Thursday, December 30, 2021


Clouds on the horizon

The US did not provide Russia with any answer on Friday.  By itself, this is not very surprising, the levels of infighting in the US ruling elites have made it impossible to agree on a reply on such short notice, especially during the various end of year celebrations in the West.

As for the Russians, they are fine with that, since their own deadline was mid-January.  So as of right now, nothing significant has changed, what we observe is only a lot of statements by anybody and everybody, most of these statements make little or no sense and they typically all contradict each other.  We should not get too caught up in the “he said this, she said that” thingie, as this is, quite literally, just hot air.

In terms of actions, again we see contradictory developments: some sources report that NATO is preparing for a major war while other report that the US Americans and UK personnel are preparing an emergency evacuation.

There appears to be a meeting between Putin and Biden in the making, according to same sources after the Orthodox Nativity, so sometime around or soon after January 8th.  If so, I welcome that.

Also, Stoltenberg has said that there will be a meeting between NATO and Russia on the 12th.  But then, Stoltenberg is a powerless clown whose verbal emissions mean nothing.  He was the one who totally rejected any negotiations with Russia just a week ago, and now he is offering to negotiate…

I spent the last 3 days reading opinions on the Runet, listening to talk shows and watching various officials and personalities expressing their opinion and I want to share my conclusion with you: there is absolutely overwhelming evidence that the Russians are NOT bluffing, that they really mean every word they said.  There is even a growing chorus of voices saying that it would be better for Russia if the West would simply reject all the Russian demands out of hand.  Many clearly hope that the West will try that as this would completely untie Russia’s hands (or, if you prefer, her bear claws).

Most military officials seem to believe that a full-scale war against NATO will not happen, but that some kind of conflict with the Ukraine is now inevitable.  I tend agree with them.

Many observers also seem to be really fed up.  Fed up with the constant bloodletting in the LDNR, fed up with the constant presence of western military “advisors” in the Ukraine, fed up with the grandstanding and pompous declarations by EU/NATO officials whom the Russians don’t even take seriously.  This entire topic has become a huge abscess in the mind of many Russians and an increasing number of them now want this abscess to be cut open, disinfected and healed.  “More of the same” is just not something anybody is willing to accept.

But while I am sure that the Russians are not bluffing, I am not so sure at all whether decision-makers in the West realize that.  Judging by the nonsense spewed by western officials and the AngloZionist media, I would say that no, they mostly don’t (there are a few notable exceptions like this one).

So I would say that there are definitely clouds on the horizon.

But the fact that the US and Russia seem to be preparing for some kind of summit is definitely a good sign as it shows that there is still a chance for the two sides to make some kind of deal avoiding the worst (if the US Americans only wanted to meet to issue more threats or to dismiss the Russian demands, neither side would bother with organizing a meeting).

The biggest risk now is that the US Americans will try to talk their way out and just let the clock run down without ever giving a clear answer to the Russians.  Deputy Foreign Minister Riabkov said this about that “we don’t need negotiations, we need security guarantees, and very soon”.  The Russians won’t take unilateral action unless and until they become convinced that the West is not willing to restrain itself and offer any legally biding and verifiable security guarantees.  The other side of this coin is that should the West not be willing to restrain itself and refuse to offer any legally biding a verifiable security guarantees, then the Russians will be free take unilateral action.  In other words, the Russians are saying this: look, we will get what we want, one way or another, whether we do that by means of a bilateral/multilateral negotiation or unilaterally now depends on you.  For us, either way is fine, and we will achieve our objective in any scenario.  The key message here is this: there is nothing you, the collective West or the USA, can do to prevent that outcome.

I conclude that the Russian ultimatum was really the very last effort by Russia to settle the problem diplomatically.  If this effort fails, then the West better prepare itself for a lot of unilateral Russian actions.

As they say in Russia “those who will not listen to Lavrov will have to deal with Shoigu“.  Even Lavrov himself seems to agree.

We will soon find out I suppose.

PS: in the meantime, the LDNR authorities have identified the chemical substances US PMCs have brought to the cities of Mariupol, Krasnyi Liman and Avdeevka: botulinum toxin and dibenzoxazepine.  These chemical weapon were brought over from the USA by USAF contracted aircraft and are now deployed by 120 US mercenaries.


Russia to Stop Further NATO Expansion East

US-dominated NATO is a killing machine for war-making against invented enemies at a time when no real ones exist.

None of its member states face external security threats.

Phony claims otherwise unjustifiably justify pouring countless trillions of dollars down a black hole of waste, fraud and abuse to perpetuate the US-led Western weapons and munitions racket.

Hegemon USA is the world’s leading merchant of death, destruction and human misery.

According to the Center for International Policy (CIP):

“There was a massive surge in US FMS (foreign military sales) in 2020 to $110.9 billion.” 

“This number was 59% higher than the 2019 FMS figure— and one of the highest figures ever for that category of sales.” 

Adjusted for inflation, US 2020 FMS was nearly 75% higher than average annual Obama/Biden regime weapons and munitions exports, as well as during Trump’s first three years in office.

Instead of prioritizing world peace and stability, both right wings of the US war party perpetuate endless wars in pursuit of their imperial aims, along with more greatly enriching its weapons and munitions makers.

CIP arms and security project director William Hartung explained that (what I call the mother of all state-sponsored 9/11 false flags to that time) opened the floodgates for massive increases in US military spending.

Adjusted for inflation, it was “over $14 trillion” since 2001.

Top US weapons and munitions makers Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, and Northop Grumman received over $2.1 trillion during this 20-year period.  

“(T)he biggest beneficiaries of war spending — and greatest source of fraud and price gouging – were reconstruction contractors like Halliburton’s Kellogg, Brown, and Root (KBR) division.

Invented Russian, Chinese, Iranian and North Korean threats — that don’t exist — provide an invented pretext for spending trillions of dollars on militarism and belligerence that’s falsely called defense.

Along with enriching other corporate favorites — notably Pharma — handouts to merchants of death come at the expense of vital homeland needs.

On Monday, the White House imposter signed into law the largest US military spending bill since WW II ended.

Authorizing nearly $770 billion for FY 2022, the true amount for US militarism and belligerence for the year ahead is over double this amount — with all categories of spending included, notably unrevealed/virtually open-ended intelligence community and black budgets.

Commenting on the measure, Hartung said the following:

“The last thing we need to do is be throwing more money at the Pentagon.”

“This whole idea that China and Russia are military threats to the US has primarily been manufactured to jump up the military budget.”

Throughout most of the post-WW II period — especially post-9/11 — US-dominated NATO posed an unparalleled threat to peace, stability and everyone everywhere.

Justifiably concerned about the menace to its security posed by US-dominated NATO, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said the following on Tuesday:

“Our leadership has repeatedly said we can no longer tolerate the situation that is developing in the immediate vicinity of our borders.” 

“We cannot tolerate NATO expansion.” 

“We will not just prevent it. We will put a stop to it.”

That’s what upcoming Geneva talks in January between Russia and the US will be all about.

Officials from Britain, France and Germany will also likely be involved.

Russian priorities include legally binding security guarantees — likely in treaty form — along with no further NATO expansion eastward toward its borders.

Moscow also seeks the removal of US/NATO troops and missiles away from its borders, removal of nuclear weapons from Eastern Europe, as well as no establishment of US/NATO bases in former Soviet republics and Warsaw Pact countries.

Ryabkov stressed that Geneva talks “should not come up with some kind of dimensionless agenda when it is in our interest to include topics that have long been sorted out through other channels.” 

“We have to focus exclusively on the two draft documents that we have presented.”

Moscow will not accept a Biden regime attempt to “dilute” upcoming talks.

“We would conclude, in such a case, that the US is not ready for a serious conversation.” 

“We call for negotiations, intensively and quickly.” 

“We believe that the issue is not just overdue. It is overripe” — demanding quick resolution.

Separately, Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow will firmly insist that Minsk I and II conflict resolution agreements between Kiev and Donbass are inviolable and must be  enforced.

If the Zelensky regime continues to breach their binding provisions, it should be held accountable according to the rule of law.

On Wednesday — following Biden regime orders — the US-installed Ukrainian puppet approved a so-called information security measure to counter a nonexistent Russian threat.

Following Biden regime orders as well, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the following:

“Demands about security guarantees and stopping the EU and NATO’s eastward expansion are a purely Russian agenda with completely unacceptable conditions, especially regarding Ukraine (sic).”

He apparently doesn’t understand Russia’s resolve on this issue.

For the first time, Vladimir Putin appears committed to no longer tolerate growing US/Western threats to Russian security.

Wanting peace, not war, he’ll likely do what’s necessary to deter US/NATO threats with appropriate countermeasures.

They’re long overdue.

A Final Comment

Last weekend, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the following:

Hegemon USA and NATO vassal states may not fully understand Russia’s resolve about permitting no further alliance expansion eastward.

“(W)e would like to emphasize that the non-expansion of NATO and preventing the deployment of weapons systems near the Russian border that threaten Russia’s security will be front and center during the upcoming talks with the US and NATO.” 

“This is something those who until now have been unable to grasp Russia’s position must understand.”

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