What Is CISA and Why Does It Matter?
On October 27, 2022, Elon Musk fired Vijaya Gadde from her job at Twitter where she was general counsel and the head of legal, policy, and trust. It became quickly obvious to him and others on his team that it was she who drove the censorship policy within the company, including that which blocked all information about Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 election and otherwise shut down critics of government Covid policy.
Her termination from Twitter did not leave her unemployed and homeless. A year earlier, she had already been tapped as an advisor to CISA, which is the government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency headed by Jen Easterly, who was chosen to head the new agency (created in 2018) out of her tenure at the National Security Agency. As Freddy Gray puts it in the UK Spectator, “That seems fishy, to put it mildly.”

Easterly was called to give a deposition in the case brought by the Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana but the government rejected the idea. Fauci and others could be called but not the head of CISA. According to Epoch Times, the judge “ruled that three of the individuals—Murthy, Easterly, and Flaherty—will no longer be required to appear for a deposition after a federal appeals court blocked the move last month, stating that the judge had failed to consider whether alternative and less ‘intrusive’ means could be used to obtain the information being sought.”
Don’t want to be intrusive, right? That would be inhumane. Can’t make such a demand of the head of CISA.
And yet, it was CISA itself that gave the whole of the initial advisory in 2020 for all the stay-at-home orders that were imposed around the country. The agency is also the one primarily responsible for the division of the whole of the American workforce into sharp lines between essential and nonessential. It was a clear sign that something had gone very wrong, even to the point of feeling like martial law.
I’ve puzzled about where this all came from for almost three years. Thanks to research done by many Brownstone writers, we now know. It was CISA from the very beginning. Indeed the webpage laying it all out still survives, including a video. You can look at it all here.
The initial edict was issued March 19, 2020, three days following the catastrophic press conference that announced the need for universal social distancing and issued what is surely one of the most totalitarian edicts in the history of public policy: “indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate should be closed.”
CISA explained the exception. It includes this helpful graphic of those who were entitled or even required to work while everyone else stays home.

Note the inclusion of communications, which of course, means all media, and of course information technology, which means all Big Tech. As for “commercial facilities” that ended up meaning big-box chain stores while small businesses were brutally shut. Reinforcing the Trump administration’s fatwa against “bars, restaurants, and gyms,” they were closed immediately following the release of CISA’s order.
But of course, and consistent with all this machinery, CISA was careful to note that “This guidance was provided to clarify the potential scope of critical infrastructure to help inform decisions by state and local jurisdictions, but does not compel any prescriptive action.”
Further: “This guidance is not binding and is primarily a decision support construct to assist state and local officials. It should not be confused as official executive action by the United States Government.”
This way, like Fauci, CISA can claim that it didn’t force the shutdown of anything. It only made recommendations and state-level agencies took it from there. And yet here is a FAQ to give you a sense of the military footing that the whole country entered up on in the course of only a few days.
How is this different than traditional disasters or emergencies impacting critical infrastructure?
COVID-19 is different than any emergency the Nation has faced, especially considering the modern, tightly interconnected economy and American way of life. In traditional emergencies, government coordinates with the private sector to get businesses back to business. In this case, as the government works with partners to slow the spread of COVID-19, the economic goal is maintaining resilience of the Nation’s foundation—its critical infrastructure.
In retrospect, the whole thing seems truly hard to believe, all for a respiratory virus with an infection fatality rate that compares with the flu except with a huge risk gradient by age. A military-style cooperation was unleashed on the entire country even as basic therapeutics were completely neglected and concern for collateral damage to health, culture, education, and enterprise were tossed out the window.
The initial lockdowns were followed by quarantine rules, travel restrictions, violations of religious freedom, forced masking and eventually forced medicalization of quickly approved shots that most of the population never needed and vast numbers now regret.
As CISA said, this crisis was “different than any emergency the Nation has faced.” Instead of keeping business going, the response this time was massive destruction of everything except “critical infrastructure.”
Indeed, the whole country fell into complete shambles and trauma for the better part of 2020, leading up to the November elections that gutted Republican control of Congress and flipped the White House. We are now finding out with piles of evidence that this was the ambition of many employees at Twitter, including the general counsel who ended up as a consultant to the very agency that issued the stay-home advisory.
CISA is part of the Department of Homeland Security, created only in 2018 with an act signed by President Trump. As is clear from the text of the law, the whole point was to protect the nation against cyber attacks and develop a response. Nowhere in the text could one discern a broad edict to divide the whole workforce, crush civil liberties, smash businesses, and trample on the Bill of Rights, much less shepherd into being a vast machinery of censorship that would effectively nationalize all major tech platforms on behalf of regime priorities.
On the weekend of March 14-15, 2020, Trump surrounded himself with a handful of advisors including Fauci, Birx, Pence, Kushner, along with a few outside consultants from pharma and tech, and agreed to “15 days to flatten the curve.” It seems highly unlikely he knew that he was approving a complete takeover of the country by the national security arm of the government, much less empowering this one agency with the task of crushing the whole economy except that which government called essential.
We are finding out ever more about what went on behind the scenes, especially thanks to the exceptional research of Debbie Lerman, who has fleshed out the underlying shift that occurred in these days. We went from being a normal nation with all the usual struggles to a country under quasi-martial law, ruled by administrative bureaucrats drawn from the national security arm of government. CISA was an agency that led the charge. Did Trump have any idea what he had approved? I would say it is highly doubtful.
I’ve been unable to find out anything about the agency’s budget or payroll but we do know that it is hiring: “CISA is always searching for diverse, talented, and highly motivated professionals to continue its mission of securing the nation’s critical infrastructure. CISA is more than a great place to work; our workforce tackles the risks and threats that matter most to the nation, our families, and communities. With more than 50 career fields available CISA offers multiple opportunities as well as multiple tracks for employment.”
A perfect home for many thousands of fired Twitter employees, no doubt.
NATO Chief Voices Fear Of War With Russia While US Greenlights Drone Strikes On Russian Territory
In what Antiwar’s Dave DeCamp describes as “a rare acknowledgment of the dangers of backing Ukraine,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg acknowledged a fear of something going “horribly wrong” and leading to a hot war between the nuclear-armed alliance and Russia.
In an article titled “‘I fear a full-blown war between the West and Russia’, Nato chief warns,” The Telegraph writes the following:
“I fear that the war in Ukraine will get out of control, and spread into a major war between Nato and Russia,” said Nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg, responding to a question about his greatest fears for the winter in an interview.
He told Norwegian broadcaster NRK on Friday that he was confident such a scenario could be avoided but that the threat was there.
“If things go wrong, they can go horribly wrong,” he added.
And things absolutely can go horribly wrong when dealing with an increasingly aggressive standoff between nuclear superpowers, as we have seen from history. The last cold war saw many nuclear close calls as a result of technical malfunctions and misunderstandings, including an incident during the Cuban Missile Crisis when the only thing which prevented a nuclear-armed Soviet submarine from deploying its weapon on the US military was one officer refusing to go along with two others who were giving the orders to fire.
We got a taste of this horror once again last month in the long minutes following erroneous reports that Russia had launched missiles at NATO member Poland. The fact that cooler heads have prevailed up until this point does not mean that nuclear brinkmanship is safe, anymore than a game of Russian roulette not ending after the first couple of trigger pulls would mean that Russian roulette is safe to play.
So Stoltenberg is correct to be afraid. There absolutely are too many things that can go horribly wrong in such a standoff, and there are simply too many unpredictable moving parts for anyone to feel confident that this will not happen.
And it’s pretty crazy to hear Stoltenberg voice these concerns even while the Pentagon gives the go-ahead for Ukraine to begin launching long-range attacks on targets inside Russia in its war that is being backed by the United States, because those two positions would seem to be pretty strongly at odds with each other.
In an article titled “Pentagon gives Ukraine green light for drone strikes inside Russia,” The Times reports as follows:
The Pentagon has given a tacit endorsement of Ukraine’s long-range attacks on targets inside Russia after President Putin’s multiple missile strikes against Kyiv’s critical infrastructure.
Since daily assaults on civilians began in October, the Pentagon has revised its threat assessment of the war in Ukraine. Crucially, this includes new judgments about whether arms shipments to Kyiv might lead to a military confrontation between Russia and Nato.
This represents a significant development in the nine-month war between Ukraine and Russia, with Washington now likelier to supply Kyiv with longer-range weapons.
The Times quotes a “US defence source” as saying the following: “We’re not saying to Kyiv, ‘Don’t strike the Russians [in Russia or Crimea]’. We can’t tell them what to do. It’s up to them how they use their weapons. But when they use the weapons we have supplied, the only thing we insist on is that the Ukrainian military conform to the international laws of war and to the Geneva conventions.”
“They are the only limitations but that includes no targeting of Russian families and no assassinations. As far as we’re concerned, Ukraine has been in compliance,” the source says, which is a strange assertion given that US intelligence has reportedly concluded Ukraine was behind the assassination of the daughter of Aleksandr Dugin.
“Ukraine has been careful to use its own drones, not US-supplied weapons, to carry out the strikes,” The Times reports, while also noting that “Pentagon officials have made it clear that requests from Kyiv for longer-range US weapons, including rockets and fighter bombers which could be used for even more effective strikes inside Russia or occupied Crimea, are being seriously considered.”
This revelation comes days after Ukraine launched its most brazen attack into Russian territory yet, with drone strikes on bases which killed multiple Russian soldiers and damaged two nuclear-capable bombers. Not too long ago the US waging a proxy war that features direct attacks on Russia’s nuclear forces would have been an unthinkably terrifying prospect, yet that’s where we’re at now, and it only seems to be escalating.
Empire apologists will try to make this a conversation about whether Ukraine has a “right” to attack Russian territory, which is a red herring from the real issue at hand. Obviously Ukraine has a right to attack a nation that is attacking it; that’s not the point. The real issue is the danger of provoking a hot war between nuclear superpowers, which even the NATO Secretary-General is becoming increasingly nervous about.
The western power alliance continually ramping up aggressions to test how far it could provoke Russia is what led to this conflict in the first place. Now we’re at a point where there isn’t much space for Russia to back up before it’s against the ropes and potentially pressed to do something nobody wants. These people should not be talking about escalation, they should be talking about de-escalation. We need diplomacy, de-escalation and detente, and we need them yesterday.
Big Lies Drown Out Truth and Full Disclosure
US/Western regimes lie and mass-deceive their people.
Nothing they claim can be taken at face value.
They’re enemies of ordinary people internally and worldwide.
Their wars are based on Big Lies.
Planned for years before rolled out three years ago, they gave seasonal a flu scary new name — calling a relatively minor health issue for most people covid since December 2019.
With intent to cause greater harm than already, the push is on to mind-manipulate greater numbers of people to unwittingly self-inflict it.
Everything flu/covid related that’s urged by US/Western regimes, others and their MSM co-conspirators aims to destroy public health more greatly than already.
On Dec. 6, distinguished Professor of Physics, Denis Rancourt, reported the following study results, explaining:
“India experienced a unique, sudden, unprecedented and extraordinarily large excess all-cause mortality event in April-July 2021…”
It’s “not adequately explained as a ‘second wave’ or as being caused by a new variant of concern.”
“After an overview of four recently published studies that have quantified the April-July 2021 excess all-cause mortality event, we give ten numbered arguments as to why we conclude that the extraordinary mortality event was caused by India’s (flu/covid mass-jabbing) rollout in its early stages.”
Results were “devastating, causing the deaths of approximately 3.7 million residents, on administering approximately 350 million” jabs.
Results are unsurprising.
Everyone jabbed was irreparably harmed, their lifespans shortened.
The vast majority of adverse events, including deaths, attributed to flu/covid were caused by kill shots.
With annual flu season well underway, the public is being assaulted with another blitzkrieg of state-approved/fear-mongering fake news on all things flu/covid related.
Hyperventilating about RSV (respiratory syncytial virus, the most common one in children) is all about pushing kill shots.
Yet increased numbers of RSV in young children and infants is because their mothers received one or more flu/covid jabs.
Yet the Pharma-controlled FDA, CDC and other anti-public health agencies want adults, children and infants administered toxic RSV jabs designed to destroy health, not protect and preserve it.
On Dec. 8, CBS (fake) News hyperventilated about a “tripledemic of flu, RSV and covid (sic).”
Left unexplained is that most illnesses were caused by mass-jabbing.
So MSM are pushing forever-jabbing at designated intervals for greater destruction of public health than already.
In Los Angeles and New York City, get ready for mandated masking in public again.
NYC health commissioner, Ashwin Vasan, lied to the public, falsely claiming the following:
“There are common-sense ways to protect yourself and your loved ones this holiday season (sic).”
He’s pushing greater mass-jabbing than already, forever-boosters, and “wearing a (respiratory-harming) mask indoors or among crowds.”
Along with pushing forever-kill shots, the Pharma-controlled CDC is again calling for indoor masking, especially in the following large counties:
Los Angeles County
Maricopa County, Arizona
Kings County, New York
Queens County, New York
San Bernardino County, California
Santa Clara County, California
New York County, NY
Suffolk County, NY
Bronx County, NY
Nassau County, NY, and
Pima County, Arizona
All of the above and what relates to it should be shunned by everyone seeking to stay well.
Los Angeles County public health director, Barbara Ferrer, said the following on Thursday:
The county will reimpose indoor masking if daily hospitalizations exceed 10 per 100,000 residents and if a similar percent of staffed hospital beds are occupied by flu/covid patients.
“Universal indoor masking would only go into effect after we’ve had two consecutive weeks of remaining at that high level for both thresholds,” she said.
It’s coming. Bet on it. And not just in NYC or LA County.
In Chicago where I live, masking has been required in offices of physicians since instituted in early 2020.
For most of that time — not currently so far — my residential apartment building required their use, cameras in public places for enforcement, as well as for alleged security.
Most residents comply willingly, falsely believing that kill shots and masks protect, unaware of reality about them.
And this fake news from on Friday, saying:
So-called “researchers” claim that easing China’s zero-(flu)-covid policies “will lead to a rise in infections that risk overwhelming hospitals (sic).”
And this from the Biden regime’s so-called flu/covid coordinator, Ashish Jha, on Thursday:
“We are seeing a clear uptick in infections of (flu/covid) pretty much in every region of the country, up about 40% over the last couple of weeks (sic).”
“There’s going to be some bumpy days ahead.”
For followers of his toxic advice with greater destruction of public health than already, it’ll be especially “bumpy.”
Unjabbed individuals are profoundly safer than their jabbed counterparts — an indisputable fact, based on science, not politics.
And this Yahoo News rubbish on Thursday:
Citing the Pharma-controlled CDC, “only 12.7% of Americans (got) bivalent boosters.”
Like other MSM, Yahoo is promoting what’s crucial to shun.
Yet according to CDC head Walensky, an exposed fraudster like Fauci, “(t)he bivalent (booster) provides added protection against” flu/covid, a bald-faced Big Lie.
On Dec. 8, the Pharma-controlled FDA amended emergency use authorizations (EUAs) — when no emergency exists — to include toxic bivalent jabs (tested only on 8 mice, no humans), for young children and infants as young as six months-old.
According to health-destroying advice from FDA commissioner, Robert Califf:
“More children now have the opportunity to (more greatly destroy their health by getting toxic) bivalent (jabs).”
“We encourage parents and caregivers of those eligible to consider” irreparably harming themselves and their children by getting these jabs designed for this purpose.
What’s suppressed publicly is most important for everyone to know.
Undemocratic Dems in cahoots with Pharma, other corporate predators, US anti-public health agencies, the Pentagon, CIA, FBI and press agents for all of the above are mortal enemies of peace, equity, justice, healthcare as it should be provided, and the rule of law they long ago abandoned.
When the NYT and other MSM claim that 15 million people, including over one million Americans, died from flu/covid, they turn truth on its head by not laying blame where it belongs.
The vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths attributed to the viral illness were from kill shots designed for mass-extermination — not flu-renamed covid.
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