And So It Begins… The Great Unravelling
The “Collective West” led by the chief imperialist power, the United States, is careening and buckling, the wayward collapse evident with each passing day.
For what it’s worth, the transatlantic alliance of the U.S. and its European allies – embodied by the NATO military bloc – had a fairly good chronological run. The imperialist clique managed to hold together for nearly eight decades. But now that ship is running aground on the rocks of a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.
Signs of collapse and disintegration are coming fast and thick. The military defeat in Ukraine by the NATO powers after a $100 billion investment in weapons is foremost among the casualty list – together with up to 500,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers.
What a hideous fiasco the NATO-sponsored campaign against Russia has turned out to be. A bloodbath in Europe akin to the worst among history’s many imperialist slaughters. The U.S.-led military alliance of 30 nations has spectacularly forfeited any pretence of being a “security organization”.
The gnashing of teeth has only just begun. The farcical shame over NATO’s retreat two years ago from Afghanistan in August 2021 – after 20 years of failed military occupation – is but a prelude to the horrendous debacle unfolding over Ukraine.
For the first time in the history of the United States republic, that country this week saw its Congressional leader getting the sack. Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House of Representatives – third in line to the presidency – was forced out of his job largely due to political infighting in Washington over the scandalous funding of a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia, all while the U.S. federal government is teetering on bankruptcy shutdown.
Hours before McCarthy was ousted, President Joe Biden made a desperate conference call Tuesday with European leaders to “reassure allies of continued U.S. support for Ukraine.” The phone conference included all the main allies, Britain, Germany, France, and Poland as well as Canada and Japan.
The sole topic was the war in Ukraine and pledges from Biden that the United States would continue its military support for the Kiev regime.
Speaking later about the discussions, Polish President Andrzej Duda, conveying the urgency of Biden’s agenda, was quoted as saying: “Everyone took the floor. The main subject was Ukraine, the situation in Ukraine. President Joe Biden began by telling us about the situation in the U.S. and what is the real political situation around Ukraine. He assured us that there is backing for the continuing support for Ukraine, first of all for the military support. He said that he will get that backing in the Congress.”
The Polish leader added: “Biden called on the participants to continue their support for Ukraine and that everyone assured him that they would.”
The unprecedented ouster of House Speaker McCarthy within hours of Biden’s empty assurance to Western allies “about the political situation in the U.S.” and his promises to stick with Ukraine can only serve to rattle nerves even further.
Obviously, Biden doesn’t even know what is going on in his own country never mind in Ukraine.
The biggest fear among America’s vassals in Europe, Canada, Japan and elsewhere is that Washington will abruptly jettison the failed proxy war in Ukraine. Not out of principle, but rather political expediency, thereby leaving them high and dry.
The United States and the European Union have committed up to $200 billion in military and other economic aid to Ukraine since the conflict with Russia erupted 20 months ago in February 2022. Europe has been impacted much more badly than the U.S. from the loss of Russia’s energy supplies and from the influx of millions of Ukrainian refugees.
Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, asserts that Europe will continue to support Ukraine even if the United States were to halt its aid. Borrell is indulging in delusional fantasy.
Already European NATO members are becoming leery and reluctant about the endless financial largesse doled out to prop up the corrupt Kiev regime. Hungary and now Slovakia are vowing to cut off the weapons supply and other funding. Mass protests are occurring in Germany and other EU countries against the NATO-fueled war. European political leaders are increasingly seen as feckless Yes-Men for Washington and betraying their national interests.
Biden and the warmongering U.S. establishment are deeply committed to the proxy war against Russia. The war function is the engine of American capitalism and imperialist ambitions. But if the economy is fundamentally broken – and it surely is with an unsustainable $33 trillion national debt – the reality of bankruptcy and political/public opposition becomes untenable.
Biden’s “assurances” to the NATO vassals are embarrassingly worthless after he was blindsided by the ensuing chaos in his own Congress. The American president is in no position to pledge anything.
The Pentagon and the European militaries are also complaining they don’t have any more weapons to give to Ukraine, their arsenals having been depleted by reckless donations to the squandering, incompetent Kiev regime.
The already nervy Europeans and other NATO partners are no doubt having flashbacks of the treacherous way that Biden and Washington abruptly and unilaterally pulled the plug on Afghanistan. The NATO allies were stunned by that fast move to exit the quagmire. Biden didn’t even give them a heads-up, never mind consulting with them.
For eight decades after the Second World War, NATO and later the European Union were always a handy vehicle for American imperialism. The vassals were held together by the relative strength of the U.S. empire. That empire is now unravelling from endless wars, bankruptcy and endemic corruption in Washington. The last episode of the historic failure is being played out in the fraudulent proxy war in Ukraine – sold to the Western public by the lying mainstream media as yet another “noble cause” to allegedly defend democracy (how absurd!).
The ultimate degeneracy is evident from the “moralizing”, “superior” Western powers being found in bed with a Nazi regime. And along with that degeneracy, financial debts are off the charts and a grievous insult to the onerous democratic needs of the Western public.
When Uncle Sam does a runner, and he will, the game is finally up for him and all his vassals.
The great unravelling of Western imperialist power is underway and is accelerating.
Why a Global Government Is the Ultimate Goal of Billionaires. “The Goal Is for You to Own Nothing”
In the video above ( video at article address ), Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen, a best-selling Norwegian novelist, explains how the European Union’s “Energy Performance of Buildings Directive” — the legislative instrument that dictates the energy performance standards for buildings within the EU — will be used to achieve a massive wealth transfer scheme.
In March 2023, the EU Parliament voted to revise this directive as part of a “Fit for 55” package, which aims to meet a minimum 55% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
By 2050, the EU intends to achieve a “zero-emission and fully decarbonized building stock.”1 In short, by 2050, they want every building — commercial, public and residential — in the EU to meet zero-emission standards. To achieve that, they will impose a slew of new requirements on homeowners.
For example, heating systems that use fossil fuels are to be completely phased out of existence by 2035,2 if the European Parliament gets its way, and that means homeowners will be required to install new “green,” presumably electric, heating systems — and pay for it out of pocket. According to Bull-Hansen, the cost for these new energy requirements is estimated to be around 100,000 euros for a residential house.
The Goal Really Is for You to Own Nothing
goal, Bull-Hansen, explains, is to force people out of their homes. If
you cannot afford the required upgrades, you’ll be forced to sell your
home, and asset management companies like BlackRock and Vanguard will
stand at the ready to snatch these properties up.
And that’s if you’ll be allowed to sell a house that isn’t up to standards; the government might just deem it unsellable and seize it, or you may have to pay a fine of some sort.
In the U.S., BlackRock and Vanguard started bulk-buying residential homes in earnest in early 2021, which they then rent out rather than resell, thereby eroding middle class homeownership. They also artificially drove up home prices by paying above-asking price, thereby pushing homeownership further out of reach.
Of course, the price of rent has also skyrocketed, and renters will have to pay even more after these energy upgrades. So, not only is homeownership something many young people can no longer achieve, many can’t even afford to rent, and are forced to live with their parents or multiple roommates. We can eventually expect the number of homeless to skyrocket as well.
As noted by Bull-Hansen, the elimination of personal property ownership is all part of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset agenda, Agenda 2030 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These are just different names for the same overarching plan.
The WEF’s “8 Predictions for the World in 2030” video,3 in which they cheerfully declared that by 2030 “you will own nothing,” spelled out many of the aspects of this global plan, including the goal to eliminate personal ownership rights. “All products will become services,” the WEF explains on its website.4 That’s what “you’ll own nothing” refers to.
Gone will be the days when you buy something once and can use it indefinitely because you own it. Instead, the new system they’re pushing us into will require you to rent everything — your home, transportation, furniture, pots and pans and all the rest. You’ve probably noticed this creep already.
For example, you used to be able to buy a piece of software, which came on a disc. You could install and reinstall that program on any computer you wanted, because you had the CD.
Today, most software programs are cloud-based subscriptions, and you have to pay a monthly or annual fee for as long as you’re using it. And, while the fee may be low, once you add it up over a lifetime of use, you’ll end up paying many times more than what you did when you were able to buy it outright.
Homeownership Has Always Been a Wealth-Building Strategy
As noted by Bull-Hansen, homeownership defines the middle class. More importantly, it’s been a way to build and secure generational wealth for ages. Remove the ability for people to buy their own home, and you effectively eliminate the middle class, leaving just the very rich, and the very poor.
“It doesn’t matter if you believe this will be good for the environment or not,” Bull-Hansen says. “This is about controlling you. This is about owning you … This is a wealth transfer that we’re looking at, and we can’t accept that. Ownership is important. It’s a very, very essential concept …
If you take ownership away, what you’re left with is feudalism. Someone’s going to own the stuff that you need, and they will be the so-called ‘elites’ … So we must put our foot down and refuse to accept this.”
Disobedience Is Our Only Way Out
OK, so what do we do about it? I second Bull-Hansen’s call for peaceful disobedience. “We MUST be disobedient now,” he says. The alternative is to accept serfdom.
And again, the coming slave system is not merely about removing human rights and eliminating the freedoms we’ve enjoyed our whole lives — even simple things, such as having the freedom to travel wherever you choose, whenever you want — it’s also about stripping us of our wealth and eliminating the possibility of building wealth in the future.
They’re not just trying to take away your ability to own a home and build generational wealth that way. With a central bank digital currency (CBDC), you won’t make interest on your money, and they’ll take taxes out automatically. They’ll also have the ability to dictate where and what you can spend your money on, and put expiration dates on your funds so that you can never save up for a rainy day.
The globalist cabal behind this entire agenda intends to create a permanent slave class that has no rights, no freedoms and no way out.
If you go along with these “green” proposals — which is what they’re using to justify this particular wealth transfer scheme — then you are actively choosing poverty and slavery for yourself, your children and all descendants thereafter, because dismantling this global system of control will be unimaginably difficult once it’s in place.
How are you going to rebel when the government can seize your bank accounts at will, lock you out of grocery stores, send you to an infectious control internment camp to “protect public health” even though you’re not sick, program your electric vehicle such that it only runs within a specific designated area, and punish everyone you know in the same way, simply because they know you?
All of that, and much more, will be possible once the AI-run digital surveillance and control grid is fully implemented and linked to your digital identity, a programmable CBDC and the unified ledger system.
As noted by Bull-Hansen, there will be ramifications for disobedience and refusal to go along with the globalist “green” agenda, but if we agree to pay the price now, and refuse en masse, this globalist power grab will absolutely fail. They cannot do it without mass obedience.
Who’s Looking to Rule the World?
If this topic is new to you, you might be wondering who these “globalists” are that are trying to effect this global coup. I’m not going to name names here, although it’s getting easier by the day to identify the individuals who are part of the club by examining their public statements and stances, their business endeavors and affiliations.
The reason for this is because most are no longer even trying to hide their involvement, and the organizations erected to drive the agenda forward are becoming more and more open about their goals.
For example, June 5, 2023, the United Nations published a document spelling out its commitment to make the World Health Organization the central global governance body.
The following excerpt is from page 9 of the Zero Draft of the “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response” document drafted in advance of the September 20, 2023, General Assembly meeting.5
The final text6 of this document was published September 1, 2023, and in that version, all of the headings have been removed, but the overall intent to make the WHO a de facto governing body for the world remains unchanged.
While the document focuses on the WHO’s authority to dictate pandemic prevention and response worldwide, as I’ve detailed in several previous articles, the WHO will not only be in charge of pandemics. That’s just the justification they use to get its foot in the door.
Next, the WHO will move into general health care by advancing the acceptance of a universal health care system.
This will be promoted under the banner of enhancing pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, as detailed on page 11 under OP33 in the Zero Draft,7 and under article 22 in the final text.8
Then, through the global One Health program, which expands “public health” to include everything from agriculture and pollution to travel and climate change, the WHO — or some spinoff thereof — will take over all government functions.
The final text of the UN’s “Political Declaration” even declares that health is an indicator of “sustainable development,” thereby directly linking the WHO’s pandemic authority to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.
Lawlessness Reigns
Making matters all the more dire for the people of the world is the fact that governments and global organizations involved in this power grab are increasingly flouting rules, guidelines, laws and treaties that previously have ensured at least some semblance of democracy and rule of law.
One of the latest examples of this is the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) president’s approval of the declaration on pandemic prevention (the document discussed above) without a full assembly vote and over the objections of 11 member states (Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Eritrea, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nicaragua, the Russian Federation, the Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela and Zimbabwe).
According to Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., a bioweapons expert and professor of international law at the University of Illinois who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the objections by 11 nations should “prevent this declaration being adopted by consensus and thus arguably becoming part of customary international law, which is what those behind the declaration intend.”
“They could not get it through the UNGA as a Consensus Resolution because of the 11 objecting states,” Boyle told The Defender.9 “They are trying to spin it and misrepresent it by having the UNGA president — not the UNGA — approve the declaration.”
UN Declaration Calls for Universal Vaccinations and More
The fact that the UN General Assembly president is creating loopholes where there are none is particularly disturbing in light of the fact that the declaration makes the COVID-19 power grabs permanent and calls for universal vaccination, increased surveillance, vaccine passports, social media censorship, and an “integrated One Health approach,” which I just explained is the primary way by which the WHO will end up governing all aspects of human life.
So, we can see that even when countries disagree and push back, U.N. leadership simply skirts the rules and follows the Deep State plan anyway, and that’s precisely the kind of behavior we can expect from a “One World Government.” They’ll have rules for themselves, which they’ll conveniently ignore when it suits them, and fixed rules with harsh penalties for the rest of the plebs. As reported by The Defender, September 20, 2023:10
“Critics called the declaration, which seeks to create a global pandemic authority with the power to enforce lockdowns, universal vaccination and censorship of ‘misinformation,’ ‘hypocrisy’ and ‘unhinged.’ The approval came as part of a high-level meeting on PPPR [Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response] …
In a statement, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, ‘If COVID-19 taught us nothing else, it’s that when health is at risk, everything is at risk.’ He linked the PPPR to the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), saying world leaders should ‘show they have learned the painful lessons of the pandemic’ …
Writing for the Brownstone Institute, Dr. David Bell, a public health physician, biotech consultant and former director of Global Health Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund, said ‘the main aim’ of the declaration ‘is to back’ the ‘pandemic treaty’ and IHR amendments currently under negotiation by WHO member states.
Bell said a ‘silence procedure’ is in place, ‘meaning that States not responding will be deemed supporters of the text.’ He said the text is ‘clearly contradictory, sometimes fallacious, and often quite meaningless,’ and intended to centralize the WHO’s power.
Bell told The Defender, ‘The declaration was not written with serious intent, but is essentially empty rhetoric promoting a continued centralization of control that the U.N. and WHO are openly seeking, at the expense of democracy, human rights and equality.’
Francis Boyle … agreed … ‘This is a full-court press to have the entirety of the United Nations Organization, its specialized agencies and its affiliated organizations, back up and support their proposed globalist WHO worldwide totalitarian medical and scientific police state,’ he said.”
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