedia and whose infamous "Unit 8200" cyber spies have gone on to found a staggering number of high tech startups in recent years, ensuring them backdoor access to many of the world's most sensitive systems (access that they are not afraid to exploit).

And it's the UK, whose infamous 77th brigade admittedly "edit videos, record podcasts and write viral posts" in their infowar against COVID truthers and other establishment enemies, and whose highly secretive Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group literally created a handbook (entitled "The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations") for manipulating public opinion online.

In fact, when you really begin to look into it, every country in the world is engaging in online "perception management" activities or attempting to develop its military capabilities in the "information battlespace," whether to hack into foreign countries' corporate mainframes and vital infrastructure or to manipulate public perception via internet propaganda campaigns.

So, you might ask, if everyone is doing it, then why does it matter?


The lie that is propounded by the MSM talking heads—the lie that holds that it's only the Russkie/Chinese/NK bogeymen who are engaged in hacking and online propaganda campaigns—is a particularly insidious one for three reasons.

Firstly, it provides a perfect cover for one of the most important agenda items on the powers-that-shouldn't-be's checklist: shutting down the free flow of information on the internet. As viewers of The Media Matrix and students of Mass Media: A History will know, clamping down on the internet in this neo-Gutenberg moment is as important to the oligarchs' goal of maintaining power as it was for the oligarchs of a previous era to clamp down on the printing press. What is at stake is nothing less than the continued survival of the information oligopoly that is the core of their mechanism of control over society, so it should be no surprise that they would use their enemies' information operations as an excuse to engage in online censorship.

Secondly, the bogeyman hacker myth allows the establishment mouthpieces in the media to demonize State Department enemies by accurately pointing out these countries' cyber sleuthing and hacking operations, while simultaneously ignoring the US and its allies' own such operations and preparing the public for a virtual false flag event that could plausibly be blamed on those enemies and used as an excuse for the passage of the cyber PATRIOT Act.

And thirdly, the bogeyman narrative distracts the public from the most fundamental question: why is every single government in the world so intent on manipulating and deceiving the public with online misinformation campaigns spread via fake social media personas? By their actions, governments and intelligence agencies the world over have revealed that they are truly afraid of the free flow of information online. But why? The underlying truth that is right under our noses is that our perceptions and our actions do matter and do make a difference. This is precisely why governments the world over spend so much time and energy and resources trying to make us believe their propaganda: so that we don't recognize that the true governing power of society is (and always has been) ours to wield.

And so, after years of Russiagate nonsense—after all the hyperventilating over Facebook Jesus memes swaying the (s)election, after all the chest-thumping nonsense about how Chinese hackers and North Korean keyboard warriors are constantly engaging in offensive cyber operations and THEY NEED TO BE STOPPED AT ALL COSTS—we find that there is some truth to this story after all. There are online warriors out there who are out to hack into systems and to manipulate the public through online influence campaigns. It's just that the biggest perpetrators of those dirty tricks are the US and its allies.

But don't expect the Pentagon's "internal investigation" to conclude as much or for outlets like The Washington Post to report on it.

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