How Vulnerable Is Your Personal Supply Chain?
Americans consider abundance and ready availability as birthrights so basic they're like the air we breathe.
The idea that shelves could become bare and stay bare is
incomprehensible. yet that is the world we're entering, for a number of
complex reasons.
One is that the world added not just another billion humans (now 7.9
billion), but one billion middle-class consumers, consumers who use
about 100 times more energy per person than poor people.
These additional billion middle-class consumers doubled the number of
high-energy consuming humans in a few decades, and this enormous
expansion of demand has consumed all the easy-to-extract resources of
the planet. There are no cheap, easy-to-extract resources left; all
that's left is expensive to reach, extract, transport, etc., and since
energy is the master resource, as its cost rises, so does the cost of
literally everything that depends on energy.
Consider a poor person in a rural village. Most of their food is grown
locally, and their income is so limited they do not have the means to
consume much energy or items shipped halfway around the world via the
global supply chain. They might have a cheap mobile phone and a few
consumer items gifted to them by relatives working in the developed
world, but very little of their consumption depends on long global
supply chains. If those chains break, the impact on the poor villagers
is relatively modest.
Compare this relative self-sufficiency to the extreme dependence on long supply chains of the average American.
Very little, if any, of their everyday consumption is sourced locally,
i.e., within walking distance. Every item on the shelves requires
immense consumption of energy to be manufactured / produced and shipped
to the shelf, and every item has a long dependency chain of
intermediaries, each of which is dependent on numerous components,
specialty materials, machinery and processes.
Every intermediary, and every process and source used by each
intermediary, is a potential source of failure of the entire supply
Complexity and supply chains are abstractions. To understand the
intrinsic fragility of global supply chains, we must count the number of
intermediaries in the chain from the resources extracted from the Earth
to the end customer in the store aisle, and then count the
intermediaries in each of those links.
Counting the intermediaries in every dependency chain between the
source of what we need / want and the item on the shelf (or in the UPS /
FedEx / postal service vehicle) is a measure of our dependency: the more intermediaries, the greater our vulnerability and the greater the fragility of the dependency chain.
This chain of dependencies is poorly understood outside each specialized industry.
Consider semiconductors, widely touted as "the new oil," i.e., the
essential component in global production. The process of manufacturing
semiconductors is extremely complex and resource-intensive, and many of
the solvents, machines and components are only manufactured by one or
two firms globally. If any of these links are disrupted, the entire
chain of production breaks, as each is irreplaceable.
If one firm produces 80% of the global supply of a specialty solvent,
the smaller firm producing the other 20% cannot quadruple production for
many reasons: its facilities are limited, adding capacity is a
multi-year project, the equipment to expand isn't available, the supply
of the petrochemical feedstock cannot be increased due to limitations in
the storage and delivery chain, and so on.
There are many limits which are excluded from consideration when the supply chains are functioning.
If we consider a system Americans take for granted--the ample supply
of gasoline and diesel fuels--there are many unseen limits in the
delivery system: the number of tanker trucks is limited, the number of
drivers credentialed to drive the trucks is limited, intermediate
storage of fuels is limited, and so on.
The system is optimized for the average driver to have less than half a
tank of fuel. Should the system break down and drivers start hoarding,
i.e., constantly topping off their fuel tanks, then the system cannot
recover its previous stability: the system has been optimized to a
narrow range of storage, tanker trucks, drivers, etc., and once the
system breaks out of that narrow window, the entire chain collapses.
This is the reality of long global supply chains with dozens or hundreds of intermediaries:
every supply chain has been optimized to function within a narrow
window, and once any intermediary is disrupted, the entire chain breaks
and cannot be restored once hoarding (at the wholesale level,
over-ordering) begins. Hoarding is our instinctive response to
shortages, and once the awareness of systemic fragilities and
vulnerabilities rises, so too will hoarding.
There is another source of fragility in long supply chains with many irreplaceable intermediaries.
Each intermediary must make a profit or it will shut down. If price
increases passed along to an intermediary cannot be passed along to the
next link, then the firm absorbing the increase will lose money. Since
many intermediaries are small, marginally profitable firms, they cannot
absorb losses for long. Once they shut down, the chain cannot be
restored without replacing them, and that is a major project, as many
intermediaries have specialized skills and trusted networks which cannot
be replaced without local connections and sources.
Lastly, many of the global supply chain's numerous intermediaries
depend on credit markets to function, as their receivables often exceed
90 days. In other words, they often receive payment months after
they delivered the goods or services, and so they rely on credit to fund
day to day operations.
Should credit markets seize up--a typical occurrence in crises--these
intermediaries will shut down due to lack of funding.
The price to be paid for stripping the domestic economy of productive
capacity will be far higher than proponents of trade can even imagine,
much less calculate. The price to be paid for becoming dependent on
long, complex global supply chains with hundreds of intermediaries
optimized for a narrow window of functionality will also be far higher
than conventional analysts can imagine, much less calculate.
How vulnerable is your personal supply chain? For the average American, the answer is: very.
How do we reduce that extreme vulnerability? One way is to
consume less. Another is to reduce the number of intermediaries between
the source of our essentials and our household. For example, a barrel
that collects rainwater off your roof is a source of water that has no
intermediary. Vegetables collected from your home garden have limited
intermediaries (sources of fertilizer and seeds). A solar panel that can
charge your mobile devices in daytime has no intermediary once the
panel has been purchased and installed.
All the items that become sources of essentials--water barrels, solar panels, fertilizers--could become costly or scarce,
as each requires massive amounts of energy to produce. Obtaining
sources is different from stockpiling the end products. Both are worthy
of consideration. So is moving to a less dependent locale and
reconfiguring one's life to consume less and reduce the number of
intermediaries between your household and the sources of what you need.
COVID-Omicron is Killing Christmas – And Beyond. Financial Crash, Inflation, Digitization

Omicron, a so-called covid-variant, has never been isolated. Whatever the current narrative – 193 UN member governments tell you in lockstep, what the mainstream media tell you in lockstep – and what the majority in the street of the 193 betrayed UN member countries believe in lockstep – is a Big Lie.
People dying from Omicron is a Big Lie.
People may die from multiple other causes, like from the mRNA-vaxxes that ain’t vaccines but gene altering, immune system killing injections – and the bought medical establishment, mainly but not exclusively in the west, attributes their death, for almost two years now, to covid, and its so-called “variants”; killer variants that is – mind you, and it can never be repeated enough, variants that have never isolated and never been identified.
First Delta, then Omicron. Neither one of the two has ever been isolated. The vast majority of people of – let me repeat it, of 193 UN member countries – swallow the lie with fear and respect, as if it were the truth, as if it were impossible that their governments lies to them, as if it was impossible that the entire UN system lies to the world. It should be impossible. But it ain’t.
Yes, it’s difficult to fathom. But eventually we must, otherwise humanity will sink deep into a hole of no return. The so-called Omicron “variant’ made a sudden appearance, out of nowhere, to eventually put the origin conveniently into southern Africa, where nobody wants to dig and trace to find out the truth. So, it’s made hard to find the spot where it was born.
Yet it was invented just in time for Christmas. It will allow lockdowns, or semi-lockdowns, social distancing, separating families on the western world’s most revered Holiday – it will make people sad, some angry, but most of the people will be again more intimidated, more scared – scared in like – what’s next? – But they will follow orders. They will have given in a notch further. They will have become an inch closer to full capitulation and submission to a coming tyranny. Mind you, tyranny is already upon us, but not all have realized it yet.
The vaxxed will blame the unvaxxed, and the societal separation; the social division within countries, withing groups of acquaintances, within friends even within families will continue. It’s the thousands-of-years old axiom, ‘divide to conquer’.
To stop the “dangerous and contagious” Omicron from spreading uncontrolled and filling hospital beds to unmanageable levels, the Netherlands has just decreed a total lockdown until 14 January 2022, as reported by the Spanish newspaper “El Pais”
This means, the Dutch government has decreed a strict confinement, starting on Sunday 19 December at 5 AM, to last until 14 January 2022.
All hotels, restaurants cultural events, all non-essential shops, sports events, gyms are locked down and / or canceled. Families can receive only 2 adults above the age of 13 during the holidays.
Will other countries follow suit? – Maybe.
All the drama juices have to be squeezed out of Omicron. It’s a last chance to oppress people, to make them believe what is not.
It is amazing how obedient the populace is, and how they believe in these lies which are become increasingly more obvious as the narrative makes less and less sense, actually contradicts itself. But people still prefer not to open their eyes.
Curfew and obedience are more convenient than opposition and seeking the truth.
And the truth is right in front of our eyes. There are so many contradictions right in front of us, we see them, we laugh at them, yet we follow them – by the letter. Yes, it’s convenient. “Yes”, we say, “all this will go away”. No, it won’t go away. We were not born to claim our comfort as our God-given right. Lest we have forgotten, we have to fight for our freedom.
If “they” – the obscure beasts behind the WEF, the WHO, the Gates, the Rockefellers, et al – succeed once more in bringing the world into lockdown, it will most likely be the last time. As people shall rise – they shall rise way above the level of authority that imposes tyranny and dictatorship based on nothing, but on control, on their desire to destroy everything, meaning the current economy, the livelihoods of billions of people and to grab the assets made free by countless bankruptcies for themselves, the small elite.
And then –
What about the Cyber Polygon?
A polygon, in geometry, is a closed curve consisting of a set of line segments (sides) connected such that no two segments cross. The simplest polygons are triangles (three sides), quadrilaterals (four sides), and pentagons (five sides.
In the case of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the term polygon is used for a cyber pandemic simulation which took place in July 2021 as a virtual event. It was what they call a training exercise for what may come, according to Klaus Schwab, namely:
“A Frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber-attack [that] could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack.”
The WEF Managing Director, Jeremy Jurgens, says,
“I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.”
See this quoted in the full article by Michel Chossudovsky entitled:
sounds very much like the simulation Event 201 of October 18, 2019 that
took place in NYC, was also sponsored by the WEF and the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation. It prepared the world for what was to become,
namely, the SARS-CoV-2, renamed by WHO into Covid 19. It has so far destroyed the economy like no other event, either natural or man-made, in recent history.
The Cyber Polygon would do even more and even faster. That’s their plan. It would virtually bring the key elements of the economy to a halt and shift remaining resources to the top. It would also cause unspeakable suffering for hundreds of millions, for billions of people, especially when it will take place in the northern winter months, with food supply chains interrupted, heating system breaking down – poverty, cold, famine – plenty of reasons for people to die, those who so far have escaped the poisonous mRNA vaxxes.
This may well be the plan.
May it be the reason why on December 20, 2021, the WEF decided to postpone its Annual Davos Meeting from January 2022 to early summer 2022? See this?
Do we the people have time and the will power to wake up, stand up and prevent the polygon cyber-attack?
Does Klaus Schwab and those above him, who control and direct the WEF, actually know that their narrative is becoming ever more controversial, ever more contradictory within their own ranks? They may.
They also may not care.
As Bill Gates
once said, years ago – and I’m paraphrasing – “Even if I’m gone, there
will be someone else stepping into my shoes. The system is so well
established and in place, there will be no vacuum left open”.
The same applies most likely also to Klaus Schwab and many of those visible evil spirited people.
Part of the cult game they have to play is “visibility”. They have to basically tell the people, look this is what we are gonna do.
In order to succeed, hey have to launch the spell for people to see. What they see is so unbelievable, they won’t believe it. But the satanic cult has fulfilled its duty.
Covid-Awakening: “It takes only 5% of the population to start a revolution”
I believe the covid-awakened around the globe make up well above 20% to 30% of the population – a conservative guess – all we need to manage is to connect them in solidarity with the entire 8 billion population of Planet Earth.
And to organize them. And to make sure that those who specialize in “divide to conquer”, are neutralized, have no chance.
Who may bring us together to fight on a common front?
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has been a pioneer in pursuing justice by what he calls the pursuit of a Nuremberg 2.0 Process.
That reminds of the Nuremberg Process, the real one, that lasted about a year, just after WWII (1946-47)
Today’s state of the world – a WWIII scenario – even without tanks, guns and nuclear bombs, warrants another Nuremberg tribunal – Nuremberg 2.0
Attorney Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Justice will Not Come Through the Courts but by the People Rising Up.
Dr. Fuellmich recently revealed much of what his Corona Investigative Committee has found in a meeting in Poland, and he made clear, similarly of what many analysts have said for months – the judicial system is owned, run and controlled by the Globalists, and justice will not be found in today’s courts, whether it is Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria – the entire European Union or the US of A., or most any other country of the world.
Dr. Fuellmich stated:
“The only way to end this is by the people rising up and telling the authorities that this is the end of the line.”
“It is not the courts of law. The courts of law, maybe we can use them to clean things up. But I am afraid that they are not even good for that. Because they are so infiltrated by the other side that we’re going to have to setup a whole new judicial system.”
The original Nuremberg trials after WWII did NOT bring justice against the Globalists who funded both sides of the war, as the rich leaders of corporations like IBM, Ford and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, were never tried, let alone convicted for their crimes against humanity that allowed Hitler and Nazism to rise to power. They were largely responsible for the more than 80 million war, or war-related deaths.
Some of the Nazi doctors who were just “following orders” were tried, convicted, and executed, but the ones giving the orders were not.
If you haven’t seen “Judgement at Nuremberg”, an excellent 1961 courtroom movie, with a stellar occupation, including Maximilian Schell’s Academy Award winning performance for his role as the German Defense Attorney, it is well worth watching.
Attorney in Hollywood’s presentation of the original Nuremberg Trials, it is well worth a look, as it seems to be pretty close to what was actually said during the trials.
But this is very important work that Dr. Fuellmich and his team have been doing, nevertheless, because they are exposing the entire COVID conspiracy, and as he stated,
“There are no more conspiracy theories left. They have all become true and are no longer theories.”
Regarding the Nuremberg 2.0 trials – Reiner Fuellmich said,
“The most important message that this trial is going to send, is the one that is being sent through the witnesses who will explain what happened to them, what kind of damage they suffered, how their businesses were destroyed, how they lost a loved one, how they lost a kidney maybe, because of the side effects, the adverse effects.”
And – “Rise up, and tell them to go to hell. Because that’s where they come from.”
Then there is the Pfizer Confidential “Killer Report”, a Bombshell
“By February of 2021, within about 2 ½ months after vaxxing began, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.” (Election Wizard)
These are Pfizer’s own data.
The Pfizer Confidential report:
“was released as part of a Freedom of Information (FOI) procedure provides data on deaths and adverse events recorded by Pfizer from the outset of the vaccine project in December 2020 to the end of February 2021, namely a very short period (at most two and a half months).
In a twisted irony, the data revealed in this “insider report” refutes the official vaccine narrative peddled by the governments and the WHO.
It also confirms the analysis of numerous medical doctors and scientists who have revealed the devastating consequences of the mRNA “vaccine”. (Michel Chossudovsky)
The Pfizer Confidential report reviewed by Global Research “is a de facto Mea Culpa on the part of Pfizer. “Yes, it is a Killer Vaccine”.
Financial Crash, Inflation, Digitization
Speculations, the ever-growing bubble of money-generated out of zilch, as well as the ever-growing consequential inflation leads to think that a mammoth western-triggered financial crash is in the offing.
The money spent in rescuing big corporations, banks and other financial institutions with US dollars and the dollar’s little brother, the Euro, is tremendous. It is indicative that nobody cares, indicative that the western monetary system, as we know it is entering its end round.
See this article by William Engdahl entitled Will the Federal Reserve Crash Global Financial Markets As a Means to Implementing Their “Great Reset”?
The close to zero interest rates – in some cases below zero! – are a sign that we have reached the end of the line – the line being our current western unbacked Ponzi-scheme monetary system. It was to happen one day. Some of us knew it. Most serious bankers knew it, but as long as profit-taking is in the fore, the western neoliberal world closes its eyes.
We continue working – as
long as possible – towards a distorted monetary system, a totally
distorted economic model, where US-dollar and Euro-based GDPs are not
comparable with GDPs of Eastern countries, like China and Russia.
The financial crash is
being exacerbated by supply chain disruptions – most of them
conveniently ascribed to covid, so as to hide one more wanton element to
bring the economy own, to bring more bankruptcies, more miseries and
leave more cash and nominally (share value-wise) worthless assets to be
shoveled to the top.
This sets the stage for central banks – directed by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
in Basel, Switzerland (location is important, as we will find out in
the course of the coming years) – to bring down the debt-bloated system
and prepare their Great Reset of the world financial system.
A major financial component of the Great Reset will be digitization of money – and eventually through the same “chip”, or as it were, the infamous QR-code – digitization of everything.
With every digitalized item that is being managed through a QR-code – which eventually may be put under your skin in one way or another – already happening in Sweden on a trial basis – you – or we – will lose more and more control over our personal freedoms, our money, our sovereignty until we are totally controllable and nothing more than manipulable puppets.
I can see the condescendingly smiling faces – “that will never happen. What is he saying this conspiracy theorist!”.
I hope you are right. But in order to be right, we have to wake up in masses. We – the about 30% ? – already “awakened” must bond in solidarity and must unite with others to bring this nefarious, evil system down – let it not progress further.
- No Central Bank digital Money. We want a sovereign cash economy.
- No digitization of everything.
- No QR-coding not outside and even less inside our bodies.
Who Manipulates Global Finance?
Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity – are interlinked shareholders, controlling a combined 20 trillion dollars in managed assets, about equivalent to the US GDP, with conservatively counting, a 4 to 5-fold leverage power:
i.e. some US$ 80 to 100 trillion = compared to the world GDP of about 82 trillion dollars equivalent.
May this be an indication why 193 UN member countries and the UN itself march in lockstep to orders that are destroying society as we know it, the world economy as we know it, and humanity as we know it?
Putting it all in context – we have
(i) a thought- and mind deviating plandemic, called Covid with its endless “derivatives”, also called “variants” that may go on until the end of the UN agenda 2030 – as this is the plan. Under this mind-and scare – yes, tremendously SCARE – deviation scheme, every person is supposed to be “vaccinated” with an “experimental” gene-modifying substance that has nothing to do with vaccine, but much more to do with bringing about massive death, like in an often Gates and Rockefeller-propagated eugenics program;
(ii) a planned demolition of the existing financial system and world economy;
(iii) total control of humanity and of “things” through full digitization and coding of everything through QR-codes in-or outside your body, including central bank issued digital money. The two countries de facto selected for this latter trial are Sweden and Switzerland; and finally,
(iv) the decision to crash the economy is accompanied by NATO threatening to attack Russia and China. In other words, initiating a Hot war, possibly a nuclear war against the two perceived and western media-promoted arch-enemies of the world, China and Russia.
The cabal behind this idea knows very well that in such a case the outcome is not predictable and could mean total annihilation – and nobody is safe. So, it may not come to a Hot war, but it serves well for more fear mongering.
Overarching everything – is Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s Nuremberg 2.0 Trial or trials.
While at this point there is no jurisdiction in the world that is true to fair justice – all are bought or blackmailed – there might be the moment when a strategic majority of the world population is awake – say 30% – and can bring about a movement of solidarity that is not driven by hatred, but driven by a common goal – regaining human dignity, freedom and human and societal sovereignty.
This time will come. The Reiner Fuellmich Team is pursing it with ardor and conviction.
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