2021: Year of the Apocalypse
I have some good news and some bad news for you.
The bad news is (as attentive Corbett Reporteers will know by now), 2021 was the beginning of the Apocalypse.
We are being dragged kicking and scream into the Great Resetters' dark Vision of the Future.
We are being fed into the maw of The Great Convergence on the path to becoming Designer Humans.
The Markets Are (still) Rigged and we are inching closer to the CBDC nightmare as the War on Cash continues.
The Science Says gang, led by The Real Anthony Fauci, have continued the Pseudopandemic on their way to the construction of the Biosecurity State.
And, oh yeah, by the way, The Corbett Report is no longer on ThemTube (Phew!).
But here's the good news: 2021 was the beginning of the Apocalypse.
Confused? Don't be!
You see, in modern English the word "apocalypse" usually connotes a disastrous turn of events or a catastrophic ending, but that is not, in fact, the original meaning of the word. As the Online Etymology Dictionary explains, our English "apocalypse" comes from the Greek apokalyptein, from apo- ("off, away from") and kalyptein ("to cover, conceal"). An apocalypse then, is literally a great uncovering or revelation.
So who can deny that what we have experienced in the last two years is an apocalypse?
The much-ballyhooed #GreatAwakening may have at last been revealed as nothing but Q hopium, but I have heard from many people in the past two years who have had their eyes opened by recent events. I have seen an enormous growth in those seeking out alternative sources of information during this time. And I have encountered more certified, card-carrying lifelong normies who are now willing to question long-held verities about the way the world works than I ever would have dreamed possible back in 2019.
Oh, certainly, there are those who have doubled down on the nonsense, deciding that their identity consists in being the sheep that baaaas the loudest. The rise of the biosecurity state is revealing just how many people are willing to do whatever they are told by the "authorities" in return for a pat on the head (or is that a free doughnut?). And, now that stay-at-home orders and quarantine camps are a reality, we are witnessing the inversion of long-held cultural norms, where "snitches get rewards" and "Your Body, Their Choice" is the new rallying cry.
But this, too, is a part of the great revealing that is taking place. It is becoming more and more apparent who is on our side of the line in this battlefield and who will never be on our side. As James Evan Pilato so forcefully observed in New World Next Year 2022, there's no longer any opportunity for hiding behind polite words and agree-to-disagree niceties; those who have gone along with this insanity have put themselves beyond the pale.
No, this is not a happy or joyous thing. It is tearing families apart, pitting lifelong friends against each other, and, for many, it is the end of the world . . . or at least the end of a world. But, dire as these times are and unpleasant as these events may be, it is not all bad.
As I noted way back in 2017, the relative stasis of the last 75 years has only ensured the slow and steady growth of the New World Order, and it is only a time of chaos and disorder that can possibly derail this agenda.
"At times like this, when the glacial status quo has been liquefied and everything is in flux, we have an opportunity for true change. I can attest to the fact that over the years I have watched as more and more people have unplugged from the matrix and started to learn the truth about false flag terrorism, the central bank fraud, the creeping police state and other such vital issues. Often, they have been woken from their slumbers by a major shock to the system: a 9/11, a Lehman collapse, or some other chaos-generating incident. And so it is that those sowing the chaos may reap the whirlwind of an ever-more-awake public, rejecting the phony solutions that the so-called "elite" try to shove down its throat."
Indeed, the "shock doctrine" that the would-be world controllers employ to manipulate the global chessboard also opens the eyes of the hitherto peacefully slumbering. I know this not just from observation but from experience. I can imagine an alternate timeline in which 9/11 never occurred and consequently I never started The Corbett Report.
And, as confident as I was in the truth of this observation half a decade ago, I'm even more confident of it now. Many are being shaken from their slumbers by the Apocalypse just as I was shaken from mine many years ago, and the great uprising that I remarked on in New World Next Year is taking shape.
Yes, it's important to understand that the Apocalypse we are living through is necessary if we want to create a new system that will promote human fluorishing rather than hinder it. I suppose I could leave it at that, wish everyone the customary holiday greetings and bow out of this editorial here . . . but that would be too pat.
You see, I have no crystal ball and I can offer no assurances that the Apocalypse will lead to that better world we are seeking to bring about. I'm sure some will rejoin (not noticing that I am agreeing with them) that this Apocalypse, this great revelation, has itself been engineered. Perhaps they will further insist that this is not revelation (as in, enlightenment), but Revelation (as in, judgment and the end times). That all we are witnessing are the trumpet blasts that signal the beginning of the tribulation.
But even if that were the case, what of it? If life itself is a test of what we are made of, as some posit, then what greater test could we ask for than this? And, if it is such a test, by what criteria would we assess our response to it? By how comfortably we can live in an empire of lies? By how many fair weather, surface-level friends we can accumulate? By our ability to bury our head in the sand or bug out to the woods and avoid the Apocalypse itself?
Or by living now? By facing these events head-on and taking a stand? By bearing witness for future generations to the dynamic human spirit that will continue to resist even in the face of the greatest adversity?
This is the great apokalyptein that we are living through: the uncovering of our true selves. What we are being offered is a chance to see who we really are and what we are capable of. Rejoice.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone. I won't pretend to know what waits for us in 2022, but I can assure you that the Apocalypse has begun.
With Covid-19 a Century of International Crime Cabal Zeroes in on “One World Government Tyranny”
After only three months in office, a prophetic President John F. Kennedy was fully aware at the time of dark forces swirling around him and our nation, firmly entrenched in power and posing an alarming threat to the safety and well-being of both America’s last great leader as well as our democratic way of life:
“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.
Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment… Our way of life is under attack.
Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe… no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of ‘clear and present danger,’ then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent…
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
huge part of humanity’s current problem that we are all facing today is
the direct result of allowing this very same monolithic, invisible
shadow government that Kennedy so accurately confronted way back in 1961
to infiltrate, infest and continue to grow over the next six decades as
today’s international crime cabal currently and brazenly operating as
the crystalized enemy of all humanity in 2021, insidiously wielding its
unsatiated power and control over the citizenry of both the US
constitutional republic as well as the entire world.
As a grave consequence, we’re all now paying an enormously heavy price for collectively failing to heed JFK’s foreboding warnings.
But Kennedy was far from the first US president to alert citizens about the paramount importance of protecting and safeguarding our precious yet vulnerable freedoms. In 1912, former President Theodore Roosevelt alluded to this same elusively dangerous enemy of the people:
Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.
In three months, it’ll be a full century ago that then New York City Mayor John F. Hylan astutely stated:
The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation… The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, … and control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country.
They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.
Apparently President Woodrow Wilson
felt so despairingly duped by those same invisible powers-that-be after
signing into law the infamous Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that handed
America’s money supply over to the private Rothschild central banks:
[W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world – no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men…
Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something.
They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in the condemnation of it.
The Federal Reserve
It was exactly 108 years ago on December 23rd, 1913, after the vast majority of Congress had already gone home for the holidays that the Federal Reserve Act was snuck through in the dead of night, passed into law by order of the notorious secret 1910 Jekyll Island conspiracy between Rothschild, Rockefeller and JP Morgan bankers conspiring the financial coup d’état enabling the central banking cartel to begin printing fiat currency out of thin air.
Such unbridled monopolistic power over America’s money supply gained
purely by cunning deception and manipulation is how the psychopathic
elite has stolen ungodly trillions from the ill-informed public.
That same year in 1913 the Federal Income Tax Act was also fenagled through, unconstitutionally swindling Americans out of tax dollars to pay off past war debt interests of engineered bankers’ wars. American citizens get reamed paying debtor interest on money the banks never even possess. This fraudulently rigged scheme was referenced by industrialist Henry Ford:
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
Along those exact same lines, it was President George H.W. Bush who admitted in 1992 to longtime White House reporter Sarah McClendon:
If the people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.
Today’s Fake Coronavirus Pandemic
For centuries it’s been more than evident that a relative handful of elite bloodline controllers have been calling the shots on planet earth, engaging in systematic rape, pillage and wholesale slaughter of all life forms that include both humans as well as natural resources.
But with the puppet masters’ Wuhan China launch of their fake Coronavirus pandemic outbreak in late 2019, inducing worldwide panic throughout 2020 based upon calculated lie after lie, the initial first step of their long-premeditated depopulation plan was sufficiently complete.
With nonstop mandated lockdowns and enforced mask wearing pumping unrelenting 24/7 fear porn propaganda into the increasingly paranoid public throughout 2020, the US lifespan from 2019 to 2020 has recently been reported by mainstream media to have dropped by an unheard of near two years, the largest drop in 75 years since WWII.
Then starting with Trump’s “warp speed” vaccine delivery that to this day he so proudly brags about, Step 2 of the elite’s depopulation agenda is the genocidal bioweapon that after one year in operation, by December 2021 is plunging humanity off its first Dark Winter die-off cliff.
So much for the great big lie of “flattening the curve” in two weeks for a back-to-normal life, or the incessant lies of a totally “safe and effective” nonvaccine. Bottom line, the earth controllers have used Big Pharma to globally buy off nearly every major politician, governmental public health “expert” corporate media and tech giant to perpetrate what is on track to becoming the worst and first global genocide in human history.
Meanwhile, the real experts, frontline doctors, nurses, virologists, that at great risk to themselves, have been courageously informing, educating and alerting the public about the Coronavirus hoax and lethal danger posed by experimental non-vaccines have been targeted for pervasive censorship, harassment or worse.
At the same time, 2020’s total number of human deaths worldwide due to Covid-19 turns out to be little different than any of the preceding pre-Covid years, anecdotally backed up by honest, brave whistleblowing morticians like UK’s John O’Looney.
Additionally, the near constant number of flu deaths that regularly occur every year, in 2020 was conveniently falsely blamed on the Covid-19 virus, and, as a result, the preposterous supposition that 2020’s number of flu deaths was virtually zero logically proves the pure absurdity and flagrantly false exposure that the crime cabal has been scamming the global population with the Gates-Fauci pre-concocted and gain-of-function patented, never scientifically isolated nor proven, virtually harmless so-called virus with a 99.7% survival rate.
But the Gates Foundation, the WHO, the Rockefeller Foundation and its NWO creation the United Nations in lockstep with the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset are all smelling mass blood sacrifice and like predatory sharks are zeroing in on their long-awaited dream of one world governance.
To head them off at the pass, legal pushback has arrived in the form of a 46-page lawsuit charging guilty parties with the genocidal crime against humanity filed December 6, 2021 at the International Criminal Court. Stateside challenges opposing imposter puppet Biden’s vaccine mandates have also been cropping up recently with several federal court judges ruling against his unconstitutional dictates.
One year after the vaccine rollout in combination with 2021’s widespread death jab mandates causing millions around the globe, including hundreds of healthy young athletes, to suddenly keel over and die en masse droves, the human lifespan in 2021 is fast plummeting to a far lower age of death like never before, all by diabolical elitist design.
And in keeping with the nonstop consistent deception, the nonvaccinated have been singled out, falsely blamed and scapegoated for spreading the virus and increasing the hospitalizations and deaths, bogusly hyped to justify booster shots every few months due to the latest confabulated variant “waves” like delta and now omicron, known to be so mild that its mortality rate is zero. In the West apartheid governments with vaccine mandates and passports are pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, criminalizing the death jab resistors many of whom in 2022 are slated for concentration camp incarceration. But organized resistance to tyranny is growing.
Yet with worldwide death rates surging in nations with highest vaccination – Israel, Gibraltar, Singapore, Denmark, UK and Netherlands among them, there’s no denying it’s the vaccinations that are currently wreaking the most havoc, killing millions of hypnotized, brainwashed normies dying from blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, cancer and compromised autoimmune deficiency not unlike Fauchi’s AIDS.
Meanwhile, all these same nations are busily cancelling Christmas, international flights and imposing rigid lockdowns and mask mandate orders again… so much for those “safe and effective” kill shots.
It is the courageous dissenters worldwide, billions of us refusing to bow down and roll over and die, who are holding the line through active and peaceful civil disobedience that will be the difference between either succumbing to or defeating the Satanic enemy forces of evil bent on our destruction.
But it’s of paramount importance to recognize that there will be no external savior to rescue us from apocalyptic doom and gloom other than the brave souls exercising their freewill together who will successfully outlast the criminal elite’s agenda for mass extermination and total enslavement. Having recently taken his booster shot, Trump has shown his true colors as a sold-out Big Pharma cheerleader, publicly touting that his deluded, rushed experimental vaccine rollout has “saved millions of lives,” while his refusal to stand up for medical freedom and sovereign liberty clearly smacks of betrayal toward his loyal political base. Offering his lukewarm, tacit approval against forced vaccination is weak at best.
Likewise, all those “hopium pushers” who’ve been so cocksure their hero will be coming back any day, week, month and now year, constantly moving their goalposts back after being dead wrong so many times, have also posed a grave disservice to both humanity and the world wary, fragile truth movement.
For way too many years, too many of the pied piping hopium influencers on the internet with thousands of followers have been promising the patriot millions to sit back, break out the popcorn, and passively “trust the plan bro,” as their inside “intel sources” keep assuring us that all those thousands of unsealed indictments against all those high profile US traitors are receiving their just desserts, compliments of the military white hats quietly holding the evil ones accountable for their ungodly sins at their Gitmo military tribunals and still secret executions.
The masses have been patiently, complacently, desperately waiting and waiting and waiting for any real solid evidence that never seems to quite come, that the good guys are finally moving in to save the day, restoring what’s left of our battered and tattered US constitutional republic from a tragic fate of total ruin, collapse and controlled demolition, to destroy America from within.
Our window of opportunity for taking assertive action is fast closing. At this point, we’ve reached the endgame and it appears there will be no savior to rescue us....
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